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Yamauchi Apologizes, GT5 2010 Release Probable

Yesterday, we learned that Gran Turismo 5 had once again been hit with another delay .

Today, series creator Kazunori Yamauchi has apologized – twice – via his personal Twitter page, and as translated at Andriasang . Sony only said the game was delayed and that it would still arrive for "the holiday season;" Yamauchi added a brief reason for the delay. Apparently, it's taking the team more time "to finalize some of the game's more complicated systems." Then, after apologizing again, he asked gamers to "wait a bit more." When someone begged him to release the game before the end of the year, Yamauchi responded with- "I believe we won't keep you waiting until then." Based on everything we've seen and heard so far, we'd guess that GT5 had slipped 3-4 weeks and will launch the week following Black Friday, or the first week of December. That would be fine, as it still lands squarely in the holiday season. Some had worried that "holiday" could extend beyond December 31, 2010, depending on your definition of the term, but it appears we don't have to worry about that.

They said we'd have a new date before the end of this month, so stay tuned. We'll just take a shot in the dark and say it'll be December 1.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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14 years ago

5 dollars says December 31. whos in.

Last edited by n/a on 10/14/2010 10:54:22 AM

14 years ago

Um, no one.

14 years ago

im gonna go with dec 7th possibly nov 30th at the latest dec 14th

14 years ago

2-3 weeks of delay isn't worth the effort to make a public apology. If they could foresee themselves to finish the game with 2-3 weeks of extra work, they would be confident enough to confirm the next release date. I would expect it'll be at least 4-6 extra weeks of delay, pushing it to mid-December.

Considering that they've been showing off the gameplay for a while and confirmed the installation size, I think the game is done. They are probably finalizing some of the online network, which was a bit weak on the GT5P.

14 years ago

I am hoping for a Nov 30 release!

14 years ago

Not really fussed by the whole charade, honestly. As long as they produce the best racer the industry has seen, I am sure it will all be worth while.

However, I won't be purchasing at launch. I will wait a little longer and see what the reviews say. Hopefully it will be as good as it has been hyped to be. I assume it will be; these days I am cautious about everything and don't buy into anything without close inspection first. It is just too expensive a mistake to make these days.

It will be great to see it on store shelves though, and people enjoying it. I know there are fellow gamers @ PSXeXtreme desperate for this game. 🙂

I simply don't do desperation anymore… ok, I lie, I do for Killzone 3… but even that I won't get it day one until I read the reviews on it.



Last edited by Qubex on 10/14/2010 11:02:00 AM

14 years ago

Why do people get mad? I mean it's the game's first delay in the West.

When they see how loaded this game is they'll start wiping their tears off.

Bunch of crybabies*****

14 years ago

Just like me, I'm not into the desperation thing either….but I do I want Ace Combat 6 now already, damn it!!!

14 years ago

But what can he do in such a short amount of time?
The initial delay was to make sure everything is pure-perfect.
Upset with the delay, but I'm still hanging onto my collector's edition pre-order.

I'm sure I'll forget about the delay when I play the game.

14 years ago

I am sure you will forget!!! In the mean time I will be playing Hot Pursuit!

14 years ago

I blame Sony not PD.

14 years ago

At least there taking there time and not releasing a buggy mess.

Just hope its released before christmas so i can play it over the holiday.

14 years ago

One thing I really hope they implement (but very doubtful) is a punishment for racers who drop out on the LAST LAP of an online race.

Too often, racers get frustrated after falling behind, and unable to regain their original position at the front of the pack, that they just disconnect.

This happened all too often on GT Prologue!

14 years ago

Prologue was supposed to be a test bed for a lot of things, so you have to hope that they learned their lessons with that.

14 years ago

Man, GT5 Prologue was so long ago. It should be renamed GT4.5

14 years ago

How did we all get voted down for our comments?
Has this person never played GT Prologue before?

14 years ago

We have a thumbs down spammer in the mist…

14 years ago

I think it might be from someone with a poor net connection. If you get punished everytime you drop out when it's not in your control then that's a bit unfair.

What do you mean by punishment anyway? That they drop to dnf for that race result or something more substantial?

14 years ago

DNF sounds fair to me, after all they did not finish.
punishing them would be so unfair, reason why i along with millions stopped playing uncharted 2.
some have lifes, have to work, study, go out and stuff we cant spend all day gaming.
what am i suppose to do, say to my boss sorry im late i had to finish my match otherwise i would of lost x amount of cash?
yea, i think you know what his reply will be.

14 years ago

Tired of the drawn out wait for the game. That's all I have to say now. I'm just tired of this whole thing. Wake me when there is a date.

14 years ago


Sorry, I had to say it.

14 years ago

::sounds of snoring::

14 years ago

Here's my take on this! I'm ok with them delaying it! Their only hurting themselves! Here's where I'm at! What can they possibly get done in 3-4 weeks? My guess is not a lot because it still has to get published! So they maybe have given themselves 2 more weeks of tweaking which may or may not accomplish much.

Also all this anticipation is driving people insane. I think a lot of people are going to look at this and in te end say its not as good as it should be. Granted the game is sounding phenomenal but given all this time I think a lot of people are going to nit pick at that! And just so we are clear I won't be one of them! I just think the anticipation will hurt this game. I know people with ps3' just for this game and what do they have to show for it? More waiting. That type of anticipation can turn negative.

So as highlander said wake me when it gets here!

14 years ago

Bigrailer, I really don't think it will make such a big difference…

Maybe sales will not be as fast as one would have liked had the delays not been present… all said and done though I am expecting minimum total sales to top 3 to 5 million… it may take some time to get there, but it should be a popular buy for peoples collection all through 2011.

Its going to be an expansive race, and should satisfy most people…



Last edited by Qubex on 10/14/2010 11:40:57 AM

14 years ago

Head to GTPlanet for details..

It was a production delay due to PD completing the game 3 days late.

It's gone Gold according to the man himself (Kaz).

14 years ago

Well there you go… so it is finished it seems…



14 years ago

Indeed. I do fault Kaz (and his excellent team) for being to much of a perfectionist however.

There is a time when deadlines must supersede one more ounce of polish.

GTPlanet is in overdrive with speculation on to what the reasons are concerning the delay.

New feature?

All I know, is that I want the game, and bad. LOL

14 years ago

Maybe it's their Ferrari license?
Seems like Ferrari is at the forefront of gaming license issues these days.

There's no chance of GT5 adding a *new* license to their stable (ala Porsche). This would mean, they'd need to model new cars, etc. It takes what, 2 weeks per car or something like that, to model?

14 years ago

Ferrari's are in game, so I doubt it's that.

The reason I mentioned Porsche, is because someone commented on how EA's liscense for Porsche had expired. I didn't verify it, but the possibility could exist.

Each car takes 3 to 6 MONTHS to model (Premium ones do), and I see your point. Perhaps PD had the modeling done. I know it's a reach, but regardless, it makes little matter to me since I am not a fan of the brand.

14 years ago

I was thinking about getting this game in the holidays anyways, so no change there.

14 years ago

This sure is an interesting way to get people to talk about your game just before the holidays.

A little delay. A little tweeting. A release a little closer to christmas.

Why not get the buzz going with a delay announcement? It's been working for over a year now.

14 years ago

And yet it was never delayed in the West until now.

14 years ago

But Kaz did say it was ready to release at any time like a year ago…and here we sit, gnashing our teeth.

14 years ago

This game is turning into Sony's unicorn. It looks nice, it's unique, but you can't catch it.

I wonder what caused the delay this time. PD probably wanted more time to squeeze in some unicycle and donkey races.

14 years ago

Are people dumb or just ignorant?

The game was never officially delayed in the US/Europe.

I'd rather have a full game than a half-assed excuse for a game like COD. 4 hour Campaign mode.

14 years ago

You sir, deserve a thumbs up.

14 years ago

GT5 was delayed Scarecrow. No, nothing was announced about a US/Europe delay, but that's because the game never had a release date for US/Europe. The game is from Japan and THAT's where the delay was. A delay in Japan equals a delay around the world. So yes, there was a delay in getting the game to the US/Europe.

Don't you think that's what people are getting at when they refer to GT5's delay?

We all know you and millions of others want GT5, but don't get insulting about it. The game has been in development over 6 years. I think gamers have the right to be a little perturbed over the slow dev cycle.

14 years ago

They said it would be released in NA "shortly after" the March release in Japan. So people are ignorant to have thought it would come out then because it wasn't "official"? Gimme a break. Your kind of insulting fanboyism isn't doing this game any favors at all.

14 years ago

Uh oh…you talked bad about CoD…

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Never officially delayed? LMAO
Let's see. Announcement at E3 2010 showed that November 2, 2010 was the U.S. release date for GT5. Now, they released a statement saying that it will be later. How does that not count as a delay? What are you smoking?

Regardless of your ignorance, I will be ready for this game whenever it comes out.

14 years ago

2010 Holiday was supposed to be packed with PS3 games. All the games I wanted got delayed to 2011. By next year, it'll be too crowded for any games to be released. Games like Uncharted 3 will be pushed to 2012.

Many games that were originally delayed because Sony wanted to space them out and give them a chance, would suffer and compete against each other now.

There's nothing but GT5 for me this year. I'll be really disappointed if it doesn't make it this year.

14 years ago

Heavy Rain, GOWIII, White Knight Chronicles, Modnation Racers.

Looks packed to me

Year /= holidays

Last edited by Scarecrow on 10/14/2010 1:21:33 PM

14 years ago

Read the first two words of his post. 2010 Holiday. Oct-Dec this year originally had a ton of games, but now everything has been pushed into 2011. GT5 is the last great exclusive for the year and now it gets delayed to the point that it might not even make 2010 at all? Thats tough.

14 years ago

Are we there yet? Are we there yet ?Are we there yet?

14 years ago

Just a little further…

14 years ago

*queue angry spoiled kid tone*

But i want it now now NOW!

14 years ago

I was right then, great to hear that It will release this Holidays.

14 years ago

Hmmm, with all these games that have pushed themselves into the 2011 season because of they were scared of the holiday being so crowded, maybe a few of them should come back to 2010 because the crowds are a lie.

Baby, come back….

14 years ago

Let it release at the right time and get the most sales!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I blame it on Sony not bring able to get their hands on the SLS AMG that they've promised to one lucky person who ordered the Signature Edition. Yeah…