Up to this point, one needed a special disc to access Netflix products on the PlayStation 3.
But that will soon change. Today, Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has announced that streaming from Netflix will be available on the PS3 as a native application in the U.S. on October 18, 2010. You will then be able to instantly watch movies and TV shows streamed directly from Netflix on the XMB. Furthermore, the PS3 will be the first system to support 5.1-channel surround sound for the movies and TV shows from Netflix, and there are even more enhancements and features; here's the full rundown:
— Movies and TV shows from Netflix will be accessible from PS3’s XMB menu under a new Netflix icon under the Video category. To access Netflix, PS3 owners will need to sign-in with their PlayStation®Network account.
— Support for Dolby Digital Plus 5.1-channel surround sound will enable users to experience premium-quality audio.
— A new user interface, including the recently added search functionality, will deliver a much richer and faster browsing experience, making it easier to find the specific titles you’re looking for or to discover new content.
— Some movies and TV shows will be viewable in 1080i resolution, offering an enhanced visual experience as more consumers adopt HDTVs.
— The amount of time to start playback will be improved.
— An increasing number of movies and TV shows will be viewable with subtitles or alternate audio tracks.
Said Greg Peters, Netflix vice president of product development:
"With a new look and feel plus additional features such as 5.1 surround sound, Netflix on the PlayStation 3 delivers an amazing viewing experience for enjoying movies and TV shows streamed from the Internet to your living room. We expect PS3 owners who have been instantly watching movies and TV shows streamed from Netflix will be pleased with the continued enhancements that we’re offering."
For the record, Netflix has been available on the PS3 since November of 2009 (and was delivered last month to Canada). But having it become a native application is a big step and as the press release says, "reinforces the PS3 system's position as the most complete home entertainment hub on the market."
We got this in Canada a couple weeks ago. It's an app you download from the PSN. Once installed it shows up in the XMB under the video tab. I've been Netflix'n up a storm lately. My daughter loves it too, it's got a load of kids programming.
The user interface is pretty slick, and the performance is great. The only thing I've noticed that I don't like is that it filters a lot of content from the 'Genre' views. I can find them easily on my PC, but on the PS3 I'm often forced to use the search utility to find what I want. Not a deal breaker though, I still think this service rules. and for $7.99/month at that! with a free trial month.
Last edited by gumbi on 10/14/2010 10:47:18 AM
Why can't users from outside US download movies from the US playstation store?!
Copyright laws are different country to country. In Canada we didn't even get the video store in the PSN until earlier this year, loooong after it was launched in the US. And our library is crippled by comparison. Samething with Netflix, the Canadian library is still only maybe 1/10 of the content available to the US. although they are adding more daily.
And honestly, the PSN video store prices are so ludicrous that I've never considered buying a video anyway. Digital media should be cheaper than physical media. Not only is the PSN video store not cheaper, it's often more expensive than buying a physical copy.
Last edited by gumbi on 10/14/2010 10:57:23 AM
wait Ben, will we have sign into PSN, every time we want to us the app, or will the app be usable after downloading it without being signed on?
Why does that matter?
What LV said.
In Canada we do, so I'd expect the same for the US. Once you do start to play the movie/title you can log off of PSN.
Edit: "Why does it matter?" So your friends that ignore your profile status don't bug you.
Last edited by Simcoe on 10/14/2010 12:41:41 PM
That's what the "Away" status is for (You know, the one that makes you yellow and knocks you down to the lowest possible slot before the offlines)
@LegendaryWolfeh I know, that's what I'm talking about! I usually put it on "Not Available". But I still get messages and requests. I think there is a way to change your settings so that all pop-ups don't appear, I'll have to look.
Anyways, I wish there was a status setting of "Appear Offline" in addition to "Available" and "Not Availalbe". XBox Live has that option, why can't we?
Simcoe, why don't you delete friends that evidently continue to pester you?
LV, because they are friends in real life, and they're a hoot to play online with (even though it's only ever MW2).
I don't know, maybe I should just make a secondary PSN profile.
Finally, I dont have to remove my games every time I watch a movie.
I love watching netflix on my ps3 and even though it's so simple to just pop in te disc. This will be much more convenient! Can't wait!
Nice. I feel for the folks who pay $59.99 per year on the 360 to do the same I do for FREE..
If Sony can just release an update to vanquish "Other OS", why shouldn't we expect them to push the ability for Netflix to only premium members?
I think it's just a matter of time.
Because you touch yourself at night.
Because netflix wants and has an obligation to cater to the largest demographic! If they let Sony put it on the plus option only they lose so many potential and already customers! Get something straight we pay for netflix we have a subscription to netflix! Sony cant change that! And Sony also knows that wouldn't be a good move even if possible! Think bout it!
bigrailer19 explained that well…
Nice. I saw the demo from the PS Blog. The interface looks slick.
Great news. I got into the Netflix streaming this summer and it's a great addition to my media collection. For only $8.99 a month I don't know why everyone that has a PS3 and an internet connection doesn't have this already.
The only thing that pisses me off is the lack of remote support via the PSP. I'm able to watch all the media I have on my PS3 through a media server but I'm unable to access Netflix, bla to that.
I can watch netflix on my ipod touch with the app but being able to remote play with my PSP would be awesome. All I would need after that would be for Netflix to come out with an app for android. Then I could watch movies everywhere.
Now if only MLB.tv didn't have blackout restrictions, I could save a ton on my cable bill by combining mlb.tv with netflix.
Ben I think you got that wrong. The Playstation Blog says videos will be viewable in 1080p.
Too bad my internet isn't fast enough though.
Last edited by Benzin on 10/14/2010 12:11:08 PM
It might be but it's all about compression. I would say that SD on Netflix is DVD quality, I wouldn't say their HD or 1080p is blu-ray quality.
The guy in the video on the blog says 1080i. So its not like Ben made a mistake. Also 1080i has also been striked out with a line. Then had 1080p put in. I assume maybe this is a later correction. I guess we'll see next week.
Yes, output resolution is nearly insignificant. It's the bit-rate and compression method being used to deliver the content is what matters most.
MS's 1080p streaming service is not nearly as good as Blu-Ray's 1080p AVC/VC-1
Awesome. I have so many movies in my queue right now It'll take me months to get through them all. 5.1 surround is also a big plus for me too.
Very exicted that I will no longer need that disc. I guess that just shows how lazy I was that I didn't want to change the disc to use Netflix…..
Even with broadband, wireless 1080P would tax most wireless net connections.. I have trouble doing this using my Pc as my media hub.. I guess it all leads to buffering..
Ousting the disc is a welcomed improvement! I can go back to seamlessly using my media and jumping into gaming while keeping my tired assets firmly planted on the couch! 🙂
I might need this if our Blockbuster goes out of business.
Your not on Netflix? While I like the idea on getting off my butt and going to an actual store. Nothing beats the selection of Netflix. It made me wonder why I haven't signed up earlier.
I might be in the minority, but I still like the special features and audio commentary that discs provide. It would be nice if Netflix offered those too.
Last edited by Simcoe on 10/14/2010 2:46:13 PM
World, you're a Blockbuster member? Is it still 1999?
I enjoy going out to the store to look at and pick out what I want to see and talk to people. If I have stuff in a queue, they may send me a comedy when I want a horror flick. Netflix will destroy many jobs too.
I just use Netflix for the streaming, I don't care about the physical disk by mail.
I agree with you on the whole "I'm interested in a Horror movie why did they send me a Comedy". You could save yourself some headache if you simply joined the torrent crowd. 🙂
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 10/14/2010 6:54:41 PM
Who says I haven't?
Well if you had you sure as hell wouldn't be wasting your money or time at Blockbuster getting a movie you could have had for free months before it even showed up at that crummy store.
I like the fact that i can watch a movie instantly, but there are alot of movies that are not available and most of the viewable ones are old movies.
The old movies are the best. I just finished watching Killer Clowns from Outer Space on my iPhone.
Netflix on PS3 is great, and I only see it getting better.
There is however one enhancement they could make to their service to greatly improve the experience for me. It needs to support subtitles, and different audio tracks. I have some family members that are hard of hearing, and when we watch movies with them they need subtitles.
But more importantly Netflix has been beefing up their selection of Anime. Now this is awesome… but, and this is a HUGE BUT, it's ALL english dubs. This makes me sad, really sad. Any fan of Anime will tell you that watching it with english dubs stinks, it loses so much. Please Netflix, give me the original audio track, with english subs. Otherwise your entire library of Anime is useless to me.
This is great for the PS3 & all the Nexflix fans.
But it's not for me, as I only pay 50 cents to 1.50 right now for mine, plus I usually only wind up paying half of those price on "1/2 price days" at my local thrifts shops.
Hey, I gotta save where ever I can just to keep my movie & gaming collections going & going & going & going & going & going….well, you get the picture.(pun intended)
Can't wait to give Netflix a spin. The physical disc put me off, now this will make it easier ot enjoy.
what for?
i wish sony and M$ would stop wasting their time on these pointless useless features and put the time and money into more useful things.
netflix, or 8 days and the getaway 3.
i sure know which one id choose!
Alot of people use Netflix….and for those that do…this is actually an AWESOME service.
So just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not needed….
I find having a boat load of movies I can watch instantly very useful as do a slew of other people.
thats what a PC is for!
Good to see this coming. Now I can stop using my 360 for Netflix.
I was really excited about this when I heard that this functionality was coming a month ago, but then, (last Saturday), I bought a brand new t.v.. One of the many hidden features I found on it was a Netflix widget that streams in 5.1, and automatically detects the HD streams …
… still excited for everyone else though.