Resistance 3 is already one of our most anticipated games, and we still don't know a heck of a lot about it.
But the details are starting to arrive, slowly but surely. The new Game Informer will feature Insomniac's new project next month, and info from that big layout have already started to hit the Internet. You can catch a solid rundown at Gaming Everything ; this new installment should be quite the shooter extravaganza. Story-wise, it seems the new main character – Capelli – started a family with Hale's step-sister and Malikov is alive (Capelli, Malikov and John Harper are big characters). On the gameplay side of things, we see the Chimeran impact on the earth in the form of alien plant life, we can expect more intelligent AI, and there's a new weapon called the Mutator. It'll shoot "biological mist which causes boils and other elements on the enemy," and the secondary fire will cause the infected enemies to go nuts and start attacking their own guys. Weapons will be upgradeable this time around and some of your favorites will return, including the Bullseye, Magnum, Shotgun, Auger, and Carbine. Ah, the good ol' Carbine…
Oh, and there may be a vaccine of some sort that can cure the Chimeran virus for good and Capelli isn't just fighting for humanity; he's fighting to save his son, too. Well, we don't mind a sentimental/emotional attachment, right? More shooters should try it.
Related Game(s): Resistance 3
Sounds like they are bringing back some of the more wacky weapon designs. Good stuff. I missed the Hailstorm dearly in Resistance 2, it was one of my favorite weapons and R2 had nothing half as awesome as that.
Weapon upgrades are awesome as well. I'm pretty sure everyone would be happy with a weapon system like R&C while keeping the mature theme and story of R:FoM and R2.
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 10/12/2010 9:59:52 PM
This game is gonna rock, but I still think it was a massive error in judgement to not continue with Hale. Heck anybody would have been better, but as R1 begins by saying "This is his story…" referring to Hale, that is the way it should continue and finish up.
I know, the ending to R2 hit me like a brick wall. They have to bring Hale back in some form.
They didnt say Nate was dead (wtf is up with all the Nates this generation?), so the story could still very well be about him, just as a bad guy this time around.
Who's Nate?
@ NoSmokingBandit
Sure, Insomniac has never said Hale is dead but how could they bring him back without it feeling contrived?
Nathan Hale is the protagonist the the first 2 games, Alien. Theres also Nathan Drake from Uncharted, and another one somewhere but i cant remember.
*spoilers go play Resistance 2*
Regardless, nobody really knows what happened directly after Capelli shot him. Hale may have been able to take a bullet right to the head and survive. He and Capelli may have fought a little after that last scene. Just because it ended with a gun shot doesnt necessarily mean that was the end of that scene.
exactly, they never said he was dead, it would be an interesting twist if he became part of the chimeran and you had to fight him or maybe insomniac will make the story ever more crazy
It looks like its going to be one hell of a closure to the trilogy. Any word regarding the weapons wheel?
According to GI, the weapon wheel is back.
I would have loved Grayson from retribution to have been the main character in this one. Either way this game reeks of epicness!
I just got Retribution, it's pretty cool just need that second joystick to make the controls decent.
It's a great game a long for a handheld. You'll get used to the controls quick. It definitely helped me out when Peace Walker came out.
Getting this on Day 1! can't wait for it.
I don't really care too much what they decide to do with the story, because it's hardly been the reason that motivates me to play most action FPS games.
But crazy-awesome guns? Heck yes, this is Insomniac's trademark.
I tend to prefer the more sci-fi creative take on the FPS genre.
I like that Insomniac does boss-fights. But I want boss fights that are less show and more meat in R3. Too many of the bosses in R2 felt half-baked.
I know what you mean, but the result of pitting a tiny person against a giant Colossus or super strong boss is that you gotta give it a pattern of attack that can be overcome. So yeah the battles have difficulty being epic.
This is also why action/RPGs can't stand up to turn based, hacking away at the end boss doesn't give you that same feeling as developing a strategy meant to overcome like ten million hit points.
I haven't played a Resistance game yet, just not my "cup of tea". I like the secondary fire for the mutator, makes them go nuts and attack there own guys, That's awesome.
GT5 countdown: 20 days!
Last edited by StangMan80 on 10/12/2010 10:39:13 PM
Kinda like the Infector from Up Your Arsenal, but much cooler.
My guess is that Hale will be in it. No doubt he will be lurking in the shadows influencing everything/everyone around him.
I'd say Hale was the biggest mistake of the Resistance franchise and I'm glad he's gone. There was zero attachment to that soldier with the blank stare. He got me around in the first game but didn't say a thing. Then in R2 he's talking and you'd wish he'd shut his trap. It was so awkward having him run around for no apparent reason.
Here's hoping Capelli's story is a little more involving and properly acted.
Well Sunshine, tell us how you really feel.
Maybe next time you should try to apply for a job at Insomniac and make your own game as you see fit…
Last edited by McClane on 10/12/2010 11:55:09 PM
lol world.
"Capelli started a family with Hale's step-sister and Malikov is alive".
Sounds like something straight out of the soap opera tabloids. The only thing missing would be some aliens. Hey, wait a second….!
Dude, I was about to comment the same thing…
Isn't it stretching it too far??? Hale's step-sister?? Really??
Being a big fan of this series, I don't recall having any reference whatsover of a Hale's relative at all or a reference of John Harper…
Last edited by McClane on 10/12/2010 11:58:19 PM
Well his step sister is mentioned in the book, but I thought Malikov committed suicide at the end
I'm sorry, what book?
Malikov isn't dead, we don't know what happens to him…
He's referring to Resistance: A Gathering Storm. Also, I thought Malikov was dead too, that intel document made it sound like he was using the morphine right after he finished writing.
Last edited by carl0975 on 10/13/2010 5:19:19 PM
Carl is right there. I qoute "In my tent there is a small hand-painted wooden box my mother gave me when I was a child. In that box are four vials of morphine. It will be enough. I will not wait to be judged. May you all one day forgive me."
I just hope they bring back the incredible co-op from the second game. That was the best part about that game, just an online fps rpg that you could play online with split screen. It was so perfect.
Weapon wheel is back
NO co-op (the story will have it though)
Hale is dead!
All this confirmed via the game informer article and posts from the IG boards.
First piece of news from this game and I'm already not as excited as I was at first. I'm worried about you IG…
Weapon wheel confirmed. It's a must buy. Sounds like they're back to the original.
RIP insomniac games.
They never said Hale was dead, all it said was that he wasn't the protagonist in this game, he might still play a part in this game, or perhaps the next game(If there is a next game)
50 bucks says he will be the last boss battle.
wish you could play as him again, having those cool powers in the end of R2 was sweet!
Those story elements do seem a bit… meh. And I still can't come to grips with the thought of Capelli as the main character. Improved AI is a must. The jump from first to second was good, but I still want more. Also, I hope that boss battles are less scripted than they were in the second. Seriously, with the variety of weapons in these titles, there should be more than just run around shooting, or do exactly as you're told.
Although I like the idea of a cure. Maybe they're using it as a plot device to bring Hale back. He's the big bad and Capelli is guilty for 'killing' him and so brings him back to Hale. WOO! Calling it.
P.S. Ben, where's the Insomniac interview? Thought it'd be up by now.
I'm not a fan of the weapon wheel (esp. for multiplayer) . . . it makes switching weapons reliably nearly impossible.
I wonder if by "less of a cluster" for multiplayer they mean "we don't want to put that much effort into it again." The co-op was really cool (way better than competitive imo), and it's a shame that that won't be returning.
Also, please, please, Insomniac, do include 4 players locally for online play–not just 2 from last time. Playstation desperately needs a 4-local-player online shooter.
Last edited by Phoelix on 10/13/2010 2:19:37 AM
Im not pumped for this game at all.
R2 was a let down for me.
Sorry guys, but it didn't seem to improve very much over the first one at all.
ohhhhhh come on, please no more of this typical hollywood i have to save my son bull sh*t!
god, talk about cliches!
can we please have one game that does not either revolve around revenge, or "saving the world", or saving a loved one?
some originality people!!!!!
BTW its not next months issue, its this months issue.
in fact my copy should be here tomorrow.
happy to see the weapon wheel is back, but there going to have to do a sh*t load more than that to drag me back!
especially with that crummy typical hollywood storyline!
you act as if the game is coming out this month, chill before you blow an artery
where did i blow a artery?
there not going to change the story, after they have already written one out.
Wow, I must be the only person here that has never played a Resistance game before.
I'm getting more and more inclined towards buying the first one, even though I'm not crazy over FPSs.
Should I get it? I mean, I'm guessing this is significantly better than COD, right?
It's honestly not 'better' than CoD (although it's entirely a matter of opinion). It IS, however, a lot of fun and totally worth playing.
No, you're wrong, it's better…
On a side note:
What else can be better than saving England from the chimera???
I'd join the battle anyday, mainly because of british chicks…
Last edited by McClane on 10/13/2010 3:48:33 PM
On the topic of the British chick: I know in one of the intel reports there was info that she provided, but she also sent a letter to Hale that was never seen. I heard that the letter was in Retribution. Does anyone know what was in the letter? My bets on a little Nathan.
will buy for sure, i hope its receive the grafics treatment of the exclusives thus far.
I want coop and split screen!!! Is it too much 2 ask?
I think Hale will have to be a boss at the end or something to beat near the end (even though we know point blank what happened to him). That would be a big surprise and make us all happy AND is worth them keeping it a secret (for now). It would be a shame for him not to finish this (his) story.
Also, the co-op was crazy fun and the best ever in any game that I've played so I hope by saying there's co-op, just no alternate story co-op, it's still somewhat of a focus. They had to have seen how many people played that and the hours put into it.
You stay classy PSX!
Last edited by Highlightreel on 10/13/2010 10:42:01 AM
I'd wish Hale would've stayed but he won't, he got his brains blowb out as he was turning into a chimera… Bet he'll come back as a boss though… Mayb a big bad ass chimera
LoL… I didn't even notice u wrote the same thing about Hale being a boss fight in the game… but then again that seems the most logical