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Gearbox: “Almost Inconceivable” DNF Would Be On PS3

You know, when a game has been hanging over our heads for 13 years and it finally becomes an almost-reality, there's a lot to talk about.

Gearbox Software President and CEO Randy Pitchford had plenty to say during a recent interview posted at the PlayStation Blog and it's well worth a read. Pitchford first says having such an iconic character in the studio's stable is "kind of surreal" and he's trying to ignore all the hype and pressure. But the one question many wanted an answer to was, "In what state was the code in when Gearbox first got its hands on Duke Nukem Forever ?" Pitchford replied:

"The vision was certainly evident and there were several moments of brilliance scattered throughout the game. When 3D Realms shut down, there were eight guys that managed to take everything that had been worked on and stitch it together; they went through war to get it even to this stage. They now call themselves Triptych and they’re up on the 10th floor of our offices. They did an amazing job and they deserve a lot of respect."

And then there's an additional comment that PlayStation 3 fans will be interested in:

"Right now there’s a team based in Vancouver called Piranha and they’re working on some amazing optimisations for PlayStation 3. It was almost inconceivable, when we first received the code, that we could bring it to PS3 but we refused to accept that and have put in a huge amount of work to ensure that the software comes to that audience."

I guess we should thank Gearbox for that, right? As the project stood before the team got it, it seems it was in no way ready for the PS3, so… Moving forward, Pitchford went on to say they've added a lot to the game, multiplayer is a definite must (it's a shooter, duh), and few games adopt a mix of "combat and environmental puzzle solving" with "plenty of secrets to discover if you veered off the natural path." The rest is pretty intriguing, too, so give it a look.

Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever

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14 years ago

i wish more developers had that kind of attitude and mentality. seeing how this would have pissed off quite a few million people if it didnt make it to the ps3 its a good thing they did. i want to see what this game will look like when its done. ha ha still cant believe we are talkin about this game. maybe 3D Realms should have gone under years ago and we would have seen this game years ago.

Last edited by frylock25 on 10/12/2010 12:40:11 PM

14 years ago

Truth. I have to wonder what would have been if the PS3 received that support from the beginning.

14 years ago

I just hope they're doing it right and not just creating a cheap port. The way it's phrased seems to indicate so, but it's still kinda vague. It's nice to know it will actually be coming to PS3 though.

14 years ago

Was it "Almost Inconceivable" to put it on the 360 the first time they saw it? They were able to make a demo so fast pigs started flying. I just hope the ps3 version is well done.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I'd say that it was probably built on PC architecture, which would of course make it a good deal easier to put it onto the 360. I also don't think that it would have been in any fit state to release it on any platform though.

14 years ago

i think lawless might be right but i also think that this is begining to sound like they ported what was 360/PC code.

14 years ago

it's time to make this game on the ps3 and chew bubble gum….. and they're all out of gum…..

14 years ago

Meh, won't be getting this anyway. Never cared for Duke even in the slightest. Seems most of the hype generated around this game is due to the court battle. That's probably won't bode well once the game comes out. I have a feeling people will go "this is what all the hype was about?"

14 years ago

I believe you're right, this game has been on "development hell" a long time and if I remember correctly, only few games have managed to fulfill the hype after so long…

But, we can always wait and see what happens…

14 years ago

This game is a big MEH…

I think this game has already hyped itself to death and I don't think it will be good enough to meet expectations. But then again, I don't think people that play this are going to be going for AAA quality….I think they're looking for fun times and some crude humor.

But by the time this comes out we will have Killzone 3 and will see some Resistance 3 on the horizon, and I just don't think this game will hang anywhere close to those.

14 years ago

Yea I also don't really get the hype.

14 years ago

For the people who want this game, I don't think it's about living up to any hype. The only expectations this game has to live up to are those based on nostalgia.

Nobody should expect DNF to be an innovation. It won't break down any barriers of technology, it's not original, and it's not gonna win any awards. It's f***ing Duke! Kicking alien ass, objectifying women, and being a smart-ass about it. And thats all we want.

Hail to the king baby!

14 years ago

"uggghhhhh yeeaaaa"

14 years ago

Jawknee, DNF has been hyped since 1997. I don't even know what court battle you're talking about.

14 years ago

Dude, where have you been? I don't even like Duke Nukem and i knew about the court battle.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Well, that statement regarding the optimisation makes me hopeful that this won't be just another shoddy port-job. Let's just hope that the game turns out well. It certainly sounds good enough from what I've heard, but we'll have to see when it drops next year.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 10/12/2010 1:01:07 PM

14 years ago

hopefully it doesnt drop like a giant turd

14 years ago

Imagine the ripple effect!

14 years ago

this would have been cool about 10 years ago, but i'm way beyond duke nukem now. it's good it's finally coming out for people that's been waiting for it.

14 years ago

Maybe developers are clinging to the "nostalgia factor"…

Anyway, you have a valid point, it's been too long since I've played a Duke Nukem game…

14 years ago

I think the grand majority of the console gaming crowd (especially the young demographic of the Xbox crowd), would not have heard of Duke or care about his games.

I'd be more amazed of Duke selling well than the fact it's been 13 years in the making and finally releasing soon.

14 years ago

@ mcclane.

yeah i usually enjoy the nostalgic factor of gaming, but duke nukem is not one of them. the best thing about playing it when i was younger was the fact that it had cursing and nudity. now the novelty has worn off and i can't get excited for it.

14 years ago

"Cursing and nudity"

Xbots appeal to stuff like this, we got that with Heavy Rain but in a whole different and mature way…

That's why it's guaranteed to sell really well with the pleasefixme…

Last edited by McClane on 10/12/2010 3:45:55 PM

14 years ago

lol that's so true. it's right up xbots will eat it up.

14 years ago

Wait… does this mean we will get a lesser port?
I know they have a team optimizing it but didn't Gearbox also port The Orange Box?

Last edited by sirbob6 on 10/12/2010 2:37:15 PM

14 years ago

I thought EA ported the orange box.

EDIT: Looked into it and it looks like they worked on the PS2 port for the original Half-Life, but not the orange box.

Last edited by SvenMD on 10/12/2010 3:03:25 PM

14 years ago

I double checked and now retract my previous statement, Gearbox did the old Half-life games and not the orange box. I would like to extend my apology to Gear Box for accusing them of such a wretched port. Sorry.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 10/12/2010 3:28:19 PM

14 years ago

I suspect our port will be a bit worse off, but even if I don't get it day 1, Duke is still a purchase for me. Nostalgia alone is reason enough. Hail to the King baby.

14 years ago

The fact that they thought I couldn't be done for the PS3 made me break out in a cold sweat. I think I may have to pass this up and see what happens with Starcraft: Ghost.

14 years ago

Looks like most devs won't still get their heads round the PS3's architecture and might have crappy ports till the end of this gen.

14 years ago

I don't understand the obsession with Duke Nukem. What is classic about this character or the game? Someone help me understand why Duke is so cool because I could care less about this game as I never even played one. Me and my brother always made fun of playing some fictional game called Duke Nukem Forever 3000, but we never knew waht Duke Nukem even was at the time. We still make the joke and when I told him this game was coming out…we had one classic LMAO moment. Great the fans are getting what they want, but someone still…tell me whats so hot about Duke Nukem.

14 years ago

Well if yo remove the nostalgia factor… This game is going to be a vulgar, rude, funny, awesome piece of work :D.

I mean like… You are going to go hunt aliens who are trying to steal your earth women and make em sex slaves or something lol. It's not one of those games where you sacrifice yourself for the earth and crap. You just kill the hell out of every opposing piece of bleep for your own pleasure and enjoy it 😀

You can even say Duke does it for his own *call of duty* haha.

And one of my favorite duke lines: I'm gonna abort youre whole frigging species! lol –_–

So yeah this game is only about fun and no seriousness. It is going to be nice for a change of pace. Getting tired of all those realistic serious life-like shooters. Granted games like KZ3 and Halo reach add quite alot of fiction but they are still very serious games XD

14 years ago

I'm on the same boat, I never play or knew Duke Nukem.
But if the older gamers love it very much and still does, that meant something already.

14 years ago

You sumed it up pretty good neo. Good "clean" dirty fun, the essence of Duke.

14 years ago

Just have to wait and see how this turns out

14 years ago

Well, I'm certainly glad they're putting in the effort to give us a solid PS3 version of DNF.

I just don't want this game to come under critical fire because it doesn't boast the greatest graphics ever, or new innovations in game play. It won't, that's not what it's about. It's Duke! Guns, women, aliens, one liners, and a hefty dose of cheese. That's all I need.

I lost far too many hours of my adolescent youth to Duke and his exploits. This game is a day one purchase for me. And as long as it's able to give me that sense of nostalgia that I want, I'll be happy with my purchase.

14 years ago

I'd say you got it right Gumbi, I don't expect this game to push any boundaries, it should just be fun and funny and badass.

14 years ago

Wouldn't be surprised to see another inferior version but hey, who knows.

14 years ago

I got borderlands GoTY so i get the DNF demo when it comes out.

14 years ago

Just checked my Steam account and all PC gamers that had already purchased the regular Borderlands has first access to the demo upon release. No GotY edition required.

14 years ago

depending on how much time gearbox puts into finishing this game i think it could be pretty good

14 years ago

After reading all this, I really want gearbox to move on and work on Aliens: Colonial Marines. Instead of putting out 2 crappy games, they should just work on making one really good one.

14 years ago

Even if Duke Nukem didn't come out on the ps3 i would go out and buy an xbox just so i can play it

14 years ago

Just go to your local Dump and pick one up.

14 years ago

ME WANTY!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

If this had PC, 360 exclusivity, it would probably be the biggest blow to PS3 ever. So glad that was avoided.