Some have complained that Arkham City won't feature a drastically bigger world in comparison to Arkham Asylum .
But you shouldn't pass judgment so soon, especially when you recall the greatness of the first game, and remember that developer Rocksteady Studios is capable of delivering another masterpiece. You will undoubtedly appreciate the new features and more have recently come to light . The first – and perhaps our favorite, simply for historic and atmospheric reasons – is the Bat Signal. The famous signal will mark your next mission and although the world may not be GTA gigantic, you'll still have to battle plenty of freakish escapees en route to most any mission. Occasionally, you'll need to reach the location of the Bat Signal within a certain time limit, and that's when the baddies will become even more numerous and challenging. Thankfully, we'll have the benefit of an upgraded combat mechanic, which will allow you to take down multiple enemies at once (we'll even be able to use some nifty gadgets during fighting).
If things get too hot on the streets, though, you can simply use your handy-dandy grappling hook and lift yourself out of trouble. Hence, you don't have to beat down everyone you see; at times, it may be a much better idea to circumvent the wackos. We just can't wait for Arkham City …and it's too bad we have no choice, as it won't arrive until fall of 2011.
Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City
Looking forward to this game, and the game play the Bat Signal represents.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 10/12/2010 10:46:51 AM
This sounds great. Looks like I have a year to play the first one :P.
I loved the first game i still keep playing it,
it had so much replay value with so much riddles and the Spirit of arkham mystery.The second one is going to be an interesting story i can already see with awesome new gameplay.I hope i can drive bat mobile or bat jet.Taking down two thugs at once its going to be awesome!
Last edited by Kiryu on 10/12/2010 10:58:06 AM
Same here, I just need 4 more trophies to get a platinum.
I'm really excited for this game, i'm glad they upgraded the combat system. Hopefully it has a bit mroe depth than the first.
I'm not one to complain if its not a sandbox style even if its Gotham City. That didn't detriment one bit to the whole AA experience. Fun stuff!
*look up in the sky batman its the bat Signal*
this well get old fast.
anyways I can't wait i enjoyed Batman Arkham Asylum just as much i'm enjoying Spider-Man now. Its about darn time we get some good superhero games. Now all we need Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and a new X-Man game and we will be sit.
Last edited by n/a on 10/12/2010 11:58:18 AM
Is the new spiderman game good?
@Kiryu: Well to me its good i'm working on the normal play through and really enjoying it. some of the SpiderMan Noir missions almost got a Batman feel to when you turn on the spidervison. so i highly recommend it if u are into superhero games. feel free to add me on PSN if u want more info. my ID is infamousgodV2_0
Last edited by n/a on 10/12/2010 12:13:51 PM
I'm not particularly fond of being timed in my games. It reminds me too much of racing games. Still, I'm sure Rocksteady knows what it's doing.
So, Arkham City will be free-roam? I've been assuming that it'll have free-roam elements but will still be linear like the first. Hmm, Ok. I just hope that it won't be overly difficult to spot the bat signal, or find your way to the source of it. Also, upgraded combat system is good.
A big signal in the sky that looks like a bat??? Hard to miss, don't you think??
I hate waiting I want it now.
Holy nightlight Batman! I get more excited about this game the more I hear about it. Next fall is so far away.
It's good to hear that rocksteady is not going to sit on their on their butts and really put their all into Arkham City. Looking forward to it guys.
Sounds like they want to borrow a tad from inFamous.
It's good to hear the combat system is upgraded but I think it's a bit overkill…
AA's system is devastating, you could easily take out at least 10 guys using your fists and skills….
OFF TOPIC: Did you know that Arkham's city plans are hidden in AA in a secret room??? Couldn't believe it until I saw them…
Rocksteady hid an impressive easter egg with that one…
Last edited by McClane on 10/12/2010 2:54:47 PM
who cares how big the world is?
all i want is cool characters, more gadgets, better detective mode, more stealth missions, and a deeper combo system.
beating enemies in AA was fun, but it was too much of a button masher, they need to add in heaps of combos.
instead of a 2 button press affair.
Button masher?? Hardly at all…
You needed to use your wits and reflexes in order to build a combo, maybe you need to play it again…
You ever heard of a 100+ combo?? It's not exactly just button-mashing…
getting 100 hits does not make it a combo.
a combo is stringing together different types of moves, something AA felt like it never did.
CLOS is exactly the same, you feel like your constantly doing the same move over and over again no matter which combination of buttons you push.
Dude, you ever heard of the Freeflow Perfection trophy? In order to achieve it, you have to master ALL of Batman's moves…
If you master all moves, it's hardly a "button masher" game, try to apply it in combat, then come back and tell me all you did was pushing buttons…