Dead Space Ignition should be available to download on both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace tomorrow but if you'd rather wait, you can grab it for free.
EA has announced the pre-order bonus for Dead Space 2 today, and it just so happens to be the aforementioned Ignition . In other words, if you pre-order the hotly anticipated follow-up to one of this generation's best, you'll land the downloadable prequel for free. The pre-order bonus is in place at "participating retailers" – we'll just assume GameStop is one of them – and it might be worth your while to pre-order and wait until January to check out Ignition . The latter is related in a classic comic style and there will be three hacking games: Hardware Crack, Trace Route and System Override. We may not be mowing down rampaging Necromorphs but hey, we'll get plenty of that in the full game, right? We'll even get four different endings in Ignition and the opportunity to unlock exclusive content for Dead Space 2 , such as the Hacker suit for Isaac.
Of course, if you'd rather not pre-order and just grab the prequel this week, it'll have a price tag of $4.99 on the PSN or 400 Microsoft Points on the XBLA.
Related Game(s): Dead Space 2
Never heard of this before now, but looking it up all i can say is Meh. I may get it free with the game but i can't see myself paying for it off the store. I was expecting somthing to the standard of Dead Rising 2's prequel, a little episode (which actualy in my opinion looks better than the actual game), pity its a 360 exclusive.
EA had my money after the first one, and their continued support for my console of choice doesn't hurt either.
More good incentives keep reminding me of the right choice I made when Pre-O'ing Dead Space 2, pretty stoked for it.
well cool i'll take the free version anyway to save the money. i just can't make up my mind its either this or the preorder with the Wii Dead Space game. decisions, decisions, decisions
It doesn't matter if you preorder or not. All PS3 versions of Dead Space 2 come with Extraction. Should be awesome.
I'll be getting the Special Edition of Dead Space 2 that comes bundled with a PS3 Move port of the Wii game Dead Space Extraction – it is by all accounts a superbly crafted light gun game.
Not too fussed about Ignition
Move enabled Extraction and now this? Rock on Dead Space 2!
Well it looks like it's time to put in my preorder. So can't wait for this specially since it's bundled with Extraction too.
I don't know why, but every time I see your avatar, I think of Daisy Duke of the Dukes of Hazzard (original tv show)..
I see what you mean.
I'll take anything free that says Dead Space on it.
Can't wait for all these games!
I thought we were getting Extraction.
We are. That is included with Dead Space 2 (on the BD) but will also be available in the PS Store.
EA is hooking up us PS3 owners. Early adopters of MoH get Frontline also. I'm definitely one happy gamer.
Talk about a game that keeps on giving. I wished I'd had little diversions like this included with the first game. My bones were sufficiently rattled by the time I was nearing the end of impossible mode. Damn those Twitchers with their blank stares…
so excited when EA announced this, anything DS related gets me giddy as a school girl!
but DS with no necromorphs?
just hacking mini games?
this is as point full as RE without zombies!
meh, why am i complaining?
sonic 4s finally coming out on thursday!