We keep thinking this film has potential. …we better not be deluding ourselves.
It's still one of the very best PlayStation 3 games available, so Hollywood had better not put a big ol' black mark on Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune . But at the very least, it seems they might have the right talent in line: according to The Hollywood Reporter , David O. Russell has signed on to spearhead the project. He'll be writing and directing the adaptation for the award-winning 2007 PS3 game; he has decided to return after leaving "Uncharted" on the shelf to pursue an adaptation of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." Russell has a reputation for somewhat kooky indie films, like "Spanking the Monkey" and "I Heart Huckabees," but according to the source, it seems he wants to move towards bigger, mainstream productions. A boxing drama he just finished, "The Fighter," comes out in December.
Uncharted really could make for a great movie. You've got the charismatic lead guy, the cute and personable reporter, and the sarcastic, cocky friend, all on a treasure-hunting adventure that turns into a desperate scramble for survival. …doesn't get much better than that for the big screen. By the way, one of Columbia's presidents, Matt Tolmach, had this to say about Russell:
"David is a tremendous choice to take on this film. He's equally adept at combining all the classic elements involved in this property: great character development, strong comedy and amazing action sequences. He has a brilliant vision for this material and we know he will bring his original, unique voice to this adaptation."
Okey-doke. Just don't mess it up.
I know this has nothing to do with this article, but will you write an article comparing and contrasting Call of Duty Black Ops and the new Medal of Honor. I dont know which one to get, lol
I'm sure you can do that on your own when we have the reviews up. 🙂
I'd take interest in an editorial on FPS's in general, what progress has been made so far, and a loose ranking of sorts.
If you like running & gunning/swearing teens/killstreaks/graphics (guns), get cod. If you like teamwork/realism/less kills (as you get on cod)/tactics, get MoH.
This is a big gamble. He can either make or break this series. I will hope for the best but was hoping for Peter Jackson. >.>
A huge gamble… i am sure they will advertise it as a 3D epic… but why do it, make a movie adaption of this brilliant franchise?
I'm through giving a F about film adaptions. We've reached the point that the games themselves are fulfilling and cinematic enough and in many ways, even more rich than films themselves. SCREW THEM.
This is true. I use to rent movies quite often last generation. Not so much, anymore. Even though, they aren't the same kind of entertainment, and even with Heavy Rain, very few genres besides action adventure are fulfilled by video games, they still compete with one's free time. And as video games are becoming an increasingly cinematic experience as well, I have to tell myself to watch a movie sometimes instead, even though i'd rather just game.
Last edited by Shams on 10/9/2010 11:48:23 AM
Let Naughty Dog the creators of Uncharted write and direct the Uncharted film.
That would be a wise decision, but i doubt they will let them. I hope they will.
Hehe – you're kidding, right? The storyline of Uncharted is as uncreative and not worthy of a movie production as it can get. It's not possible to make a script more cookie cutter "ancient-treasure-adventure" than that. Go rent some movies, you'll find 20 stories like that without even looking for them.
When will the world understand that a good game does NOT equal a good movie? The differences between a movie and a game is fundamental!
My prediction of this movie is that it will be just like all the other game-movies so far: No real story, just action. Much like the games, actually. Only then we don't have to sit passive and watch.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/9/2010 6:44:23 PM
You don't know until you see it. It's possible this one can be different from the other games going into a movie, think positive for once.
It is possible yes, if they create a new story from scratch. But then it doesn't have much to do with Uncharted anyways, now would it?
Just like games: Games based on a movie storyline suck. Period. We just know that now. It must be considered proven fact. The game has to create it's own setting to stand a chance. Why should it be so hard to comprehend that the exact same mechanics come into play the other way around?
I think it's pretty symptomatic that those who believe otherwise are mostly those who openly admit that they don't watch movies anymore.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/9/2010 6:57:57 PM
I don't watch Movies, simply because a lot of them don't interest me, i would rather play a game than watch a Movie to be honest.
It could revolve around Uncharted, but the way the Movie industry is i highly doubt it will. I'm still on the fence about this but if they do succeed on making it based on Uncharted then we might have a good Movie on our hands, we don't know that yet.
If they don't do it right i would rather them not attempt it. Naughty Dog should be directing it and writing for them etc, but i doubt that will happen you could be right or you could be wrong we have to see what goes down first.
Last edited by Clamedeus on 10/9/2010 7:59:32 PM
I hope they can actually do it, but I'm also hoping they don't screw it up.
Usually games that go into movies don't come out very well.
Well let's hope it'll be an epic movie if they do decide to go forth with it.
Out of all the video game adaptations, you really cannot go wrong with Uncharted. It's simply an action-based "adventure" movie being well made on a video game system. The voice-acting, cliches and script are all oxymorons if you transition it to film.
In other words, if they SCREW this up then there is NO hope, I mean NO HOPE for video game to movie adaptations.
I agree.
Good way of putting it… I agree as well…
Yup, Uncharted already is directed like a movie, all they would have to do is replace the cgi characters with real ones.
"It's simply an action-based "adventure" movie being well made on a video game system. The voice-acting, cliches and script are all oxymorons if you transition it to film.:
Two words: Tomb Raider.
Hollywood. A collective group of companies hell-bent on destroying what was seemingly indestructible.
Tomb Raider didn't feel like a movie at all. It was very much a sandbox platformer that centers "extra-ordinary" events to the main character.
But I do agree with your Hollywood description there.
To convey something as epic as uncharted to a place where stellar products aren't the average release… they best not eff it up!
No matter how good they make the film, the games will still be 10x more epic.
I can see it now, John Powell will write the score for it. He will completely ignore the wonderful scores by Greg. It will include that absolutely ANNOYING motif from the Bourne Identity and sound so derivative of every other action film out there. Maybe through in a few congo drums for good measure to make it sound exotic. Oh yeah.
Hell, it already happened to Greg with Firefly, his score for the TV series is BRILLIANT. The film? SHAT!
The Idea of an Uncharted movie is fun, but it scares me. The way to experience Uncharted is to PLAY the movie, not WATCH the movie.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
please no
please dont turn this into another failure
Joe Flanagan or Nathan Fillion – Drake
Elena – Emily Rose
jeff bridges – Sully
Some games are so good they don't need movies adaptations. I'll keep an open mind, but seriously let's be honest movie adaptation of video games are hardly ever good.
Last edited by GuyverLT on 10/9/2010 3:39:23 PM
The only way to not screw it up is to cast the same voice actors as their counterparts on the big screen, after all, some of them have movie experience like Nolan North…
IF they cast Brad Pitt as Drake, Angelina Jolie as Elena and Megan Fox as Chloe, many of us, fans, might be a little disappointed…
However, let's keep in mind movie goers need familiar faces in order to make it a box office hit, so I doubt Nolan will be Nathan or the script will remain 100% faithful to the story of El Dorado…
Writers will take some liberties with the original story like the prince of persia movie, but if they make it generic without being popcorn crap a la Transformers, the movie might be decent….
Last edited by McClane on 10/9/2010 3:53:36 PM
Well the original creator of the games wrote the movie so it couldn't be that bad. Also I remember Naughty Dog saying that they would want to be involved in it, so who knows hopefully it ends up being amazing.
Ok, now just get Joey Tribbiani to be Drake and Rachel Green to be Elena and I'm sold.
What can I say about this? The idea of an Uncharted movie is incredibly tantalising, but given the nature of the games, unnecessary. As I've said before, I'd like to see them fill in some of the gaps in the story. Even if they were to make the Eye of Indra into a movie. I would much prefer that than to see this game butchered by Hollywood.
As for this guy, I quite enjoyed Three Kings, hated I Heart Huckabees and haven't heard of any of his other projects. Except Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and him pursuing that over Uncharted gives me no hope whatsoever.
I don't know the guy neither any of his movies , is he any good ????
He's pretty good, I usually turn to IFC when one of his movies are on.
thanks buddy, i'll take ur word for it
David O Russel bullying Lilly Tomlinin the set of I Heart Huckabees:
Does Naughty Dog have the slightest amount of creative input or is this out of their hands? I'm scared.
Last edited by FxTales on 10/9/2010 6:29:10 PM
Same, i hope ND is involved.
Man…I never heard of any of those movies this guy has done. What were they? Straight to DVD movies? They sound D-rated.
So Disney picks up Prince of Persia but no big name wants to pick up Uncharted? Fail.
oh lord, i smell another train wreck!
all i can say is if they make the movie into how the tomb raider movies were, i defiantly will be extremely piss off. uncharted took the tomb raider style and raise the bar to whole new world. so Hollywood seriously better do their research on how uncharted is bring whats in the game exactly on the big screen.
"You've got the charismatic lead guy, the cute and personable reporter, and the sarcastic, cocky friend, all on a treasure-hunting adventure that turns into a desperate scramble for survival."
I've seen that movie. It's called Sahara.. or National Treasure… or god…theres too many.
Please dont screw this up
pretty please w. cherries on top? and with the threat of the entire gaming community flipping sh*t at ruining one of the greatest games of all time..
Oh God I am seriously pretty worried about this. Although I like Russell Crowe as much as the next person, I can't help feeling it's wrong. It just feels completely wrong when ND isn't handling Uncharted. The matter of what scenes will remain, opt out, or be completely new worries me. I feel as though you can't change Drake's Fortune's scenes in any way. Sure, some gun fights can go bye bye… But the cutscenes? All those are pretty dang vital to the development of the characters, environment, and storyline.
I'm as excited as I am scared. One concern is that I really hope they retain the original voice actors. Nolan looks enough like Nate and Emily looks quite similar to Elena as well. You can't go too wrong with the voice actors poofed up with a little Hollywood makeup to look the part as much as they sound it. Not to mention the environment. Pull out the computers and get some CG in there if you have to, just don't lose that "Naughty Dog" feel to it.
I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, awesome idea… Don't screw it up.