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Resistance 3 Hits GI Cover, New Main Character Confirmed

It's still one of the most under-appreciated franchises out there in our estimation, and we'll be sure to keep you up-to-date regarding Resistance 3 .

You can grab a ton of information from next month's Game Informer, too. We've recently learned that Insomniac's huge new project will be on the cover, and the details are already starting to leak onto the Internet. According to PS3Center , it seems the first big piece of news is that Nathan Hale will not be returning as the protagonist. Part of the GI feature says "New Main Character," and it seems the new head man will be Joe Capelli. We don't know anything about him just yet but for those hoping to see Hale one more time, you'll be disappointed. Of course, the article goes on to talk about fresh locales and even a new weapon system (possibly), so stay tuned for anything related to Resistance 3 in the coming months. Might it be ready to go for the holiday 2011 season…? Insomniac is usually pretty good about releasing their games on time and even though we don't have an estimated launch window just yet, we're willing to bet that Sony wants it ASAP.  Oh, and we're guessing R3 will be Move and 3D compatible.

In the meantime, guess we'll just have to hope that Killzone 3 turns out well. …such a terrible position to be in, right?

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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14 years ago

I thought its not a spoiler after the game reaches a certain age?

14 years ago

Akuma – there is definitely a statute of limitations. Technically this game came out less than 2 years ago, so I think it should still fall under the "spoiler-free" category….especially with such an awesome ending. I wouldn't want that ruined for me.

14 years ago

Idk, there are some spoilers that should never be spoken. I had KOTR ruined for me and i was pissed. Other spoilers are just universally known, like Aeris' death, and dont really need to be avoided.

14 years ago

As long as this game brings back the weapon wheel and health bar I'll be happy.

14 years ago

Me too, I hate being in the dark of how much health I have left…

The wheel inventory was awesome, but you know, Insomniac felt they had to pay some sort of "homage" to Gears of War in Resistance 2…

Last edited by McClane on 10/8/2010 4:47:20 PM

14 years ago

My problem with spoilers is much different than the average gamer.

As a gaming collector, I really need to try & get every game out there that I possibly can.
But since the only way of doing that is to buy most of my games "used" and around $20 or under price-point, plus I have to wait to see if that game is available on the console I need it for(Yes, even multi-plat games), then an older spoiler can most certainly still indeed be a serious spoiler for all of us who are serious gaming collectors.

So far as I'm concern, I don't care how old a 360 game or PS2 or PS3 game is, if I didn't play it yet(and since I'm still buying them), then I consider it a spoiler without the alerts added in.

Hell, I just recently bought & have been playing GTA4 every single free moment(58% through), but unfortunately now I already know who dies at the end, and by who, just because somebody didn't take a additional 5 seconds to add 2 little words……. ***Spoiler Alert***.

Just saying.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/8/2010 9:52:00 PM

14 years ago

SPOILER ALERT: if i remember correctly Corporal Capelli played a big role in resistance 2 i think he is the one that saves hale after he was stabbed in the stomach by Daedalus also at the end hes the one that shoots hale.

14 years ago

Great we get to play as a Guido. That totally sucks monkey balls. I hated that guy, my interest just went way down in this game. What's with all the main-character-fan-betrayal this generation?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/7/2010 11:14:30 PM

14 years ago

perhaps there's more to it, i hope so cuz i was hoping they would bring hale back

14 years ago

Are you serious?

He shot big-ol' Nathan Hale in the head.

He's badass! XD

14 years ago

Hating on Italians? not cool. Would it be better if he was french?

14 years ago

I hated him because he was a douchecaptain, not because he may be Italian.

14 years ago

Capelli was just one dimensional character as everyone else in Resistance 2…

Didn't hate him, didn't like him…

14 years ago

May be Italian? What "may" he be then?

I'm just saying you shouldn't use guido in a derogatory way just because the guy is a douche. It's the intent behind the word that makes it racially charged.

Not saying I liked the guy, he was a douche. But, his name is Capelli, he isn't Irish.

14 years ago

Would be awesome to play as chimeran Hale, with his newfound power you experienced at the end of R2.

Ooops, spoiler.

14 years ago

They could make it like Bioshock with its plasmids, only you gain Chimeran powers.

14 years ago

@ World

Grow big teeth and bite people? Or maybe claws to scratch… I don't know man, that "newfound power" would be plenty for a game like Resistance…

14 years ago

Uhh, I'm guessing Insomniac could be slightly more creative than that.

14 years ago

@ Kangasfwa
He did have the awesome explody powers at the end plus there is also angel's mind control, the chameleon's invisibility, slipskull super jumps, and more.

14 years ago

KZ3 and R3 that all i need for FPS next year

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

and Rage.

14 years ago

im interested in how they will explain Capelli's massive weight loss

14 years ago

Ben, if your prediction about Resistance 3 being Move compatible is correct it would be the first game to really make me consider getting Move.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

**This post may contain SPOILERS for the Resistance franchise. Read on at your own discretion.**

First of all R3+Move=PSMove Purchase. Secondly, I want the next Game Informer out last week. I must know more about Resistance 3. I'd like to see it return to a style more akin to the original than the sequel.
Next, I hope that it doesn't go third person. leave that for any future PSP iterations.
Fourth, Hale has to return in some form. You cannot simply get rid of him.
Fifth, lead this into a fourth game that will resolve the war between the humans once and for all. And while they're at it, give us more info about the Cloven.
Sixth, I want a PSP iteration in flashback that shows us about the previous rising of the Chimera, why and how the towers were buried and why they were gathering at the Chixculub Crater exactly.
Finally, I want a 2011 release date for this game. Insomniac can do little wrong. But I don't want Capelli, he annoyed me in R2.

14 years ago

You don't want much out of this game huh? haha

And essentially you want everything EXCEPT what they are going to give you…which is Capelli.

14 years ago

IIRC, the Chixculub Crater was the exact location where the previous war against the Chimera ended, with some sort of a weapon of mass destruction that killed all chimera…

If you pay attention to both games and some trailers, almost everything that you write gets an explanation so I don't think there's any need for more games…

I just want to know how the second and final war against the chimera ends…


What was the thing at the end of R2??? A moon?? Chimera's home planet?? A full-scale invasion from outer space???

Last edited by McClane on 10/8/2010 4:54:06 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago


As for the Cloven, I understand how they came about and whatnot, but I'd like to know more about THEM and their relationship with the Chimera. All we know is that they were early experiments, and now they're basically just warped humans. I want details.
And I got the feeling that the Chimera were gathering there because they had their own weapon there, and maybe THAT is the thing at the end of the second game. The Chimera were apparently an earlier race than humanity, so I don't think they're aliens at all. Eh, too much thought for too early in the morning.

And I don't really want much out of Resistance 3. I just think that those ideas are a logical procession of events.

14 years ago

i doubt it will be move and 3D compatible, insomniac have been quite vocal against it lately.
cant wait for this though, looks like it will be the last game insomniac makes exclusive for the ps3, so its only fitting they go out with a BANG!

14 years ago

Wait, I thought 1 studio makes exclusives well the North Carolina makes the multiplats?

14 years ago

as long as insomniac makes ratchet games and Resistance games, it will always be exclusive to ps3

14 years ago

Even if they do go multiplat the worlds in Ratchet and Clank won't be as bright, vivid or amazing to look at as they currently are..

Last edited by Shadow786 on 10/8/2010 4:52:28 PM

14 years ago

Resistance for me is the dominant FPS, i will certainly be looking forward to hearing more on R3.

As for a new character, well i'm kind of glad due to the events of R2.

14 years ago

Both Resistance games were decent in my book, but now, I am expecting greatness..

14 years ago

R3 show all the other crap shooters out there how it's done!

14 years ago

I don't mind Nathan's exlcusion, aslong as the story continues properly. I liked Capelli anyways.

14 years ago

im tired of seeing these comments, so here it goes: Nathan will not return in R3, it just wouldn't make sense if you've seen the end of R2, I don't think ANYBODY, half-chimera or otherwise, could come back from THAT