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DNF Trailer: Duke Gets Nasty With Aliens And Ladies Alike

Well, of course it sorta steps over the decency line. It's Duke .

Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford recently told the London press not to publish a new trailer for the game, which the developer debuted during a presentation. The reason? The game "dances on the line of decency" and they didn't want their publisher, Take-Two Interactive, to get hounded by various ratings boards. "We don't want our friends at Take-Two to be punished for our creativity," said Pitchford. The trailer in question showed topless strippers, gratuitous swearing, Duke nailing an alien in the private area, a whole lot of g-strings and yes, Duke getting it on with two women at once (no extra details on that). Pitchford feared the ESRB and PEGI boards wouldn't exactly "approve" of the content so he didn't want the video splattered all over the Internet, which makes sense…or does it? Forgive us for being logical but those boards have to see the game eventually, yes? And Gearbox isn't planning on removing that content, right? So…Take-Two will either take the heat now or later but they're still gonna take it.

So we're a little confused as to why Pitchford and Co. want to wait. …eh, maybe it's just because we want to see that trailer.

Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever

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14 years ago

Sounds like the way Duke should be! Let's rock!

14 years ago

It's because the game doesn't really exist! It's all a conspiracy! Run for the hills!

Seriously though, the rating boards are eventually going to get a hold of this and they are going to have a fit, then the Fox News lady is going to run a special report on how video games promote rape, murder, and misogyny. Might as well let them do it now and get it out of their systems I say.

14 years ago

might just be a publicity stunt, coverton.

14 years ago

Possibly, but have you played any of the previous Duke games? They are pretty questionable on the decency scale. I wouldn't put it past them to have something like this in the game at all.

14 years ago

Good point. But would it go past Aphrodite of GoW3? Beavers anyone? Anyway, so long as execution of this is well (yadda yadda…)

14 years ago

After 13 years, I'd say this game will be the most hyped game in recent times.

But I've kinda taken a liking to this.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/7/2010 12:11:26 PM

14 years ago

Sounds like Duke's back alright. 😉

14 years ago

There's also interactive peeing in the bathroom areas that was shown at one of the Amsterdam shows. Haven't been this hyped for a game in a long time. Been waiting for a true Duke game since I bought Duke 3D all those years ago and now it's finally on it's way.

14 years ago


And it's working.

14 years ago

Seems a dumb move to hide a trailer with controversial elements taken directly from the game that in the end the rating boards will have to take a look at…

The only answer is bad marketing and hype…

A shame really, I'm expecting a BAMF Duke and hope it doesn't dissapoint…

14 years ago

Is it just me, or does what Ben describe in his article not creativity, merely the archetypal male stereotype (gets the ladies, has the big guns, IS the big guns) in video games?

I know it's a part of who he is I guess, but Gearbox stating that that kind of content is creativity turns me off, a lot.

Merely my opinion, nothing more.

14 years ago

If I were a betting man, the word creativity was used as a euphemism which was supposed to be snickered at.

14 years ago

Lol I think you're right =D

14 years ago

Rock out with your caulk out! I think they just didn't want the naughty bits all compressed into a trailer to make the game look crazier than it is. You know how you can make a trailer of anything look just about any way imaginable. Ya know like… make bad movies look good 😉

14 years ago

my guess is that they want to keep this under wraps concerning to the public until it is close to the release date. that way everyone will be talking about it especially the media, free publicity. lets face it, duke nukem isnt really a big name among todays gamers, at least not with the newer crowd. and with the description of the trailer, its bound to attract the newer/younger gamers. like it or not, kids are going to find a way to get games like this and most parents are clueless, even with the ratings board there. i mean theres kids playing cod, halo, and other games not meant for them.

i remember one day while i was working at best buy. this dad was happy holding a gran theft auto 4 game. talked to him and found out hes buying games his young daughter told him to buy. i told him that he should pay attention to the game rating on the box. took one look at it immediately returned it on the shelf. another time this kid was shopping with his mom for a 360. picked the mw2 bundle, mom said maybe the game was too violent so they shouldnt buy that. kids arguement was it had 2 controllers. long story short, she didnt listen/consider what i said even though they asked. all she knew was kid was mad so they bought it anyway.

14 years ago

I think they could also also waiting until after the California vs ECA bill vote too, to see what the results of that is.

The last thing DN needs right now is for f*cing Arny & his gang of self appointed safety-nazi's is to be able to wave the DN trailer around like it's just some fodder for their side.

14 years ago


13 years ago

playing a game that is not supposed for your age is not bad at all!
to have an idea, i started playing duke nukem 3d at my early 4 years of age, and i'm not an pornography addicted,mad nor psychologically wrong person, on the contrary, i'm much smarter than many other people i know, i even learned english by playing duke nukem!(whoops!)
it was not only duke nukem i played and played until today, there were plenty of other "non decent" games i got through, includes:gta, all damned versions except the very very old ones, including gta iv, i played several of the strange and poorly developed hentai games(hate PEGI and ESRB, all their fault), the only one i remember now is a hentai game called the sagara family, which was really lightweight compared to the other similars to it…
i played all the games that were not 'supposed to me' without any problem, and, well, i think that people which somehow get psychologically damaged by adult only games are really weak minded, sorry if your son is one of those, however…
anyways, about the latest video from DNF, yeah they blurred out the interesting parts, oh i'm gonna cry!
no, simply wait, because all those strippers that will come in the game,(and i really hope they are interactive)will keep anyone from crying because of the video
really, i have nothing against the video coming bluured out on the goods, since the game will NOT have these blurs, and if they want to escape a major blow from pegi and esrb for just a while longer there's no problem at all, their decision is quite useless i think but what to do?
we can't hate them for it…

and that was a humungous post from a real fan from duke nukem, the nuber 1 alien ass-kicker and humanity saver that got 12 years of rest to really kick ass this time!
may 3 seems not +- three months away, but another 3 years away…
oh! don't make haste to the developers!
i know there are maybe two dozens more of duke addicted than me but don't try to hurry the developers about the release date!
it may take more 12 years…
everyone saw the resident evil 4 for the pc?
it was a hastened release…
i feel sorry for it, really, it sucked compared to all the other versions on platforms 10 times weaker than the pc…

D'oh, i'm from brazil, will take me 3 more days than US to get my hands on DNF!
or more…
and yes i'll give a big thumbs up to anyone who says: ITS GREAT TO HAVE THE KING BACK!
i don't care if he has no name, nor avatar…
really, take a look at the non-named guy and you'll see i'm telling the truth!

13 years ago

some things duke said after getting out a strip club:(LOL)
it's time to chew ass and kick alien scum, and i'm all outta C**…
yeah, sorry but this isn't an adult only forum…
if you are an adult or non-innocent teenagerpre teen you should know what i mean, or what duke meant actually, hehe

i also played the duke nukem:land of the babes game on playstation, and a scene that made me cry, all from the emotion, was the part that you head to kill silverback, and find three women spinning in some kind of torture wheel, then you use the cloaking device on them after deactivating the nauseating spinning, so they probably are already running away from there, right?
wrong, you turn on the rotating torture thing and guess what?
you hear them crying "help us duUuuUUuke!!!" all over again…
good ol' times these…
"what a shame of a game" my uncle said while seeing that weird, illogical thing happening, and i'll remember it >forever<
hey, no jokes about duke nukem forever please?!?

PS: one of the things i'm saying here is unofficial, if you are a duke fan you'll surely guess what it is, if not then i'll give you a clue:play dn 3d on episode 3, some people who imitate duke's voice perfectly almost made me think that the unofficial part was real!
that's all i have to say!
except for:(daily message of the last post)
"Chuck Norris has a mean roundhouse kick, and i respect it, but Duke Nukem can friggin' kick with BOTH HIS LEGS AT THE SAME TIME, WHILE RUNNING!"

Last edited by Gashimahiron on 2/16/2011 7:46:54 PM