Now that we know Duke Nukem Forever is actually coming – still can't get over that – it's time to get a closer look.
For most, that closer look will come in the form of a playable demo, which has been confirmed but we don't yet have an official date. But if you want to get a jump on things, you should mark a day on your calendar: it's next week, October 12, when Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition becomes available at stores nationwide. Lest you forget, Gearbox Software developed Borderlands and that is the same studio that is now handling DNF. 2K Games will provide purchasers with an access code to the DNF First Access Club, which brings you into contact with special bonuses, including a playable demo (likely the same one that will arrive on the PSN/XBLA at some point). The only question is when those First Access benefits kick in…Gearbox won't say. I distinctly recall a demo for Final Fantasy XII included with Dragon Quest VIII . I actually bought the latter game for the express purpose of playing FFXII early, although I soon found DQVIII was awesome in its own right.
So anyway, if you're up for the GotY edition of Gearbox's last production, you'll be ready when they release the Duke Nukem Forever demo. You know you wanna try it.
Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever
Foresee Borderlands sales going pretty high now. In a completely unrelated side note, is borderlands any good?
Last edited by sirbob6 on 10/5/2010 3:23:19 PM
Borderland's is pretty my opinion, split screen makes it that much better too.
Personally I loved Borderlands, thought the gun play was fun and the addictive nature of finding better guns sucked me in. Spent many hours leveling up my character on PS3 and after recently buying a new PC decided to buy it again!
Borderlands was awesome! We need more couch co-op games like that. Played it with my roomate for at least a good 100 hrs lol.
Its true that trying to get the best guns gets you addicted lol also hitting your buddy over that drop he just stole is lotsa fun 😀
Good god, I only 6 years old when DNF was announced. And to think, back then, Google hadn't been conceived then!
Ben, I bought DQ VIII for that exact same reason. And it turned out to be a stellar game. Among my favourites for PS2.
On topic. I don't think I'll be getting Borderlands just for a DNF demo. I've been waiting my entire adult life for this game… I can hold out a bit longer.
I doubt we're the only ones. 🙂
i actually bought dragonquest 8 for the FF12 demo too. I followed news about the demo and bought it day one but once i got tired of the demo, i started the game. best decision ever. dragonquest 8 was a great game, i loved it. I also managed to get all the dragon armor things and pass the dragon challenges too. i guess it helped that it reminded me of dragonball. got the best monster team too. maybe i should pop it in my ps3 and play one of the best square enix games before they started falling.
I'm ashamed to say I never finished DQVIII, I really loved it too, but once a year had gone by while I got busy with other things I came back to it and was completely lost. Now there's so many PS3 games…
*Sigh* More reason i dislike Enix, their name all over the box to DQ8 yet it's Level 5's master work thus confusing people to think it's Enix's work.
Enix only published it.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 10/5/2010 4:26:57 PM
Who said otherwise? I think we know that.
please dont put words in my mouth as i never said dragonquest 8 was made by square enix. what i said was one of the best square enix games meaning games that went under the flag of squaresoft/square enix. even if it is made by the people at level 5, it is still unfortunately under the square enix brand. i wouldve preferred that there was a big level 5 logo on the box to give them recognition. i loved final fantasy x, X-2, 12, and dragonquest 8 but after those games things just went downhill for them, at least looking at my ps2 collection. i wanna know who the dbag is that thought final fantasy spirits within was an awesome idea that led to squaresoft merging with enix.
looking at the dragonquest 8 gamebox, its pretty sad that theres no mention of level 5 at all, just square enix. you have to look in the credits section of the manual to even see level 5. not like today where every game box have the developers icon right on there.
Last edited by johnld on 10/5/2010 11:27:21 PM
Chill, brother. Honest mistake.
Still, the amount of people that think DQ8 and 9 are Enix games is annoying. I'm use to thinking it….be clear next time my man!
The reason DQ8 reminds you of Dragon Ball, is because it's the same concept artist. ^.^
I'm probably one of the only ones that bought it for the game. I never frequented gaming websites (internet on campus SUCKED), and I was totally shocked that FFXII demo was there!! TOTAL bonus!
Anyways, I had played and beaten Dragon Warrior 7 (Warrior/Quest same series. Used to be a difference between JP and NA releases, but with 8 they combined the names to be the same) for the PS1. I loved it! Graphics were elementary for DW7, but MAN was it an epic adventure!!!!
In fact, if you guys ever go back to PS1 games, DW7 is a champion for RPG fans. INCREDIBLE exploration and RPG elements. It even has classes!! (I did a user review for it if you wanna read about what it's like)
Anyways, the entire series is a behemoth, imo. The biggest sin was putting 9 on the DS.
here we go again, another game of the year edition when theres only one game worthy of that title, uncharted 2. where did borderlands get game of the year from? It just makes it confusing, which may be their point, to consumers. just call it a special edition or one year anniversary or something.
They got it from themselves.
As much as I want to see how DNF will be, I think I'll wait unti the demo is released on the PSN…
Off topic: Will Jon St. Johnn reprise his role as the voice of Duke?? The dude is hilarious!!
"I oughta break a broom handle off in your ass!!!"
I like how Duke hijacked some of his one liners from Ash. Those are the best of all time.
Don't give two donkey farts about Borderlands so yeah I'm with gumbi, I waited seventeen thousand six-hundred forty-eight years for DNF, I can wait a bit longer.
Not just Ash, he ripped off a line from the movie They live!, Die hard, Aliens, Predator, Dirty Harry, the love boat, full metal jacket…
But yes, we can wait a bit longer, as long as the game delivers…
But Ash was the best 🙂
Tempting. Tempting indeed.
I'm not sure this is a great business move.
I'm a Borderlands fan who bought it day one, and have all the DLC packs, except for the latest one.
So new buyers can get the whole bundle for cheap *and* get a DNF demo to boot?
Are they expecting me to now go and buy the new GOTY pack just for the DNF demo?! Pffft… yeah, right!
can't wait for it never did play it when it frist came out because i a funny fealing that there will be a GOTY edition and it will be well worth the wait. just like i'll be waiting on Fallout NewVegas GOTY to come out and that well be a given.
I'm ashamed to say that I've never played a Duke Nukem game, it's on the long list of classics I still have yet to play(Stupid empty wallet), although I'll probably pick this one up(If I have the cash) when it comes out, just because the original vaporware is really going to exist.
Side Note: I need a new vaporware reference now.
What comes in the GotY edition? Other than DNF stuff. Also, I enjoyed the FF12 demo with DQ8 aswell.
Nothing like a phony GotY edition to give your product some extra legs on the market.
sorry gearbox but your going to have to do a sh*t load more than a DNF demo to get me to buy that buggy piece of crap again!
i think spending 3 hours finishing levels, than having my game save files corrupted THREE F*CKING TIMES!!!!!!! was enough!
Yes borderlands was a mess on the ps3, many bugs & broken features. gearbox is something else…As a special thanks to those who bought borderlands at launch, bought all the DLC when it was released & essentially suffered through a poor port to the ps3, you get… well, you get squat… gearbox is shameful.
Very cool.
lol i can see them taking FOREVER to launch this demo…
no pun initially intended…
As you already know, there are several re-released titles with GOTY edition tags slapped on them. It just seems to be the cool thing for game companies to do when re-releasing games with all of their dlc or other features. It doesn't seem to matter to them at all that their games didn't recieve that particular award for them to throw it around all willy-nilly. And the trend doesn't seem to be losing much steam, although thankfully, EA seems to have a touch of common sense and have called Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Dragon Age: Origins The Ultimate Edition for their re-releases.
On topic
I never really played Duke Nukem games in my younger days I wasn't into shooters like I am now, but I may give this title a try.