It's never a good idea to waste money. It's a far better idea to do the research and drop your hard-earned cash for the games you're sure to love.
And that seems to be exactly what most of the PSXE readers will be doing this holiday season. Despite the typical October/November blitz, the vast majority of our readers say they'll only be picking up between one and four titles between now and the end of the year. Only a small percentage say they'll buy more than four but thankfully, only 51 say they won't be buying any…seriously, what are you doing at a game site if you're no sort of gamer? But anyway, it's nice to see selective consumers out there, and it also proves that most people do have other things to do; they do have priorities because…um…they're like, adults, and stuff. By the way, the reason there's a Gran Turismo 5 pic here is because we keep seeing comments like, "eh, just waiting on GT5." That's cool and all but just don't forget about the other potential greats!
This week, we want to know what you think about the EA/ Medal of Honor /Taliban controversy. As reported this past week, EA buckled under the pressure and removed the Taliban reference from the multiplayer portion. Do you think this was a good move? Or is it only a good move from a business perspective? Some are calling it cowardly; others are calling it respectful. What say you?
P.S. If you have to have a big long discussion about this, please don't use the Comment section to do it; go into the forums.
Given the fact gamers are no longer in love with the $60 price tag its obvious that gamers will be selective.
To further elaborate, gamers have been pretty selective for the past 2 1/2 years ever since you had you had people like Patcher procaliming the gaming industry recession-proof.
Last edited by A2K78 on 10/3/2010 10:28:03 PM
Were we ever in love with it
Is there any way you could stop complaining about the cost of development and the cost of games?
Do you ever have anything else to say? Every single post. Try a new piece of clueless rhetoric, please.
Ben who is your comment directed at because I couldn't agree more with BTNWarrior?
He means A2K78
Cost never bothered it. It was just the quality and the quantity. Before I had kids I would buy everything I wanted but not now. I need to be selective and down to a minimum. Plus I don't have enough time to play everything now.
I understand where AK is coming from, but reasons are a little different assuming the majority of PsXeXtreme commentators will agree…
No doubts that $60 is pricey, however for a "good quality product" where technically you are paying for the best the developer can do it is still a palatable investment to make for the years of fun you can get out of a title. Whilst a $60 price point is still fairly high it does not meant you cannot get a few decent games a year, I don't see it as such a huge problem.
The issues I have are technical. I know that PsXeXtreme readers look for quality and are equally demanding on the technicals. My biggest gripe is why should I spend this money when time and time again, I see the PS3 version come short – not all the time, but a good deal of the time. We have worse textures, or no AA, or other strange anomalies that should never be there if the developers took their time in doing things properly.
The problem is now, we have been spoiled by top flight exclusives. When you look at multi-platform variations, you have to ask yourself why the quality can be so bad. Not all titles are bad, but a good deal are. We have seen this time and time again.
So now I am just very picky, and I come to PsXeXtreme to get the best reviews in the business and Ben's honest opinion on things. It is a view I can trust.
For me, I purchase games I strongly believe I will spend a large amount of time with. I'm less of a critic of quality when it comes to the purchases I make.
Mind you, I will defend a technically sound game to the death, just as I would curse a poorly designed game, but those aspects rarely affect my purchase decisions.
For example, MW2 is a glitchy SOB, but because my friends play it religiously, I made a purchase since I knew I'd invest lots of fun hours into it. If my friends were not a part of the equation, I would not have purchased it.
In the end, if I feel like I'll enjoy a game enough to spend 50+ hours on it, I will buy it at the full $60. Other games, like AC2, are amazing games, but I only anticipated 20-25 hours, so I waited for it to come down in price. Excellent game, and I plat.'d it, but if I can't get 50+ hours, it's not going to be a D1P.
Aren't gamers selective evey year? Well I know I am…..
Yes… I know I am
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 10/3/2010 10:04:03 PM
So, if someone owns 50 PS3 games then they are not selective?
It's tough to be selective when you want em all, but if I bought every game I wanted at full price I'd be broke. Thank God for gifts right everybody? Yup, the World still asks mommy and daddy for a game or two each year 🙂 What? Makes me feel young.
I think what EA did was probably for the best interest of their business, but I agree with it this time and think it is respectful. But I still say Six Days in Fallujah should be made.
lol you are only as young as you feel so more power to you world 😉
and definitely agree with you as far as EA goes though i think it was a mix… the good karma was just a bonus but it helped sweeten the deal no doubt…
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 10/3/2010 10:03:31 PM
lol im in high school and my parents don't like buying games for me…… They say its a waste of time…… Oh well im trying to convince them to buy me a radar detector 😀
You want to detect radars?
I believe he was just pointing out the double-standard. Walking around a beach with a metal detector would be considered an acceptable hobby to most parents, but even if you found a few thousand dollars in rare coins in your whole life, it's hardly any less of a waste of time.
My folks are cool, they are in their 60s and even they see that video games are the preferred media and hobby of people our age and younger. My Dad wishes he could play (Former military) but he just doesn't have the reflexes for it.
Well, I did buy HAWX 2 and the PS Move, but GT5 is in all likelihood going to be it for me personally in 2010. I bought the collectors edition for myself, and the standard version for my sons.
Gran Turismo represents a few years of gaming for me, and I have been ready for this title for awhile.
Don't care 'bout war games so voted for the last option.
I don't care about war games either, but I do have some political views on the matter.
I do too, but you never know who's looking.
I've always been selective but I've also gotten most of the games that I want when they first released (about 70% of my current desired collection.)Surprisingly the number of games I have bought at the full price tag is very slim.
This in part has to do with hardcore bargain hunting. I remember I was able to get Assassin Creed, Uncharted, and Heavenly Sword shortly after assassin creed released for $30 each from best buy courtesy of a mistake ad from circuit city!
Nowadays I'm on such a tremendous backlog (Mod Racers, Heavy Rain, Dragon Age Origins to name a few) that I can wait until new releases drop in price… though I think I won't wait on GT5 and LB2 as that would be blasphemy.
Also as far as the poll goes, EA definitely did the right thing. I couldn't agree more.
I also realize LB2 isn't until early 2011 but at the time of my vote it was a 2010 game :/
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 10/3/2010 10:02:24 PM
I don't typically plug a business for no money, but Cheap Ass Gamer sends me texts on my phone about some fantastical deals.
I've always used Slickdeals and just random amazon browsing… i might have to start using Cheap Ass Gamer sometime soon
I started using CAG until I realized they were just taking information from other sites. I end up finding deals faster on my own.
I am not only selective, but usually wait for a huge price drop to buy games. The only game I bought full price this gen was Demon's Souls Deluxe Edition, with artbook and soundtrack. i usually wait a year and buy the game for 10-20$ on ebay. I am really patient when buying games =)
EA changing the name of the Taliban in the multiplayer doesn't really bother me because it's still the same gameplay. I do think they should of stuck with their guns and left it as it is their right but in the long run I really don't care.
For the vote, I have to vote the I don't care option. And I think my reasoning is valid:
I am not American, and so I find myself fairly removed from the US vs. Taliban story of the last decade. While I certainly sympathise with many events that occurred, like 9/11, for me, it's the same type of sympathy one would have towards ANY war.
To be honest, WWII hits home far more than anything going on in current day. But that's ONLY because of family ties to the war. My entire family history is based solely on WWII. I know my grandfather wouldn't have, and my wife's grandparents don't appreciate gamers playing as Nazi's in WWII games, but lo and behold, you may play as such.
I guess I just don't see the big deal. I just don't understand why some war games we must be selective about being bad guys while in other war games, we don't.
But again, I also have no personal investment in the taliban issue. In the end, I wouldn't have cared either way.
I voted for 1 or 2 games. Enslaved, Castlevania, and Vanquish won't be purchased at full price (that doesn't rule out rentals).
GT5 will be one game I won't wait long for. I know it'll be worth it, even if I end up paying $60. There's only been one other game I spent $60 on this year: GoW3. and it was worth every penny. GT5 will be the same.
Ultimately with FPS is doesn't matter, because when I deathmatch with someone, He isn't American and I'm Afghani or vice versa, I'm me and he's him. That's it. Finito.
is the taxes high in planet helhghan?
I would assume so due to the nice military buildings and the comparatively crappy housing.
I voted that I don't care one way or the other when it comes to EA and their war games. I would like to say that our US law enforcement is full of heroes as well, and they're not shown the same level of respect. Nobody seems to care how they're depicted in video games.
That's a good point. I'm sure there is some officer out there angry after watching his kids play cops and robbers in GTA4, but just didn't bother speaking up. But then again, if GTA4's Liberty City was called NYC instead, and you had missions where you had to mow down New Yorker cops, and assassinate New Yorker officials, i'm sure it would've caught some flack, too. Probably not as much, though.
That may be, but I have yet to meet a cop that isn't a total d*ck.
Games I want:
Sonic 4
Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
However, I can probably only afford to get two of them at the most.
YES and i will select MvC3 first without hesitation
Thats not out till next year.
For some reason them two posts had me lol, well funny.
I am always selective. About all entertainment. Games is no exception. Only have so much time and so much money. Theres just too much low grade crap out there to even be bothered with it. Pretty much Medal of Honor, Castlevania, Vanquish, GT5 and GoW: Ghost of Sparta for me for the rest of the year…oh and maybe KH: Birth by Sleep.
Then i will start the new year off with LBP2. 🙂
BTW, the JAP PSN store has a newer Vanquish demo up.
Nice. Thanks for the heads up. I'll download asap.
I wish I could be more selective, and I probably could if I tried, but ehhh. I just bought Shattered Dimensions, Dead Rising 2, and Castlevania today. Might get Vanquish, but I'm not 100% sure on it. Force Unleashed II is a given for me, Black Ops… and I dunno what else, yet. also managed to spend over twohundred on books yesterday, plus writing…
My social life committed suicide in the past forty-eight hours. Hehhhh.
Do old games we missed count? Cuz I just played the first Bioshock. Got the bad ending, laaaaaame. Sweet game though.
Bioshock always counts. I always go back to it when the other games get old.
GT5, Enslaved, MoH, and possibly Castlevania. I think I'll wait for Ghost of Sparta.
As for the new poll, my thoughts were pretty much summed up by the editorial about it that was on IGN a couple of days ago.
its certainly cowardly, but you have to look it from EAs side.
there only trying to please more customers AKA make more money.
cant blame them for that!
anyone who refuses to buy a game because terrorists are no longer in it seriously need to get their priorities straight!
Honestly not alot of games out from now till Christmas that I can't wait for till then I do have a list and will get them once christmas rolls around.
1) MOH
2) Epic Mickey
3) LBP 2
4) Professor Layton and the diabolial box
next year there's more so we'll see 🙂 but I have plenty of games to keep me going for a really long time.
I voted for I wont be buying any games between now and the end of the year. It's a great innovation and I get to play oodles of variety. for very little outlay.
(GT5 is a present.)