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New Look At inFamous 2 Chase Demo

Saying inFamous 2 is going to rule may be a bold prediction, but it's probably not far off the mark.

Below is five minutes of gameplay footage direct from the Eurogamer Expo and you might notice that it's essentially the same demo that debuted on GTTV a few months back. But there are a few differences: firstly, we get the freshly overhauled Cole, which may or may not satisfy the fans. Secondly, check out the highlighted parts of the environment; they're obviously where you need to go to keep up with the escaping limo. This was not evident in our previous look at this gameplay segment.

There are also directions on the screen concerning what to do; perhaps it's specifically for the demo, or maybe it'll be in the final version. The question is whether or not people like this bit of "hand-holding." The good news is that even if it can be defined as such, it may be one of the first major story portions of the game, so it might act as part-tutorial. Well, either way, we just wanna play it.

Related Game(s): inFamous 2

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14 years ago

That Ionic Vortex is total ownage.
Do we already have a release date for this?

By the way, can't believe the first post was taken by a spambot.

14 years ago

no worries about spambots… Ben gets rid of them extremely fast

14 years ago

Fawking awesome! I still think Cole is a bit skinny and young but I can get over it. The Amp looks like fun to play with and the combat and movement has obviously sped up. Not sure how I feel about that, it certainly makes the game more intense but I liked having a second to aim and stuff. I don't mind the hand holding as I am old and decrepit at 29 and don't have time to die all day to have fun later 🙂

14 years ago

Yea I'm loving how much easier and quicker it looks like it is to be able to get from point A to B more seamlessly

14 years ago

I love how he kicked the necromorph on the ground during the mallet segment. A reminder of the first game besides the new cattle-prod/cricket-bat.

..And how the player kinda went berserk towards the end spamming the tornados? The explosions, the debris, the havok without hitch like slowdown or screen-tearing: everything has been kicked up a few notches.

14 years ago

yea the ionic vortex is looking super awesome… can't wait to see some of the other new powers they have in store for cole!

14 years ago

wow you were one step ahead of me about the jacket. I don't mind the contradiction with the weather, as long as he looks cool with it. He could wear a short sleeve leather tanktop like Cloud in FFVII. I don't know just ideas throwing out there.

14 years ago

I think Cole's jacket was his icon. It still felt like a different Cole, even when he look almost the same. One thing about that rod he carries look a bit out of place. I hope they explain where he got it in the story.

I fell in love with the gameplay in the original Infamous, I bet I'll do the same to the sequel, so the looks don't matter to me. I'll consider him as Cole's little brother.

14 years ago

That guy playing is a major button masher.

14 years ago

LOL this guy playing sucks.

I think those guides are either just apart of this demo or like you mentioned, apart of the tutorials. I don't see why they would gimp us now after leaving us free from hand holding in the first game.

Can't wait. This game is going to kick so much….

Want to play this with Move.

14 years ago

I'm not a fan of the guides either and I don't want to be shown the quickest or best route to take with the highlights on powerlines and pipes.

14 years ago

tes is right, I wish to alter that part of my above statement. I don't want the power lines lit up.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Saying inFamous 2 is going to rule isn't a bold prediction. It is indisputable fact. I don't like the idea of highlighted routes though. Reminds me of Mirror's Edge. I like that Cole could just go anywhere and do anything, without needing to be guided. Well, even if it's there, I know I'll love the game regardless. This is a D1P if ever there was one.

14 years ago

so,so,so,so,so cant wait for this!!!!!
this will be GOTY 2011, followed by RAGE than crysis 2.
i wish sony would buy sucker punch!
there such a fantastic development studio, so, so, soooooooooo much better than MM!
why they bought them over the much more talented SP, QD, insomniac ill never understand!
QD are one company sony seriously needs to snap up, david cage is the future of this industry, he is the new visionary!

14 years ago

Sony said they couldn't buy them all. Media Molecule are very talented and the level of polish on their first PS3 game shows it.

Sucker Punch has to be willing to sell and with their current relationship with Sony, it really doesn't seem necessary.

14 years ago

of course they cant, but MM over QD?
thats like saying no i wont buy that ferrari for 5000 bucks, ill buy that crappy suziki instead!
yea, MM are a ok dev team, but there nothing in comparison to QD!

14 years ago

This is just a wild guess on my part, but Media Molecule is the one company, out of all you listed, who would benefit the most by being owned by Sony. It probably cost them more to make their games than the other companies. So that would put them in a spot where selling makes the most sense.

14 years ago

dude you serious?
QD have their own motion capture studio, plus their staff base is about 3 times the size of MM!
it would of cost QD a absolute fortune to make heavy rain, totally worth it, but i can see them going MP for there next title.
i really dont want to see that happen, there far too talented a team for that to happen.
sony already lost insomniac and NT, so i hope they dont let QD suffer the same fate.

enslaved is a freaking awesome game, totally loving it!
but……. i cant help but think what it could of been like if sony snapped them up like they should of once heavenly sword came out.
they showed there such a talented studio, some of the stuff they did in their game took other studios years to match!
im still to see a game which has a larger battlefield and more characters on screen than the final battle in heavenly sword.
if they could do that with the tools they had back then, imagine what they could of done now with enslaved!

14 years ago

InFamous 2 will be fun, I don't see anything epic about it but it'll definitely be fun.

14 years ago

Look amazing indeed, the tornado's look especially sick. I do wish the combat had a bit more depth this time around, especially with the addition of the weapon. Up till now the combat doesn't seem very deep but we haven't seen much yet really so wait we must. Still day one purchase for sure.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
14 years ago

Please give us a demo before release, just like the original, thats all i ask. 100% amazed by infamous 2 so far.