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EA Responds To Pressure, Removes Taliban From MoH

The Taliban controversy hovering over EA's Medal of Honor will soon disappear. Why? Because the Taliban have disappeared.  Well…sort of.

According to a statement released today – as noted at Kotaku – EA have responded to the pressure applied by backlash from "friends and families of fallen soldiers," and have removed the Taliban as playable characters in their upcoming modern-war shooter. Well, the Taliban will essentially still be there, but they'll now be labeled as the "opposing force." Remember when some game companies couldn't get licensing for their sports game, so we got fake athlete names…? Something like that.

It didn't help that earlier in September, the commanding general of the Army and Air Force Exchange Services said they would pull MoH from U.S. military bases worldwide due to the "well-documented reports of depictions of Taliban fighters engaging American troops." Now, a statement issued by the game's executive producer, Greg Goodrich, has confirmed the team's decision to drop the Taliban reference. You can read that statement in full through the link above, but here's a snippet:

"This is a very important voice to the Medal of Honor team. This is a voice that has earned the right to be listened to. It is a voice that we care deeply about. Because of this, and because the heartbeat of Medal of Honor has always resided in the reverence for American and Allied soldiers, we have decided to rename the opposing team in Medal of Honor multiplayer from Taliban to Opposing Force."

For the record, Goodrich clarified that this decision will not directly affect the gameplay. His statement above finishes with, "To all who serve – we appreciate you, we thank you, and we do not take you for granted. And to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines currently serving overseas, stay safe and come home soon." Well, they probably did the right thing, don't you think?

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14 years ago

Well, ultimately I think they should do what the troops themselves wanted, but I understand the decision that they made and why they made it. I'm just glad they listened to the families instead of Jack Thompson or someone from Fox News.

14 years ago

And there it is. I am glad EA showed some respect, but being how gaming is big business, I have to wonder if the name change wasn't always the plan. MOH got the publicity after all.

14 years ago

they DID listen to that gold star mom from fox news. Karen Meredith i believe. Just watch that video and you will get pissed off. She totally disrespects WW2 vets etc.

14 years ago

I just decided not to buy it, thanks for making that choice EA.

14 years ago

I don't really care nor did I really care whether they named it the Taliban or not. I have numerous friends that were and are in the military and most of my family has been military and no one has had issue with it. I do understand that families of fallen soldiers might have issue with it though so instead of risking a political sh$% storm the best option was probably to change the name.

14 years ago


Who cares what they are called, its a video game.

14 years ago

Thats my point its a video game, no one seems to have a problem with russians, japanese, chinese, or hell americans being killed in thousands of games over the years. So it seems that the lives of these brave soldiers doesn't have any meaning, some thing seems very wrong with this mind set.

14 years ago

They are a business and if they felt it would hurt sales than they did the "right" thing. However the right thing could have also been keeping the Taliban as the name if that is what the troops wanted who are actually dealing with them firsthand.

14 years ago

the whole thing is pointless, it's just a game and only in multi player so its not even a story, you're just nameless americans and middles easterns.

i understand how this could be hurtful to the families but the game will not feature accurate depictions of their kids getting killed so i fell they over reacted
and it's like EA said, someone needs to be a bad guy like when you play cops and robbers and its not gonna make you into a Taliban if you pretend.

i mean there are all kinds of movies about this and no one even bats an eyelash, im really getting sick of all this hate towards video games over things that are fine in other media

14 years ago

Excellent point. But, don't forget that we play games that let us depict ourselves as Nazis killing Americans, British soldiers, and everything else, and Nazis were arguably worse than the Taliban, but then again it did happen about 70 years ago so there is the time factor.

But, you're spot on about films depicting such things and no one boycotts the films or threatens to pull them off the shelves.

14 years ago

You make some excellent points. People have been playing WW2 game for years now.

But, I think the issue with MOH is the fact that war depicted in the upcoming game is still going on, and there are still plenty of US families being effected by it.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 10/1/2010 1:57:22 PM

14 years ago

I agree with Coverton for the most part, except I would have a serious problem with anybody who claims that the Taliban are worse than the Nazis. They may try to be just as bad, or worse, but the Nazis were far more effective at genocide then the Taliban are, and of course there's the fact that the Taliban aren't as organized, nor are they as large of a group as the Nazis were. I'm not trying to say the Taliban aren't bad of course, I just think that they still aren't on the same level as the Nazis(But then again, nobody really is in my eyes.)

14 years ago

I don't really get it, because changing their name doesn't change the fact that they're still Taliban. Is this really going to appease those who are causing the fuss? In all the WWII games you could play as Nazis or the Japanese killing American soldiers, yet nobody raised this kind of fuss about it. The excuse that time insulates us from history's events can't really be used, because WWII only ended 65 years ago, and there are many alive still that were part of it and/or effected by it. It just doesn't make sense to me, but whatever.

14 years ago

It's too new and too recent. I'm sure if you asked a 70 year old man who has seen a gas chamber and the piles of anerexic bodies piled like leaves in pits you would get a different opinion on wether they wouldn't mind playing as a Nazi in a game.

It's emotional. I read the full response that EA gave and it tugged on my heart strings. They did the right thing. What has made MoH a great franchise (before they threw it in the toilet) was their reverence for the men and women who have actually served.

They did the right thing.

14 years ago

I understand what you are saying, and I do believe the soldier's wishes should be respected first and foremost in a case like this. What I'm saying is it's a double-standard of sorts.

The argument is that playing as the Taliban is disrespectful to the victim's of the Taliban. So isn't it true that playing as Nazis is just as disrespectful to their victims? Shouldn't these soldiers be given the same respect no matter what war they fought in, and no matter how long ago it was? They all made sacrifices and fought for our country. They all went through hardships I hope myself never to see, and they all have my deepest respect. So why are they getting a different treatment?

Last edited by 556pineapple on 10/1/2010 11:49:49 AM

14 years ago

Probably a good move by EA, who knows, maybe they'll do a MW2 by having you playing as a suicide bomber.

14 years ago

I understand from EA's point of view, why they changed out the name. Personally though, imo it's all a crock of sh*t!

It's ok to shoot at the Japanese, the Germans or Vietnamese but not at the Taliban because that war is happening now? It's a game. And if you ever wanted to really reach home to people about how crappy war is, give them something, a name, they can relate to.

I remember at times during playing World At War, there were moments that I paused the game and realized, although I'm playing a game right now, it's representative of some really bad moments in world history. By calling the Japanese by their real name in that game, it wasn't like just mindlessly killing a nameless enemy.

So should news channels not refer to the Taliban as the Taliban anymore? Are people really that sensitive? Should everyone be wrapped up in cotton wool? Or should they wake up to the fact that the world is far from perfect and in the real world the enemies have names and this is a game merely imitating and portraying real life. Did someone lose an son or daughter in the making of this game? No?
Then put your energies into bringing your son's and daughters home from the real war and stop worrying so much about a video game.

Last edited by frostface on 10/1/2010 11:25:37 AM

14 years ago

You are missing the point. Playing as the Taliban in this point in time is disrespectful. We aren't at war with the Japanese, Germans, or the Soviet Union.

Why would you open yourself to sensationalize a group that would like nothing more to watch America burn to the ground and all the people in it die a horrible death? You forget that there are plenty of demented people who would take it to another level and enjoy it. This isn't something that should be de-sensitized. That is exactly what you wind up doing by putting the Taliban name in there as a playable side.

I didn't think it was a big deal either. But, if EA got heart felt letters from people and families who served that thought it was then they are absolutely doing the right thing.

I'm all for free speech, it's what you do with it that matters. If you want to make yourself look insensitive, callous, a butt-head, racist, bigot, or sexist, you have every right to. You will also face the consequences of public opinion as they have the right to free speech too.

14 years ago

JBooch, you make great points but political correctness is nothing more then a way to lie about what's going on in order to make a minoirty feel better. Truth should always win out and unfortunantly in this media driven society the whiners always seem to get their way in hiding uncomfortable truths. Soldiers are the ones who should get the last say in this. they obviously didn't have a problem with it as they helped with the game. It's all the media retards who did the complaining and their PC nonsense won I the end…again.

They fight for ours freedoms and this is what they/we get. More media driven political correctness. Nonsense.

14 years ago

I completely understand why EA made their decision and from their point of view, it probably was the right thing to do.

But I don't believe I'm missing the point regarding getting to play as the Taliban. I think people should be able to play both sides of the war.
Not that I expect there to be many (if any) Taliban fighters rushing out to buy MoH, but in the real world people are dying on both sides.

Hypothetically speaking, I would deem it equally offensive to be able to play as the Americans, invading another country and killing their people. I'm not trying to start a political argument regarding my own personal opinions on whats going on over in Afghanistan. I'm not a soldier or related to one who's fighting over there and it would be wrong of me to judge or make guesses at how they perceive their current situation.
However, there are a hell of a lot of people out there that are not pro-America and not supportive of the 'War on Terror' in the Middle East.

But this is a game about a war thats happening right now but it's not ok to name names of all parties involved? If people are gonna be that sensitive, then why make the game at all?
I don't personally agree that it should never of been made, I'm planning on picking it up when it releases. But you can't make a game like this an not expect to offend some demographic of people.

Last edited by frostface on 10/1/2010 12:43:27 PM

14 years ago

There were people defending Nazi's too Frostface. Regardless of how one feels about war in general, it's nonsense to think pro Taliban types opinions are just as valid as pro American types. Taliban are scum who rape, stone, murder their own innocent people. Americans do not. They risk blood and treasure trying to stop these monsters while asking for nothing more than a stable government and country in return. One the world can live comfortably with.

This isn't about "understanding the Talibans side of the argument." it's about the truth of whom we are fighting over there.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/1/2010 12:53:18 PM

14 years ago

@jawk. American forces are just as vile as the Taliban. It all depends on your perspective. American troops are raping and killing innocent Afghanis under the guise of war. Not to mention the number of innocent civilians who are killed by our bombs and missiles. America invaded these people's homes. They had nothing to do with 9/11, yet they are being stigmatized and killed for being born in the wrong country.

The crux of this discussion is that too many people play the victim card and want the world to be as they see it, when in fact there are 6.6 billion others we have to share this small, blue marble with. Joining the U.S. military is a voluntary choise last time I checked, so anyone joining should have been cognizant of the dangers of joining this select fraternity. As such, it doesn't give them a monopoly on how others should act, think or feel.

I understand EA's decision to back down. I just don't agree with it. The folks doing the most belly aching about it were never going to buy the game anyway, so why listen to criticism from someone who is not going to add your bottom line?

14 years ago

"@jawk. American forces are just as vile as the Taliban."

This kind of foolishness isn't even worth arguing with. Any rational, clearheaded, sane person understands the difference. If you can't see the difference, your nuts.

14 years ago

I can't believe I'm on the same side as Jawknee. 8o

I don't advocate war, but the Taliban have been abusing their own people for years, whereas the NATO/American soldiers are _mostly_ trying to improve their lives. To argue that the Americans are as bad as the Taliban is absurd.

14 years ago

It's called empathy. I'm glad EA has some.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Things like this is what makes me dislike my country. Really folks…I mean there had to be enough bitching from someone for them to make this change. The real question is, who is the hippie fag (probably drives a VW bug or Prius) that complained. Our men and women fought long and hard over seas for our freedom, why not give them what they deserve…a game that kills all those Taliban Effers!!

14 years ago

It's not the country as a whole. It's the PC media and the cowards who hide the truth when it's uncomfortable.

14 years ago

Um, I don't think the hippies had anything to do with this…

Last edited by Benzin on 10/1/2010 1:56:01 PM

14 years ago

@ Jawknee: Fair Statement.

@ Benzin: That's where your wrong….it always a Hippies fault….always (j/k) :p

14 years ago


14 years ago

And now whenever another group is offended with something in a game they can just use this as reference and get the game changed

14 years ago

Oh goodie, political correctness wins again!


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Just to clarify, when I said in the article, "they probably did the right thing," I'm talking strictly from a business perspective.

14 years ago

I think they did the right thing period, but that's just me.

14 years ago

I would understand if the soldiers objected to this but it was the toxic media who blew a gasket over it. I understand where EA is coming from but at the same time its like…"dudes, grow a pair."

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/1/2010 12:23:50 PM

14 years ago


Well, the families of soldiers voiced their concerns, and that's good enough for me, and obviously EA.

I think it's very important to keep their point of view in mind.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 10/1/2010 1:56:39 PM

14 years ago

Exactly. I think families of fallen soldiers have a little more credibility than the mainstream media, and if that's why EA chose to change it then I respect them for it.

14 years ago

I agree the families opinions matter a great deal but where do we draw the line between truth and political correctness?

Seems to me truth should always win.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/1/2010 2:17:47 PM

14 years ago

I would just like to point out here that if they do not like it, don't play the game.

This has always seemed to be the corner stone of a lot of people's beliefs, especially on this site. I have noted before how gamers have complained about a minority complaining about content, to have said content removed.

With every point, you are going to offend someone, so why not stick to realism? These soldiers are not fighting an unnamed force, are they?

14 years ago


When are developers going to learn that the only way this medium is going to be taken seriously is when we starting drawing lines in the sand. this is RIDICULOUS. It's not like they've reskinned them to be aliens, for years and years we got shovelled WWII games. For once we're actually getting a meaningful, authentic attempt at a important PRESENT conflict.

So the Army brass have spoken out, so freaking what, Tier 1 themselves were involved in the making of it, lots of army dudes freaking play these games themselves. Hell, some might've even WANTED to go in the military from playing 1st person games as a young kid.

To me, Medal of Honour seems to be the ONLY game in years treating this with the respect it deserves. Funny that it gets this crap.

14 years ago

You mean there are people who think EA is wrong to change the name? Let me get this straight now. You were SO eager to play as the Taliban that now you're disappointed in EA for showing a little respect for their troops and their family member?

Read the WHOLE statement and you'll see that they had an overwhelming response to the Taliban in their game. Most of it was positive. So they could have reasoned that there was no need to take out the word Taliban because the majority don't care.

What they did however, was change the name out of respect for the many many who took the time to write EA and explain in a heartfelt way why this causes them pain.

This is a powerful show of respect to those who wrote them. Have WE received the countless letters that EA has received and read? No. We don't have a clue what EA has seen and heard. Out of feeling and respect for their fellow human beings they've made a TINY change in their game.

I say good for EA. They should be applauded.

14 years ago

Who was eager to play as the Taliban? I want names. If your going to throw out blanket accusations like that at least have the guts to name names.

Im eager for truth. Nothing more.

14 years ago

Hahahaha….perfect example of ignorance.

Any-American in their right mind would not want to play as the Taliban however, you should not be restricted just because someone disagrees with it? Its the freedom that our soldiers are fighting for, is it not?

This is the big reason we (the US) are so ignorant to what the rest of the world is doing. When we don't like something, we censor it instead of letting it be. If you don't like something, then you have the freedom to walk away.

14 years ago

@Alien. So can parents of children killed by serial killers lobby to change the story for Heavy Rain? Can people who believe in Greek/Roman mythology lobby against the gross misrepresentation of gods in GOW?

MW 1 & 2 allowed us to play against an unamed Middle Eastern group, so what is the big deal? It's just a game. The Taliban is just a name. Not too many Americans could tell you any more about the Taliban besides their name.

America may be the greatest country on the planet, but it has some of the most ignorant and petty principle driven citizens. No lie. A couple of years ago, a study was out that said 70% of Americans thought Canada was a state. Need I say more?

14 years ago

@ jaybiv – You're asking me if parents and Greeks have the right to lobby against something that disturbs them? Yes they do. Will anyone listen? That's a different question.

@ Jawknee – People who are complaining about this change are just being self righteous. Would this have even crossed anyone's mind if EA hadn't named them the Taliban in the first place? We should all be glad we're even getting the game and that it's not being canceled like the Fallujah game.

14 years ago

Its self rightous to demand the truth be told? this is grand coming from you. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

14 years ago

@anjpikapp3, this isn't about our ignorance to foriegn affairs. These people hijacked jumbojets and rammed them into 2 of our biggest buildings and killed thousands of people. This is about us fighting a group that wants us dead.

EA doesn't want people to walk away from their game. More happy people and politically correctness means more people willing to buy and play it. You can save the free speech soap box for the hippie convention.

14 years ago

@ JPBooch

Yeah, the Taliban did attack us…so did the Japanese. They hit one of our most prized harbors and killed thousands…Also, MILLIONS died by the hands of the Nazi's. Yet, playing as a Nazi (in MoH and CoD) is fully accepted?? If your going to argue that being attacked by the Taliban is the same as a "game" where the Taliban is a focus then you ARE the ignorant one. It's still just a game depicting (the devs) views of what may have happened during that time….nothing more, nothing less.

Also, the name of the "opposing team" does not matter to true gamers…if the content is worth it, we will buy it no matter whos killing who.

14 years ago

@ JPBooch
It was actually Al-Qaeda that hijacked those planes, not the Taliban.