No, we don't finish every game we review. That'd be too impossible for words. But gamers still demand reviews within only a few days of any given big release, so if journalists abide by Square-Enix's plea, the fans are gonna be annoyed.
This is in regards to the PC version but we imagine Square-Enix would ask the same of those reviewing the PS3 version (when it arrives): according to one source , the publisher has been delivering review code with the following caveat: they don't want reviews to be posted until "three to four weeks post launch." You can write up some impressions before that time but they obviously don't believe you'd see enough to do an accurate review after only a few days. Square-Enix describes this as a "polite request" and it's designed "to give the online game time to mature." This is one of those times where it may not matter, though, as MMORPG fans have probably decided for or against a purchase already. Then again, if you happen to be on the fence, you may have to wait a bit before you get any critic feedback. Perhaps such a suggestion would've been helpful for FFXIII…if you don't play for a while, you're going to miss a huge transition in gameplay, not to mention the development of the story.
But what do you think? Do we need a few weeks to get a firm hold of FFXIV, even though the controls, graphics, sound, and other score-able factors obviously won't change after the first hour…?
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV
I don't see the problem.
A game like MAG should have been reviewed weeks after launch or maybe rereviewed again a year after launch because MAG, as it exists now, is heads and shoulders above the launch game.
Agree 100% with your reference to MAG. It's completely different, and when 2.0 drops, it's a brand new game.
Sure, someone can play the game for 10 hours and get the jest of it, but until you put around 50 or so hours into it, it's impossible to get the complete experience.
It's easy to notice when the reviewer has only skimmed the surface.
i might get mag now!
I agree 100% too. If ffxiv is half as addictive as Mag than I may just have to take a second look at final fantasy games.
It's an MMO there is going to be a tonne of area to explore and a massive (Excuse the pun) amount of things to do so, while yes it could annoy some gamers, I think this polite request is well within the bounds of fairness.
I don't really play MMO games, actually the only one I ever have played was the beta for this game, but I can imagine that WoW would have been a bit different from the first two weeks it was up until about a month after.
While the graphics in this game are very top-notch. I can't really say much for everything else.
I wish there was a way hold more than 8 regional leves. I wish the cooldown on leves was a bit shorter (from 36 hours to 24 hours would be nice). While bazaaring you can charge whatever you want and people aren't gonna be able to undercut you as easier, it makes it harder to simply go to an Auction House and just look up available equipment there.
Partying, adventuring in a group is fun, but they really need to make it so you can view party members on the map. A few of us would be like "Where are you?" and its confusing when you get replies like "East of the Camp".
Biggest annoyance though, is should you disconnect, or something happens in the middle of a leve (crash, etc.) you get an automatic fail on your leve and I for the life of me can't find if I can just re-do it instead of waiting for leve reset.
Dude, haven't seen you post for a long time. Am I just not reading the right articles? 🙂
Were you in the beta for this game or something?
If you type <pos> in your message, it'll give them your location on the map. Every map is cut up into a grid of letters, horizontally, and numbers vertically. So, if I tell you I'm at G-7, you will find me quickly!!!
But you're right. FFXI had markers for allies. I'm sure it's either a matter of time, or maybe you and I just haven't figured it out yet.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 9/29/2010 11:39:59 AM
I never seen you before but obviously you're not new and you're a power user!!!!!…………..what's that?
Whoa! What's a Power User?
Also your avatar is cute, what's it from?
Thanks for the wb.
I've tried that several times in both field map and town map, and that doesn't work.
Snaaaake and Kowhoho:
I don't know what the requirements to get Power User are. But I have been visiting this site since before the commenting system was added.
Last thing,
I won't lie, I can see Square-Enix tries to take a lot of the best elements of MMOs and did their best in trying to blend and implement (Such as the crafting quest/skilling up system from Aion, I believe). Now there was a lot of critisism about some aspects of 11 (having to Party for Hours, or impossible bosses) that 14 has addressed. But ultimately the flaw I see with 14 is in trying to bring in the biggest and best ideas, they overlooked the little parts that make the game more interface friendly.
I have to agree with this. I'd rather have a review that is thorough by a person who has actually experienced most of what the game has to offer than to have a review by someone who just skims through the game and makes assumptions.
Not saying this site does that, but at least their polite request would have the reviewer not do that.
Square Enix are just being a coward.
SE: "Please give us a 4 week head start!!"
Little Big Planet, where it was entirely based on user created contents were reviewed before launch. The community didn't get huge until a month or two later. Media Molecule didn't beg for a head start.
I've been playing this on PC lately. I actually enjoy it quite a bit! For RPG fans, it's a MASSIVE world, and there's enough of a story that you really don't need to rely on teammates like you did in FFXI. It's still an MMO, but you can do a heck of a lot more solo.
In fact, quests will ask you beforehand for a difficulty rating, and you can select the SOLO option, or tackle it as a duo, trio, party, or legion!
In other words, you can play solo the whole time, with a buddy, or with huge amounts of friends!!! I really like that improvement.
The battle system is mature, and you can frequently change depending on the situation at hand.
Anyways, I do think it takes a little time, simply because it takes time to become well-rounded within the game, takes time to travel, and the game keeps throwing new elements at you all the time.
but yeah, as with most MMO's, the game you review now, may be completely different 2 years from now. Certainly, FFXI is nowhere NEAR the same game it was when it first released.
fyi, Ben, I say that if you get ahold of FFXIV on PC, there's enough there that you could make an accurate review after 15-20 hours of gameplay. If that takes 2 days or 2 weeks, I don't think it matters.
Also, Ben, quick question about FFXIV reviews. If I decide in a couple months to review my experience of FFXIV on PC, would I be able to post it as a user review in anticipation of the PS3 release? From what I read, the controls are identical to PC if you have a PS shaped controller for PC.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 9/30/2010 8:51:12 AM
I think the critics can review most elements of the game right away. It's just the social aspect of it that needs time to grow.
Meh, either way. I'm not on board for this one. MMO's just don't appeal to me, at all. This FF installment is a waste of roman numerals to me. Still biding my time for VS… hope that pans out.
Maybe they want you to wait a few weeks to give people a chance to get it before it receives the negative reviews it may or may not deserve?
Review for FF14: "Due to this delayed review, many people put off buying the game, causing a lack of players online. However, it was pleasant playing with and getting to know IGN's and GameSpot's reviewers better."
Is this another FF game that'll take 100 hours of gameplay before it starts to get "good"?
It's not so much that the game gets good, but that the game is almost over.
The seems like a reasonable request. After playing FFXI for 4 years the game didnt get good till "The Rise of the Zilart." expansion. Before that its was all about the Shadowlord.
What nonsense. When it comes out for the PS3, you ignore SE the way they ignore the fans and you give us the review we all want to see.
What do you care, you're not going to get this game anyways.
Right. Because you've never said anything about MW2.
I actually played the full campaign and attempted the MP for the game so I don't see why I wouldn't discuss various things related to MW2.
I was just asking a question, be nice.
I'll say something about MW2… and I bet it's the same or similar opinions as LV… the game's a recycled glitch-fest.
In 4 weeks they may add enough content or patch the game enough to make the fans happy.
I not even going bother with a MMO from SE when they can't even make good single player games any more.
Makes sense, I don't care a great deal though since I won't be getting this Final Finance game. But I do have a pretty solid belief that any game at or under ten hours in length should be played in full before a review.
"The reviewer always has hold of the wrong horror."
-Flannery O'connor
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/29/2010 12:54:29 PM
Favre needs to stop being gay.
Oh and the forums miss you…
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/29/2010 2:12:41 PM
Oh, I didn't have hold of the "wrong horror" when reading some of O'Connor's stories. Oh no I didn't. I got that "horror" QUITE well, thank you.
I will return to the forums when the Nazi agitator Spartan has finally gotten himself banned again.
What happened?
Did you send him naked pics again?
He'll get nothing but curses and epithets from me.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/29/2010 5:52:01 PM
It's a logical and understandable request by Square.
We'll see if ps3 reviewers will follow this request in March.
Yeah, i don't think you can review this kind of game right away. You at least have to play it a few days to get the charm of the game.
I guess it really does depend on the individual. I mean, some people (like yourself Ben) believe that you can review a game after only a few hours. This isn't necessarily wrong, but in this modern age of DLC, it is far easier to expand on the game and make it better than it would otherwise be at launch. A broken product is still a broken product though.
Some people choose to complete a game, or at least get a fair clip through it before reviewing a game, and as such have a much greater grasp on the little intracicies that may be skipped over if you don't put the hours in. I'm not saying that you aren't doing your job properly; that would be extremely out of place. Just that in the case of a game that relies on extraneous content and a larger community, that time really is needed. So MMO's, MAG, LBP, Modnation Racers, and an ever expanding range of games, as they all seek to be a part of the new wave of DLCGames.
Sorry for all that.
Not that I'm accusing anyone here; just making a general comment:
I like how everyone is all diplomatic and civilized about this when on the flip side, if a review isn't out IMMEDIATELY, reviewers and sites won't hear the end of it for a very, very long time…
Just sayin'. 😉
My thoughts on that? The people who demand reviews need to stick a fork in it..
Is that concerning the never-existant ModNation review?
No, it's just a general observation. People FREAK out if a review isn't out the instant a game is on store shelves. I've noticed that in gaming communities…it's not any one site, it just seems to be the overall consensus, as if every last gamer will be making a purchase decision on day one.
It's a little frustrating from my angle, that's all.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/29/2010 3:50:56 PM
I know what you mean, especially since so many sites break the embargo dates. But then gamers have never been known for their patience 🙂
Well to be fair, ModNation Racers is not an MMO.
I like to think that a few of us slightly diplomatic chaps are always this diplomatic and have never clamoured for a review that isn't out the nanosecond after the game is out.
That's what I like to think anyway.
so where's the modnation review at? lol
Stockholm Syndrome lol.
I'm not asking for the review to be out the second the game is. I'm cool waiting for a couple of weeks, unless I'm really interested in the game, but am on the fence for a purchase decision. Then it becomes a matter of impatient waiting.
Coverton, Even I'm not known for my diplomacy most of the time, I'm with you on this one!
I think I'm somewhat opposed to this notion. Really, when a game releases it needs to be prepared, and or, ready to be judged. If it's not at this state, well, it shouldn't be released until it is.
Games of this nature tend to have betas to iron-out the pre-ship bugs and contrivances associated with trying to launch large scale games of this sort. All of the gaming media shouldn't be the ones having to wait for the sake of the publisher's inability to properly prepare the product.
Sorry, but release date, means SHOW TIME!