Last week, I reported on the software numbers for the week
running January 22nd through the 28th. GTA: San Andreas dominated
the chart with 227k copies sold for its debut. But now, as
promised, here are the hardware numbers for that same week. The
sales of the Nintendo DS Lite continue to slaughter the
competition with close to 195k units sold; an attractive software
lineup and a terrific price-tag helps Nintendo's dual screen gem
maintain its momentum. Likewise, the well priced Nintendo Wii
continues to move units, with nearly 84k consoles sold for the
The PS3's sales continue to slump overseas, as Media-Create
reports the console selling four consoles shy of 20k. With Virtua
Fighter 5 on the very near horizon, and Gundam Musou to follow
very shortly after, sales of the PS3 should see a decent boost
very soon. For those who don't know the importance of Gundam
Musou, it is, quite literally, Dynasty Warriors gameplay using
Gundam characters and events. And that formula is bound to sell
truck-loads with the Japanese. The game is a joint project
between Namco-Bandai and Koei.
The sales chart goes as follows:
Nintendo DS Lite 194,526
Nintendo Wii 83,754
Sony PSP 35,700
Sony PlayStation 2 20,995
Sony PlayStation 3 19,996
Microsoft Xbox360 7,365