inFamous is one of our favorite PlayStation 3 games, and inFamous 2 is one of our most anticipated games of 2011. So…how's about inFamous 3 ?
Although Sucker Punch isn't 100% on where they're headed after the upcoming sequel is complete, studio co-founder Bruce Oberg said they'd "give serious thought" to making a third installment. In speaking generally about their relationship with Sony and Sucker Punch's future, Oberg gave Eurogamer an update on 2011 and beyond:
"That could be with Sony. We have a great relationship with them. We love the PlayStation platform. I'm not lying when I tell you it's a really killer technological platform for us to work on.
The support and marketing, and also their approach to us, to let us make the game we want to make, is really incredible. Our relationship with Sony has been just incredible, all through the Sly series and all through inFamous."
For the record, the developer does not own the rights to the inFamous IP, but the creators describe this as "a small price to pay for the freedom to make the game we want to make." Then, after saying Oberg would give inFamous 3 "serious, serious thought," he finished:
"We know how lucky we are. We're really lucky to have such a great relationship with such a top-flight publisher that lets us create original IP. The number of studios creating original IP is few and far between."
The latter leads us to believe that if they decide to end inFamous after the sequel, they'll definitely want to try something new. We often run into this conundrum: keep a talented developer cranking on the established franchise we've all come to love, or let them apply their skills elsewhere. The latter is riskier, certainly, but also more exciting on several different levels, from both a gamer and journalist standpoint.
Related Game(s): inFamous 2
Well……yeah……… 🙂
I expect/hope after Infamous2 they move on to a different project then come back to the series later on, possibly for the PS4.
I agree. I rather see a mind-blowing inFamous 3 released on the PS4, than a super inFamous 3 squeezed out in the remaining part of this generation. Either way, I'm sure I'll be ecstatic, but the former case is better than the latter for both the franchise and the studio.
go to hell
Boo hoo 🙁
If i do, i'll be sure to absolve you of all your sins. Psyche! Scythe to the face! Quick, name that game!
Dante's Inferno?
Bingo! You got it!
wtf is going on?
of course they will do a 3. this series is too popular, and will move at least 3 million for the 2nd part.
I think they said the same thing about Infamous 2 when they were done with the first one.
This is probably my most anticipated game of 2011.
"We know how lucky we are"….
Actually we, as gamers, are lucky as well…
Sucker Punch decided to risk with a new IP and they created a fine game with a story that combines action, drama, adventure and time travel all in one mix…
However they decided to risk once again by changing the looks of Cole, people voiced about what we really wanted Cole to look like and guess what?? They listened…
That proves that this is a company that TRULY listens to their fans and what THEY like, unlike many others in the industry….
That, my friends means COMMITMENT…
Last edited by McClane on 9/28/2010 4:03:33 PM
Amen to that.
Sony has always been that way. With ps1 it was so much more evident.
Blasto, Alundra, Legend of Dragoon, Cool Boarders, Jet Moto, Rally Cross, Crash Bandicoot, Ape Escape, Twisted Metal.
Great to see Sucker Punch doing they're best in a game they've always wanted to make. Pure freedom to really whatever you want.
And it's not just SCEA, it's also SCEE and SCEJ. Demon's Souls and Heavy Rain.
I loved Alundra and Legend of Dragoon, i also have JetMoto 1,3 somewhere good racing game have loads of fun with friends and my brothers. I can't forget Twisted Metal always had fun with that game.
<3 Demon's Souls. I still need to play Heavy Rain though when i can get a new PS3.
Grrr you just reminded me how PISSED I am that there wasn't a Legend of Dragoon 2 made. Sure the VO weren't great in the first one, but the gameplay was an absolute gem. Best turn based style to date IMO.
I agree with you i love that game a lot, i was a sad panda when there wasn't another LoD game.
If what I read about LoD is true, I seriously doubt we'll be seeing a new one. A team of over one hundred people worked on the title for three years. And then, it didn't manage to sell all that well. Mind you, that was back in 1997 or thereabouts, and that is a timeframe and team of a blockbuster game nowadays. Must've cost a fortune to make. Just thought I'd chip in there with a reason for no new LoD to the disappointment of many.
I wonder what they will do after they are finished with Infamous.
Like what genre will they do or ideas for it. But what ever they decide to do after Infamous I'm itching to see what's going to happen.
Who knows but i have total faith it will be something great. They obviously have a great talent and made a great new IP.
I wouldn't mind them doing an Insomniac style choice, minus the multiplat thing. That way they can do twice the games in the same time period. Also I would love some conduit on conduit multiplayer.
I'm thinking they should go for the hat trick and making it a trilogy on PS3. Once they see the sales on inFamous 2 I think they will be a bit more certain about where they plan to go. Sure inFamous 1 wasn't a huge payday, but new IPs often don't pick up sales until they have a number after their name.
They should have put 1 after the first game's name.
well imfamous sold 1.5 million to date that's pretty good. i think infamous 2 will double that next time around.
Damn Infamous should have sold more. Most under appreciated game this gen.
Agreed, that game deserves 3-4 mil. But I think more people will be on board now that inF2 has grabbed the limelight.
I think inFamous came out at a weird time right alongside Prototype and alot of people kept comparing the two. And I know for me, I didn't know which one to get so I initially passed on both of them.
It wasn't until being on here alot where everyone kept saying how great inFamous was tha I actually picked it up in the bundle with a DS3. Now it's become one of my favorite games.
…and it should definitely sell MANY MORE!
You know, I'm thinking that with games, the 'sweet spot' for sequels is probably 2 sequels plus the original game, then a break, and then perhaps another 3 games starting with a re-imagination of the original. Given the lifecycle of consoles today and the time it takes to develop a top quality game, it doesn't seem to unlikely that we would only see three games in a particular series of games on a given generation of console.
Besides you have to keep things fresh, and constantly churning on a new game can leave the creative people a little stale and worn out.
As much as I as a player want as many versions of my favorite games, I have to recognize that to keep quality high and ensure a really fresh story, sometimes games need to 'take a break'.
So, if there is a third game, perhaps it should be the last for a while? Let the developer work on something else and recharge.
I agree.
Just look at the RE series, DMC, and Call of Duty.
You know, I somewhat agree with you, the problem for this "break" is that many times the original team does not return for the sequels after the break, it happened to Silent Hill, Devil May Cry, Fatal Frame jumping to the Wii (ugh), Resident Evil and many others…
The advantage that VG have against, say movies, is that here game creators have all the freedom they want to do what they want in regards to story, new characters, among others…
So yes, in order to keep quality, developers need a break BUT as long as the original team returns…
However I may be wrong but I don't recall good games in a series after the original team disbanded…
The trilogy works for a reason.
I mean Star Wars knew what was up…
And we all saw what happened when they made a 4th Alien movie…WTF was that crap!
Don't forget the lame Live Free or Die Hard…
Many studios have good relationship with Sony and I don't know why Ninja Theory isn't one of them.
NT probably expected too much, that was reflected in their attitude.
What are you guys talking about? I bet NT did have a good relationship with Sony, I'm not sure why everyone is starting to dislike them. Has anyone even tried Enslaved? It's much more fun than HS ever was, the faces look to be the best ever, yeah better than Uncharted, maybe not by much.
Dude, did you heard about the guy in NT criticizing Sony?
Oh, no I didn't. My point about the faces still stands though.
You can really see the difference between a developer who's enjoying their work over those who are doing it in hopes of being rich. The difference in what is said during interviews is night and day. Sucker Punch is very lucky to have Oberg working for them.
Post of this thread.
Ninja Theory is doing just that, while others including Polyphony Digital, Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games, and others are not.
Reminds of our friends who develop Final Fantasy..
No thanks. The first one was nothing more than a mediocre sandbox game draped in a mediocre superhero story.
Care to explain why?? Seems to me you are being a little vague…
I could say the same for MW2, you know…
Hey, guy, something's wrong with your keyboard. When you type 'awesome' it writes it as 'mediocre'. We all know what you realy meant, sooooo no harm done….
It's a Microsoft keyboard, no doubt.
I found the game to be mediocre because as far as sandbox games go, this one was just that. Mediocre. Looking at the game's competition and leaving the superhero aspects out of it, it pales in comparison to the level of intricate detail you can find in a Grand Theft Auto, a Red Dead Redemption, and even an Assassin's Creed or two. The vehicle has to carry the passengers, and this one doesn't. The city was bland and unremarkable, the level designs were uninspired and repetitive; the enemy designs looked ugly and lifeless; so on and so forth. It was a game that literally required you to do the same things over and over until the story unlocked itself to the point you could beat the endboss. While this was okay for me back in my NES/SNES/Genesis days, I've come accustomed to having games that are so intertwined with their plots that the in-game action supports the novel or cinematic-like experience of the plot.
As for the story: ugh. I've read so many superhero stories in my life that this just wreaked of uninspired attempts at retelling a lot of jambled superhero plots from Marvel's fifty-year history of superhero comics. There's the whole morality play from The Amazing Spider-Man's early days, "With great power comes great responsibility," in the weak morality system that makes Cole a good or bad guy. Yet it lacks the emotional impact, or the intended emotional impact of that Spider-Man story, especially since there's no real connection between you, the player, and Cole, the character, to get you to invest in the character and his life on an emotional level., Then there's the threat from the alternate reality future thing going on that was done before and better by Chris Claremont and John Byrne in Uncanny X-Men, the story is called Days of Future Past. A dark future is presented to you, and you must do specific things to stop or insure said dark future. It was also done through a series of Image Comics in the mid 1990s, where the books jumped to issue # 25 to show you a dark future, then went back to their normal issuing sequence to show you how they got there.
I wouldn't mind these story telling aspects if they were done in such a way that they brought something new to the table, but they didn't.
My expectations, when it comes to superhero games and superhero stories in general, have been spoiled by really good comics over the past two decades. Comics like SLEEPER by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, STORMWATCH, PLANETARY, and THE AUTHORITY by Warren Ellis, POWERS by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming, INVICIBLE by Robert Kirkman, WILDCATS 3.0 by Joe Casey and Dustin Nguyen, and a whole slew of other. And everything superhero related, be it movies, television, or video games, gets compared to those. And this game just doesn't come close to that material.
And yeah, you could say the same about Modern Warfare 2, but to what point and what purpose? It's a game I like and it's a game I play, but it isn't even remotely close to my favorite game in the world, and it isn't one I even play more than anything else I own. If you really want to get under my skin in regards to my gaming habits, go after the God of War series, Street Fighter, Tekken, Uncharted and Uncharted 2, Arkham Asylum, Dead Space, Red Dead Redemption, and especially go after the Metal Gear Franchise as a whole, 'cause that's my favorite series of games of all times. 🙂
As for the microsoft keyboard comment: I'm not a microsoft troll of any sorts. I've owned on Microsoft console, that was the original XBox, as a christmas gift from a friend and for one reason only. SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos. I ditched it a month and a half later. Since the PSOne, I've been almost entirely Sony exclusive with a few detours here and there because I'm a gamer, not a fanboy. I've owned a Dreamcast that my dogs eventually ate, and a GameCube 'cause I had to have the Resident Evil remake. Other than that: ALL Sony. Five PSOnes, Six PS2s (maybe seven, I lost count), two PS3s and two PSPs.
As it goes right now, I don't own anything from Microsoft EXCEPT the operating system on this laptop.
So… nice try.
Eh. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love inFamous, start to finish one of the best games in my collection, especially in regards to the amount of fun you have while playing it, BUT…
It seems to be a habit of the entertainment industries to do things in threes. I want that cycle broken. I mean, yeah sequels are, nine times out of ten, better than the original work, but why does everything need to be sequelised. inFamous 2 makes sense as a result of the cliffhanger-type ending of the first, but if they do the same thing again, it will seem forced to me. I want this game to be IT. I want inFamous 2 to finalise the story arc for the series, so that they are free to move on and give us another new, awesome exclusive franchise. Although I could do with a PSP inFamous, if anyone at Sony is reading this. It'd certainly make me buy it.
That being said, I won't begrudge Sucker Punch if they choose to do a third. The first was purchase proof for the second, and I have no doubt that history will repeat itself and the second will make anyone that plays it want to play a third. I've rambled enough.
as much as i love infamous id much rather them do a new sly cooper game!
I do love infamous, and cant wait for infamous 2. but hearing about something on the next one even before the current pending release isn't out yet just doesn't bode well with me.. c'mon, you're killing us… :p
I want the inFamous franchise to continue well into the PS4 & PS5 era, and hopefully even longer.
But I also want SP to do other games in between inFamous, just so it doesn't wind up as just another COD milked-cow, such as Sly, R&C, and some new IP's thrown in for awesome measure.
Just rotate the games every 2-3 years we'll will be in the happy state of gaming Nirvana.