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“Spy Girl” Skin Confirmed For Splinter Cell

It's always good to share the wealth. Ubisoft has officially announced that the Splinter Cell: Double Agent "Spy Girl" multiplayer skin will soon be available for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. Luckily for PS3 owners, it will be included with the game for its release (in March), along with the special bonus of several new multiplayer maps and a few co-op challenges. 360 players can scoot over to the Xbox Live Marketplace and download the skin.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft did not confirm those maps and co-ops for the Xbox 360, and they also didn't say if the skin would be free. Just for the sake of future guesstimation, we'll assume Microsoft is planning to make all that extra content available eventually, but we doubt it'll be free.

Related Game(s): Splinter Cell Double Agent