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MAG Earns Greatest Hit Status

Sony has placed the spotlight firmly on PlayStation Move and when they say their motion sensing is for hardcore gamers, they aren't kidding.

For instance, the big 2.0 patch for Zipper Interactive's 256-player online shooter MAG launches this week. Not only does it provide players with a host of upgrades, additions and fine-tuning tweaks, it also adds Move compatibility. Avid fans of the game will be the first to tell you how much the game has changed since launching earlier this year; many will say they wouldn't play it when it first arrived but now, it has become possibly the deepest and most rewarding multiplayer shooter out there. Convinced? Don't own it yet? You're in luck: as you can see via the link above, MAG becomes a Greatest Hit this week. This means that as of September 28, you can nab the game for only $29.99, which is easily one of the best deals going for PlayStation 3 owners. It'll be the first chance you have of testing Move's shooting accuracy, although you might want to wait for that very cool rifle attachment .

By the way, the first Move-oriented shooter – Time Crisis: Razing Storm – has gone gold and will release on October 19. Ought to be fun.

Related Game(s): MAG

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14 years ago

Nice. pick this up and play it with Move until Medal of Honor arrives.

14 years ago

if you score mag let me know. with the new character slots you can do all 3 factions so it doesnt matter you can play for all of them. i think mag is sweet

14 years ago

I'm wanting to try a fps with move, but I don't think my first one should be co-op. I guess it's maybe more like wanting to be able to make mistakes without worrying about fitting in. I'm sure that's just paranoia.

I did pre-order that battle rifle about a week ago. It looks too cool and it's customizable.
I can't wait for Socom 4

14 years ago


I don't have hopes for that rifle.
1 the nav controler is in the handle so you have to hold the rifle left handed.
2 it looks like it's going to be hard to use the face buttons. X and O are also on the nav controler but they're next to impossible to use and stay on the move.
3 I don't see how one could use L1 and L2 on the nav controler with them being in the handle behind the trigger. (could be wrong)

If the face buttons where on the handle and if the nav controler be placed in the magazine or snap-on foregrip then it would be one good prop.

14 years ago

Fosho, I'll let you know Frylock. ha.

TES, I can't wait to play a FPS with Move too. Was going to wait for KZ3 but figured screw it. That's not until Feb ad I have been waiting for the right time and price to get MAG.

Question for anyone, how does Sony pick which games go to Greatest Hits? I always thought it was based on the number of copies sold. Hard to believe MAG has sold more than Uncharted 2.

14 years ago


You make a good point and I should cancel it until reviews are in showing it's functionality.


Let me know on psn what you think of MAG. I don't want to play with people who have no patience for rookies.

Last edited by tes37 on 9/26/2010 10:36:40 PM

14 years ago

Will do. Ill let you know if they're mean to the newbs. As i will be the newbiest of them all when i get the game. ha

14 years ago

let me know when you get it, i'm on raven faction. im almost close to maxing out, i think about 8 levels.

14 years ago

let me know when you get it, i'm on raven faction. im almost close to maxing out, i think about 8 levels.

14 years ago

jawknee, i think its a combination of copies sold and if it can continue to sell at its current price point. could be wrong but that may explain why MAG is a greatest hits while UC2 isn't.

14 years ago

Fosho John.

Thanks for the info Aaron. 🙂

14 years ago

@ Jawknee

Officially, any game which has been out for nine months and has sold 500,000 copies IN THE REGION is eligible, but no game is added automatically and the publisher has to be willing to sell it at the reduced price.

Sony seems to be willing to fudge these requirements, though.

Uncharted 2 is probably still selling well enough that they're delaying its addition to the GH line.

14 years ago

i really want to see how well move works. i am hoping it holds up to the regular controller.

Last edited by frylock25 on 9/26/2010 9:50:46 PM

14 years ago

When I used Move in the beta it felt weird using a flashlight like pointer for a gun and the button placement tosses you up a bit. X, [ ]. O, and / are the same (but are in a square not a diamond and the buttons are half the size) with T (the trigger) to shoot, the Move button as weapon swap and to knife you thrust the Move forward.

In the beta aiming was GREAT after you calibrate it just right, but no matter the settings you turn far to slow. I cranked everything I could to the max and only turned at what seemed like upper 30s to mid 40s.

Good news is that Zipper said that the Moves coding in the beta wasn't the final build. So I expect to see Move to be much better in 2.0.

14 years ago

Can Razing Storm be played with the DS3?
I'm a fan of Time Crisis but I'm not willing to get a Move because of it.

14 years ago

I like MAG. It's fun. It's just a shame there's so many bugs that still need to be ironed out. And I guess upping the fugly graphics is too much to ask? Regardless, the price is now right.

14 years ago

Maybe they will make these improvements in MAG 2. Been hearing rumors it's in development.

14 years ago

I still have a huge amount of doubt about the whole MAG 2 thing. It was originally leaked by Walmart, who let's face it, is not exactly an authority on gaming. They probably mixed it up with the mag "2.0" patch.

Anyways, good to hear this is a greatest hit. Definitely a fan of the game and am looking forward to the whole new skill set system. If I were to play this with move it wouldn't be w. out that rifle attachment 🙂

14 years ago

The MAG 2 rumors started when Wal-mart posted it online. Someone got news on the greatest hits reprint and jumped the gun calling it MAG 2.

IMO if MAG 2 is made it should be called SMAG. Second Massive Action Game.

Crap, Charles beat me to it. I type to slow.

Last edited by chewy102 on 9/26/2010 10:37:17 PM

14 years ago

Doesn't matter chewy102, that SMAG idea is brilliant.

14 years ago

CharlesD, True but Walmart is spur the news of ICO/SotC collection on us too. So i guess it could go either way.

14 years ago

MAG 2 (SMAG)…with 1024 players online. 😉

14 years ago

sweet. another game to not buy until black ops

14 years ago

That is quite a compelling price… may get this in a few months.



14 years ago

meh, never liked the MAG beta so there going to have to do allot more than add move to drag me in!
sorry, but dying than having to travel 10KMs back to the objective is not my idea of fun!

as for time crysis i was so excited when they announced it at E3, but WTF are they doing!?
why has time crysis turned into a normal?
they have changed this from a arcade shooter, to a more open styled shooter.
i hated the story missions mode TC4 had, so why the hell have they turned the whole game into that!?
TC was born a arcade shooter, so it should stay a arcade shooter!
god, capcom can you leave one f*cking franchise in tact!?

they changed RE, DMC, whats next?
street fighter turning into soul caliber?

14 years ago

What does Capcom have to do with it? It's a Namco game. I guess you couldn't get a good look at the logo because you were to busy crying and complaining…

14 years ago

He doesn't really play games. He just comes here to b**ch and moan while pretending to play games. I think it's like an outlet for him. A place to vent his anger. problem is, no one cares to hear it.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/27/2010 11:38:12 AM

14 years ago

well cool i guess no more excuses from me i gotta pick up MAG now any tips for a noob who is not that good at shooers?

14 years ago

If I had better internet access I would get this. It just sounds so awesome! 256! + move!!

14 years ago

Where did you hear that the big 2.0 patch is coming out this week Ben? Zipper has only announced that the patch would be out within a month from Sept 17th. You may want to clarify for your readers who actually believe what you say.

14 years ago

And for those looking to get orientated with the game the FYC clan is pretty casual and we have helped many noobs understand how to play the game. Hit me up if you want, just let me know this is where you heard, otherwise i tend to delete the random requests I get. Oh btw the best tip I can give you is get a mic, they work wonders.

14 years ago

I wish I had stayed with this one when I bought it at launch. No one I knew was playing and no one wore a mic. Maybe I'll fire it up tonight……..

14 years ago

hit me up if you need someone to play with. my buddies and i play a lot. same name as here for the psn.

14 years ago

Will do. Thanks