In this case, it's not so much the news itself that's interesting, but the question that arises from the information.
So we know LittleBigPlanet 2 won't be ready until January, as the team says they simply won't be ready to deliver the best experience possible by the expected November launch. But it appears that – at one time, at least – Media Molecule wasn't all that convinced they could make good by the deadline. It seems the game's creative director, Mark Healey, told Play UK the team wasn't 100% on the release back in May:
"Well, we’re targeting this year, Thanksgiving I think. That’s what we’ve promised Sony, but y’know, I wouldn’t like to stake my life on it."
Of course, as the summer passed, the developers may have gotten more confident…or maybe less confident. However, it seems obvious that if MM had had their own way, they might not have announced any solidified release date, and it begs the question: how often to publishers put pressure on a design team to provide the public with the release date that public craves? LBP2 would be huge for the holidays for Sony, so it stands to reason they wanted MM to finish.
To clarify, the developers have always said they love working with Sony, but there's always the standard nature of the publisher/developer relationship. How often do you think devs are pressed into making a launch release (or at least, a launch window) announcement before they're ready…? We're betting it's common.
Related Game(s): LittleBigPlanet 2
Will this be considered Game of the Year 2010 or 2011 then?
I think we need a new award.
How does "Game of the Century" sound?
Last edited by wiiplay on 9/24/2010 11:19:23 AM
There's just too many top-dogs in 2011 and if all developers are unlucky, we'll see Uncharted 3.
How can this be GOTY for 2010 when it doesn't release until 2011?
Trying… to… wrap… my… brain… around… that… one.
Be sure to head over to the Digital Foundry and check out the brand new graphics face-off between LBP and LBP2. Awesome effort by the guys at Media Molecule who continue to push more out of the resources they're given.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/24/2010 11:28:20 AM
January when?
Hopefully mid of January cause I'll be busy after that when the Lunar New Year comes at the 3rd of February.
Now releasing it before Christmas would be great you know…….
The plushies from the collector's edition!!
Good thing I never told my friend I was gonna give it to her as Christmas present.
i'm hoping for mid to late january myself.
it'd be nice because my birthday is in that time frame 🙂
I read Jan. 18, 2011.
Late January = Dead Space 2…. So they better not wait too long.
How often are devs pressed into releasing games on the publishers time? Just look at every activision game that isnt made by blizzard
MW2 a fun game but it's a bugfest.
A bug fest? Name one bug.
where do you start?
There is the javelin glitch that they fixed, there are the invisible elevators, plus anygame where a you can lunge 10 feet and get an instent kill with a knife angers me
According to Beta testers, the game is quite buggy at the moment. They said they're not surprised.
They also told us that it'll be worth the wait and it will exceed all expectations.
This'll probably be my fave game of all time.
Damn right! It's good to see people who appreciate what this game's all about.
It's the kind of game you can pop in at any time and experience new things all the time. I also like the fact that you can search for the kinds of levels you want. Like if one day you're feeling evil you can go around playing all the evil levels you can find.
Yeah, exactly.
I'm also a hardcore creator so that is obviously the bigger hook for me. My mind is boggling at the possibilities.
Maybe sony puts more pressure on there games than other developers. Te reason why i think that is because in the beginning of the Playstation 3 there was a lot of dates being moved back. This may be a number of things but my guess in on sony pushing for a release date.
"…[S]ony puts [LESS] pressure on [their] [developers] than other [publishers]."
Activision would have forced MM to release the game broken.
GT5 is a perfect example of how Sony treats their devs. Release it when it's done.
I'm sure they pushed for a holidays release for LBP2, since they don't have any of their other major franchises coming this holiday season (just GT5 now), but when the game needed more time, it got it.
p.s. I wanted just to change "more" to "less", but the other errors demanded to be fixed as well. I hope my point is still clear.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/25/2010 3:32:48 PM
Less than two years seemed too tight for a sequel this chock-full of game-bending features.
Delays are a common woe of project management, especially for projects and teams as complex as MM's.
I'd guess they're almost always pushed to give a date. That way the publisher can hype the game and hold the devs accountable all at the same time.
A January release is actually refreshing. I mean sure the holidays sounds like the best time for it. But starting off the year with a bang is also great.
But what I take out of this news is that quality is what truly matters.
Last edited by Scarecrow on 9/24/2010 12:58:11 PM
Yes, quality does matter. I would wait a month or so longer for a better game if the makers an't satisfied with there own game… GT5 for an example, sadly some people just don't understand that.
Marketing does it again. <sigh>
Why didnt they just announce it next year then if they do better they can release this year. Would be much nicer news.
If only it worked that way, but the publishers want it out at a certain time and some times the team doesn't get what they want and we luck out on a "not as good as it could of been" game
I think with all the problems and backlash Sony had with SOCOM 3, they know it's better to have a slight delay than to release an inferior product followed by update after update fixing one thing after another.
I assume you mean Confrontation.
Oops, you're right! SOCOM Confrontation.
Great news! November is about GT5, and now the beginning of next year can be LBP again until KZ3. A two week break for that, then back to Sackboy. SWEET!
I can't be disappointed by this news.
It definitely gives GT5 the chance to step all over everything else.
Now GT5 has all the November "lime" light.
LBP2 wasn't a buy for me, at least not for the first couple of months.
But I would of liked it to be out for the holidays so the sells could be epic and now the game won't move as many consoles.
GT5 will sell like crazy and move plenty of consoles,
now where is that GT5, PS3 bundle?
from sony's standpoint, it makes sense to aim for a launch date before the holidays. lbp2 is capable of moving ps3s and with the emphasis on move, sony was trying to corner every market this holiday season. i wouldn't read much into the release date being pushed back. there was probably a couple of hiccups that forced everyone's hand. this game deserves a flawless launch unlike lbp where advertised features took several months before they were patched in.
than why announce a date if your not sure yet?
never make promises you cant keep!
they just lost a sale, ill be too busy playing dead space 2 to even think about this!