It wasn't really on anyone's radar until Sony announced they'd be releasing a Gundam Musou PS3 bundle in Japan, but as it turns out, the game belends Dynasty Warriors and Gundam. Interesting little hybrid idea, yes?
If you're interested to see how such an idea comes to fruition, you might want to check out the new video Namco Bandai posted at the official website. It's no secret that past Gundam s have, for all intents and purposes, sucked. But when one idea fails, perhaps the best thing to do is build or expand on that idea, rather than simply tossing it away. And besides, the Japanese still love there Gundam.
It's the characters and environment of a Gundam with the faster and more accessible gameplay of a Dynasty Warriors , so check it out! The game is scheduled for a March 1 release in Japan.
Related Game(s): Gundam Musou