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Dead Space 2 Closed Multiplayer Beta Invites Going Out

Betas are fun. They can be tricky to get into, but that makes entry all the sweeter, doesn't it?

A number of readers have contacted us about the Dead Space 2 multiplayer beta, and it seems the invitations have already been sent out . We're not sure how many rounds of invites will be sent, but we do know the test should be starting…well, right about now. However, bear in mind that this is a closed beta, which means you can't just pre-order the game and get yourself a code. Right now, we have no idea what you have to do to be invited, but we get the distinct feeling there's a fair amount of luck involved. Perhaps being a PlayStation Plus member will help…that's just a guess, though; nobody has said anything about Plus members getting preferential treatment for this particular beta. Also, remember that this is a multiplayer beta; Visceral will be tossing in this new element into the sequel, so of course, that's what they'll be testing in the beta. Who ever heard of a single-player beta?

We'll see what we can do to get involved but in the meantime, if you're in and you wanna brag about it, let us know. Dead Space 2 is slated to haunt you on January 25.

Related Game(s): Dead Space 2

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14 years ago

I've got mine baby, I was gonna contact you bout it Ben but I knew you'd get like ten other people so I said nevermind all that.

I'll be online testing this bugger tonight for sure. Visceral ftw.

14 years ago

I didn't get mine. WTF!

14 years ago

You lucky b……

14 years ago

I register all my EA games on their website. I bet all the DLC for Dante's Inferno that I bought got me in 😉

14 years ago

I register all my games on SE. Look at you, you little EA member.

14 years ago

I reg SE too, so that I might have a voice in bringing about their change or downfall!

14 years ago

You be nice, I love SE…sure it's an abusive relationship and I sometimes call the cops but I NEVER press charges.

14 years ago

Sigh, didn't get one =(

14 years ago

lmfao @ LV.

14 years ago

I signed up for SE and all I got were some lousy post cards.

Ok they're cool.

14 years ago

Sweet got mine too!

14 years ago

Oh well, maybe next time

14 years ago

Well World – you work out the bugs and I'll see you on Jan 25th!! I can't wait for this game.

14 years ago

Will-do Doctor Sven.

14 years ago

Hey, if you miss this beta, then "RUSH" back into the "3D Dot Heroes" thread.

I left the link to get a chance for an early access key demo code for "Laura Croft & the Guardian of light".
FYI, It's only for PC & PS3 Players in North America & Europe.

Hurry up though, cause I posted it around 10 PM EST, I don't know how any they have left!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/23/2010 10:18:14 PM

14 years ago

I got in. 🙂 Maybe it was all that dragon age dlc lol

14 years ago

Let us know what you think! Cannot wait for this game…

14 years ago

First Impressions: I played a few rounds and it is pretty fun and also fairly standard fare. It being a beta, who knows how the end maps will turn out but these were surprisingly small and as such I was aware of the fact that it was much more fast paced than I had though it would be.

There isn't any focus on the creepy factor (at least in these few deathmatch rounds) but everything from DS1 is intact and then some. I'm not a fan of the new suit, but whatever. I blasted through the necros the best I could and my team won (not much thanks to me). There were three types so far, your multi-appendaged lurkers, your giant toddler-grey alien hybrids, and this little hunchbacked frog with tentacles.

The real star here (much to my surprise) was playing as the Necromorphs. When you respawn you get to choose your class and then have at the good guys. There isn't really much in way of weaponry for them since they just melee, but they are faster than the Suits and the little hunchbacked frog can walk on the walls. The hud changes as well, with a red tone of course and font change.

Not too much in the way of bugs or glitches so far. It can be off when walking on walls. The graphics are a bit better but not a ton and the darkness hides a great deal.

Again, so far, this is looking pretty solid. Fun, but also standard. You guys know Multiplayer isn't really my thing though, so when I do pick up Dead Space 2 don't be surprised if I pass on most of the multiplayer action. I'm still happy to be a part of the beta and will absorb what I can from it to help Visceral.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/24/2010 12:01:21 AM

14 years ago

Thanks for giving us your impression of the demo. I too will most likely play the MP a couple days then forget about it like I did with Uncharted2.

What was the sound like? Was there any music or creepy noises in the distance?

14 years ago

So basically Left 4 Dead in space it sounds like.

I loved the first Dead Space and I'll be picking up this one as well. But the multiplayer will be wasted on me as I won't touch it. The true experience is in the single player mode.

14 years ago

Hey World….Wake the FU*K UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

Okie dokie, been playing some more. I was wrong bout the melee, there is a necro that has a ranged spitting attack. Also as a Suitman you have a 1-2 punch melee kinda thing going on. You can still stomp the frogmen too 🙂

Umm, and there only seems to be one map actually so far. Maybe the others will be more open. Gaining levels gives you access to more weapons and alternate firing of them as a Suitman. If you pick the spooky toddler necro you can leap up on people's backs and then you and he essentially get into a button mashing contest to see who can press X faster or until someone dies.

What I thought was quite cool was you can use your stasis deal to slow the necros down but it only works once until you get another pack (The necros drop tons of stuff though) The control map indicates you can use telekinesis too but I haven't figured out what for yet.

There is no music but as per usual Visceral brings the sound in very well. Lots of atmospheric echoes of creaking, squealing, bullets slapping against flesh, etc and so forth. It's all very effective. You will get some instructions on what to protect and stuff in your helmet, or if you are necro you get it in your head (or wherever you store your brain).

Hope that helps.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/24/2010 1:32:02 AM

14 years ago

Hows the teamwork? Is it all out everyman for himself or does the gameplay/pace allow for some teamwork?

You're such a smartsy beta tester!

14 years ago

The teamwork is definitely there, though I see mostly people just running amok so far. The mission here is to put together a Shock Mine, some sort of weapon to keep the necros at bay. So while fighting them off you collect parts, and when a guy has the part (if all goes well) the others team up to protect him. In this way I had a good match where we formed a phalanx around this guy and helped him to the site.

For the necros it's basically protect your territory and kill the peoples to keep them from putting that Shock Mine together. The teamwork here of course is to get at the guy carrying the part.

14 years ago

Actually sounds like fun. I loved the level design of the original DS so I'm sure having some mindless MP fun in similar settings can be a real hoot! Yes, hoot.

I'm still pissed you got the beta code and I didn't. Guess that's what I get for loving SE.

14 years ago

Still sounds pretty awesome. I agree that I pass on quite a but of MP simply because it is a major time-suck, and I just don't have that much time…. But this one looked fun.

I just hope they don't make MP trophies required for the platinum – again, I will NEVER be able to platinum resistance 2 or killzone 2 for this reason.

I don't know if you saw it, but gametrailersTV had a great episode all about Dead Space 2 about 2 weeks ago. Really great video from that episode.

14 years ago

This is why people like you WorldEnds. You give to the community.

14 years ago

Just like his mom.

14 years ago

I know I'm often a Jester, but I love this place. I Will return to the forums the minute the Nazi Spartan is gone.

14 years ago

i was worried about this game being toned down because people were saying they did not finish it because it was too scary.
but i have nothing to worry about, its absolutely freaking fantastic and the mysterious story just adds that much depth to it!
wish they would release dead space extraction on the PSN soon though, i cant wait till jan to get my hands on it!
plus ill be too busy playing dead space 2 to even thing about extraction!

14 years ago

Also, I a side note, I hope this goes to show people not ONLY PS+ users get things, I have PS+ and I didn't get one (and I'm not all upset and whining about it), and I have a few friends on my list who aren't + users and they have it 😉

14 years ago

I got an invite 🙂 I just assumed it was because I'm on the EA mailing list. Or maybe because I'm such a cool guy.

14 years ago

i want to try this. i wonder how the online will work. i'm really interested in the SP mode tbh.

14 years ago

I don't like multiplayer because it detracts from the sp experience.

14 years ago

I appreciate the appreciation, and I'll be happy to answer any more questions. I'll be back on DS2 tonight to keep checking it out. I got a lot to do lately, so if u like my methods in madness I'm losing sales so I gotta punch my old book. The Nightmare Syndrome:Things Long Dead.

14 years ago

Damn sure wish I would have gotten into this. Oh well maybe next time. I did get a EA Sports news email though and a beta invite to Kogamu(a Facebook MMO).

Oh wait my mistake I thought that was just as cool.

14 years ago

i have the psn plus and i haven't gotten it yet. . . . . .this is some bull****!!!

14 years ago

i got mine too the day it came out hahaha the bad thing is thers only 1 map and 1 objective so far