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Get Ready For The Inception Game

If you were one of the many who enjoyed "Inception," you might be interested to learn that Christopher Nolan is planning a video game adaptation.

According to a new Variety report , the smash hit film has grossed $753 million worldwide from Warner Bros., which probably isn't surprising. But what is a little surprising is Nolan's obvious intention to bring his creation to the world of interactive entertainment. As he said at the recent Rome conference:

"We are looking at doing is developing a videogame based on the world of the film, which has all kinds of ideas that you can't fit into a feature film. That's something we've been talking about and are looking at doing long term, in a couple of years."

"Inception" was the only summer release to stay in the top 10 in the US for 10 straight weeks and managed to rake in $285 million in this country alone. Nolan added that he was initially worried the movie would be seen as "being overly cerebral or puzzle-like" but obviously, such concern was unwarranted. The question is, what kind of game would this be…? That might have to be "cerebral" or "puzzle-like," right? If it is, it'd be one of the first movie-based games to be anything close to "cerebral."

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14 years ago

That would be awesome but is christopher nolan a gamer? I would rather have someone who understands gaming make it and he can make up the story for it and oversee the project.

14 years ago

So maybe we're looking at a PS4 game here? Nolan is one of the most talented writers/directors currently in the business. About time we see what he can do for a game.

14 years ago

I swear if they're gonna develop a game, give it to the people that know how to create a game.

Last edited by TheCrazyMerc on 9/22/2010 9:55:40 PM

14 years ago

I'd say give it to one who knows the concept best, it's creator.

14 years ago

This could actually turn out really good, as long as it isn't based directly on the film but instead on the world of it. I thought the movie was good and there is a lot of wiggle room there. Thing is, I have no idea what genre you'd put it in. Could be sweet as a Heavy Rain style game.

14 years ago

oh god!

14 years ago

Will this be the western version of Professor Layton then?

14 years ago

I have hopes for this project. It's not a quick project to make extra cash off of a big blockbuster. Or at least I hope not.

14 years ago

Great news, Nolan is one of the best directors around but make it exclusive.

14 years ago

I don't care much for the movie…which consequently means I don't have any interest in the game.

The special effects were cool.

BUT this gave me a good laugh –


14 years ago

I'm hooked on Nolan. Been a fan since Memento. But I smell "cash in" with this late video game adaptation.

"The movie made 753 million? Let's slap together a game after the fact….that ought to make at least another 50 mil!"

14 years ago

Well The Dark Knight made over 1billion and he didn't attempt to milk that into a videogame adaption. Plus his track record has shown he's only invested his time into what he feels will make for good entertainment.

I really don't get why you would think he's wanting to "cash in" on Inception. I look at it as he has an interesting story that may translate into a game which means Win/Win for us gaming fans that enjoy his movies.

14 years ago

There probably wasn't a Dark Knight game because Batman: Arkham Asylum was already in development.

His good track record consists of movies. We'll see what he does with a video game and how involved with it he really is. He might write a good story for it, but a lot depends on whoever actually makes the game.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm not initially enthusiastic about a movie-based video game.

14 years ago

They gonna make the game where we play a game playing a game wherE you play a game inside a game. Its gonna make us Sh1t brix

14 years ago

Kinda like dot.Hack?

14 years ago

If only it was gonna be like dot.hack. that game was legit for ps2…should be interesting how they are gonna turn this into a game. Great movie by the way

14 years ago

I like how it wasnt rushed out alongside the movie, and that they arent trying to retell the film through the game. The dream world thing could make for quite the interesting storyline. I wonder if Nolan's writing the script? And I wonder if Leonardo is lending his voice to the project.

14 years ago

Maybe we can use the Move to do some Zero-G fighting…That would rock!

14 years ago

I already see the general reviews:

"Do not touch!"
"Stay away from this game"
"Insult to the movie"
"Hollywood strikes again"

I am not touching this game until I have read descent user reviews.

14 years ago

Since the movie was his own Inception, I don't see why he couldn't do a good consecution on a video game too

14 years ago

how ironic, kept saying to myself during the move this would make a kick a$$ game!
wonder who will be helming it.

14 years ago

It'll be sweet if we could build a city in our dreams! 🙂

14 years ago

I think this would make a great game if the plot, gunplay, and level design are top notch. The movie was badass.

14 years ago

The idea is there. Let's just hope Nolan get's someone who is on the same page with him to translate his thoughts onto the screen. I see a PS Move compatible game ahead if this pushes through. Imagine the possibilities:
the game can be immersed into the dream itself via the PS Eye!

14 years ago

Just re-skin assassin's creed. Same basic story idea. Jacking into a memory/dream.

Inception didn't really impress me as a movie but while watching it I did feel the story/world might have made for a cool game idea. We'll see I suppose.

14 years ago

"You shouldn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling"

14 years ago

If it captures the brilliance of the film, which is possible for some developers… i'd have to have a lot of tissue to clean up the mess in my pants.

i mean it'll be good.

14 years ago

Inception as a game..hmmm. More games the better.