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Hey Sony: Move Marketing Can Target Obesity Epidemic

Yes, I know Wii Fit already exists and Nintendo has taken this marketing angle already. But after spending a significant amount of time with Move, I've realized Sony should definitely target the obesity epidemic to help shift units.

I'm waiting to deliver a full hardware review until I can play more of what Sony has to offer in 2010 but in the meantime, the amateur marketer in me (who really doesn't know more than any average gamer) takes one look at what's happening in this country and makes a connection. First of all, the very name of the product lends itself to a campaign against obesity. Secondly, and I made mention of this in our Sports Champions review , you really do have to move . Outside of Wii Fit , most all games will let you sit down and flick your wrist around; my brother and several friends have had the Wii, and I've played it plenty…not once did I come close to breaking a sweat. Now, that may be because I'm in pretty good shape, but then again, my fitness works towards my point: Move got my heart rate up.

These days, I'm happy to say it takes a good amount of movement to get that heart rate up, and I was satisfied to see that after an hour's worth of Beach Volleyball, Table Tennis, and Gladiator Duel, I was breathing heavy. Furthermore, if you look at other Move games on the horizon, like The Fight , we should end up with lots of titles that would provide us with solid workouts. Thus far, this really is the biggest difference between Move and Wii; the former will have true-blue adventure video games (not designed around fitness) that will entertain and accelerate that heart rate and pulse. That's a pretty great marketing tactic, if you ask me…the health of this nation is in dire need of help, and video games are continually accused of contributing to the problem.

Well, here we have game games (not a Jane Fonda workout tape in the form of interactive software) that could help to combat the sloth that is killing us. And we need Kevin Butler to help. Get that guy in some spandex and a cheesy headband, and have him sweating until he falls over when playing some action/adventure Move game. We've been focusing on the technology but now it's time to get all socially responsible…and logical.

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14 years ago

OH OH I know!

How about something a Snake vs. Monkey game like the one that was in MGS3, but for Move?

14 years ago

I'm all for Move, but really Sony? Do you really think a video game is going to cure obesity? I admire your optimism, but going outside and enjoying the great outdoors is the only way to do it.

Btw, I plan on buying a Playstation Move at some point.

Last edited by Benzin on 9/22/2010 12:40:18 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm…not Sony.

14 years ago

Lol,great stuff…

14 years ago


Also, how about enjoying the great indoor swimming pool. Will that work?

14 years ago

i know moves just released, and they need time to optimize it and improve the features.
but im a little disappointed with move so far, especially with the XMB integration.
its so freaking frustrating, i was trying to scroll through my trophies today, you would think if you aim the controller down it would scroll down until you raise the controller, but you would think wrong.
it scrolls down maybe 10 slots, than stops so if you have like 100 games in your collection your constantly having to hold the trigger, tilt down till it stops, than let go of the trigger and rinse and repeat till you found what you want.
its so sluggish, and allot of the times when i tilt down the selection goes left instead.
like i select trophies than tilt down to scroll my games but instead of scrolling down it goes left and out of my game collection to the original trophy tab.
i say down, it says left, i say up, it says right.
sounds like my bloody laptop, no matter what you tell it to do, it does the complete opposite!

i thought it would be like the wii mote, point at what you want and select, nice, smooth and easy.
this is rough, slow, and so freaking frustrating!!!!!!!
even when typing, i can type so fast with the DS3, but with move it took me 10 times longer just to enter my PSN ID and email addy.
i thought the move controller would let me point at which letter i want, instead of having to scroll across, and for some reason it wont go several at a time it goes one by one nice and slowly.
it feels like a bloody 90 year old man has implemented move, its so slow and never does what you ask it to!

14 years ago

DS3 beats Move every time. Glad you've got some proof.

14 years ago

I use a keyboard for typing.

14 years ago

I'm not a fan of motion tech of any kind. So I'm of the frame of mind that if people want to get fit, no matter how sweaty Move will get them, nothing beats getting off your ass and going outside for a nice walk, go jogging or cycling, take up swimming or some other form of real life activity.

I'm by no means calling over weight people lazy. Sometimes people just need to change a small part of their lifestyles and have the will to want to get fit.
I just don't think Move or any other motion tech, no matter how well talked up they are by reviewers (no offense intended Ben), are gonna be the answer to not just Americans weight problems but the world over.

In fact I think it gives people the false impression that they're getting fit in their living rooms by swinging their arms about. Sure it's more active then using a regular DS3 but it'll take more than Move to really get people on the right track to getting healthy.

It takes a lifestyle change. Eat right and get regular exercise and fresh air. My concern is people who don't normally par-take in getting some exercise, will go out and buy Move, spend an hour playing and give themselves a false impression of 'Well I've done my exercise for the day, no need to do anything else'.

It might be better than doing nothing but it's just fooling yourself to think that you've actually really done something thats gonna change your life.

Last edited by frostface on 9/22/2010 5:13:55 AM

14 years ago

Heh, while reading this article I was stuffing my face with a cheese croisant with butter.

14 years ago

I just baked an apple tart and just had two large slices with custard…pastry was a bit dryer than usual but still top notch.

14 years ago

haha nice.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm hoping people can realize I'm not suggesting Move as a replacement to being active out of doors.

I'm suggesting Move as more of a gateway of sorts. It's the sedentary video entertainment overweight people are likely used to (and likely enjoy) just without the sedentary. It's a start; not an entire solution.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

The smart people have realized what you were trying to say with this article.

14 years ago

I think it's safe to say we knew what ya were suggesting.