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Nomura Promises “Proper” Versus XIII Unveiling In January

You know, we've all been waiting for a "proper" look at Final Fantasy Versus XIII . They said we'd get it during the first part of 2010…now it seems it'll be here first thing 2011.

During their behind-closed-doors showing of their newest FF title at last week's Tokyo Game Show, Square-Enix revealed a date for the upcoming "Fabula Nova Crystallis Conference:" January 11, 2011. And thanks to new info from producer Tetsuya Nomura in the most recent Famitsu , we've learned the meeting will highlight Versus XIII , Agito XIII and some "unrelated games" as well. Nomura's reason for the delay? He wanted the development team to give Versus XIII the aforementioned "proper unveiling" at the conference, so they didn't bring much to E3 or TGS. Even better, the Fabula conference is meant for the press, which means we should definitely see new footage and details on the Internet come January. Lastly, Square-Enix intends to announce new Dissidia characters; we already know Lightning from FFXIII will be featured in the freshly announced sequel, which will drop next year.

Dare we hope for a release date for Versus XIII at the conference? Maybe it'll be a big holiday title for the PlayStation 3…but above all else, we'd really like to get an extended look at some gameplay. 30 seconds of blurry footage at TGS isn't really enough.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII , Final Fantasy Agito XIII

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14 years ago

so i'm guessing it's safe to assume this isnt coming out till next year and not the original intended release of christmas 2010.

Last edited by dante_zero on 9/21/2010 12:45:16 PM

14 years ago

Pft, If I remember correctly, they said not to long ago that it might not even make a 2011 release.

14 years ago

Did it have an intended release date of this holiday season? I don't really remember hearing that but then again I haven't been following as closely as I was when I first heard about due to classes and work and such.

14 years ago

People, it's kind of like GT5: They're taking their time to make it perfect. Doesn't matter that it isn't a 'traditional RPG', this game is going to kick more ass than more games out there now this generation. I've been let down a lot this gen of gaming, and it seems Birth by Sleep, by far, is the best game this gen. In the fun factor, anyway. Heavy Rain was great, but I just can't get myself to replay to get the rest of the trophies. I blame Birth by Sleep ;P

14 years ago

LMAO I remember back in 2009 or so on US Official Playstation Forum, I made a thread regarding the latest trailer for FF Versus XIII which came with a real-time cutscene and displayed images and such.

Then at the end of the thread I wrote…"I'm pretty sure it'll come by "Mid 2011."

All, and I mean all of the repliers told me I had to be insane to think it would come out "Mid 2011."

"Oh yea I agree with starfr3ak2461 it'll DEFINITELY BE OUT BY 2010."

. . . – don't ever think a Final Fantasy game or any hyped up Square Enix game for that matter will come out in 3-4 years. Hell as Jawknee said I remember SE saying that Versus may not even make the 2011 release time.

WOW, but here I am hoping for 2011 christmas!

14 years ago

I'm not sure where dante_zero got Christmas 2010 from. As far as I am aware no official release window has *ever* be stated.

I think Japan has a reasonable chance of seeing it in 2011 but I'd honestly be surprised if we get it in the US before 2012.

14 years ago

It'll probably release in Japan Holiday 2011. Then because of multi-platform port, it'll be Q1 2012. It doesn't make sense to make the game 2013+. They could've made a FFXV by then.

14 years ago

This is what they said last year about this summer that is gone now. Ha

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/21/2010 12:46:28 PM

14 years ago

allz i want is a gameplay video to make sure it will be as awesome as it looked in that leaked video and a release date. Thanks.

14 years ago

Pfffftt… I'll believe it when I see it..

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Anything less than a release date and some solid gameplay footage will be considered a slap in the face. These bastards have been procrastinating for too long now.

Last edited by Sir Shak on 9/21/2010 12:48:22 PM

14 years ago

I'd love to hear more, but I have the feeling that, at the time the game releases, I have forgotten how much fun I had with FFVII on my psp three years ago. And with all the bad press SE have got recently, I doubt I will choose FFversus over another great game…

14 years ago

Yeah, like the superior looking The Another World which SUPPOSEDLY is what we all keep begging for in an RPG this gen…..but when the criteria is filled, we still chose to give space to this constant delay of a let down……which leads me to question said people's desires and whether they just simply enjoy being abused by Enix.

14 years ago

The most underwhelming news from Nomura. This remains still as a "borrow" game for me (since I have some friends who are die-hard FF-fanatics)

14 years ago

Is it me or is this situation seems extremely deja vu?… I really hope it's me…

Last edited by Yukian on 9/21/2010 1:10:45 PM

14 years ago

We've heard this very same thing before so I am getting a little wary. I really want this game to be good, I really want this game to wow me and it has been one of my most anticipated games of all time but I am becoming scared.

Though we did get the same kind of thing with GT5 and that is going to be flipping awesome so maybe instead of nobbing off the whole time they have actually been working to make it perfect.

Hey a guy can dream can't he?

14 years ago

Alright, Nomura…. I love you, man…. but seriously… I'm starting to not care about FFvXIII news. Lets get this show on the road so I can experience the awesomeness that is FFvXIII and you can work on your FFVII remake!

Time's a'tickin'!

14 years ago

I just hope the story is on par. Its already seems be more action RPG from the leaked footage we saw. Kind looked like Kingdom Hearts gameplay wise. Ever since 12 i'm just not as excited for Final Fantasy games. Bring back turn based combat,world map, and towns is the only way I would be excited for a Final Fantasy game again. But i will be looking forward to gameplay footage of Versus to see if its at least worth playing.

Last edited by Slycly on 9/21/2010 1:23:57 PM

14 years ago

Looking forward to the footage and I want to hear something about the RPG aspects (if there are any) of the game. If you want a release date don't hold your breath.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Well then, at least now I know when I'm supposed to be waiting for. I want info, I want screenshots, I want videos, I want a release date. And it had better be during the course of next year or I doubt that I'll get it. S-E is taking way too long with their releases. I'm also not sure if Agito is going to be all that good either. Here's hoping.

Dissidia2 on the other hand is going to be slick. The original proved that, and the inclusion of a bunch more characters is cool too. Lightning (FFXIII), Kain (FFIV), Tifa (FFX).

14 years ago

Tifa's going to be in it? Freaking sweet!!!! (Although she's from FFVII, not FFX. I know you know your FF's. Just a slip up. ^.^)

Oh yeah, if any of you Final Fantasy or DOA nuts are in need of a fix… check out Dead Fantasy on youtube. It's a computer generated fighting show. It's definitely independent, but a fun watch!!! And it's all Dead or Alive and Final Fantasy characters!

Tifa has materia early on, and kicks some serious ass! Even Kairi from Kingdom Hearts makes a cameo!!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Actually I don't know my FF's. Only played XIII thus far. Thanks for the correction.

14 years ago

My guess is that these idiots over at SE are gonna pull that same shyt they did with FF12 (released in NA on 10-31-06, PS3 released in NA on 11-11-06) and release it within 12 days of the PS4. So maybe we would be better off waiting for an announcement on the PS4 and then we can get a gauge on when Verses will release.

14 years ago

Seeing as how the first "unveiling" wasn't supposed to be seen by the masses, and Nomura now feels the need to say the "proper" unveiling is coming, leads me to believe that even those who were invited into the secret SE tent were not very impressed by what little there was, and were obviously vocal about it.

I'm telling you. This guy doesn't have a game and people have caught on.

14 years ago

lol you may be onto something. It seems like he probably only has half a level or two together with some responses built in. lol

Sure hope the story's written!

14 years ago

2012 release date.

14 years ago

Yeah… I was bummed when I heard nothing good was at TGS, but I cant help but be hyped for any info regarding FFv13.

14 years ago

Final Final Fantasy? I don't get it.

14 years ago

Tifa is one of the new charecters according to ign. And one of the other games they showed behind scenes was kingdom hearts

14 years ago


And it'll be a disappointment like the TGS is… like all their "revealing" and "news" has been

14 years ago

dare we Ask for a demo ?
Now that would be proper unveiling 😀

14 years ago

Release date Spring 2014

14 years ago

Dude – Final Fantasy Versus XIII would make the Guinness world record for "Game taking longest to develop"

Dude that would mean it took 11 years…11 YEARS!!! LOL!!! That's certainly insane!

I mean the concept planning did start back in 2003.

14 years ago

Duke Nukem Forever=13 years.

14 years ago

DNF does not count because they started, stopped, started again and stopped again they were working on many games in between duke.
the scrapped the engine and from scratch all over again 3 freaking times!
im really disappointed its gone to a TPS though, duke was created as a FPS so he should stay as a FPS!

14 years ago

I thought it was stated that we would be getting a short footage of Versus but instead it was shown behind closed doors.

14 years ago

this is off the topic but exciting:

From Software just announced Project Dark which is essentially Demon's Soul 2, anyone else here heard about it?

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 9/22/2010 12:40:14 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Yes. Go back to the days of TGS and you will see I mentioned the announcement in the article about Demon's Souls going Greatest Hits.

14 years ago

But…. it's multiplataform.

14 years ago

guys can we please shut up about the teases?
im really starting to get tired of the string being dangled in front of my face, i get excited than said announcement comes and its something not worth hyping up.
you think portal 2 or DNF finally releasing would of had the impact they did if the developers announced a announcement for said date?

if gabe told us hes announcing something at sonys presser would portal 2s announcement have the shock and excitement it did?
if gearbox had promised us a announcement at PAX, would DNFs announcement have the excitement and shock it did?
sure, both teased at such things, gearbox did tweet a link to pigs flying a few days before the reveal but thats just a tongue in cheek tease its not actually promising anything.

people would be so more excited and happy with news they get if the developers did not tease it in the first place.
as i have said many times if your teased to get something really cool for your Bday than get a get exactly what you were expecting, your going to be happy but your not going to be ecstatic are you?
but if your not expecting anything for your Bday and get the same thing as above your going to be really shocked, and ecstatic are you?

14 years ago

what is he on?