Want one final conversation-starter from the Tokyo Game Show?
All it takes is four words from Metal Gear Solid mastermind Hideo Kojima, which he uttered onstage at the Tokyo Game Show last week: "Maybe, I'll do 5." We all know what he's talking about. In the past, Kojima often said he considered Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP to be "Metal Gear Solid 5," but of course, fans just want another true console installment. Unfortunately, the MGS creator has also said he'll be moving on after completing MGS4 and Peace Walker , and he is indeed working on several new projects. Kojima and Co. may also get started on the long-awated Zone of the Enders 3 at some point. Of course, most avid fans of the critically acclaimed MGS series probably want this guy to get cranking on an official MGS5 but is that really fair…?
He has often stated he wants to try something new, so why not just let him? Isn't this one industry brain who should apply his talents in new projects every now and then? I mean, wouldn't we all benefit? Of course, there's always some danger involved in developing a brand new IP, even if your name is Hideo Kojima. And I don't think anyone wants to see Metal Gear Solid die out permanently; other design teams can pick up the reigns, as happened with Metal Gear Solid: Rising . So, what do you have to say?
I hate to think that Solid Snake has finished his final mission, I love Snake. I guess He can do what he wants but Snake can't be down… he just can't. I would like too at least see a MGS 1,2 and 3 remake in HD for the PS3. But I want to play as Snake again.
He can take a break and do what he wants, just make sure you return to what made you be known.
Oh and Rissing is a huge mistake. It ant MGS without Solid Snake.
I would also like to see Peace walker come to the PS3 also, at least a PSN download.
this is a two sided coin, can go either way: either a MGS 5 on ps3 could be a good thing, or sth totally new could be a great thing as well.
the problem is: he should have made the Peace Walker as the MGS5 on PS3, and now he can officially move on to a new project and does not need to get stuck in the regret of not making a MGS5 anymore. so imo, this was a wrong move, i will have to say.
p.s. for the Peace Walker. I personally it could have been the greatest installment of the whole MGS saga — cuz it talks about the core and the best of the whole MGS games, which are The Boss and Big Boss — two real and greatest hero and heroine of the entire MGS saga. imo, The Boss is the single greatest heroine of the MGS, and her death at the end is the saddest and most emotional ending I have ever encountered in video gaming, even above the death of Aeris
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 9/20/2010 12:33:59 AM
Nope, MGS is Hideo's ball in chain for the rest of his career.
If he ever left MGS I'd be all "hideo?"…. "HIDEO?" …… "HIIIDDDEO!!!!"
"Polyphony Digital has earned close to two billion dollars from GT."
The same can be said about someone like George Lucas who have made billions from his Star Wars franchise, however you don't see him pumping out a Star Wars 7,8,9,10, etc. at the behest of fans. Why is this? Its obvioius that he seee his talent/career as a filmmaker beyond his cashcow.
In the end nobody wants to be tied down to a single thing because its obvious that that these individuals see their talents well suited for other things. The comments by Bungies's Brian Jarrad when speaking about their liberation:
Speaking of PD, on many occasions Yamauchi have spoken fondly of wanting to do something that is non-racing/non-GT.
"Comment pending moderator approval"
"Comment pending moderator approval"
approve it ben or you will be sued. freedom of speech, freedom to be a troll. freedom to be asrehole, and proud to be team asrehole 4 life.
You're good on that team.
Problem with your analogy NG4 troll, George Lucas isn't that great. PolyPhony is.
@theinfamoustroll, Ben is the admin of a privately owned website. He can restrict what ever speech he wants.
Please, banish both of these trolls from which they came!
Last edited by Jawknee on 9/20/2010 11:59:38 AM
Did somebody just tell me what to do concerning Comment approval?
…hmm. I think I'll just ignore that.
Sorry Ben, I was being kind of sarcastic, yet kind of serious, too
it doesn't have to be without snake. he never died @ the end of 4 did he? the setting could be a nursing home where he sneaks around avoiding the nurses that want to give him meds, and the other staff that's trying to feed him strained peas.
if he was senile enough, he might actually believe he was still in a war zone.
That's a rather terrible idea, but at the same time, absolutely hilarious. Unfortunately, Snake isn't going to live long enough to go that senile. Remember that the nanites have sped up his body's aging processes?
Remake the original MGS on an improved version of the MGS4 engine. I can do without an MGS5. 4 was just a brilliant ending for the series, and really made it feel final. Doing more would definitely kill that feeling of perfection in gaming.
But I say do something new. I could go for a ZotE 3 to see what the clamour on this site is all about, but I'd rather see him try something completely new. And I think a real RPG would be best, but knowing Kojima, and RPGs in general, you'd need to have a PhD to follow the plot. Maybe he could do something akin to Heavy Rain. I'm drooling at the thought of that.
Re-mastering MGS 1-3 with trophies and a free-roaming camera, and I'll be one happy camper!
Even though I own and finished all the MGS games, doing the above would guarantee me re-buying those games and playing through them again.
mgs is finished let the story rest in peace, i rather he create another totally epic new IP
How about some Tophies in MGS4?
Every day that goes by, I think it's less and less likely that this will happen.
I'd love to see trophies in MGS 4, though!
Instead of making MGS 5, I'd be cool with having some DLC for MGS 4.
as much as i loved MGS4, still to today one of the generations best games and certainly the best storyline.
as much as i loved MGS4 i would much rather him do a new IP.
id love to see him do something like a survival horror, but something really weird sick and twisted, something really sadistic which would make you say what the %$#&, something that definitely would not feel like his typical game.
For once, I agree. I can imagine that it would be sorta like Catherine. Only knowing Kojima, it'd be all degrees more mindf***ing. Nice suggestion.
i love you
Please do something new!
Twisted Metal Gear Solid. An all Mech game perhaps? But seriously, like Jawknee said, if he touches MGS again it should be remakes.
Last edited by main_event05 on 9/20/2010 2:52:19 AM
Zone of the Enders and ZOE: 2nd Run are all mech games. Awesome all mech games.
Something new of course, after ZOE, you know this guy can do anything.
Like _______ said, I want him to do survival horror, and it would be nice if we have a horror like Siren Blood Curse but only better.
This gen Siren has to be the scariest but most under-appreciated survival horror.
MGS isnt finished.
Man we have soooooooo much left to go.
I would LOVE to see snake give it another crack. Im sure they could bring him back someway, i mean come on, they made up a way to kill him off in one game, they can make one to bring him back in the next XD
However something tells me that MGS5 would be a prequel.
you know snakes not dead right?
the saga of solid snake as come to a end,but Hideo said once that have a lot of content on the metal gear universe, i doubt people will not be hyped if he announce Metal Gear Liquid or Metal Gear Ocelot.
Oh, I'm still holding onto the hope of Metal Gear Sunny!!!
i have two ideas. frist do a Metal Gear Soild Collection 1,2,3,4 all with trophies and 3d and maybe move. then try to buy the halo franchise from micosoft and make the next halo game a Ps3 exclusive 🙂
As much as I want that too, it will never ever ever ever happen.
I believe that Mr. Kojima should do a couple of new projects (new IPs, ZoE3, etc.), and after they succeed (how couldn't they right =D?), then he should pour his energy into MGS5.
If he doesn't want to do MGS5 by then, I don't mind at all, as masterpieces like MGS4 are a dime a dozen; they're not common, and probably will never be. I think it's best to keep it like that.
Last edited by Victor321 on 9/20/2010 6:59:12 AM
I love Metal Gear, being one of my favourite game series of all time, but come on MGS4 was a conclusion, don't bust it open for a pointless sequel.
I'm sure Kojima has looked at his options and interests in new projects and have decided that nothing else is all that interesting to him (in terms of a brand new project). Hence, that's probably the main reason why he's entertaining the prospect of doing MGS 5.
People who keep saying "another MGS sequel will be too much, there is nothing left to tell" I think your giving Kojima too little credit. If anyone can run a series continueously without running it into the ground, it's this guy.
i agree with what you say, i just dont know myself where we would take it. i'd like to have a clue jawknee…
Hideo – Do something different, you've already crushed em with the MGS franchise. Can you now top that? Or is that the max to your talent?
If he wants to branch out then mayb he should do a new IP in between his AAA titles… Like do a new ZOE,NEW IP,MGS5,NEW IP,ETC… That way he keeps his fanbase happy while exploring new ideas and games
Last edited by Deathb4Dishonor on 9/20/2010 12:47:34 PM
I think hideo should help make another Suikden
Last edited by Pandacastro on 9/20/2010 12:59:46 PM
Can we get both?
I want the series to move on. I don't even want Rising to exist. I'm sure he has so many great things he'd love to explore and experiment with.
I dont want to feel bad, but like Dr Ock said in spiderman 2… intelligence is a gift for the good of manking.
kojima, if your reading this, your brilliant. you deserve to move on if you want.
I would want an MGS5 and with this guy, it wouldn't fail, but what would it be like. snakes story is over isn't it…
Personally I think he should move on to new stuff, he should do a Suikoden game
Hard to choose … MGS would be a great game of course … but remember this is MR.KOJIMA after all .. so if he makes a new project i thing he means new "genre" … a whole new experiment …
Hard to choose … MGS would be a great game of course … but remember this is MR.KOJIMA after all .. so if he makes a new project i thing he means new "genre" … a whole new experience …
Hard to choose … MGS would be a great game of course … but remember this is MR.KOJIMA after all .. so if he makes a new project i thing he means new "genre" … a whole new experience …
Hard to choose … MGS would be a great game of course … but remember this is MR.KOJIMA after all .. so if he makes a new project i thing he means new "genre" … a whole new experience …
Hard to choose … MGS would be a great game of course … but remember this is MR.KOJIMA after all .. so if he makes a new project i thing he means new "genre" … a whole new experience …
Even though I'm a giant Metal Gear Solid fan, I don't really want to see the series stretched out further so it can actually get started to be considered to be 'Milked'. MGS5 doesn't need to happen because really, Solid Snakes' story ended and we understand what happened with Big Boss from MGS3 and what happened BEFORE Metal Gear on the MSX.
The only ACTUAL things that could be done in the MGS series before it's put to rest is a Metal Gear 1 and 2 COMPLETE Remake on the PS3 w/ Solid Snakes' first mission invading Zanzibar Land and Outer Haven, which of course, meeting and fighting Big Boss with the visuals of todays consoles. WOULD BE EPIC AS SHIT!!
As well as if there is perhaps a story to contribute more to The Boss BEFORE, MGS3, while The Boss was teaching Jack and what things happened, if anything at all interesting of course. MGS Peace Walker told a pretty deeply-connected story to contribute to The Boss but who knows what more they could do, I was addicted to playing MGS Peace Walker, but I wasn't satisfied with the ending unfortunately.