Want one final conversation-starter from the Tokyo Game Show?
All it takes is four words from Metal Gear Solid mastermind Hideo Kojima, which he uttered onstage at the Tokyo Game Show last week: "Maybe, I'll do 5." We all know what he's talking about. In the past, Kojima often said he considered Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP to be "Metal Gear Solid 5," but of course, fans just want another true console installment. Unfortunately, the MGS creator has also said he'll be moving on after completing MGS4 and Peace Walker , and he is indeed working on several new projects. Kojima and Co. may also get started on the long-awated Zone of the Enders 3 at some point. Of course, most avid fans of the critically acclaimed MGS series probably want this guy to get cranking on an official MGS5 but is that really fair…?
He has often stated he wants to try something new, so why not just let him? Isn't this one industry brain who should apply his talents in new projects every now and then? I mean, wouldn't we all benefit? Of course, there's always some danger involved in developing a brand new IP, even if your name is Hideo Kojima. And I don't think anyone wants to see Metal Gear Solid die out permanently; other design teams can pick up the reigns, as happened with Metal Gear Solid: Rising . So, what do you have to say?
I'll buy anything he is personally involved in. Personally, I think he should remake Metal Gear 1 and 2 for PSP or PS3. Either way, what ever he gives us it's sure to be a winner.
Last edited by Jawknee on 9/19/2010 9:46:23 PM
As long as it says "PS3 Exclusive" in it, it really doesn't matter to me.
I think he should try some RPG's… He could make a deal with Square Enix to remake Final Fantasy Tactics or Final Fantasy VII for the PS3 in full blown HD and a sprinkle of 3D here and there… yeah, let me live my dream people!
I personally don't want him touching the FF series.
Yea if he's going to do an RPG, better he create his own.
@Max why does it matter if its exclusive? If its good I bet everyone will buy it regardless if it Ps3 only or multiplat
Last edited by MartyRules on 9/19/2010 11:45:56 PM
Because it wouldn't be the full potential of what the game could be then.
Haven't you noticed Marty, there is actually a benefit to focusing on one piece of hardware, specifically the PS3.
They could pull a FF13
No because the game will still have to be designed with DVD limitations and possible lack of an HDD in mind. Not all Xbox's have an HDD. Part of the reason games like God of War III and Uncharted 2 turned out the way they did was because of the they used the HDD and Bluray on combination.
FFXIII isnt the best in the series in terms of graphical development. Plus overall content was reduced due to the restrictions of the 360.
MGS4 was the first game to fill an entire 50gb bluray disc.
Kojima is a perfectionist, I doubt he would put a game he was directly involved with, on the 360.
Plus, it's been said, that "IF" they ever do a FFVII remake, it will be with the old team back together that did the original. There's no way they'd give it to anyone else, even if they're as awesome as Kojima.
Personally, I think if you DO risk a new IP, Kojima is the man of the hour.
Spread your wings, Koji, and fly!
Well they better get cracking on that FF 7 remake because there is no tell when the original crew will leave for the other side, considering it taking this long.
I've been wishing for the exact same thing MG1 and 2 remakes! OR MGS5. Anything metal gear. Definatly metal gear
I don't have a problem with the man moving on. I'm sure nobody wants him to stagnate. Besides, where else can you take Metal Gear Solid without Snake?
I say don't fall under the pressue Koji, just do what you think is right.
I mean to be quite honest I really really want to see Kojima sama move on with a new work and maybe even new IP (then again, I wouldn't mind at all if he comes out with ZOE3!)
But honestly I wanted Metal Gear Solid to end after 4: Guns of the Patriots. Peace Walker was awesome and still is awesome with friends – but for god's sake not another one. C'mon when on earth will it be Snake's "FINAL MISSION." "?"
Exactly, let him branch out and prove to everyone (mostly Xbox fans I'm talking about here) that he can produce an incredible game outside of the MG universe. He's already proved it with ZOE, we know everything this guy touches turns to gold.
I'm with you guys, the MGS series went out with a bang, I don't want to see any retconning or probable ruining of the series.
Well I think it would be awesome to redo Metal Gear 1 and 2 where Snake is a rookie.
It would be nice to see more of Big Boss and his motivations for creating Fox Hound and turning on Snake.
Kojima can do whatever he wants after ZOE 3 is finished.
Its okay Kojima, You've done well with Peace Walker and MGS4 ended Snakes saga nicely… You can do something else now. I'm sure that's what you want as well.
I think he should give us ZOE3, then do MGS5. I hope he's already been working on ZOE and is planning on surprising everyone with some game footage.
If anyone can make a new blockbuster IP it's this man. I say go for it. He's been doing MGS for decades. Doesn't he have any other characters or stories to tell us? For sure. And I'd play them.
Exactly what everyone else is saying, let the man move on, do ZOE3, then do whatever in the world he wishes to do at that point. Just….come on D= ZoE3 please, give MGS a break for awhile, I mean it's a great series, but it needs time to rest every once in awhile. ZOE2 was the greatest mech game I've ever played, and I can only assume Kojima could make ZOE3 top it without a problem.
Meh, whatever he wants i guess. I think he should decide for himself =/ It would be bad if he's forcing a continuation after what happened in MGS4. It felt like it was really over after the ending.
I'll always welcome a new Metal Gear game from him, but it would also be exciting to see what else he's capable of. I say listen to your heart Kojima. I doubt you'll ever disappoint me.
Last edited by 556pineapple on 9/19/2010 10:05:51 PM
I think he should do a bit of everything…Do MGS5, ZOE3, plus a new ground breaking IP for every other genre too.
"The sky's the limit, so shoot for all the stars out there""
Anything's fine as long as he still considers making a MGS5 later on.
Should he move onto something? Of course he should instead of making MGS be a millstone around his neck.
Kojima along with Kojima Productions seem to be a very talent group and its that very talent they should exploit with other things instead of living on a sequel grind as its not good in the long-run.
Now I'm not just about Kojima/Kojima Productions, but also other talented developers out[like Polphony Digital] who's talent have been wasted on nothing but sequels..
This notion that they've wasted their talent is nonsense. Both companies have given us gem after gem, even if they are sequels. It's also done well for them as both have been in business, making money for well over 10 years.
That's not a waste.
Last edited by Jawknee on 9/19/2010 11:11:59 PM
Banish this troll to N4G like the rest of the trolls before him, purrrty pwease.
Polyphony Digital has earned close to two billion dollars from GT. That's hardly a sign of wasting their talent.
It's called an opinion, fellas.
In this comment, i don't see no "trolling", whatever that means. I agree on his Kojima statement, actually. If his next game is another Mgs, i'm not paying attention to the man until he announces something different.
"If his next game is another Mgs, i'm not paying attention to the man until he announces something different. "
What if the metacritic score is between 9 and 10? Seems rather fatalistic, to me!
Just because its an opinion Prince doesn't mean hes not 100% wrong. Not everything is subjective. There are such things as universal truths.
Don't you have to go watch Purple Rain again or something?
Critical reactions don't usually sway me.
The fact will remain, it'll be the final missing one of three links before the next and Snakes final mission before next years final mission.
It's not trolling.
He just never knows what he's talking about, despite adopting a constant lecturing tone. That's not bannable…it's just stupid. Sadly, we have no policy against that.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/20/2010 2:38:25 PM
I'll be excited whatever he does. But as an artist, his heart has to be in it, so he shouldn't do what he doesn't want to, and his fans, I'm sure, will be happy with whatever masterpiece he decides to produce.
As long as the game is epic, its fine by me.
No more MGS. No more story to tell. I know Rising isn't truly MGS, but don't make a part 5 unless it is better than a least Snake Eater. The series is classic and will soon become a myth. Don't bust a Halo.
im tellin ya… there is potential in the sunny character. make her into someone like her mother, olga!
otherwise, the series has no one left to explore IMO
MGS can't add new characters?
Yes, Metal Gear Sunny *brings back avatar for a day or 2*
Please put it in a bundle with a shiny new PS3 color!! And please don't put Move compatibility!… wait, it's Kojima… I think he could make pretty much any game super ultra omega awesome even if it relies on Move!
RPG please.
I say let him jump into something new. MGS3 was the first game I'd ever played of his. It's still my favorite to this day. That said, I doubt there's anything he could make that I wouldn't be interested in.
I say go for a new IP.
I'm not sure how much MGS Kojima has left in him, but I for one wouldn't mind seeing another MGS spin-off based on some of the other characters Like Raiden was.
Like Meryl, done from her side of the story.
This time though, let's keep it on our PS3, since she deserves to be treated as only the very best console can treat her.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/19/2010 11:50:15 PM
He is a great mind. He should do what he wants to do. If he applies what he knows to something else then we get another great game.
I felt MGS4 was the end.