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Resident Evil Creator Won’t Be Involved With RE6

Shinji Mikami is best known for creating one of the industry's most groundbreaking franchises: Resident Evil .

But he's now at Platinum Games and has removed himself from Capcom. Furthermore, according to what he told VideoGamer , he'll be "keeping his distance" from the upcoming Resident Evil 6 . In fact, he says that no matter how it turned out, he'd just end up being frustrated:

"At the moment I'm nothing to do with that title, and don't know what's going on with it. I haven't heard any voices from users, so I can't really comment on that. I'm trying not to actively seek out any information about that title, because even if it comes out a good game, there will always be some moments where I think 'oh, I would have done that differently – I would have done this bit better'. Good or bad it will be frustrating either way. So I'm trying to shut myself down from that project."

Well, he may not have time these days, anyway. Platinum is working to close out Vanquish , which is due out in less than a month, and Mikami also revealed he has teamed up with Killer 7 and No More Heroes designer Suda 51 to bring us Shadows of the Damned . That, and there are whispers of a sequel to this year's titillating action extravaganza, Bayonetta . But anyway, RE6 didn't show up at the Tokyo Game Show this year and when it does hit the limelight, the mind behind the original won't be around.

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14 years ago

Underdog, I'd very much like to have an intellectual discussion with you concerning such topics. The problem is (as I'm sure that you can sense a history between those other two and myself) this isn't the appropriate place to do it as past has proven. If you open up a section in the forum (with Ben's permission of course), I'm sure we can have intellectual discussion in an adult manner (as your past comments have proven). Please pardon the behavior i've exhibited. I don't generally choose to behave so, only with these two.

14 years ago

Oops. Just caught your invitation at the end of your comment. And I will take you up on it.

But isn't this strange, I did not even bring up religion in this section. Everytime those two, have an exchange of words with myself (game-related or not), than I am branded the terrorist…not that i really think so that they actually think that, because otherwise they'd sooner report me to the FBI than engaging in these discussions (if you can call them that).

I've learned over time, they are people who are able to engage in intellectual and respectful discussions, and there are other people who feign intellectuality as a means to veil their trash-talk, and in reality, they care nothing for all the suffering of mankind (which they selectively, one-sidedly mention many times to exhort an often imaginary audience), as they're agenda is simply a selfish one, denigrating others to validate and exalt themselves…the surest sign of insecurity.

Because of your mature and polite demeanor, I will PM you.

14 years ago

Shams, first of all you trolled LV by calling him a miserable person. He defended himself. Then you proceeded to troll him with your idiotic comparison to what he was saying about playing RE5 before commenting about it with this idiotic notion that one must visit another country in order to form an opinion about it and their culture. THAT is the reason I brought your excuse making for a premative culture.

Second of all you obviously didn't read a word I wrote since your accusing me of branding you a terrorist. WHICH I DIDN'T! Intact I went as far as tellig you I don't believe you are a terrorist or advocate terrorist acts but some how you managed to miss that. No wonder your reponses were so childish and weak.

I have never had a problem with you personally, I still don't but for some reason you try to turn this into some stupid personal vendetta and play the victim as if I or LV have it out for you when clearly your just feeling sorry for yourself because you got your a$$ handed to you….again!

Weak Shams, just weak.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/17/2010 6:14:20 PM

14 years ago

LV, are you a complete and utterly disrespectful idiot??

How dare you comment on a religion you know nothing about (something which also made you a hypocrite in a mindless gaming argument). You wouldn't dare say that to his face, but you're probably a lonely geek sat behind a computer veil that makes you feel important. You utter bigot. I would of knocked you the f*ck out if you said anything like that around me.

Him interpreting you as a miserable person, doesn't deserve such embarrassing and disgraceful comments on his faith? Do you have mental problems?
You're probably one of those twats that dogged any middle eastern person you saw after 9/11 along with jawknee. An uneducated fool.

And to those backing such ill-respect, get a clue, learn respect, get educated.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 9/17/2010 6:08:31 PM

14 years ago

There is so much fail in your comment I don't even know where to begin. The name calling and empty threats makes your whole comment and arguement worthless and proves what a coward you are.

But I digress, enough is enough. We don't need to poison this thread any further with your infinite wisdom Prince.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/17/2010 6:26:21 PM

14 years ago

Lotus spoke up when no else was willing to. What he did was quite the opposite of cowardice.

And pardon me for counting you along with that buddy of yours (LV). I admit to having ignored your comment initially, because I saw you followed suit with him (bringing up religion when the two of you had nothing else to bring up, in a traditional fashion), attacking me about things i have no part in, in response to my remarks about what he has done and continues to do.

If you truly wished to have a discussion with me, instead of just making an ostentatious spectacle, perhaps you would've PM'ed, or invited me to a forum to discuss valid and legitimate concerns, instead of timing it with a vicious flaming-contest.

Your comment was more diplomatically worded this time, but your intentions are plainly known to me.

14 years ago

Hi Underdog. I was in the forums, and tried to contact you, but wasn't sure what forum name you're using (Lotus's was the same, but i found none with "Underdog").

14 years ago

Where the hell is Ben to shut you all up?

14 years ago

Personally you all are making yourselves look like immature, mindless, people.

I've had my fair share of arguments, but you guys are outta control.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/18/2010 1:10:10 AM

14 years ago


I was here to talk about RE5, he chose to derail the thread and I was more than willing to put him in his place. Who the hell are you to say what I know and don't know regarding a religion? If it makes you sleep better at night I'm against all religion and the poison it plagues our society with. I would most definitely say what I think to his face and anyone else that has a belief system based on nothing more than a false hope pipedream.

Oh and you're right I am a geek, with two degrees: Information Systems and Accounting and I love to game, so what? Aren't you also here on a gaming site posting comments. Get of the high horse and actually attack me in some way that might come across as a negative thing.

14 years ago

You attacked a person by perpetuating a slanderous stereotype. In the real world, that would've gotten your jaw broken, or yourself fired. And that is why you do that here, but not in the real world. I believe, that is what Lotus was saying.

14 years ago

Oh, and he's calling you a geek not because of you playing games. He's calling you a geek because you care for games, and nothing else (like respect). All the degrees in the world can't change that, LV.

14 years ago

Ah I see Shams, great logic. Because I'm against religion and stick up for my beliefs (based on actual evidence rather than HOPE) I must not care for anything other than videogames. You continue to suggest I'm ignorant for slandering your faith since evidently I know nothing about it (even though I do) but it's okay for you to make false assumptions about me with ZERO evidence to back it up.

Go ahead, continue to not defend your religion at all but rather nitpick me on my "attitude" and I'll continue to read the next moronic comment from you.

Oh and this conversation is officially over, it gets tiresome talking to a person that never adds anything to the conversation other than "you're mean", "you're a jerk, "You disagree with me, you must be an uneducated fool". I know it will continue down the road again though since you have a habit of stalking me on here and attempting to have the conversations you say you wish not to have.

14 years ago

Dude, i didn't bring up religion, or your beliefs, so i don't know why you keep on going about that. You also tend to sporadically blurt out "gay-porn", phallic-related comments, and other randomness, suggesting to me that you maybe suffering from Tourette's.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Resident Evil 5 wasn't a terrible game, but I was expecting to at least jump a little and didn't even get that. Ergo disappointment. I think that 6 will be stripped down even further, although hopefully they've still got enough collective brain cells rattling around at Capcom to make it a single player game and not shelve us with an AI partner that uses a pistol when you give her a damn machine gun.

Honestly, I'm more interested in REPSP. Not only does the control layout lend itself better to the 'tank controls', but the portable could definitely be used to emphasise frights. Incidentally, has there been any news on that since last year's E3?

14 years ago

Thx for reminding me about REPSP. They announced it a long time ago and I've since forgotten. Thx to the constraints of the PSP hardware hopefully we get a more oldschool approach to the gameplay.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I make sure to keep any interesting PSP projects in mind. Mine definitely needs more use.

14 years ago

RE 5 was the only one I never even bothered completing. And the only one I ever traded in. I still got all launch copies D1P's, except my original DVD box style case for 1 was ruined so I don't have the original casing anymore. 5 was not a RE game to me, don't have the outbreak games now that I think of it tried the 1st not the 2nd though which I heard was better.

14 years ago

I still have all the old copies, mine aren't all the D1Ps but I got them all on eBay. And lately i've been beating the dead horse about how great the Outbreaks were. No they weren't part of the main story but they do still tell an important part of it. I always thought of them as pseudo beta for gameplay evolution, then they dropped RE4 on us.

14 years ago

I'm playing RE5 now, while it isn't much of and RE, like FFXIII isn't much of an FF, it still isn't a bad game you know. I don't like babysitting, and the tank controls are stuck in between survival horror and action, but I don't think it's as bad as everyone says.

That said, look forward to World being your premiere source of hate towards any attempt at a Bayonaise 2.

14 years ago

Ya I noticed you were playing the other night. I even made the effort to make fun of you via a PSN msg which you smartly ignored.

RE5 in a nutshell:
Terrible Story
Terrible Boss Battles
Terrible forced Co-op
Terrible item management
Terrible controls
Terrible characters (Chris on roids)
Terrible SP gametime, comparable to MW2.

14 years ago

I for one liked Bayonetta and am playing it on my 360 and will likely get part 2 if they make it. I did not however enjoy RE5 for all the reasons stated by LV plus the fact that Shiva looks like a prostitute in her alt.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for paying for sex, just not from her.

14 years ago

Yea World. What are you thinking? Give me your PSN so I can make fun of you too. Haha

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/17/2010 2:44:40 PM

14 years ago

Haha, I must have missed that LV, I'll get back to you next time I'm on (tonight)

Jawk you can catch me under DonovanTheICEMAN 🙂

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/17/2010 3:07:38 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

At least it isn't as bad as Demon's Souls 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Now LV, while I didn't think RE5 was all it could be, it's not as bad as you're making out there. I for one enjoyed the refreshing, slowed down controls and some of the boss battles, the U-8(?) in particular. While the story and characters weren't great, they got the job done, particularly as RE is known for its out there and campy style. Also, my playthrough of it took me, I think, close to eleven hours, so I got enough out of it. Oh and, great graphics. How has Capcom managed to consistently nail the graphics but stuff up almost everything else this gen?

But yeah, everything else you mentioned was about right.

14 years ago

whats so bad about demon's souls? if you wouldn't have got rid of it so quick i would have helped you out in it World.

BTW, did you use the method that makes playing Fallout 3 GOTY version a lot less buggy? i googled it about a month ago and it actually works, someone on gamefaqs found out about it. Google it and give it a try

14 years ago

Just kidding bout DS.

No I didn't know about a less buggy way, so it got pretty messed up during the DLC. But I just finished em all so that won't be necessary unless I play em again.

I only liked Point Lookout and Broken Steel, the others were pretty lame.

14 years ago

sheesh I think RE5 took me like 12 hours to beat, i dont really rememebr but I remeber it being long.

In fact about the 2nd or 3rd night playing it with a friend whos roomate had beat it. He said we only have about 6 hours left well that 6 hours came and passed. the next night he said we got 2 hours left, well 6 hours later we beat it lol so thats over 12 hours just in that time period. I dont know maybe we took our time compared to most others.

14 years ago

I've been been searching the web like crazy for RE6 info. All i got was that its gonna be series reboot. That scares the crap out of me while at the same time excites me because:

a) It will be remade as a complete action game and b) I hope it will be a faithful remake in the engine of RE 4 & 5 but still be survival horror. Hell, even if they used the engine from the Outbreak Series I'd be happy.

14 years ago

PS3, gimme.

14 years ago

can't we just settle for a PS3 flavored jelly bean?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

LOL. When can I expect my jellybean?

14 years ago

I knew it!

14 years ago

knew what?

14 years ago

i never got into the RE series til i got a wii and got the wii edition of that game and man i fall in love with that game so for me RE 4 is the best in the series, RE 5 just sucked compared to RE 4. also RE 6 should take a que from dead space since that is the best in horror/survival.

also speaking of dead space can not wait for part 2 day 1 buy hands down

14 years ago

I loved RE4. I guess I got to pop in my copy of RE5 to see what all the hate is about.

14 years ago

I agree with World. RE5 is a failure as a RE game, but if you just treat it as a shooting gallery it can be good fun, especially in co-op.

What really grates is that the Lost in Nightmares DLC demonstrated that Capcom are still able to create some fine creepy old school Resi Evil, dripping with atmosphere and imaginative game design. Was that the same team and producer? Anyway's Capcom, more of that stuff please.

I'm guessing that Resi Evil 6 will pick up the Clare Redfield story – maybe she tries to rescue Steve Burnside from being a monster. The Revelations game on 3DS looks very interesting

14 years ago

Platinum Games contain a handful of staff formerly with Capcom right?

Wonder what made them leave together.

14 years ago

They wanted to make a worse company.

14 years ago

Umm, World, PLatinum has been making better games.
With the likes of Kamiya and Mikami, they'll only make a greater company.

14 years ago

Ok I'm probably nowhere near as critical over RE5. As a game I found I enjoyed it and the one annoyance was definitely the forced co-op as LV mentioned. I'm not massively skilled at RE so having to look after another character as well as myself made for some frustrating times.

14 years ago

I'm with you bro!

14 years ago

I'll admit that like the movies they make great stand alone titles. But Resident Evil they are not. They suck as RE titles.

14 years ago

I just had fun with it. I dont understand why people cant comprehend that!

14 years ago

this is news?
he said that hes having nothing to do with RE6 ages ago, before RE5 was out!
anyway, he feels the exact same way i do, no matter what capcom do with the series it will still suck.
there more concerned in westernizing their games to sell more copies, than putting in the effort to make sure the fans are happy and its a fantastic game!
look at the DMC remake, they could not give a royal rats a$$ fans are not happy with it, all they care is that it brings in the $$$$$, just like $E all they care about is $$$$.

tis whats wrong with the games industry these days, that and games are rated on technological sides and not entertainment.
gone are the days games were made for a passion, not for a cash cow.
and gone are the days where games were made as a form of entertainment, now developers could not care less if there games as boring and repetitive as bat sh*t as long as it a technological masterpiece their happy.
cough KZ2, cough GTAIV, cough GOW3.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

Whatever, Biohazard may turn into a third person shooter for all I care – even Mikami-san doesn't care anymore.

The last Bio I bought was number 5, 'coz it introduced new mechanics and was, as a pure action game, excellent after all.

Biohazard 4 is still my favorite, even visually it's still stunning (GCN version, not PS2/PC) and I enjoyed each of my 10 play-throughs or so.

Without Mikami it will never be the same after all, and I honestly doubt it will return to its survival-horror roots.

As Jawky already mentioned, with Capcom owning the IP, we may soon hear that "RE needs a fresh western touch, so Epic games will handle the development of RE6, as they've finished work on Gears3". Or BS like that.

14 years ago

They'll use unreal 3 to make it too. Oh god, ::facepalm::

14 years ago

it was a smart move doing that. have anyone played vanquish the demo yet? it shut my skeptism up about it.