As most of you know, Team ICO is working on more than just overhauling two PS2 classics for the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection.
They've got another hotly anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusive in the works called The Last Guardian , and it remains one of the most anticipated titles for many PS3 owners. Well, at TGS 2010, we get a nifty new trailer along with an expected release window: holiday 2011. That might be a long ways off but at least we know it's coming, and this trailer here gives us new details to chew on…er…on which to chew. The boy navigates through a series of puzzles with the help of his gigantic – yet still somewhat mysterious – buddy and as expected, the visuals are breathtaking.
If there's one thing you can always count on from Team ICO, it's originality. That much is obvious from their past efforts, and we're expecting nothing less than fresh brilliance from The Last Guardian . It's too bad we have to wait over a year but hey, if you can't find something to play between now and then, you're no sort of gamer. There are a ton of promising titles set for 2011 now.
Related Game(s): The Last Guardian
wow this game looks sick. it's good they are finally giving a release date. this company makes nothing but classic material. i love the art style, and imagination they put into their titles.
Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 9/16/2010 5:11:18 PM
Yup. They may not crunch as many polygons as other games but the way they use each one goes a lot further than any other games out there.
oh yeah, they always have fresh ides without all the flashy crap.
Hell, I could wait until 2030 for this game.
Team ICO are truly, one of the best developers, bar none.
The music was awesome, at first it felt like a jrpg (which is a great thing of course).
Very nice trailer, had some nice gameplay moments in it too. This game might challenge the likes of Killzone 3, Infamous 2, and Uncharted 3 as game of the year. So much quality within ps3's exclusives.
And yes, for now this game can wait, GT5 is enough for me.
So much quality and quantity.
The exclusives for PS3 to boast just keep on growing.
I'm looking forward to the HD remakes and The Last Guardian. Thank God we do have a lot of great games coming our way. It'll be easier on the wait time.
I'll probably order two copies of The Last Guardian. My daughter asks about this game more than any other and I want to play it just as bad as she does, maybe more so.
you should order two copies. this game might end up bein scarce just like ico after awhile.
Yeah, that is a possibility and a good reason for two. But I want two for a slightly different reason. Although I have no problem letting my daughter play my games, with her own copy she can play carefree without worrying about me constantly reminding her to take care of the disc.
Last edited by tes37 on 9/16/2010 5:39:17 PM
ahhh i see i see, good point.
I love the fact that the PS2's success is giving us all these great classics in HD. Had the PS2 failed, we wouldn't get the chance to relive all these great classics in HD.
I hope they keep the HD remakes coming. I missed quite a few games on the ps2 because I didn't want to hear my ex telling me how I was wasting my money. It's easier on me now because I spend how I want to. I still love women though. Just not in a hurry to be told what I can buy.
Last edited by tes37 on 9/16/2010 5:51:01 PM
Any ideas what the conflict in this game could be?
Also, please tell me I get to fly that thing a-la Neverending Story.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/16/2010 5:30:21 PM
you can make that huge thing kick people's asses.
Ha, i just showed mt wife this trailer and she said, "hey its like Falcore."
The Neverending Story gave me nightmares….and yes, I was 17 when I saw it.
Unless it's like an overweight turkey, i think it's feathers tell us that we'll be taking flight for sure.
Sony has another solid year ahead of them. Which is good for who?
i wonder how the xbots feel? all they have is gears.
besides Gears, im not sure what else they have to look forward to
ermmm another halo
Edit: Forgot my sarcastic parenthesis.
Last edited by TEG3SH on 9/16/2010 8:55:15 PM
Ok call me crazy but I find that beast adorable.
I thought this is going to be pure puzzle, but it seems there's a bit of action, some platforming and perhaps stealth.
Team Ico has done it again.
Reminds me of my seal colored Boston Terrier.
I don't know what I'm more interested in, the gameplay this game has to offer or finding out the mystery behind the characters and what place the storyline has within the ICO series.
I've been wanting this game before it was ever announced, ICO/SOTC combine for some of the greatest moments I've ever had in gaming.
This looks really good. Sure, you can count on them for originality. But they also know how to make an actual good game, something some developers have a hard time balancing.
ICO may have been one of the best kept secrets on the PS2. With SOTC, I like to think their talent is now out of the bag. I look for The Last Guardian to do really well.
Really, Sony is the only company can see supporting and funding a game like this.
Because money isn't all they think about.
Microsoft and Activision sees only money, that's why one company keeps pumping their franchise while the other supports only shooters.
i think we're the only group that appreciates original work.
I do, but I hate puzzles unless it's a puzzle in an action game.
Sweet Sassy Molassey! That trailer is beautiful. And now we have a ball park release date of 2011.
TGS 2010 has been amazing so far.
the games getting HD remakes are all Sony owned IP's. After GOW, Ico & SotC, all essential PS2 titles (Okami; ResiEvil 4; GTAIII/VC/SA; MGS3; Silent Hill 2; FFX; Dragon Quest VIII; PoP Sands of Time; Onimusha etc) are all published by third parties and so I doubt will get the HD update treatment
looking forward to this! Also, after seeing that new trailer ( i think its new ) for Castelvania: Lords of Shadow ( the one thats in japanese from TGS ), i will have to get it day one. The production values are pretty sky high, i just hope the gameplay is as well
Last edited by aaronisbla on 9/16/2010 8:07:31 PM
That was one of the most impressive videos i've seen. It looks better than their predecessors!
This and the new trailer/info on Level 5's Ghibli game are the two most talked about games judging by all the major forums and press reactions.
Project Dark also took a lot of attention!
This (TLG) will be, mark my words, one of the most cherished, loved and memorable games of our lifetime.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 9/16/2010 8:11:09 PM
Looks great!!!!!
Ha, "Demon Dog" says he want's to ride that wild looking DogChickenGriffin(and then eat it).
So that's why you went back to the Demon Dog avatar, yes?
This game is on top of my most wanted list, together with castlevania Los and the HD version of the trico collection.
I dunno about Y'all, but this game made me want a 100 ft German Shepherd.
regarding the game, as much as I love team Ico, this game so far looks boring, not trying to hate but this video is far from impressive. lets be neutral guys, if any other company showed the same video, most will be fkn disappointed. God damn all the thumbs down 🙁
I can tell you now with all my heart, if another company shown this video, my reaction would be the same….if not more excited at the prospect of a new studio that dares challenge and be artistic!
You're just simply…not getting it.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 9/16/2010 8:36:31 PM
Completely untrue. Most people who watch this probably haven't even HEARD of the developers.
I talking for myself ( a guy who knows and appreciate this company and both of its games) was disappointed by this vid, nonetheless i never liked any vid of theirs albeit there games are par to none
*THEIR, God damnit, I suck at spelling lately
Last edited by TEG3SH on 9/16/2010 8:58:00 PM
@ lotusFlower
Getting what???
@ Ben
This could be the case, but I believe 99.99% of all the people who haven't heard about the company or its previous installments are simply excited because it is a sony EXCLUSIVE.
Whatever. Personally, I don't care what it is or who made it. It looks awesome.
TEG3SH does have a point. Now, I myself love the trailer and share Ben's opinion. However, all of my friends beg to differ. My friends have not heard of the studio and believe this to be nothing super special. I even tried to convince them that it will be good and directed them towards the past titles from the studio, but they are not excited in the least.
I guess this shows that everyone has a different opinion. All opinions are equally correct and wrong at the same time, one could say. =]
It's so adorable. It's like a 50 ft feathery puppy with stubby wings. I want one and I will name it Stubby, and it will be my Stubby.
Anyway I can't wait for the Holiday season next year because this game will be awesome.
Last edited by sirbob6 on 9/16/2010 9:00:56 PM
Ok, when they say "Holiday 2011", do they mean "Summer Holiday 2011", or "Christmas Holiday 2011"?
Christmas Holiday, common knowledge that when someone says "Holiday (insert year") they're referring to the Fall/Winter months of that year.
Summer Holiday and Christmas holiday here and one and the same. But that only serves to depress me. Hopefully it's one of the first releases of that time frame.
Oh, me wants this game so hard. The Last Guardian, like Ico and Okami is going to be a generation defining game IMO. It will undoubtedly end up being listed beside the final Uncharted game, Heavy Rain and Demon's Souls as this generation's best.
But the end of next year? That's two and a half years out from the reveal and more than six since the release of SotC. Oh, I can't complain when it's going to be one of the best games in the history of ever.
Okami was another great game defining moment, along with David Cage's earlier masterpiece, "Fahrenheit"(called "Indigo Prophecy" in the NA region)
Hey…..speaking of Okami, I think you'll want to check this new trailer out…….
Surprisingly enough, Okami is going to be making his first appearance as one of the newest fighters in "Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds"
Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/17/2010 11:25:42 PM