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Steal Final Fantasy XIII Now For An Absurdly Low Price

Anybody who wants to say, "it's not up to FF standards," I agree with you. Anybody who says it isn't worth playing, or isn't one of the better games of the generation…you and me are gonna have words. See, I put 100 hours into it and if you say it sucks, that sort of implies I waste my time with bad games.

And I don't. I really don't have time to do that. But I will acknowledge that it might not be worth the full price of admission for some players; FF has never been for everybody, anyway. That being said, you can't possibly turn it down for the absurdly attractive price of $19.99, can you? Right now, you can nab FFXIII from Amazon for $10 less than the cost of a Greatest Hit title. Most people tend to complain about $60 games that don't last long enough to suit their tastes – to which I say, if one feels fulfilled at the end, length is entirely irrelevant – and in this case, it's $20 for a bare minimum of 50 hours of gameplay. Hard to find a better deal. And as I just said, there isn't much point in waiting until it becomes a Greatest Hit, because it'll be $29.99; hence, now's the time to strike. There's no knowing how much longer it'll stay at that silly low $20 price tag, either.

It's a steal and a half. And with the holidays right around the corner, you know money might be a little tight, so such deals are too good to pass up.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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14 years ago

You're right. It's a great game. But I didn't think it was worth the 60. It's times like this that I wish I'd have waited a couple months. I find the price I pay for a game is often directly related to how much I enjoy it.

14 years ago

Same =/

14 years ago

It's possible you would have blown that money on something anyway, maybe intangible. Some lessons are worth the price of admission.

14 years ago

I feel the same way. Uncharted 2 is the only game I spent money on DLC. It's worth $80-100 to me.

14 years ago

I should have gotten bioshock 2…

14 years ago

I don't understand those who buy their games at full price. Every single game worth playing drops in price a few months later. The game is the same, the platform is the same, the experience is the same. Only difference is the price.

14 years ago

Some people aren't cheap and like playing the games when they're first available.

14 years ago

No Beamboom, not everybody has the patience to wait.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Beamboom: That's not exactly true, anyway. Many games stay at full price for a very long time, especially if they sell well.

14 years ago

My tactic is to rummage through the second hand shelf in search of gold 🙂 It happens all the time. I've never really felt the need to buy a game on release, with the odd exception.

14 years ago

You raise an interesting point Beamboom.

I'm usually one to wait for a good price drop. The problem was that I really like FF games. REALLY like them. Normally you EASILY get your moneys worth out of a FF game. Getting a fantastic game and delving in on day one is an absolute gamer's delight.

Unfortunately FFXIII didn't turn out be my kind of FF.

14 years ago

Ben: Of course you're right. There's always exceptions. But they are exceptions.
Alien: I understand what you mean, some games do offer so many hours of entertainment that they are worth every single penny. Especially RPGs. For me Fallout 3 is such a game.
However this is not a question about being "cheap". It really is common sense. If you wait for the price drops you'll easily get twice the amount of games for the same amount of cash. And 20 good games *are* better than 10… 😉

14 years ago

Definitely worth $20. You an' me, Ben, have identical opinions on this title. (By the way, if I never mentioned it before, I truly loved FFT as well)

But that's besides the point.

This game was my very first platinum trophy. (And got me addicted to trophies, too!) It took me about 75 hours to platinum. The final Ci'eth stone was a wonderful challenge! (I wish there were more toughies, though, to be honest)

If you've never tried this type of game before, for $20, you might as well give it a shot!

14 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Saying you love FFT is never "beside the point."

Everyone in here is just lucky I don't have the time to launch into massive detailed rants about why that game rules so hard. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/12/2010 10:21:51 PM

14 years ago

Maybe you should start a "FFT Nook" here at PSXE where you discuss all your expertise on the game 🙂

14 years ago

lol and what could I possibly gain by being a Kiss a$$ on a video game website? lol I've probably beaten FFT 5 times or so now, and I own the original (black label) PS1 game AND the PSP version.

Besides, I like games from all genres, but I'm definitely an FF junkie.

14 years ago

Makes me wonder if I should bother paying full price for VersusXIII, FF titles now lose value faster than most. It's a pretty solid game, but all frosting and no cake if you ask me.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Me-thinks this is a freak thing. You won't find FFXIII for $20 at GameStop.

Or maybe you will…hell do I know? LOL

14 years ago

I've read of people finding it for $5 new.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I bought this game, shortly after release, for $30 so it's not uncommon for games to be cheap during release week or shortly after. R.U.S.E. is $45 right now for those that are interested. The PS Move Bundle comes with a $25 gaming coupon starting this weekend.

14 years ago

I bought it new for around 30 USD ( 19.99 GBP) and I still regret it

Last edited by TEG3SH on 9/12/2010 10:21:59 PM

14 years ago

It was a rather large chore wasn't it?

14 years ago

yeah, totally agree, it was like run then story then press X a lot and then a fight and u were like nooooooo u stupid paradigm it was supposed to be the other one:@.
I bought it when I was in the UK and I was so happy to have it in my hand but when I played it, Boy I was disappointed

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Your description can be applied to any FF.

14 years ago

I dunno man, there was still a tiny bit of strategy in the XIII battles, but for the most part all you had to do for every enemy was hammer them with magic until they stagger, then hit em with physical attacks. Easy peasy.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Same could be said for any FF, as I said. "Hit X" all the time. And just because most of the strategy was done outside of battle rather than in it (like most real-time WRPGs) doesn't mean there wasn't any strategy.

14 years ago

@ World & Ben

I know it wasn't as crappy as my description inclined but this lashing out is because I'm really pissed off at Squenix.

I really hate this paradigm thingy, way too annoying for my liking

14 years ago

Well I love the paradigm shift thingy, made me feel like I was driving my manual car, shifting gears in an intense racing event….love it 😉

14 years ago

There's definitely still alot of strategy involved in the shifts and when to shift. It's just a different type of strategy than we are used to in a FF game.

There are also other minute details to fighting. It's actually quite tough to stagger an enemy and then control your attacks well enough to launch them and KEEP them in the air for the remainder of the battle so that they NEVER have a chance to attack you.

14 years ago

Might as well throw in another cheapy to get the free shipping. A Cabela game perhaps?

14 years ago

I've watched vids of the cutscenes and these characters irritate me to death.

And while it's only $20 it'll go towards supporting Squeeeenix's dumb belief that Westernizing their games is the thing to do. Sure barely any of that money will go to them but the point is in the numbers.

If more people keep buying this failure of a FF they'll keep up with their dumb philosophies.

Call me stubborn, I will not support this game in any way.

There are so many games I've missed this gen that I'd rather spend my money on. Heck there are ps2 games that I've been meaning to get. Some of those Ratchet and Clank games for example.

Furthermore, those $20 would be better spent on ps1 classics or PSN games, imo.

This is my opinion of course.
It's still one of the better games this gen so I can see some giving in.

Agarest War for example is a better buy in my book. Anyway, that's just me.

14 years ago

Better spent on Suikoden for 2.99 on PSN right now and keep 17 for another day.

14 years ago

Is Suikoden actually a good jrpg to play these days?
I like doing RPG's on my PSP and I'm about 1/4 of the way through FF9. $2.99 is a killer deal, but it has to be good.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Suikoden is the second-best RPG franchise ever. All of them are WELL worth playing for JRPG fans (with the possible exception of IV).

14 years ago

IV wasn't so bad, I just didn't like the water-world thing.

14 years ago

Cool, thanks. I'll probably grab Suikoden while it's on sale then.

14 years ago

excuse me MR Ben

But Chrono-trigger/ chross or Xenosaga/gears are the second best JRPG franchise ever,, I would even put dragon quest before it.

`just my 2 cents anyway

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Not a chance in hell. Two games – Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross – hardly comprise a "series" and I only really liked the original Xenosaga.

14 years ago

I'm with you!

I won't reward SE for gimping up the game for it's loyal Playstation FF fanbase

And since I'm not really into RPG's anyway, I'll just wait till it's in the $10 or less used bargain bin.

14 years ago

i don't usually play FF games, but THIS may just be too gud a deal 2 pass!
maybe now is the time 2 give RPG's a try 4 me

14 years ago

Any of the Final Fantasies on PSN are a better deal. 🙂

14 years ago

@ Jawknee

14 years ago

booze, go for it!

14 years ago

I really like FF13. I just can't jump on the FF13 is not a FF game band wagon. While I'm not a proud FF7 member wearing a "I killed all the Weapons" badge on my chest, I still have spent more time with the FF series than any other RPG. And FF13, to me, feels just as belonging as any other I've played. It's structured differently, I know. But it really is doing a lot of remarkable things that no other JRPG this gen can match. As far as I'm concerned(I am a light jrpg gamer), It is maintaining it's best in class status for this gen of JRPG's and, overall, I wasn't let down by FF13 and I'm confident that I'll enjoy the next major installment of FF(excluding those online games) just as much.

14 years ago

Temjin, i'd be interested in your thoughts about the game. How 'bout writing a user review?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

He should. In the meantime, here's the most recent user review; it was of FFXIII-

Other user reviews can be found here-

There are a few others, too, but they're not as long or detailed as those. Oh, and there's our review, too. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/13/2010 12:43:33 AM

14 years ago

Oh, I don't know about that. I just finished up on a Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 user review (just posted). Doing a decent review takes a lot of work. But, maybe eventually. It looks like there's some good user-reviews for FF13 available already, too.

14 years ago

I put a ton of weight in your reviews, Ben. Sometimes, based on difference in genre-interest, naturally my personal opinion may vary slightly. For example, i never played any GTA's before GTA4, nor was i ever inclined to doing so, but I bought GTA4 purely based on your review, and boy, was i happy. My opinion of the game after completing was identical to your own.

Yet, you enjoyed AC2, and I didn't as much, though i'm glad i gave it a play-through.

Temjin and i happen to be fans of the same genres (adrenaline-inducing, hair-pulling challenges) and share gaming habits and schedule, as reflected by our trophy lists and login times, so in the case of gray-area games (those that are not necessarily must-buys for everyone) his opinion in particular may further tip my own inclination further into trying out a game that i'm on the fence about.

Interesting thing is, he really loved AC2 as you did, but i didn't (though i did appreciate it for all it's achievements). He's a fan of NGS2, just as I am, yet, you're not (from what i gather). We both adored U2, and yet Temjin hasn't even bought it, yet. So personal interest in a game can be hard to predict at times.

14 years ago

By the way, Ben, I remember reading your FF13 review and remember enjoying it. I appreciated your before-and-after impressions of it (and your concerns over review games urgently versus the need to play them to a necessary extent of completion), and found your review of it to be convincing, even though I'm not exactly what one would refer to as RPG-nut (I was floored by FF7, but after pumping in over hundred hours into that game but i vowed to never play an RPG again, just like I gave up on fighting games finally this generation due to time constraints).

One thing I'd be very curious to know from you is which game would you recommend over the other: FFxiii or Valkyria Chronicles? Granted, they're very different kinds of games, but since both are JRPG's, i thought the comparison was not totally outlandish.

And even though i gave up on rpg's years ago (almost blasphemous, i know), i found myself sinking in over 60 hours into a couple of playthroughs of ME2, and over hundred hours in Demon's Souls this generation. And while I wouldn't call either game an RPG in the strictest sense, I had a certain Eureka moment, that was covered in both WRPG vs JRPG and RPG vs D&D editorials of yours a while back. I realized other than the standard turn-based rpg's of yore, i couldn't really classify what makes an RPG, anymore.

For example, I know what RPG's involve, yet i found so many other kinds of games that had such elements, but could not be called true RPG's. For example, RPG's generally include grinding, upgrading and leveling, right? Yet we know that DMC, GOW, R&C, and NG's are not RPG's, yet they all involve upgrading and grinding.

OK, well what about exploration and side-missions? Open-world games revolve around that concept, yet we really can't call them RPG's, either.

And then take rare games like Heavy Rain in to consideration where all we do is make actual Role-Playing decisions, yet we can't even call HR an RPG.

And to through salt or lemon juice on the open wound of many, FFxiii was released not only to the dismay of FF fans, but of RPG fans in general (you appreciated the game for what it offered).

Then consider that WRPG's and JRPG's can be almost two entirely different kinds of games, yet they happen to be two subgenres within the same genre, and things can't be anymore confusing.

So, it wasn't really surprising that I'd break my vow from a few years back, just because I'm not quite sure when I'd be doing it or not. A number of genres have assimilated crucial elements from RPG's and other than the traditional turn-based mechanic from before, it is really difficult to classify what makes an RPG. I suppose this was the intention behind making Cladun: This is an RPG: Perhaps to remind us.