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Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Golden

With so many long-winded press releases out there, it's often refreshing to get a simple announcement via Twitter.

One of next month's biggest titles is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow ; the knowledge that Hideo Kojima has worked on the project, and the continual gameplay updates have helped to put the game in the limelight. It currently holds an October 5 release date for North America and now, that day should be written in stone: the game's producer, David Cox, has tweeted the following-

"Castlevania – Lords of Shadow has gone GOLD! 🙂

Yeah, we're happy, too.

With gameplay that appears to be a cross between Dante's Inferno and God of War III , along with some extra puzzling and platforming action, Lords of Shadow is primed to make a big splash. They've got a fantastic voice cast, too, and we can't wait to try taking down those massive Colossi…it just makes us want SotC2 all the more, though.

Related Game(s): Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

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14 years ago

Me want. But with all I still need to play and New Vegas later in that month I think it'll be okay to put this bad boy on the xmas list.

The Who
The Who
14 years ago

Got to love Kojimas games.

Yea total look alike of God Of War 3 and dantes inferno. Got the good qualities of both games.

This game most likely would of been cooler if it was ps3 exclusive, but do not get me wrong it is a first day buy on my list.

14 years ago

I am picking this up day one. Everything I have seen of it looks awesome.

14 years ago

Let's hope this is the first super sweet 3D Castlevania. Curse of Darkness was actually really good in my opinion, but I didn't like how the golems did most of the fighting for you.

14 years ago

I'm going to wait for the reviews. That SotC look alike video seemed a little … odd to me. It looked like SotC, but seemed much more repetitive with no real threat of falling off the beast.

Couple that with the cross weapon, and I'm just going to wait it out.

14 years ago

I thought he got tossed off a couple times.

14 years ago


Not once. Obviously the threat is there, but with no stamina bar it just becomes a matter of holding a button every time he shakes around. It just doesn't seem as engaging as it was in SotC.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Well, I wouldn't expect it to be EXACTLY like SotC. Pretty sure they could get sued for that.

But it's about as close as you can come without being exactly the same.

14 years ago

Eh, sadly after watching gameplay of this during Gamescon and such…I lost interest fast, the combat seemed weaker than GoW's and I just didn't like the elements of the game, ah well, I'm sure it'll be great, jut not the game for me =) 'grats to Kojima though for making a good 3D castlevania game.

14 years ago

I'm hoping for the sake of this game im missing out. But Im gonna have to pass on it. I think I got 5 games lined up just through November, who knows bout December! Too much!

14 years ago

I hope it's good. It looks good and I have high hopes.

14 years ago

Im like bigrailer, Too many games in the next 2-3 months. This game looks pretty cool, but I think I'll save it for next summer when there's nothing to play. I honestly don't think I could justify spending even 30 on this game in my head…. and I gotta save something for the drought :P.

And I seem to be the only one that is actually looking forward to playing Enslaved next month….

14 years ago

Im watching it carefully but with two worlds 2 and Medal of Honor within a week of each other Enslaved looks like a Christmas lister if its worth it. I'll decide after the reviews.

14 years ago

3D Castlevania? Castlevania 64 all the way! Lol

Speaking topically (and seriously), this game look great. Then again I'm looking forward to anything that's not a military shooter. I have no doubt this will be an extremely solid offering however, I think Symphony of the Night will always remain the pinnacle of the franchise.

14 years ago

still not sure on this, so unless a demo releases i wont be buying it.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

dunno, can't decide between LOS and Enslaved. Both look fresh and interesting.

14 years ago

Liking (and wanting more out of) C:LoI, I'm looking forward to this entry in the Castlevania series. Besides the few PSN titles that I'll be getting soon there are only 4 console games that I have to play that'll take me into next year, so this is perfect.

Last edited by sunspider13 on 9/10/2010 10:30:46 AM

14 years ago

I'm playing Symphony of the Night currently, and I'm loving it. I hope that LoS has the grandiose epicness that SoTN has.

14 years ago

I just replayed it as well and got my first ever 200.6%. Such a great game. I feel encouraged by the amount of secrets LoS is supposed to have.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I can get 200.6% without even looking at the map.

…it's a sickness. Caused only by the best games in existence. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/10/2010 7:54:19 PM

14 years ago

Haha that is an almost absurd level of familiarity with the game Ben. But I can't say I haven't done the same with some games. Resident Evil 4 is one I could nearly play through blindfolded I have gone through it so many times.