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Jaffe Views Live Playtesting…And Blogs It

Those familiar with Dave Jaffe interviews probably recognize one thing: the guy's a character. He's got a fair amount of charisma and emotion, especially when it comes to his own games. One of those games is an upcoming downloadable title for the PlayStation Store, Calling All Cars (the trailer has been available since the PS3's launch), and Jaffe outlines the game's testing at his Live Blog .

Those who are offended by bad language had best not click the link, by the way. But it's some great insight into the mind of a developer when his game is up for testing, and he can actually watch the action in front of him. Live playtesting sounds like a blast, but it also sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen for any developers who might be watching…and those blog entries outline Jaffe's emotions nicely. It's pretty funny; they yo-yo back and forth between nervousness and rage. Here's the nervousness-

"But yeah, here come the butterflies…will they like it, will they make fun of it, will they LOVE it?!? HATE IT?!?! Sh**, here we go…they are all sitting down at the ps3's….here we go… Oh, here's the sheet they fill out at the end…praying for 10's! But would be happy with 8's! :)"

That sounds a lot like what we'd be saying at that time. But the funny parts happen when Jaffe has a problem with one of the testers:

"Moving to split screen…man tester #5 is a f***ing dolt!!! What the hell?!?! He is just driving in circles…not even playing the game…is that f***ing spit drooling out of his stupid f***ing mouth!?!?! Ahem,well…anyway…. 🙂

Now see, that live blog is good readin'.

Related Game(s): Calling All Cars , God of War II