Sucker Punch brought inFamous 2 to the PAX event this past weekend and if it weren't for the Duke Nukem Forever insanity, Cole's latest bout of awesomeness would've stolen the show.
This is three minutes of straight-up gameplay from the highly anticipated sequel, complete with the overhauled hero. You'll notice the differences between this Cole and the one in E3 gameplay video ; it's still not the original character, but it's certainly better. However, that's hardly the point. Just check out this clip and try not to drool…right around the 1-minute mark, the good sh** kicks in.
There's even a challenging boss fight included, and that alone is enough to get us excited. But we also like the new melee weapon – known as the Amp – and the destructability of the environment adds to the overall immersion factor. So much of New Marais is going to bite the dust in this one; it might be a lot more fun to be evil this time around!
Related Game(s): inFamous 2
That's sick. I was thinking yeah this looks pretty cool until he levitated the truck and tossed it. That sold it for me. They can't possibly make a mad sequal to this so this is a day one purchase for me. I don't need more footage, I don't need any reviews. All I need is to know whaich credit card you want. This is a must have game.
I agree with you there.
Damn, gotta love Sucker Punch.
Ok just watched it again and am wondering a few things. First, what the hell was that hairless wookie thing? Second, I don't see the meter that lets you know if you are on the path of good or bad. Do you still have a choice with the different powers going the path of whichever role you choose or now are you just a "good" guy that occasionally does bad things? It could have just been left off the clip but I figured I'd ask.
Lastly, I know Cole was in the city the first time around but there were tons of stuff to climb on and almost everything you saw you could scale and the eviroment was massive. I'm wondering in this new setting will it be the same or a lot less since this is more along the lines of country.
My guess is that they took out everything in the demo because the amount of electricity thing thats on the top left isnt there
This game continues to impress me.
Sony is doing an excellent job into turning me into a exclusive PS3 game purchaser.
Yes, like Red Dead, Assassin's Creed, Oblivion, Battlefield, Batman, and *gasp* dare I say… Mass Effect 2. 😉
Last edited by Swim_Irr on 9/6/2010 4:09:57 AM
I agree Gents. I'll have Fallout Vegas and Hawx in my PS3 until GT5. However, Sony has nearly supplied every genre save a few, with no signs of slowing down..
This is just getting better and better. Love the levitating of the cars and then being able to throw them as weapons. Day one purchase for me.
wow.. everything about that video was amazing! It seems a lot faster paced than the first, everything was go go go… that could make me a bit weary actually, so i dont know if thats good or bad 😛 Everything else was brilliant tho and everything about it seemed much better than the first. The graphics are great too.
I cant believe finished the first game and not once thought about Static Shock, it was a cartoon on a few years back, it was brilliant, basically a guy with electric superpowers.. if cole ever electrifies a a round piece of metal and starts using it to fly around they are just ripping off the cartoon then hehe
Didja know it was a comic book first?
nope 😛 good to know 😀
The telekinesis, and character models, and upgraded visuals, and Uncharted 2 CQC animations don't seem to me as exactly subtle. More like jaw-dropping! But yes, I agree, the game carries much from the first, as it should…it's a sequel with more of what we love! I'm terribly psyched, I'm thankful for Cole being back (even if sadly Jason Cottle doesn't make it back), and I have a strong suspicion that this will be my GOTY for 2011.
Bad-ass! Me likey, this game top choicey!
wow i want that. looks waaaay better than the first and i loved the first one. im excited. can someone freeze me and wake me up when this is out 😉 lol
I'll unfreeze you once somone unfreezes me on Feb. 22.
Last edited by sirbob6 on 9/6/2010 12:34:16 AM
whats on the 22nd?
Last edited by frylock25 on 9/6/2010 1:51:24 AM
Killzone 3 and Bulletstorm.
Last edited by Lawless SXE on 9/6/2010 1:58:00 AM
Killzone 3 or Bulletstorm…..decisions.
I can't wait to play this. The gameplay video looks incredible. That's one hell of a fight going on toward the end.
The graphics are way better than the first game. This is a definite pre-order for me.
The new gameplay video excited me so much I played inFamous earlier today so I can get my kicks. Now I'm just hoping the enemies in inFamous 2 won't be as deadeye accurate like those in the first one. They can hit you no matter how far you are.
One of the biggest improvements is the inclusion of non-human enemies. It pretty much justifies the presence of the dodge button, whereas the first game only had you needing it during one or two of the boss fights.
Not really, if you played the game in a higher difficulty dodging could save you many many times.
Though I agree that it's the best way to dodge crazy/non-human enemies. But even without them dodging was still important.
That vid rocks. Sucker Punch pulled off an impressive graphical overhaul. I like how the aiming reticule turns into an electric ring when an enemy is in range. But no heads-up-display? Hmmm…
That "telekinesis" looks more like a progression of the shockwave move from the original game. The fully upgraded shockwave creates a levitation effect on enemies. Here, Cole levitates the object up and throws it forward with a shockwave. Nice.
I really hope we get that ground-lightning attack used by the white reapers from the first game. If they could do it, why can't Cole?
Now, when do we get to see those ice powers in motion?
Last edited by Kangasfwa on 9/6/2010 12:07:41 AM
Looks like magnetism to me.
My point was I don't think that move is real telekinesis or even Magneto-telekinesis.
If Cole gets to use the ground shock of the white Reapers of the first game should be able to use that teleport dodge they use as well.
I have to say that this game is going to be mind-blowing. One question/idea, if we are evil can I drop telekeisis and use tar to go psycho-mantis on people?
this game is gonna be crack!!!!!! i wanna get it so bad
I can't stop smiling. 😀
It's weird, isn't it? Usually that only happens to me when I boot-up an AAA exclusive and play it for myself for the first time (and every time thereafter like in Uncharted 2's case). But I must say, just looking at the vid right now, I have a wide smile on my face right now that's not budging, either (and no I don't smoke pot, either 🙂
The last time i smiled this big was when i popped Uncharted 2 in for the first time.
Check out this one.
*slaps forehead*
Of course, swamp monsters.
Holy crap! That looks better than before.
He throws a car at a giant beast and… misses?
Considering the first game was pretty much a perfect game, this one is a must buy by anyone's standards. Updated looks be damned. Cole looks great.
but what happened with his voice?he didn't talk at this game-play so I dont know if they gave Cole the same first ever sound casting back to him , I hope they do
InFamous 2 looks a lot like the first InFamous. I loved the part in this video where he elevates the vehicles and throws them, that's about it.
Either than that, the game play seems about the same and so does the environment. You would think that they would have wanted to make the game BIGGER, not smaller, in regards to the way the world looks.
I'm sure the game is going to be fun to play, but as for it being better or greater than the first, it doesn't look like it.
After watching the video a second time, this world looks uglier than the one in InFamous (InFamous didn't look ugly by the way).
Now I'm starting to wonder…why did they even pick this new place to begin with? The place is a run down ugly town. No beauty or awesome scenery to get lost in, such as Uncharted.
Let me put it this way. Uncharted was a fun game and I loved playing it. Then I played Uncharted 2 and it tweaked everything the first Uncharted did right. Then it added a new bar of complete awesomeness on top of it…simply known as Uncharted 2.
If this game doesn't have a single scene like the wrecked train one in Uncharted 2..then where's the growth in the franchise? If it does, then I'm all for it.
I'm still adding this game to my collection simply for the fun of it. Rock on InFamous.
Last edited by RebelJD on 9/6/2010 1:29:56 AM
You do relize there are more parts to the city? That appears to be swamps outside the main part of the city. It is based off of New Orleans which is a very diverse city. Anyways I am certain it will have an entire extra layer of tasty goodness on the already tasty cake that was inFamous.
I haven't watched a single inFamous 2 trailer, and it's still a guaranteed D1P for me. Hell, it became one on its announcement. The first one was simply amazing, and the way it informed you of The Beast was mad. I only hope that Cole has some of the powers of his enemies of the original, like Sashas mind control thingy, or Kesslers teleport. Actually I don't care. The original is enough to inform me that the second will be awesome, regardless of what they do to it.
, I would like to know if they had returned back to the first sound actor for Cole
beside that I can see the game running great with much better visual effects but still I dont know what the need with all these extra powers for Cole like Telekinesis and the ice thing ,I think he maybe missed up with all these extra powers
Yeah i really hope they change to the original voice.
saw this yesterday and im happy to say all my previous worries about this game are now gone.
only thing that could make infamous 2 better is if it had move support.
I dont think im being optimistic that this could be to Infamous what Uncharted 2 was to Uncharted Drakes Fortune
I'd say that would be a safe and realistic presumption to make! I'm already expecting this to be right up there with Uncharted 3 as my most anticipated games!
Telekinesis is awesome!
Damn, I had this gut feeling through most of previous months that I needed to play this game, it's probably because I played the inFamous demo a couple of times every day last summer, when I was home alone, so now summer reminds me of inFamous.
I just can't wait for this GOTY.
Actually, I don't want to watch any more trailers or hear/see any more announcements, it'll be a D1P regardless, so I might as well have nothing spoiled at all. Though that might be too difficult…
with a Collector's Edition preorder.
Still got my Infamous 1 Collectors Edition. Always hold onto my limited and collector's editions, except Alan Wake. Sony just knows how to make a quality game, so well that the competition's exclusives can't even compete on the same level.
And don't let sales be an indicator of quality. Just Dance on Wii sold in the millions.
If Just Dance can sell that well on the motion gimmick, who knows what levels Dance Central will reach, or Singstar Dance.
… and now to convince the casual masses to trade their Wii's. Let's face it, they don't know about Metroid or No More Heroes, or RE4. Thank God for Mario!!!!
graphics look the same just a touch better due to the Uncharted like cinematics…this was a D1P for me after 30mn into the first infamous. Hands down the greatest non-famous super hero game ever….
dood grahpics are looking MUCH better. Put back your infamous disc in your ps3 and youll notice the much more varied and vivid colors in this low res youtube quality video lol. Plus there are much more details pretty much everywhere and everything is even more fluid.