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Gearbox Now Owns Duke Nukem IP

Do you realize that we actually had to add "Duke Nukem Forever" into our database? You know, so we can file news, previews, media, and the impeding review under the name? …do you know how loopy that sounds?

Yeah, DNF was at PAX 2010 and yeah, attendees got a chance to play it. They even announced that Forever would finally "finish" in 2011, much to everyone's delight and yeah…a wee bit of skepticism. Some of us just can't get over it. But you know, if it fails to launch this time, it won't have anything to do with 3D Realms, and that's because Duke Nukem is now entirely owned by developer Gearbox Software. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford is an ex-3D Realms employee, after all, and he quite simply said, "I didn't buy it from them; they sold it to me." So because they're in charge of the IP, they're also responsible for any and all future installments, which now appear to be inevitable. If you're wondering, Gearbox has produced Borderlands , the Brothers in Arms franchise, and multiple Half-Life -related titles, including the immensely popular Counter Strike . Furthermore, if you check their official site , you'll see a cool image of Duke and the caption- "Hail to the King."

Hell yeah. "Hail to the king, baby." As if we could forget that line. Then there's "Shake it, baby!" and "Damn, I'm lookin' good!" Don't forget that campy-ness, Gearbox…wouldn't be Duke without it.

Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever

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14 years ago

I have a "Damn I'm Good" key chain.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 9/5/2010 11:18:23 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

They need to use Megadeth's Duke Nukem theme. It kicks ass!

14 years ago

I still don't understand what has taken so long with this game. Duke Nukem never had a huge hardcore crowd that required enormous expectations to be fulfilled on behalf of the developer. DN 3d was fun but it didn't break any new ground. What led to this decade long drought is ridiculous.

14 years ago

From what I read they couldn't really get it together. They were trying to add and out do FPS's that were being released along the way. 3D Realms were obsessed in including everything they could, including novel features that other FPS's were releasing with over that period…

They simply never got to the end of their "development cycle"… they kept on adding and kept on perfecting… losing more and more money along the way… until they hit the wall…

Luckily one of their former employees was at hand to scope up the covered and controversial I.P, and the result is, Duke Nukem will see the light of day… with a lot of destruction to boot…


"all hail the king"

14 years ago

Thanks for the information. I can't believe they were doing that. Duke Nukem doesn't have to be Half Life or Killzone2 to sell copies. It just needs the same basic gameplay from the previous FPS in the series with profanity, nudity, gore, and humor/gags that made Duke Nukem 3d such a blast.

I can't believe over a course of a decade no one realized this.

14 years ago

its taken them so freaking long because they have literally scrapped the game and started from scratch four times.
first it was a PC exclusive.
than they had to modify it because 2K wanted it multi.
than they saw other games and there game which was running on the quake 2 engine did not cut it, so they used the UE engine instead.
than they scrapped that, and have rewritten most of the code in the UE engine.

14 years ago

With great IPs comes great responsibility.

14 years ago

LooooooooooooooL !


"all hail the king"

14 years ago

…and you know there's going to be a trilogy here too… this won't be the last time we hear about the duke if he is truly here to stay… nintendo hangs on to their staple faces and franchises… gaming has been missing one of it's faces for a dozen years now… it's now time to make a franchise out of it…

to quote bruce campb…. i mean duke, "hail to the king, baby!"….

Last edited by bOnEs on 9/6/2010 12:33:06 AM

14 years ago

I wanna say "I hope they don't whore him out by going multiplat", 🙁 but I'll bet my immortal soul that they will. I'm making a lot of bets here lately, I think I may have a problem.

Any good casino games out there??

14 years ago

duke allready is multiplatform, he has been on pc throughout he has been on nintendo and playstation. Hell Duke was never not multiplatform, how could you be dissapointed if he was.

14 years ago

BTN, you're just splittin' hairs. You know exactly what I mean.

14 years ago

why wouldn't it go multiplat?! not all former duke players are using the PS3 or xbox… we're all on both, lol…

Last edited by bOnEs on 9/6/2010 12:44:21 AM

14 years ago

I'll be getting it for Virtual Boy.

14 years ago

time to kick some ass and chew some bubblegum

14 years ago


14 years ago

and I'm all outta gum

14 years ago

Hey hey, slow down. Let's not talk sequels to DNF just yet.

14 years ago

With over a decade of development time I wouldn't be surprised if there's enough content for a dozen DN games.

14 years ago

LooL …again!

Yhea, it is a little premature 🙂 Never stopped them though thinking big, and creating big delays to boot…


"all hail the king"

14 years ago

For real guys. We've had a Duke Nukem drought for over a decade and all of a sudden we'll be inundated with sequels as Gearbox tries to cash in.

14 years ago

Quite honestly, this is some really great exciting news. Heck yeah for Duke Nukem!

14 years ago

Sorry if I am a downer here but isn't gearbox that ported The Orange Box? Now I know they might of improved quality contol, I'm looking at you Inspector #5. However I have a feeling DNF will not live up to expectations. Anyways that's my opinion.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

No. DNF is dead for now and forever. Even when I see it sitting on a store shelf with a $98 price tag I will not believe in it. Even when I have it in my ps3 I will not believe in it. The existence of it is an affront to reality and logic. It cannot be.

Also, I never played a Duke game, so I have no quotes to offer.

14 years ago

o, dont worry gearbox have not forgotten dukes personality.
in the demo a massive alien spews out of the ground so duke says "eh, id still hit it." YUCK!
o, and after defeating said monster he kicks her eyeball through the goalposts!
yea, i think its safe to say dukes personality is well in tact!

only worry i have is the people making it.
DNF is the most anticipated game of all time!
not of the gen, not of the year, ever to freaking release!
well, its not off to a good start because the first and only gearbox game ive played borderlands is the buggiest, most frustrating, unfinished POS i have ever had the displeasure of playing!
so, lets hope the 2nd game of theirs i play is a dam site better!

14 years ago

I left a Borderlands co-op match to go play co-op with a friend but the voice chat from the first match wouldn't quit out. I was playing with my friend and chatting with him and the three guys from the other game all at the same time. Borderlands' online is seriously screwed up.

14 years ago

o, i know and its not only the MP thats screwed up.
3 times i started a new save file, and 3 times i came back to a save file only to find it had been corrupted and i had to start all over again.
tis why i took the game back and have not touched it since.
shame too i was really looking forward to it since i loved fallout 3 and borderlands looked exactly like it, only better!

14 years ago

Ah, the situation is rising by the week. Some of you are really excited about the continuation of the this old game. My eyes watered abit when i saw the Twisted Metal anouncment at E3. So i can relate to a similiar feeling, even if i'm not intrested in it.
By the way, is there or has there been someone worlking on the next Doom game?

14 years ago

I hope for y'all it can live up to the hype, though that seems kind of impossible, I mean, come on, how can a game live up to a decade of hype, in gamer time that would be like 100-150 years o.O
Anyways, I wish Gearbox much luck and hope for them and for y'all that the game turns out good, and with that I mean, the best FPS evar.

14 years ago

What would be cool is if they took their original plans for this game and just finished the thing up. A totally retro shooter with a story and characters, actual missions, etc. would be very much appreciated today. At least by me. If they make it into a regular 2010 shooter, with a 5 hour campaign and then you can get online and run around like a chicken with its head cut off until you eventually get sick of it, that would be a total waste.

14 years ago

I had to go check the calendar. With all the recent Duke Nukem news popping up here, I thought I had woken up in the nineties. The fact that I sleep in a flannel shirt didn't help either.

Great to see the Duke finally coming back in 2011. Nobody steals our chicks… and lives!