Well, it's all over. And no cracks about how long we ran it for…or we won't do another one. 😉
In August, we selected the 20 finalists for the contest and tonight, by a very scientific process of selection, we've picked the winner. By "scientific," I mean I took all the e-mails of the finalists who responded to our request for address info, put them up on the screen, closed my eyes, and pointed. See? Okay, it's not scientific but at least it was random. The lucky winner of the slick blue PlayStation 3 is-
Kim G. – IL
Kim has already been contacted with the "winner announcement" and we'll be sending along the prize in due time. Bear in mind that despite the picture, it will be a now-standard 120GB PS3 Slim that gets colored; we weren't about to search through eBay for a fatty, you know? Anyway, congratulations to the winner and thanks to all those who entered. All you had to do was sign up for the newsletter to enter and we might do something similar again, so stay tuned for updates to the giveaway page.
But speaking of the newsletter, we usually send one out twice a week and it highlights the top updates on the site, including hot news, editorials, reviews, previews, videos, and screenshots, all in a handy-dandy reference package. So if you haven't signed up yet…what're you waiting for? 😉
Can the next contest be open to Canada? Please?
I agree 1000% with Riku994…
or perhaps the impossible and europe maybe?
Waazzaaaaa! haha
Hello Ben! Hello everyone! How's everyone been?
It's been a long while!
ugh i thought this was fake for like what 2 years now at least. im pretty sure that stupid thing was the reason i found this site.
hey Kim, put up a pic of you holding that blue ps3 😉
Last edited by frylock25 on 9/4/2010 9:58:09 PM
Now what did he say about making fun of the length 😛
(*insert sexual innuendo here*)
Congratulations to the Kim!!! (whoever you are lol) Well done!!!
I think a green one next time would be awesome.
Hey those giveaways got me to find this site. I have been a loyal member since then. I think I won the equivalent of a giveaways from all the awesome reviews and articles I got from this site. So congrats Kim G.
Nice going Ben, following through with the contest. Now we can't make jokes about it anymore. 1st this then Duke Nukem. Paris Hilton is still pretty dumb right??
LOL that's the 1st thing that I thought. Are we bad people?
No. No we aren't. Now horses, they are bad people.
Jawky poo, where did your original message go? Now my comment is alone and makes no sense!
main event speaks of the truth: youtube.com/watch?v=KLL5WNnz758
Finally someone finally gets me!
0.o it disappeared..Lol
Last edited by Jawknee on 9/5/2010 3:13:05 AM
This contest should have been rigged so one of the regulars would have won.
Actually, this is the only type of random giveaway we do.
All the other ones we've done are designed so frequent contributors will win, like the one we gave out for User Reviews, Comments, and and Forum participation. Just ask guys like Underdog and Highlander, and Spartan in the forums. We like those better. 🙂
Of course, YOU weren't around when we were doing that, so….. 😉
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/5/2010 12:59:08 AM
Ha! I may not have commented very often this Summer but I most definitely checked out the site weekly for my gaming news.
Yeah, I read a couple user reviews by Jawk and Highlander, you better watch out..they know their stuff.
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/5/2010 1:10:13 AM
Hey Ben, can we get some sort of badge or maker to identify the "regulars" you guys speak of?
You know you've contributed a great deal when he includes your name in his end of the year editorial.
I guess i haven't contributed enough. I think I've only had 3 or 4 Admin replies in almost 2 years so I guess mention in an article is out of the question. But then again most of my contributions are comical. Perhaps it's time to reinvent the main_event???
p.s. I'm gonna go make my own site, with women and liquor. Matter of fact, forget the site.
P.p.s jk 😀
Agree with this comment
What is your favorite game?
That's a tough one. How about I just list my top 5?
Not in any order:
Resident Evil 2
Metal Gear Solid
Omega Boost
Tobal No. 1
Tomba!, what a great choice. That game really came out of no where and I remember reading my gaming magazines and the reviewers being dumbfounded by the game.
I wouldn't sweat the lack of replies from admins, sometimes it's good to be in the background.
Yea, It blew me away. I asked my older sister for RE2 but she thought I was too young for it so she got me Tomba! instead
@ main_event05
Women and Booze, where do I sign ?????
no booze or women. but its a pretty solid site.
know you know i gotta tease for a bit but…… which ps3 model is kim getting? is it the original 60 gig with BC?
Please read the article.
aww Ben do you think we came here to read pssh lol
I came to read and interact with some Kick ass peoples.
Congrats to Kim.
Well, I'm still batting a 1000% at contests
(in losses that is) LOL
Anyway "Congrats to you, Kim"
FYI, don't forget to send in a pic so you can also get a free game to play on it too(and I can see who won my DNF(Did Not Final) console.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/5/2010 12:47:10 AM
Saint you won my heart so knock that 1000% down a notch.
next time you should give away one of those fancy white ones with the orange details, that would be the one I would get if I was out to spend money on looks
I'm still wanting the white and pink FFXIII exclusive PS3…hmm, yummy.
Ahhh, that's mighty sweet of you!
(but you're still not getting my Bud Light)
That's okay, I'm drinking Heineken!
and jager bombs, heiniken is never complete without jager bombs
Ok, I KNOW Ben said no making jokes bout how long this contest ran, but… forgive me, Ben, I can't resist.
Seems like there should have been another thing to list on that awesome editorial about DNF releasing…
Congratulations to Kim.
Sony needs to hook us up with some blue ones here in the US. It can't be that expensive to change color for plastic molds.
Last edited by tes37 on 9/5/2010 1:57:57 AM
Next one also open for Europeans?
…and some of us more than one 🙂
^^^^^^^^^^ nerd 🙂
Last edited by TEG3SH on 9/5/2010 6:39:25 AM
Can these competitions be also for the UK…..I know wishful thinking
things that happened before the blue playstation givaway;
1. Duke Nukem gameplay was released
2. the PS3 had a price drop
3. Gran Turismo 5 got a confirmed release date
4. Gabe Newell is using the PS3 as lead platform and said it would be the superior platform
I'm on to you Ben. You "randomly" picked Kim? Your suuuure this wasn't some ploy to get a picture of a girl holding a PS3 on your site?
Won't YOU be disappointed when a picture of a chines guy holding a blue PS3 arrives in your inbox.
Now you ruined it. Kim's gonna go get a wig now.