It's real. It's really, really real. And just because most gamers who even remember Duke are in their late 20s or older, it's still getting a ton of attention.
It seems that all the rumors are coming to a head at once: Gearbox Software has brought their new project, Duke Nukem Forever , to the PAX event in Seattle. Yeah, it's true. But before we even get to that show, some stolen video of the game in action has already hit the Internet. What you'll see in the footage below is a little strange…some girl asks if Duke can draw (and then he sorta does), and there's some other mysterious action going on, too. But there's some pretty standard FPS combat in the second half, what with that big mech enemy and all.
We still can't believe it's really coming. But at this point, it's difficult to dismiss it entirely; this is by far the furthest along this game has ever been (at least, so far as game journalists are concerned). Still, we won't be able to have our fun when the title finally arrives, so we seize the opportunity and tell you all about the top 5 things that will happen before "Did Not Finish" actually finishes . It might be the last time we'll ever get the chance to laugh about it as vaporware.
Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever
I think its safe to so that pigs can fly
If Gearbox made Borderlands, who says they didn't just mock up something on whatever engine that used and are just toying with people?
I still don't believe it and I won't until I see a pig flying or I'm playing the game.
What people should take away from this though, is that no this game hasn't been in development for 13 years. It just sorta had to happen because of its notoriety.
I am happy GearBox took the helm. I hope Duke Nukem will be a good blast from the past. Upgraded yes, new engine, new graphics (or at least re-worked to some extent)… it should still prove to be fun.
Hopefully a demo will ensue…
hopefully the game wont suck so bad that we will wish that it was still vapor ware. i mean maybe they should change the name to Duke Nukem: it took Forever.
After I saw the ppl using a 360 controller for the demo my heart sank a little. Does this mean its geared for the 360 and the PS3 is due for a (shudder) port?
I would imagine so.
If that's the case I'll go to the developers and be all "I'm here to Play DN:F, Kick Ass, and Chew Gum, but DN:F sucks, and I'm intentionally all out of gum".
Haha awesome movie
Don't be silly. Gearbox didn't whip together a new game engine for this over night. At best it'll be an Unreal Engine game like Borderlands. With that aaaawesome engine, regardless of the console you use, it'll feel like you're playing a port from sixteen years ago.
Hey, I'm only 23. I don't wanna feel old yet.
You'll feel old when it's a friday night and you don't even care… wait, oh crap…
I don't know what it is this morning, but I'm laughing my ass off at so many of these comments.
It was on the freakin' Yahoo homepage:
Still, you have to forgive my reluctance. They could just be taking the hoax to new levels. How could Gearbox get the rights to it and then suddenly have it done this quickly? Wasn't there already some lame playable demo already? I'm just going to wait in the corner with my tinfoil hat on until it actually arrives.
Don't worry, you're not the only one.
Doesn't 2K games hold the rights to DNF?
Just because the original developer went out of business that doesn't mean 2K can't just scoop up the tech engine and pass off whatever has been completed to Gearbox and tell them "Finish this damn game already!" It happens all the time.
A Wired (magazine) story on the development of DNF and why it never released:
it is a shame the guy recording it didn't actually get a closer shot of the screen, or keep it on the same screen
I kind of remember playing one of these Duke Nukem games before 2000. What is so significant about this game?
Duke Nukem 3D was a big step forward for FPS after Doom dominated the market, and a campy hilarious riot to boot. It was a side scroller before that, had some third person iterations too, but nothing ever came close to DN3D. Duke Nukem Forever was announced as the sequel to DN3D back in '97 (Jeez I was in the 10th grade) and has been billed as "In development" for the last 13 years. It is a legend in vaporware.
That help?
I beg to differ when it comes to "a big step forward", Duke Nukem the way I remember it was quite the contrary nothing more, rather less, than what Doom2 and the other games based on that engine had delivered for quite some time already.
However they more than compensated for the lack of innovation by flooding the game with totally over the top humor and craziness, plus a tirade of rather immature jokes. *Thats* Duke Nukem.
But hey – I enjoyed it! I still remember the first time I saw the strippers in that game, never before had so much female skin been spotted in a game.
Wrong, you couldn't look up in doom.
HAHA!!! My evil jetpack experiment worked!
I'm glad someone's did, mine failed.
It really was an awesome sight, all those pigs with their jetpacks.
I Like Duke Nukem in Third Person view.
Same here, this looks lame.
sorry RAGE looks like we found ourselves a new 2011 GOTY!
Great, another DK news.
Is it just me… or does that look like a recreation of the final boss in duke nukem 64? To be honest I don't remember the game to well and think it was the final boss.
All I know is there was some giant one eyed alien you battled in a football stadium, and that looked pretty similar.
damn i hope it doesn't just come out on the xbox
Last edited by ezwiep on 9/5/2010 10:53:11 AM
To be honest, I have never really been into playing DN on a console (not that its a bad thing). I think it could work very nicely on one especially with keyboard and mouse compatibility but if I have the juice left in my system to run it, I'll probably make this a PC purchase.
"And just because most gamers who even remember Duke are in their late 20s or older, it's still getting a ton of attention."
… why is this surprising? Isn't the average gamer age between 33-35?
ya, im 30 and remember playing DN3d when i was in high school. it was funny as hell. and not a bad shooter.