Capcom managing director Keiji Inafune sparked some debate by saying the new Devil May Cry needed a "Western touch" during a 3DJuegos interview, but he also had other things to say, too.
How can Capcom do an interview without mentioning Resident Evil ? Yeah, can't really do it. According to a GameSpot translation , Inafune said they want to release the next RE installment as soon as possible. He didn't talk about much in the way of details, but he did say we should expect some news on Resident Evil 6 "soon." Oh, but wait, there's another series, one we haven't seen in quite some time… Onimusha . Although some condemned it for using the "tank controls" of RE, many action fans really loved the style, and have been waiting on a new installment since last generation. Sadly, Inafune kinda laughed when asked about the possibility of a new Onimusha , and that nobody even asked about that series outside of the Spanish gaming press. He even jokingly stated that if – God forbid – they did do another title, it would have to be set in Spain. Okay, well, I'm a big fan of the franchise and I would like to see another Onimusha …and last I checked, I'm not part of the Spanish press.
Maybe I'm the only one, though. Maybe there aren't any other gamers out there who recall Onimusha with any fondness. …or maybe Capcom is as off on their assumption about this as they are about DMC needing a Western overhaul.
Onimusha was the ish!
I agree, Sunni. I loved the Omnimusha franchise.
Wow, he laughed at the mention of one of my favourite series that I've finally been waiting to hear of some sort, and it left a sour taste in my mouth, as soon as my hopes went up of what he would say…
Ah well, all I can say is I can't believe I expected something from the guy who said that Japanese Game Industry was dead. Or something similar along the line.
Last edited by Victor321 on 9/2/2010 9:44:33 PM
So the new trend to westernize games is to set them in the West!
How I wish the 360 never existed.
perdón? no habla inglés…now give me my Damned Onimusha you bastards!
Dammit capcom! Pull your head out of your ass already!
I'm genuinely surprised at how ill-informed and ignorant these guys can be.
Onimusha was amazing, even I know that there are a lot of fans out there. Why doesn't Capcom?
Onimusha was one of my favorite series. I have them all and they hold a place in my monster/demon slaying heart. The games gave us what we wanted. New worlds to explore and enemies we can slice/dice. For them to dismiss Onimusha does not bode well for the future.
I really don't know what to say, what are we to them?
We are their fans yet they think that we don't exist, we're asking for this and they gave us that. I'm not a huge fan of Onimusha but I did enjoyed it quite a bit.
I'm not Spanish and I want another Onimusha. I do eat Mexican food sometimes, though. I'll settle for Onimusha: Taco Warlords 3 if it makes Inafune happy..
I fully enjoyed Onimusha as well and this sort of behavior is appalling coming from the company that made such a good series. I'm actually quite speechless, I was thinking the Capcom hate might be a little misplaced lately but now I feel it is fully justified.
RE5 still sits on my shelf unplayed, and I'll get around to it, but if the whole point of RE6 is to just put something on the shelves soon then screw em. If they want to ruin Devil May Cry then screw em.
The twitchers have severely damaged this generation. I'm like… hurt by this Western bandwagon.
I was just telling my friends on Facebook that I've been playing through the Resident Evil Series, right now i'm on Outbreak File #2, Next RE4, and comparing them all to RE5, in the term of story does next to nothing to move the story along, not even the story of RE 4. But 4 kinda was a bit pointless storywise itself. I shudder to think what RE6 will bring. But me being the RE whore that I am. I'll pick it up and stay glued to my seat as I force myself to take it in.
I miss my zombies.
I've been meaning to ask you two something. Is that.. a RL pic of you holding a sword, main? And didn't you and world have a bet or something about a PS3 and a sword?
Yes that is me. and the bet is that if a FF7 remake isn't announced at TGS this year he gets my 60 gig, but if it is I get his katana.
You know it's not an original right? I don't think it's been folded 2,000 times or anything.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/3/2010 1:42:46 PM
Oh ok, I thought the bet was already over and you won, and you kept the picture of you holding what I thought was World's katana as a trophy pic.
Square enix already confirm a remake just google FF7 remake confirm.
Nope, that one is mine. I have a space set aside for World's.
@World, Mine isn't folded either, its just a replica of Tom Cruise's in Last Samurai.
So they think that just because, in a room full of press (i don't know all the details) that just because the Spanish reporter asked that it would only have a market in Spain? I never would have made that connection. But a connection I can make is that Spain could be considered "Western" which is their target market, right? So, by that logic they just shot themselves in the foot right? everyone in business knows not to laugh off your key demographic.
Last edited by main_event05 on 9/2/2010 10:45:48 PM
I really hoped they would bring onimusha back..
1-3 was quite good.. the latest one released in 06.. was blah.. imo.
but i was hoping they would bring back the original character..what was his name.
Samanosuke Akechi (ãã¾ã®ãããããã¡ï¼
They brought him back in Dawn of Dreams, he changed his name though. He still wears his traditional red armor though he had traded his swordsmanship for the ways of a monk…
I want a new megaman legends in hd from those jokers at capcom. Can't say i played onimusha but I bet they could make some money off a new game.
In all honesty, I prefer Onimusha over Resident Evil…but that's just me. And I'm not Spanish either Ben. Go figure.
I would think people love to see another Onimusha series. I've played the first two and I love the actor who play the main guy, because he's from my country.
There have been talks of a movie for a while. they were to use the Mokap guy for the lead role, that would have been nice. My favorite is how they mixed history with lore Nobunaga(?) was a real warlord who conquered much of japan some say he was ruthless as demon but I also read he was quite kind, i guess it depended on who you asked. and aside from the lore and stuff it was just good clean, well bloody, fun. way way before its time.
I still have all the PS2 titles except Blade Warriors which I will get when I get the money for it.
I fought the Demons in 1 and 2, and the Genma in 3 and Dawn.
I tirelessly mastered the Issen.
I have obtained the Sword of Bishamon, Rekka-Ken, the Ultimate Whip, Gokumonji (and others).
I even beat the Critical and Oni modes…
Long Story short, I beat each game with the highest possible rating and enjoyed (and understood)the storyline.
If there was a new game, I would buy it, with no questions.
I don't know what all you are talking about. I kinda laughed when I read Onimisha too. I never really cared for it… In fact I completely forgot about it till now.
Last edited by CaptRon on 9/2/2010 11:56:27 PM
I thought before they said they were doing a complete overhaul on RE6 and it wouldn't be out for quite some time after 5.
I actually like the controls in 4 and 5, despite what some people say. They give the game a unique feel. And the whole not being able to move while shooting thing? Ever try that? It's pretty hard to be accurate with a gun when you're moving… just saying.
thats what I keep trying to tell my friends. Run and gun may work well when facing off against humans because they fear getting shot, they fear the pain, and they fear death but against an something that doesn't feel pain or is already dead and only a well placed shot can put it down. Inaccurate shooting just won't do.
Move and shoot at the same time? That's call Spraying. Sometime it help you survive when you're running for your life, it may not be accurate but at least you are trying to defend yourself.
RE Outbreak has Walk and Shoot. I've used it maybe once or twice.
wow… this makes me sad. I was hoping for a new Onimusha since this gen started… Guess it'll just never happen. My ties to Capcom are now severed. Dah well =/
what a way to say "F**k you" to fans who were hoping for a new installment in the series… dumbass
I guess its only fair, I laughed off RE5 first. I tried the demo, and there is no way in hell I will play another RE after playing Dead Space. At least, not with the tank controls.
Oh, Capcom… You must be taking leaves out of S-E's venerable book: How to Piss Off Your Loyal Customers. I hear it's a good read, but not the kind of book that I'd read.
RE6: The two year sequel to a survival horror game which featured almost no survival horror elements. Those that remain will not.
DMC5: The Western Dante. Bringing the worlds greatest demon hunter to meet the Dante of Dantes Inferno. Oh yeah, there will be Hellspawn.
Me: *breaks down and cries*
with top people leaving Capcom(Hiroyuki Kobayashi being a the last from what I understand) in droves,it probably won't be long until inafune follow suit and also leave.
meh, RE is dead to me now what they did to RE5.
actually, no scratch that not only capcom, but every Asian developer is dead to me!
capcom, $E, sega use to be the cream of the crop, you use to see one of those names as a seal of quality.
not anymore 🙁
Sega: Valkyria Chronicles, and Valkyria 2 released just 3 days ago (31st August)
not here they dident.
yakuza 3 is the closest thing to a great game they released, but it was far too repetitive and far too much babysitting!
im sorry, i thought yakuza was Japanese for mafia, not Japanese for babysitter!
Last edited by ___________ on 9/3/2010 10:00:17 AM
can't wait for RE6 i must be the only one here that really like RE5 maybe we will see some thing at TGS.
I played Onimusha Warlords – didn't care much for the fact that you had to use the D pad for movement, but I stuck with it because it was a really awesome game. Demon Siege finally used the analog sticks, and I liked that one a whole lot as well. They could have left out all that crap with the kid though lol. So now they laugh off the possibility of continuing the series. Sigh.
The only RE I played was 4. Great game. Never played 5, it doesn't seem to have any horror aspect to it. I'll watch the trailers for RE6. Who knows. I'd be far more excited for an Onimusha game.
Gears of evil 2 incoming. what. we had gears of evil 1 ? yes. haven't you played RE5 :
I am quite fond of games like Onimusha and Genji. To hear Keiji Inafune totally put off a question the way he did about a series many enjoyed for years is irritating. I was planning on purchasing Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes and the next RE installment, but think I will pass on Capcom games till they pull their western wannabe heads out their asses!
It's not very encouraging that some Japanese devs think people only like certain games because of the region they live in.
Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 9/3/2010 9:13:29 AM
capcom messed up when they made DMC4 mutiplat, so its not a big deal to me if they want to make RE6 quick and mess it up. i moved from capcom long ago..
Did anyone buy Onimusha on day one? I doubt Capcom wants to make more bargain bin fodder.
I bought it a few months later in May when I purchased my 1st PS2. The 2 sequels I bought on day one and I love the series. Great mixture of combat and storytelling.
I bought every Onimusha game on day one. I still have them and play them when I need some time away from shooting things in every game that's released now.
Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 9/3/2010 1:43:37 PM
Wow. I have Onimusha 2 and liked it a lot. Didn't finish it but I can see how perhaps Devil May Cry kinda overshadowed it.