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Capcom: New DMC Needs A Fresh “Western Touch”

Right about now, most all fans of the franchise are covering their ears going, "no, no, no, no, no, nononono!!!"

In the latest attempt by a Japanese developer to give Western gamers what they "want," Capcom boss Keiji Inafune has said the next Devil May Cry will have a distinct "western touch" so it'll be more appealing to North American and European gamers. Rumored to be in development at Ninja Theory ( Heavenly Sword , Enslaved: Odyssey to the West ), the mystery DMC5 project has remained under wraps for quite some time. But this first bit of news may not go over well with series followers; Inafune apparently made the following statement to Spanish source 3DJuegos:

"Devil May Cry 5 is a game that, when started development, this will change a lot in relation to the above. The reason is that, despite the franchise has some very loyal followers, their sales are not particularly high, especially overseas.  For this reason, it is likely that in the fifth chapter will incorporate certain 'Western touch' to make it more attractive to American and European players."

Great. Here we go again. The new DMC should be announced in a few weeks time at this year's Tokyo Game Show but if it's significantly different from previous entries, those loyal fans might freak right out…Capcom seems to think what a lot of Japanese developers think these days: instead of expanding the formula to appeal to a larger audience, they'll ditch the original fans because there aren't enough of them, and then try to attain more new fans. We can't figure the logic in this (it's only math), but hey, we're not business executives.

Now we wait with a touch of anxiety. 'cringes'

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14 years ago

I thought the whole point of playing a Capcom game was to get away from annoying American games… No offense.

I think we just ALL agree we would perfer to kill EA and let SE live… yes?

Yea Battlefield is good, but if we had a choice…

FF vs BF

I pick FF, I play BF and I can't wait till BF3, but I'd give up BF3 to play some FF13V.

14 years ago

SquareSoft and SquareEnix of the PS1/PS2 gen, yes.

SE of the 360/PS3 gen… not so sure.

14 years ago

oh btw…

"covers ears" NO!!!!!!!!! NO!!! NO NO NO!!!

14 years ago

"Loud Speaker at TGS"
Now introducing DMC5!!! Customize all your weapons,including the new "Rocket Launcher!". Create new combos with Nero for some "Awesome Combo Action!!". Lets not forget the Ladies, Trish and Lady will have all new levels. Complete them for some devious costumes that would make Dante blush! Thats right people,We Sold Out!!! Pre Order Now!!!!

>.> you all know its going to happen.

14 years ago

Can we, The PSX, Community pool our funds and just start buying up properties? Oh even better, since America has become the land of frivolous lawsuits, I'm sure we can sue for something.

14 years ago

I got $15 xD

14 years ago

My reaction =


14 years ago

Well…personally as someone who wasn't previously into DMC, I couldn't really care less. But I know it sucks for all those loyal fans out there that appreciate and respect the consistency of the series. Man these Japanese devs really need to understand a few things. Stereotypes don't sell games. It only pisses off knowledgeable and well-informed gamers from other countries, especially those from the west.

Why are these Japanese devs so fickle? Just because Activision makes profits to the zenith power from there COD titles doesn't mean everyone should indulge in FPS. My honest opinion is that COD is a decent franchise, they are fun games. That's a fact. With a few more tweaks, a gargantuan attention to detail, and an exclusive release for the PS3, someday a dev might be able to put out a Killzone 2 quality FPS on the PS5. It's completely possible!

Back to you Japanese devs! Instead of assimilating Western qualities and typicality, why don't you reach out and grab different elements from Western games? Maybe not so subtle elements, gentle elements as opposed to transforming a whole culture of gaming into a broken, stereotypical half-assimilated attempt; which only serves to express that what you observed from Western games is that we value complete badasses and twitchy controls.

To conclude an extended to the point of too-much-of-a-bother-to-read rant, I'd like to offer Japanese devs a quote.

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else".
— Judy Garland

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 9/2/2010 1:50:54 PM

14 years ago

That's a great quote, and perfectly fitting to this entire topic.

14 years ago

Thanks Highlander! Japanese devs need to get it together. Unsurprisingly, I enjoy their games as much if not more than most "Western styled" releases. Of course it helps that I enjoy anime and whatnot but their games are usually a breath of fresh air. The PS2 was swarming with said titles but now those titles are less prevalent on current gen game consoles. They might not have the largest fanbase but they definitely have a sizable LOYAL fanbase. But with all these western implementations lately those LOYAL fans will begin to dwindle. I just hope these devs catch wind before it's too late.

14 years ago

I've been looking forward to this game for a long time. After hearing this, I'm not sure if I want to hear anymore. Guess I'll just have to keep my hopes up.

14 years ago


14 years ago

huh, whats that son? speak up i cant hear ya!

14 years ago

How can you hear what he's typing? >_>

14 years ago


It's because he was being ironic on account of the original poster using all CAPS which is in 'net terms the same as shouting.

14 years ago

Well they just lost another sale.

14 years ago

What sense does it make to introduce newcomers to a series during the 5th entry? It's like going to see a play during the 5th act. Be it movies, books, games, or whatever, anything past the 2nd or third is strictly for the hardcore fans.

14 years ago

The Residentially Evil Wada infection is spreading!

Quick, call Milla Jovovich……….

….or Godzilla!

14 years ago

Wouldn't Milla only make it worse? God, I hate that woman.

14 years ago

I like Mila just none of her movies.

Well…the 5th Element was good.

14 years ago

Milla is a peach…a peach, I tell ya.

14 years ago

I think you should know that peaches go very bad very fast.

14 years ago

maybe they might make it Simula to god of war and those other quick action buttons that we press to do a brutal finsh

14 years ago

You know what? QTEs on DMC would actually work pretty good in my opinion… If developers wants to make their games better, they should just read the posts on PSX 🙂

14 years ago

Hell, I had the hots for her in her previous RE movies.

BUT!!!!!!!…..I'm not to thrilled with her new look in the upcoming RE movie.

She's looking more like a roughed-up $2 streetwalker on a 9 year bender!
(no offense to Bender, the robot)

14 years ago

So Biker, you can give a rat's ass about the story and plot of a movie as long as there is enough eye candy?

14 years ago

How about PSXextreme makes a survey of all it's members who are against this whole 'westernizing' fad and have it sent to Capcom and all those developers. I don't know if this will work though. Since the members who comment here don't sound the same as the comments on Kotaku, IGN, Joystiq, etc. (Sometimes those members are a$$holes, probably because they hate Sony with a blinding stubborn passion.)

14 years ago

You all have valid points except Sogi_Otsa. LOL. J/K. There are real gamers that don't want japanese games. Anyways… I can definitely see what your saying UnderDog. I guess i just see it as if Japanese developers are getting stagnant and are lacking motivation, then sometimes you have to look at things from a different perspective and dip your hands into something thats relatively unknown to you. Sometimes that means taking queues from other styles and other developers.

I don't think they are going to change everything about Devil May Cry. At least i hope not… But like someone else said, QTE might be a perfect fit for a game like DMC. I guess it's just a wait and see type of thing. I for one will keep my hopes up. I'm primarily a western type of gamer anyways. So i guess i don't see it as that big of a deal. I just like good games so if they can do that with a more westernized approach then more power to them. No one ever said that just because they are japanese, they have to make japanese games. And another thing, being true to yourself doesn't mean that you have to do the same thing the rest of your life or make the same games the rest of your career. I see that type of thinking as the reason why the developers have lost their motivation in the first place. I think them taking a more westernized approach could help alot of those teams and developers make new and fresh IP's. Doesn't mean all of them have to take this approach and that all games should go this direction. But we're talking about a 5th entry in a series now. Although DMC4 was a bit different from DMC3, it was still quite a bit the same. I think it would be nice to see some things change. i thought making games was all about expanding your horizon's anyways. Maybe i'm wrong. That's the artist speaking in me now. LOL. Oh well.

Again really good points and thanks for all of your input.

14 years ago

Yeah, I see what you mean.

I think what people are worried about is getting another FFXIII. I mean, in reality, it was a pretty sweet game. But it was bitter-sweet, you know? Basically, although it took Western cues and mixed it in with the old, what ended up happening is that many of the elements fans specifically play the franchise for were removed.

So yeah, I agree that they can make a great game dipping into western trends, but I think people's concern is "at what cost?" I'm not that familiar with DMC, but I am familiar with other Japanese games that turned to a western flare.

Of course, we must reserve full judgment until we actually see the end result, but given the fact that's exactly the same thing Square Enix was saying before FFXIII, it's definitely concerning. Many of us FFXIII fans enjoyed it somewhat, but I for one let out a resounding, "What the Hell, Man?!? The main elements that attracted me to the entire franchise of Final Fantasy were completely removed.

So in essence, we're both right. They could do a great job, but fans definitely have cause to worry… know what I mean?

14 years ago

i'd like to see QTE but kinda like KH2, in that respect DMC4 kinda had that with the devil bringer. i'd like it to be ya know counter, special action. i don't want it to be finishers to many games do that now days. GOW and darksiders in example, good games tho.

Last edited by Sogi_Otsa on 9/2/2010 11:11:54 PM

14 years ago

DMC is already quite western but my guess is that if they're gonna westernize it more, it's gonna play like Uncharted 2 or ENslaved.

L1 and R1 for aim and fire, it's the first thing that popped up when I saw this article.

14 years ago

Someone probably already mentioned it, but what exactly is a "Western Touch"? Western looking character? I don't really know. Everytime they say that, make me think they don't have enough faith in their own culture or something.

14 years ago

no one really knows… it's pretty much entirely subjective. All we know is what happened to games that claimed they were going "western". They basically moved away from their own culture, and failed at matching the quality of another.

14 years ago

What losers. the game will suck confirmed.

14 years ago

No, no, no, no… Crapcom… don't start this nonsense now…



14 years ago

Western games are more 'realistic' and im starting to hate that.

I used to LOVE playing games because they took me to an entirely new world, with things that arent possible here.

These days realism is taking over, its hard to enjoy games as much now. its been years since i sat up till 6am playing a game.

Japanese style games were awesome, the characters were badass, the action was awesome, the whole thing was just…COOL. and it was rare to find a game that came out of japan that didnt rate 9+ with critics.

The gaming industry is on a decline my friends, in fact, most of the industries coming out of japan are.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 9/2/2010 9:19:21 PM

14 years ago

after all the bayonaise, everything else is gonna look like gutter trash

14 years ago

Watch after all this, the game end up good, maybe even better than it has been. Or watch them take out the swords because 'Westerners don't like swords, it's not as fast as rapid firing a game.' Screw that, give me a sword and I'll finish an enemy faster than any gun can, lol.

14 years ago

@ DJEezzy

I get what you're saying man. I actually agree. In my post before I was trying to relate the fact that although change can be good, trying to be what you're not is always less rewarding than being yourself. In my post I wanted to relay that changes can be beneficial given that they are minute yet gradually expanding the limits and boundaries of previous titles. Some games you go in expecting the core gameplay to play out a certain way; changing that core essence of a game for something quicker and more efficient isn't exactly what I would call progress…especially if it tampers with the game's traditional pacing. I like the Uncharted franchise because it is a TPS beast. If it all of a sudden became a FPS I would be thoroughly disappointed.

14 years ago

Haven't Japanese devs learned to STOP trying to 'westernize' their games already? if it was a kick ass game, it will draw people in. Stop categorizing us western gamers into some category that you think works.

14 years ago

"Western Touch"
see, now that is exactly what is destroying Asian developers!
there more worried about f*cking sales than they are about there bloody games!
self pride has gone down the shitter these days!
meh, who gives a flying f*ck if our game sucks donkey balls as long as it makes me that .001% richer!

14 years ago

I'd have a lot easier time agreeing with you if your post wasn't laced with obscenity.

14 years ago

or improper grammar.

14 years ago

Western touch – maybe a 4 hour single player campaign with the main focus being a a glitched out online multiplayer?

14 years ago

Lol indeed sir!

14 years ago

gah! … *smash head on desk*

Are we the only ones complaining about this? Have our voices not been heard? Do Japanese dev's not research the western gamers opinions on the 'westernization' of their games?

This generation has blown me away with it's technology. But on the Japanese gaming front, I long for the uniquely non-western games of yesteryear…

14 years ago

I'm still 100% pissed we didn't get Dragon Quest on PS3. I absolutely LOVED DQ8…. SO much… why can't we have another top quality DQ?

14 years ago

the day the entire video gaming world is fully westernized is the day I stop playing video games, period.

the fact that Japanese gaming developers lost faith and confidence in their own expertise and choose to lick the westerners, and the fact that they prefer cash over talent and perfetion has saddened the gaming world and true loyal Sony gamers.

The last two real representatives of the pure Japanese vision of beauty are Hideo Kojima for his MGS series, and Fumito Ueda for his ICO, SOTC and The Last Guardians.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 9/4/2010 12:53:03 AM