When it comes to Atlus, we wouldn't normally have to supply the "NSFW" warning. But here, it's probably warranted.
Announced last week for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Catherine is the veteran game maker's very first high-definition title. You should read the detailed breakdown over at Andriasang (taken from the latest Famitsu): "key members" of the Persona team are hard at work on Catherine and in the game, you will play as Vincent, a 32-year-old single salaryman whose life changes dramatically upon meeting the very forward 22-year-old Catherine. Not long after the two hook up, Vincent starts having nightmares; there's a huge set of stairs in each of those nightmares and if he can't reach the top, he won't wake up. For some reason, he'll meet a large number of lambs in those horrific dreams, and all the lambs are being chased by a pair of gigantic hands…not sure what that's all about.
Here's the trailer but be careful; don't start viewing at work, or something.
Yeah, well, that's what usually happens, right? You get the hot girl that rocks your world and pretty soon, you're plagued with nightmares that somehow affect both the dream world and the real one. So what else is new? Anywho, we're not too sure about the gameplay just yet but it does seem like vintage Persona , as those RPGs always had a lot to do with an alternate universe of darkness, one that was sorta half-real. The article does suggest that the gameplay will take place within those nightmares, and it'll be a single-player experience (no big surprise there).
Producer and game director Katsura Hashino said the game is "very adult-oriented" – duh – and that it's very "different from usual." Will it be an RPG? Well, it certainly appears that way; it's really the only type of game these guys do . As for the style, well…it looks like Catherine is going to throw her fine self into the ring for consideration in the ongoing "most appealing video game vixen" contest. For more info, check out the Japanese retail poster that has been spotted (good God!) and also, if you speak Japanese, you can always go to the game's official site .
Now, is the game coming here and if so, when? It's slated to release in Japan this winter.
Related Game(s): Catherine
Seems kinda weird… But then again it's Atlus… They kno how to make pretty good games… i was hoping for a new Persona on PS3 but i guess this will do for now
Everyone's gotta ask this question but…
Sheeple? – That's freaky enough!
@ Solid_Snake,
I remember reading several articles about the announcement of Catherine, a week or so back. The main guys, most likely mentioned in the article from Ben, stated that there will be more details on Persona 5 next year….however, we got TGS, and they`re bound to get asked about P5 from the press every time they`re going to publicly show Catherine to the gamers.
Also, the only thing I know about P5 is that the serie's composer, Shoji Meguro, is the director of the game.
As for what console P5 would be released on (common sense would be PS3, but a multi-plat release would be good too, as the Persona series isn't continuous; you don't need to play P4 to know P3 for example), this is totally unknown.
Hoped I helped in any way ^.^
Last edited by Victor321 on 8/30/2010 6:40:54 PM
@shadowpal2 When I read the article, and saw the sheep, the first thing that came to my mind was lambs to the slaughter.
damn D1B 4 me through i have a funny feeling that this might never make it out because it might get rated AO
why? even if they show nudity its not like boobs and sex have never been shown in a videogame (think Heavy Rain's interactive sex with Madison)
@BTN just saying thats all
Ironically, despite the 'adult themes' the game was rated Cero C in Japan (15+). If this does make it to the US, it's more than likely to get an M rating
Even if it did get AO-rated, Atlus would take it back and edit it. You can't even sell it most places if it gets that rating; you basically have to squeeze in under the M rating if you wish to sell any copies at all.
True. I have NEVER seen an AO rated game on a shelf. Anyone got a list of AO rated titles for PS3?
As far as I know, there aren't any, like Ben said, Sony in general won't sell any game that's rated AO at all, so the developer has to make it M rated by taking stuff out. If you're looking for AO games you need to head to the PC =P
Underdog15 – are you asking for the games that are actually out with an AO rating – or titles that have been given the AO rating in the past?
If it's the first – it's pretty hard research to do but wikipedia is always helpful – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AO-rated_products
As you can see most of them are Mac/PC.
BUT!!!! There is this game: http://n4g.com/news/559089/top-selling-adults-only-title-coming-to-ps3
The PS3 version of this game will be known as Fortune Arterial: Red Promise – when it will come out? Not too sure but…I think October.
But there ends my knowledge of AO games.
Fortune Arterial?
Not interested AT ALL!
Only interested in the anime series coming this October, I read the manga 😉
Fortune Arterial is going to be adult oriented, but it's not going to carry any of the adult visuals that the pc version will have. this isn't the first game even like this on Sony's console either, it's just a bunch of story-telling really with you clicking a few things, and without the adult pictures, it's really pointless on the console, just get the pc version if you even ant it =P
finally a persona style game where you don't play as high schoolers
But for Japanese culture, teenager is the way to go and I find it good.
Looks… freaky
I know…and I think I like it
Crazy ass game!
Xbox360? 🙁
At least it's not Persona 5 🙂
its not like their games have ever been the best looing in the world, so I doubt it would have any impact on the quality of the final product. Just means we get to play it on one disk while 360 will probably need at least 2
Looks a little crazy and interesting. I will be watching this more.
Well at least she's 22 and not being represented as a school girl!
Sexy adults = Good
Sexy underage School girls = Bad Bad Bad!
I wonder how well it'll sell in Japan?
Looks like an amazing psychotic thriller.
Not too sure about the gameplay is an understatement. Those little pink circles showing up made it look like Heavy Rain for psycho pervs.
not enough gameplay, but at least what was shown for the game itself looks good for now
Gna be a unique game cant wait always liked atlus games and this aint gna be any differant day 1 for me
Cool avatar 🙂
Looks kind of interesting. I hope to god they translate it into English – I'd hate to be reading subtitles when, you know…I'd be missing out on important parts of the gameplay.
All I have to say is, "yo, yo, yoyoyo, yo yo yoyo….."
Not interested in this. The anime style graphics were neat though.
Hope they make this into a ANIME. looks interestin to watch than to play
I had no problem viewing this at work. The girls here at the brothel didn't mind it one bit.
lol lol lol lol
Little girl squeel.
This will make way for Persona 5. Atlus are gods.
Sounds like a right mind-bending horror experience, and I've been looking for one of them. I may have to check it out.
This is the one I was talking about earlier in another thread.
BTW, I did leave you the link for it after you said you hadn't seen it, but my guess was that you probably had missed my reply back there.
Yeah, I missed it.
I have mixed feelings about this one. A lot of ill-informed people already think that anything called 'anime' is basically the same as cartoon porn. When this game lands and the trailers are played and seen by ill-informed people or those that like to feed ill-informed opinions…I shudder to think of the response.
The thought police don't like it if you draw bad things you know…
Sorry, I can already hear the sensationalist editorials warming up. Not that Atlus or anyone else should hold back on the game because of that. It just really bugs me that so many well meaning people who are simply not well informed can react so irrationally and negatively to drawings when we have so many other pressing issues to concern us.
Anyway, it looks great, and weird, and great, and disturbing, and great, and weird. Mostly great and weird, really weird… Sadly, this is probably not a game for me. It doesn't look child friendly or even child neutral which rules it out until my son reaches a level of maturity that allows him to have a proper perspective on such works.
Interested to see how this one plays.
I hear ya,
I'm all for no censorship.
Anyway, that's for "GOOD" parent's to do, and not from any family outsider, or government to also try & meddle in our individual rights & freedoms.
But back to certain games content, I'm guessing that you(like myself) probably won't enjoy the Erotic PC game "Cthulhu~Great Hunting" either then…..
Not Even 71-Year-Old Grannies Are Safe
Doesn't sound like the key members of the Persona team are losing their passion…
Is the music by Shoji Meguro again this time?
I loved Persona 4's music, especially the opening and the battle theme.
Sounds like it, doesn't it? I was thinking that as well. I have the Persona 4 soundtrack on my iPod and PSP and DS. It's quite addicting to listen to.
If it's by Atlus I'm not really surprised…Barouque for the wii was probably the strangest game I've ever played.
Played that on PS2.
Very interesting. Can't wait to see some gameplay video.
certainly has a uniqueness about it. i definately in. last time i found something quirky like that was killer 7, so i'm definately gonna be looking to purchase this one. Must say theres alot of new IP's that have something different to them. glad to see plastic vision hasent completely killed creativity.
I would LOVE a new Persona game, but in a way, I kinda don't want it. Over the past month, I've been playing Persona 3 Portable and in two game saves (each logging about 68 hours), my PSP has gotten a lot of attention. I can't commit that type of time to a PS3 game because it's not portable like the PSP (PSP allows me to game in the bathroom, in bed, in the kitchen when I'm eating, etc.).
Back On Topic: Catherine looks weird…I like weird. But again, with it being on the PS3, I'd only have a select period of time to play this. Most likely, I WON'T be able to play this game around my 3 year old daughter…so that just leaves late night play.
I don't know what it is about P3P, but it's so goddamn addicting. I bought MGS:PW around the same time I picked up P3P, so I would have something immediate to play after. And I haven't even opened the game.
Since it's the same team behind the Persona series, I'm definitely gonna pick this up. And the sound track for it sounds like it's gonna be awesome. BTW, just wanted to add, did anyone else see this guy in P3P?