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EA Unveils Medal Of Honor “Multiplayer Experience” Trailer

If you were part of the Medal of Honor beta test, you helped to make the entire experience better for all.

The question is, will the FPS aficionados be impressed with the final result? Well, perhaps you'd like to see the current state of the multiplayer action, which might assist you in making an eventual purchase decision. Thus far, DICE has utilized tester feedback to upgrade the hell out of the game; better graphics, weapon pickups, improved hit detection, better balancing, etc. So now it's time to check out a new trailer dubbed, "the multiplayer experience."

After viewing, it probably won't surprise you to learn that DICE was responsible for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ; there's a definite BC2 influence here, isn't there? Medal of Honor will have to compete with the likes of Call of Duty: Black Ops and Halo: Reach , which means the multiplayer will have to be the best it can be…think they've succeeded thus far?

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor

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14 years ago

BC2's multiplayer is really good, I think the multiplayer of this will actually be better than COD and Halo.

14 years ago

i missed out on Bad Company 2, although I'll probably end up buying this though, seems it'll be a blast

btw John you misspelled upgrade in the hyperlink

Last edited by SerendipityDeus on 8/27/2010 9:48:30 PM

14 years ago

I think he just has fat fingers.

14 years ago

BC2 is still as live as ever dude. You should buy it.

14 years ago

rush mode is pretty irritating though. instead of actually arming the objectives, people just use a rocket launcher to blow it up. i dont mind if they drop a house on it but it ends up just bombs and mortar dropping the whole time. if they allowed engineers to repair them, it should be fine.

Last edited by johnld on 8/28/2010 2:12:44 AM

14 years ago

Lol, nice article 'John'.

But yeah, pretty much any time I see MoH multiplayer aspects, I just say reference how it's essentially just BFBC2 in a new skin, not that it's a bad thing or anything, but it's just if I wanted to play BFBC2 online…I'd play BFBC2 online. But either way, the single player for this game is the only thing that interests me at this point.

14 years ago

It does look a lot like BC2, but I think it'll be more of a mix of CoD and Battlefield. If you watch the video, the map doesn't look very open as all Battlefield maps are. It looks much more close quarters combat oriented.

Last edited by The_R0gue_Ninja on 8/28/2010 12:10:17 PM

14 years ago

I take it you guys didnt play the beta?

This is what BF:BC2 should have been. The beta alone is better then BF:BC2, the game modes are a lot of fun (the two you have access too), and the guns sound and feel more authentic. DICE will be taking things from MoH online for their next games cus its much improved over BF.

I'll say it may look like BF in a few areas, but it plays and feels different. Either way regardless the thoughts on it, its a fun experience.

And just a side note, that was one map. The map in the beta is huge, almost like MAG size huge (not quite lol but close) very open, but also with lots of vantage points. Very well thought out!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/28/2010 12:34:45 PM

14 years ago

Yeah, I didn't take part in the beta. I would've loved to, but never made it in. 🙁

I simply love BF:BC2, and what you said here has only solidified my desire to purchase MoH. Hopefully there will be a midnight release at GameStop.

Last edited by The_R0gue_Ninja on 8/28/2010 7:53:19 PM

14 years ago

i dunno, it looks TOO much like BC2.
if they just changed the gun movement animations 2 b like single player, that changes everything!

14 years ago

holy hell, i loved everything i saw. definitely a lot different from the beta. i liked the map layout too. now i dont feel bad at all skipping black ops. now the only problem is that the 3 of the 4 games i want to get comes out in october a week before each other. 2 actually comes out the same day. if it is anything, even a little like bad company 2, then i'll be all good till killzone 3.

on a side note, didnt anybody complain that leveling up in uncharted 2 takes so damn long. i started playing online again and it pisses me off that i can get 15k the most in a game but i need about 300k to level up.

14 years ago

yeah the leveling in Uncharted 2 are beast. But once you get there it is so much better since you worked your ass off for it. ahh love that game (L)

14 years ago

Only 15K a game? In Siege, Survival or Gold Rush (all co-op modes) when I get through round 10 I get 40-50K a match. I am level 53 and it is still a beast. I don't ever see myself getting to level 80.

I looked at the leaderboards and some level 80 folks have put like 79 days 10 hours 5 minutes. I've only put 2 days 20 hours and 30 minutes and like I said, I am level 53. To reach level 54 I need $2 Mil. At 50K average a match, I would need 40 matches just to get that, and each match takes minimum of 30 min if you can get to round 10. Insane and ridiculous if you ask me.

Last edited by ColTater on 8/31/2010 3:54:09 PM

14 years ago

Graphics still don't look very good, lots of polygons. Still not interested. I'm enjoying Bioshock and I got New Vegas in October so I can wait for KZ3 to get a pure FPS fix.

I still maintain there's too many FPS, but anything that could take sales from COD is good in my book. Gotta put that series to bed.

14 years ago

putting the series 2 bed huh?
well, it ain't happening this year!
but if u seriously hate CoD just don't buy it! just remember though, U are the minority, and CoD will continue 2 sell regardless of what u think.
(EDIT) just played kz2 with some friends… even though i am a CoD fan, kz2 was goddamn INTENSE! there were times i forgot what my objectives were, or who i was even fighting… i just fired at anything that moved. it was that chaotic.

Last edited by booze925 on 8/27/2010 11:06:11 PM

14 years ago

No problem there, I don't buy it. I'm just saying a series can only be milked so much. I like franchises that actually take time to get better, and actually get better with each iteration.

14 years ago

WoW! I mean…WOW! This is completly different from the Beta…..Man..WOW! I have been Re-Won-Over. Tommorrow Im going back to gamestop and lay down more then 5 dollars for this(20 USD seems right). EA has impressed me with this turn around.

14 years ago

What does putting down more money get you?

14 years ago

A lighter wallet. >.>

14 years ago

This game will be real good. I actually felt like BF:BC2 should have been this game. Dice did a lot better i felt. I played the beta and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Im more excited bout the SP but this is gonna be awesome.

14 years ago

hopefully we wont get that stupid crap of ONLY 8 MAPS. NO MORE FOR YOU.

14 years ago

Like GaurdianMode, I have been re-won over. This looks just amazing. It has that same feeling of BC2 but in a whole different style. I'm so looking forward to this!

Plus the SP I'm sure will be much better than BC2's sp :P.

14 years ago

I am still playing BFBC2 and can't wait to see how MoH turns out. But it doesn't seem from the video like anything new has been added. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't justify buying a game if it doesn't innovate the genre in any way. So I'll wait for the reviews and decide accordingly. Hoping for the best though.

14 years ago

defently looks 10xs better than the beta did that's for sure. i don't think the games Multiplayer though will be able to compete against black ops and especially halo reach. not saying its not better than those both cause moh defently will be better than those 2. due to cod and halo are over hyped abuse house hold games. cause any game that trys to compete with those games fanboys will just wine and complain at the lil things on that game, just cause that suck at it. look at kz2 that game for sure beats cod and halo cause kz2 was pushing for more realistic feel with like the weight in the guns. but cod vets just hated it cause they couldn't move infinite miles a hour. so im all for moh cant wait to try the Multiplayer and defently the sp out.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I'm getting this, I am preordering soon.
I'll play this up until Nov. 2
I think we all now what game is coming Nov. 2.

14 years ago

Looks great!

On a related note, not everyone is crying foul in the MOH controversy…..

Danes Use a Little Reason to Douse Medal of Honor Hysterics

14 years ago

this looks preeeety sick. i gotta say i wasn't expecting to add anymore games to my list but this seems like its gonna make it.

14 years ago

My problem is that I know too many CoD people that will want to wait another month for Black Ops.

14 years ago

@Worldendswithme – Are you crazy?!! Those graphics look insane. They look very, very polished to me. That was the first thing I noticed. Anyway, to be honest this gives the impression of "seen one military FPS seen em all".

14 years ago

maybe I am crazy, cuz I keep comparing multiplats to the likes of killzone.

14 years ago

looks pretty good tbh but the guy playing would have died lol!