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Konami Questions Launch Windows For Move, Kinect

Both PlayStation Move for the PlayStation 3 and Kinect for the Xbox 360 will be releasing this fall. It's nice to have competition, and consumers get a choice.

But Konami digital entertainment president Shinji Hirano says he's not sure the similar release windows are a good idea. In speaking to Forbes about both Move and Kinect, Hirano does have plenty of praise for both new pieces of technology. But with Move launching next month in both North America and Europe (Japan gets it in October) and Kinect following on its heels in November, he says that due to "price-sensitive" gamers, the release times are too close to one another. Said Hirano:

"It’s pretty good for the industry, but at this moment I don’t know why they’re being brought in at the same time. People cannot buy the two peripherals at the same time, especially now, when people are pretty price-sensitive."

He raises a valid point, even though both motion technologies are exclusive to a particular platform. Neither Move or Kinect is exactly cheap and if a gamer owns both the PS3 and 360 and they wish to partake of both motion experiences…well, that's a pricey endeavor, especially around the holidays when a ton of games hit the market. Perhaps it will have to come down to choice; i.e., which the buyer will choose, if they indeed have the option.

And that's an argument that can last for a while.

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14 years ago

I'm getting Move to enhance my hardcore experience. I always wanted to play games like table tennis, but the Wii experience was horrible. I never played more than 2 games.

14 years ago

Entirely agree. I would only be interested in move for a core experience meaning interactive drams, RPG's, and shooters. And if it doesn't do those things well (as it's supposedly designed for) Then I will all interest

14 years ago

kinect is for casuals only. it will have a ton of shovelware.

14 years ago

Let's not kid ourselves here. Move is going to have a tonne of shovelware as well. It's inevitable. Every third party dev that makes a crap casual market game on Kinect is going to do the same thing to Move.

Move might even get a few more since it is more similar to the Wii scheme than Kinect is.

I am thinking that both are going to have their pros and cons.

14 years ago

I've read somewhere that Sony will make some "shovel wares" a PSN title instead. I'm interested how that will turn out.

14 years ago

Even if it is 5$ dlc the people who buy it are still getting ripped off. I think Devs should make GOOD casual experiences. That way both gamers and soccer moms can buy it.

14 years ago

I'm guessing most people only have 1 of the 2 consoles so this probably isn't that big a deal.

14 years ago

I own both 360 and ps3 but I'm getting the move. The kinect games that are coming out are way to casual for me.

14 years ago

Interesting comments by Konami. It would seem that Konami's concern is mostly directed at the multi-console owning audience.
I probably won't be getting either peripheral come this this holiday season.

This may sound negative, but I hope the Kinect crashes and burns a most miserable death.


What the crap has MS been doing with their first party studios lately?
Their list of must-play first party games is running precariously short.
Have they turned all their attention to this Kinect product leaving 3rd party studios to take care of their core audience for them?

Should MS be known as the company that drops their users like a dead weight at the first sign of greener pastures? Does anyone want to be reminded of how the original Xbox was on the market for only 4 years before MS asked another $300-$400 from their audience?

Something just seems off. I can type a long list of in-house developed games for PS3 coming in the future, but that's something I most definitely can't do for 360.

I can only make two assumptions out of this situation. Their in-house studios are tied up making Kinect software, or they're busy bees quietly working away at software for the next-Xbox.

14 years ago

MS has first party studios? 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I thought MS only had like, three first party studios as opposed to Sonys twenty-ish. It only makes sense that Sony would have a whole bundle more games coming out.

14 years ago

Yeah, it doesn't seem that they have many.
Taking a glance at Microsoft Game Studios at Wikipedia I find that it outlines their first party studios and 3rd party affiliates.

My argument would be better made concerning MS's franchises, rather than their studios. There are a number of good franchises that they seem to have given up on: Rallisport Challenge, Lost Odyssey, Project Gotham, Kameo, Crimson Skies, MechAssault, even Banjo-Kazooie was surprisingly pretty good, and hilarious, too. And while I thought their last Perfect Dark game was nearly garbage (by today's standards), I wouldn't mind seeing some revitalization for the series. About 8 months ago, or so, they had a decent amount of quality games in their cue. But now? it's like Reach, and maybe Fable 3… but is that it? Am I missing something?

Really, outside of Alan Wake, they haven't made a big effort to improve or expand their own brand. With the ME franchise coming over to PS3, and I'm surely eventually the Gears franchise, things appear to be dry.
It makes me wonder what's going on.

14 years ago

I don't know why anybody would want a kinect. Who wants to jump around their living room like an idiot?

14 years ago

Even more importantly, who has a living room big enough for that sorta thing? I'd have to stand pretty far back from my PSEye to get my whole body in even with the adjustable lens.

14 years ago

I'd be surprised if I ever get either one of these, and it has nothing to do with their launch times or finances. It has to do with lack of interest in the games they're for.

Actually, I know I'll never get Kinect. That thing is waaay too behind the current gaming curve.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
14 years ago

You can just imagine the fanboy battles… boy 1: "why are you getting move? its crap" boy 2: "its better than an eyetoy, yeah, we had that years ago…" boy 1: "oh riiiiiight… and playstation didnt copy the wii did they?" boy 2: "move is way better than the wii controllers!" boy 1: "kinect is way better than the eyetoy!!" boy 2: "shut up fool!" boy 1: "I had to tell your mother to shut up last night…" You can see where this is going.

14 years ago

Yeah, that's a serious issue. If people can't afford to buy both within a month of each other, they might have to decide which they like better and buy that one first. Then wait a little while before buying the second one. The pain…the anguish.

I notice Konami has their Castlevania game scheduled to release on the exact same day as Enslaved, and I'd sort of like both of those games. So maybe he could practice what he's preaching and delay his game for a few months so as not to cause me undue economic hardship?

14 years ago

Thank you. That was the best comment I've read in so long.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Man I have the money but I dont want to spend so much in a few months. I pre ordered prestige edition Call of Duty Black Ops thats 150. Im buying FIFA Soccer 2011, thats 60. Plus I want Move , you can get two for 100$ at gamestop. Thats about $315ish dollars worth of just buying games. Damn 315$.
FIFA Soccer 2011 September $60
Platstation Move September $100
Call of Duty Black Ops November $150 (prestige) $60 (normal)

14 years ago

I'll be picking up Move sometime. Maybe I can get my wife to give it to me for Christmas.

14 years ago

Oh noez! Competition is soooo bad!

I'll get Move at some point, but I might wait till there's some sweeter games. Maybe even grab it used when someone else gets bored. Like I said before I like having everything the Playstation brand has to offer.

Hey Konami, don't worry about this technology, just get your asses to work on Suikoden VI!!!

14 years ago

I'll be getting move by christmas, i like the way you pay for it, adding bits when i need it is alot easier than paying a big chunk out to get kinect which i just wont have.

and tbh, the only thing i'd want to use kinect for, is forwarding and pauseing movies with my voice, and operating the dash board with my hands.

i mean, the games for kinect are just awful, one of the games is a kart racer which was just an arcade game on live which they have bought to disc for full retail price, its ridiculos.

where ass move i can see myself getting quite a few games for it, they have a good range of hardcore and casual which is nice.

14 years ago

aside from LionHead and Rare, Microsoft doesn't anymore first party studios. Still though it suck that they had shut down ACES(makers of my MFSX).

14 years ago

Interesting that Konami is concerned about this. There being so few 360s in Japan anyway.

However I see their point, but only with regard to multi-platform homes.

Even so, it's interesting to me that Move is hitting the market 1st, and for users who already have some peripherals for their PS3, there's a good chance that Move will be considerably less expensive than Kinect.

Move also already has support for what might best be called non-casual games like shooters. So although this kind of interface is tagged with the casual gamer label, Move will enhance the non-casual gaming experience as well. That's something that is not going to be possible with Kinect.

With the 1-2 month lead on Kinect in Stores and non-casual/hardcore games coming along for the ride, Move seems like it will possibly sell stronger. I seem to remember that Microsoft wanted Kinect to be first, and even went as far as to say that Kinect would be first to market. I wonder whether it's a measure of how much soft pedaling Microsoft has been doing, that Kinect is in fact trailing move by a couple of months? This kind of echo's what Temjin was saying about Microsoft's lax first part efforts. Could it be that Microsoft's attention span has been reached and they have their eye on something else now? OK, that's a wider issue, and there's a lot more context to it than this. But it's still an interesting thought.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Kinect really does seem even more stupid the more I think about it. I mean, how is it possible for Microsoft (or pretty much any dev) to incorporate it into the core experience. I can imagine it working well in something like Heavy Rain, but that's hardly what would sell on the 360. Plus, Milo and Kate. **facepalm**

Move has a great deal more promise, being able to use it to augment the core experience of many games, but I still can't fathom how it would be implemented into a game like GoW. Someone crafty will probably find a way though.

As for the launch window. Yeah, for gamers the companies chose a terrible time, even if it does make sense from a business perspective. Leading up to the Christmas season, people are more likely to make impulse buys, so releasing these peripherals then is a stroke of genius, but then it pretty much always is the case. Even so, it'll be difficult for most core gamers to justify dropping the big money on these with so little support early on in the game. For me before next year I want to get: R&C: ACiT, Bioshock 2, Enslaved (although reading IGN's eight hour preview I'm starting to lean back towards CV), GT5 signature edition and LBP2. Perhaps Medal of Honor and Fallout: New Vegas as well. That is like… way too much money. I think all these damnable developers need to learn to better space out their games. Give me time to play them all.

14 years ago

Don't forget you get to spend a great deal of money to pet a fake tiger.

14 years ago

You can NEVER use Kinect with core gaming. People may think that Kinect can be used with an Xbox controller for Halo or Gears of War? Wrong, because the Kinect cannot read the movements of someone sitting down. Imagine 10 million Halo fanboys standing up for 10-18 hours a day.

14 years ago

Ya I couldn't see standing for even an hour or 2 playing a game. Hell when I play my Wii I still sit unless we're bowling. Then I stand when it's my turn.

I also can't see why you would want to play a racing game with it. No way to control speed just steering.

14 years ago


OMG! You found it, the secret of Kinect. It's not a new controller, it's a mind and body control scheme by Microsoft. They are trying to force sedentary gamers to their feet and fitness. It's all a conspiracy!


Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

World, is Kinectimals really all that different from Eyepet? I haven't really followed either game, but it seems to me that the two have deep-seated similarities.

Godsman, 10-18 hours? That's a little bit extreme. Surely even Xbots do things other than gaming.

Daze, I think I'm with you. Unless the game is really engrossing I doubt I'd be able to stand for more than an hour or so playing it. I stand for eight hours a day at work, I want to relax when I get home.

Highlander, by George, I think you've got it. We all knew they were evil, but forcing us into doing these things we do not want to, that is simply… Microsoft.

14 years ago

I can see gamers that already own a Wii, will do one or another:

Disappointed in Wii controls, upgrades to more precise Move (That's me)


Happy with Wii controls, tries to experience other types of gameplay and gets a Kinect.

14 years ago

Not gonna be a problem for me, because I'm Sony for life.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

It makes perfect sense from the viewpoints of MS and SCEA. It's an almost even battlefield, in terms of release dates, so they can fairly quip at each other about who has the gamers that want motion controls on their respective consoles. The only major concern is the delivery of each peripheral. For MS's sake, I hope they've managed to take care of a lot of the defects with Kinect that we've seen in recent gameplay videos.

14 years ago

And i dont know about anyone else, but i reckon kinect might get a few complaints consumer wise, since it has slight lag and needs to be a certain distance from the person, with it not working sitting down either, some people may not know what to do with it, if it dosn't work perfectly out the box.

14 years ago

whats the price difference between the two? I thought MOVE was a bit cheaper?

14 years ago

Move starter kit: $100, £50

move controller: $50, £35

sub-controller: $35, £25

Kinect: $150, £130

i may be slightly wrong dollors wise since im from the UK.

Hope it helps 🙂

14 years ago

i already order the move controller and the sub controller, cause i really want to see how well it works out with the games being made for the move. i already bought the ps3 eye cause i needed a mic, ordering the move puts my ps3 eye to more use, rather than just the mic. company named Hyperkin is already making peripherals for the move controller like the spec ops shooter for games like kz3 or socom and they are making a ping pong racket,sword, shiled, etc for the sports champions. go to this link to read more

now with the kinect i don't see it being use for anything rather than just casual games. so hardcore gamers are going to be left out. from what ive been noticing ms has been just pushing the 3rd party devs for the kinect rather than worrying about their 1st party dev company's that keep getting lower and lower. if ms thinks that this kinect is going to work out for them it wont, unless they start getting their 1st part dev teams and start building some great games that work out for the hardcore gamers.

Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 8/27/2010 5:49:44 PM

14 years ago

well from what I see… for me to play Move, its going to cost me £35. I have pseye and another controller, so that's good. obviously that's the minimum spec to play it. where as with Kinect I have to spend £130…

Hmmm, I can see where this is going. personally I like that fact that for £35 I can enjoy Move, and if I want to I can buy the sub controller. but expecting me to shell out £130 for Kinect would be a little steep in this financial climate. Tho if all you have is a 360, it doesn't really matter, if you want it, you have no choice but to spend £130…

14 years ago

I can't entirely agree with this viewpoint. First, it doesn't make sense that either brand should have to "wait" for the other to make a move first. For those who own both consoles, this would generally cause the latter release all those initial sales. The only exception would be for those who are way too loaded to know what to do with their money AND those who aren't impressed with their initial purchase.

Either way, you still have to fork out the money for both (if that's an actual concern), you still have to make time for both consoles, gaming learning curves, utilizing their strengths and gimmicky weaknesses, etc.

Long story short, I don't foresee this as a problem. What I do foresee as a problem is justifying a purchase with an less than encouraging game list. Now that, my friends, will provoke purchases whether they're out at the same time, a few months apart or a year apart.

With that said, I was wondering how gimmicky Kinect would be.. You know what? Which unit would be a better fantasy PORN experience?! Maybe that should be MacroShafts' selling point! :

14 years ago

Yeah, except of course for the Move controller's shape and that phunkie ball on the end of it…

14 years ago

so move does voice recognition and sign language?

14 years ago

Anonymous Cowherd,

I'm sometimes shocked by your ignorance and blind faith. Ignorance of what your PS3 can already do (voice command/voice recognition), and blind faith in the promises made by Microsoft (Kinect can read sign language).

If Kinect can 'read' sign language, so can Move because the PSEye has better resolution and more frames per second to work with. Several PS3 games have voice command built into them already, it's in the SDK, so it can be added any time a developer wants, or Sony wants it in the XMB.

14 years ago

but thats the problem with sony they leave EVERYTHING! up to the developers.
and you know what?
most are lazy buggers there not going to implement anything unless there forced.
how much you want to bet 90% of multiplatform games would not have trophies if sony did not finally enforce them?

14 years ago

since when is september and late november the same time?
2 months is more than enough time between these 2, and there completely different peripherals!
ones geared towards accuracy and towards all types of games.
the other is geared towards more kids styled games, and navigating menus.
kinect is cool, but for games i just cant see how there going to utilize it!
will be interesting when future soldier finally releases.