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BioWare Announces Witch Hunt DLC For Dragon Age

We may have to wait until March for Dragon Age II but in the meantime, we can just keep playing Dragon Age: Origins thanks to continued BioWare support.

Yet another piece of downloadable content is heading our way for last year's award-winning RPG: it's called "Witch Hunt," and it'll be available on September 7 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. It'll go for 560 BioWare Points, 560 Microsoft Points, and $6.99 on the Network. The story centers on the witch Morrigan and what happened to her after the Archdemon fell; she joined the Warden's cause but it was said her true purpose wasn't revealed until the day before the final battle. She disappeared and although some claimed she had gone to Orlais, no trace of her could be found…but now, after a year has passed, there's word that Morrigan has returned to Ferelden; in fact, she's back in the southern wilderness where players first encountered her. But what's the deal? Why'd she go away, and what's her big secret? The Gray Warden heads into the forest to get some answers once and for all… The DLC's features:

Ooh, that last bit sounds appealing. By the way, if you do a search for "Dragon Age Morrigan" in Google images, you're greeted by an absolute onslaught of pics. I had no idea she was such a big deal in the gaming community but then again, I suppose any dark-haired vixen who might take her clothes off resonates with the masses. 😉

Related Game(s): Dragon Age: Origins

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14 years ago

Her so called secret is actually both revealed and a highly important event at the end of the game. See, Ben, I mentioned before that you missed out by not beating it lol. I won't ruin much (minor spoilers), but no matter the ending, she leaves, for one reason or another.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm only summarizing the press release.

14 years ago

Ah man. With all this DLC out now that I missed, and now this one, I have to get this game back this weekend.

14 years ago

I fell behind too. In fact its all ive been playing as of late though! Soon as I finish up the game Im gettin the rest of the DLC and Awakenings is on its way!

14 years ago

I'm still playing this one off and on, but have yet to get much DLC. Morrigan's hot and she was one of my favorite characters, so I'll probably check this one out.

14 years ago

Yeah me too, it's an absolutely fantastic game. Unfortunately I'm stuck in the storyline and can't get past that point, but even roaming round doing side quests are a blast. That's one helluva game.

14 years ago

This will be absolutely fantastic. it will be phenomonal to have Morrigan's thread tied up.

I was a bit confused with how the sequel suddenly took form but this makes everything make more sense.

14 years ago

I just read in Game Informer that part 2 will also continue Morrigan's story. Not sure how that will work.

14 years ago

great more DLC.

14 years ago

is it a crime that i haven't bought a single piece of DLC yet?? nothing interests me, especially what little of it you get for the price…

i'm happy with the bare-bones model and see no interest in purchasing these extras… the only thing i might consider purchasing is the awakening expansion pack… but the DLC doesn't seem worth it to me…

14 years ago

I'm the same, I'd like to get all of this stuff, but its fairly expensive all told. And with DAII right around the corner and very little chance of your decisions in the DLC affecting DAII much or at all it is hard to go down that road.

14 years ago

Same here except I got awakening which was ok but seriously lacking in bgm.
I was tempted by the play as the darkspawn one but this ^ will probably be the first one I pick up.
Just hope the sequel isn't getting watered down in stats, like ME2, and character choice.
Sweet trailer though.

14 years ago

Trade in your original disk and just buy the Ultimate Edition, which will contain all the DLC.

14 years ago

Dayum Morrigan be ugly! 😛

Last edited by Rings0fUranus on 8/25/2010 3:27:35 PM

14 years ago

nuts to that, were she a real chick I'd throw it in her somethin' fierce.

14 years ago

Her attitude is something else..

14 years ago

If you're saying that purely based on the picture, wow you're one-dimensional.

14 years ago

I gotta be honest im with world, and Max. She always rolls around with me in Dragon Age,!

14 years ago

Does Bioware DLC ever come down in cost?

14 years ago

So far the DLC ive payed for has been worth the price. Havn't seen it come down though.

The only one I wouldnt have payed for knowing how short is is now, is the quest to get the character shale. It came with the game if you pre-ordered or got this first batch or something. Anyways That quest was short took me like 45 min. and got Shale who I rarely use lol. Anyways the rest has been awesome and lengthy!

14 years ago

Trade in your original disk and just buy the Ultimate Edition, which will contain all the DLC.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
14 years ago

Sup chaps! my first comment, been visiting this site for a while now so i thought i should make myself a member!!

Anyway, If i still had origins (platinum'd and got bored of it so traded it in) i would definitely but this, chick just walked off with something very important to my warrior after we killed the beasty! glad they're releasing this. will have to find out what happens.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Like the icon!

14 years ago

There is an Ultimate Edition coming out in Oct. or NOV. It's been mentioned on Bioware's forum,supposedly all the DLC is included and Gamestop has it up as a preorder.

14 years ago

Do you know the price on it? $60 would be nice, kinda liek what Bethesda did with fallout 3.

14 years ago

It shouldn't be any more than $60… maybe less.

14 years ago

Sweet, any DLC for Dragon Age is good DLC. lmao.