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Q&As Coming With Insomniac, Tecmo: Submit Your Questions

With a concerted aim to land more interviews that our readers desire, we're here to announce a couple upcoming Q&As and of course, we want you guys to participate.

Insomniac isn't quite ready to talk about Resistance 3 just yet, but they're willing to answer some questions concerning their other recently announced title, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One , the new four-player co-op adventure that'll feature franchise favorites Ratchet, Clank, Qwark, and Nefarious. It looks to be an absolute blast and if you've got some pressing questions that need answers, let us know. Perhaps we'll include your question in the batch we bring to the developers.

The other game in question is the upcoming Quantum Theory from Tecmo. The game that looks an awful lot like Gears of War shows a ton of promise and is scheduled to drop on September 28 and although the competition will be stiff, there isn't much this fall that looks like Tecmo's new action-fest. Feel free to read our preview from last year, watch the video below, and then come up with a few questions.

We'll have a few questions of our own for both Insomniac and Tecmo, of course, but since when do we ignore our readers for interviews? Well, there was that one time, but it was sort of required. So fire away!

Related Game(s): Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One , Quantum Theory

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14 years ago

Quantum Theory looks like some good fun. Sadly, Gears of War is a franchise I grew tired of once I beat the first one, never played the sequel. What are your plans in making Quantum Theory a memorable experience rather than just another forgetful game?

I'm a big fan of Ratchet and Clank and am looking forward to All 4 One as well as the mini-series comics. Any plans on making an animated series for TV, DVD, or the big screen? That would put Ratchet and Clank on a whole new level as Super Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Mega Man did years before…just to name a few.

14 years ago

Yes! That would be huge! And the guy that does ratchets voice already does a tv show (johnny test).

14 years ago

Well what i want to know is if Resistance 3 will have a co-op Campaign… (Hint, Hint)

Also maybe if they will be making another Spyro game… i guess.

14 years ago

For Tecmo:

When will Ninja Gaiden 3 and DOA5 come?

I loved DOA until it went exclusive to Xbox and I didn't have an Xbox back then.

For Insomniac:
All 4 One doesn't look like my cup of tea, I loved R&C because it's a shooting platformer, give me a pure platforming R&C and I will still buy it but don't think I'm gonna love it to death.

So my question is, when will the next R&C in the MAIN series come?
I want more adventure from Ratchet and Clank.

14 years ago

When will DOA 5 comes out ????? or will it ever ???

14 years ago

You could ask them who comes up with lines like "I've never seen a tower this big" or "This is gonna be fun". 🙂

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Can we ask Tecmo about Metroid Other M?

If so, I'd like to know about how weapon switching is handled. Do you only use one weapon at a time?

If you can switch your weapons how is it handled? (ie: through menu, or button presses)

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Sorry, I shouldn't have gone way off track. I'm just very excited 😉

For Insomniac:

– What can we expect as far as weapons? Will each character have their own unique weapons?

– In the trailer we've seen the character's working together to clear platforming objectives. Can you discuss more about how the characters can work together?

For Tecmo:

– The trailer shows a female companion. Is she only AI controlled, or can she be controlled via co-op?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

For the record, people, I think some of you should actually read the article. We aren't fielding general questions for Insomniac and Tecmo; we're talking specifically about the two games mentioned.

14 years ago

I kind of figured, but since I'm not hugely interested in R/C and well, I'll get R3 when it gets out but I'm not chomping at the bit over it. I figured I'd throw something out there for Tecmo 😉

Hehe, no matter anyway.

14 years ago

I spent a bit of time thinking of questions about A4O but i couldnt come up with anything good. I already know the game will be incredible.

All i could think of is about how the game handles drop-in players.

Will the game have a strong story line like previous R&C titles or will it be more like L4D where you are given an objective on the map and have at it without much narrative or motivation other than staying alive?

Will it be like LBP where one person can successfully take on the whole game but there are little side-areas that require 2 or more players to access?
If more players are required (for the whole thing or side areas) will there be an option for AI companions for those who dont have a reliable internet connection or have no internet at all?

What made Ratchet and company like Nefarious all of a sudden? Didnt he also kind of explode at the end of ACiT?

Which brings me back to the first question, will this have a story that is contiguous with the previous stories, or will this be completely separate?

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 8/25/2010 11:20:27 AM

14 years ago


About changing to multi-platform mid development, are there internal team rearrangements to work on the extra console focus? Or are you still focusing on completing your PS3 version first, then move onto Xbox?

Why did you plan on developing a game for Xbox, when such an iconic best sellers game like Gears of War 3 was announced already?

Will the PS3 version have support for Move?

14 years ago

Quantum Theory was seen as the PS3 version of Gears of War, now after announcement of multi-platform, it's just ANOTHER multi-platform game.

14 years ago


Seeing the success of other multiplayer games in the online space, has Insomniac taken any cues from other developers or games and incorporated them into R&C: All-4-One or any upcoming title on the horizon? Can you provide any examples of something you really liked or didn't care for that affected your design decisions?

We know Insomniac has gone multiplatform and wants to develop a new IP that you have full ownership of. Insomniac has done great with the Sci-Fi genre throughout it's lifetime. Has the new customer base changed your thought process on how to target your audience? Do you plan on changing direction (genres) for your next IP?


Quantum Theory has been regularly compared to the Gears of War series. What do you and your team think about this comparison? How has this affected your story and game design decisions?

The market is flooded with shooters, both first and 3rd person. Most games have some mechanic to differentiate themselves from the flock. What features or mechanics does Quantum Theory provide to stand out above the rest?

Last edited by Nynja on 8/25/2010 12:47:02 PM

14 years ago

All questions for Insomniac:

I want to know how the camera is going to be handled in All 4 One. Will it be like New Super Mario Bros Wii where the fastest player can drag the slowest player along (usually into pits and enemies)? Or maybe like Lego Indiana Jones where if the two get too far apart, it just turns into split screen.

How will collecting bolts and buying guns be handled? What happens when three people all want one gun, and the fourth wants a different gun? Will each character have their own bank account to use as they want?

Are you going to have the many moons set up of A Crack in Time, or have a few huge planets like in Tools of Destruction?

Will there be any individuality between how the characters are used, or will they all have the exact same abilities?


Thanks Ben for doing more Q&A's.

14 years ago

I really can't think of anything remotely intelligent to ask. Insomniac is in my to buy list always, but I'd like to remind them, that in the ps2 days multiplat games looked better on the xbox. So this generation please keep with the tradition of not letting one system hold the other back. Thanks for all the wonderful games.

Last edited by tes37 on 8/25/2010 4:07:37 PM

14 years ago

I just read your comment, Ben, about general questions and all can say now is ooops. My apologies.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
14 years ago

Question for Ben to ask Insomniac:

Will R&C:All 4 One have local co-op or will it be online co-op only? If it doesn't have local co-op would you consider adding it in a future update or DLC?

Thanks Ben!

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 8/26/2010 9:13:17 AM

14 years ago

Insomniac……. I would just like to know if you are going to bring back the weapon wheel, so we can decide how we want to choose to kill the enemies? I also liked the female who gave you information on the plot during load times for new levels. I know some people didn't like it, but then some people missed it in Resistance 2. Thanks for the great games.

14 years ago

For Tecmo:

Where the hell is Fatal Frame 4?
Why won't you make another Deception game?

I really, really want answers.

14 years ago

To Insomniac:

Will we see any other old characters returning in A4O (i.e. The Plumber)?
What new weapons will we get for this outing or are we going to see some old weapons coming back (personally I loved the Quantum Whip)?
Do we get to explore some new locations (galaxy or planets)?
Roughly how long will the main story take to finish? Is this going to be a full length game or another Q4B?
What new gadgets will we have to play with this time around?
How and where (if at all) does this game link into the main storyline of the series?
What sorts of skill points and trophies can we look forward too?

Really love this series and can't wait for this game. Keep up the good work.