You know beta tests are more for the developers than for you, right? It ain't just a demo; they really want to know how the game goes over with gamers before releasing the final product.
And if you want proof of how important that feedback can be, just see how EA has utilized tester info for the multiplayer aspect of Medal of Honor . Thanks to the beta (exclusive to the PlayStation 3 at first), EA has received tons of great feedback and they have made the following adjustments: improved hit detection (one of the primary issues testers complained about), weapon pickups (forget the damn ammo crates; find the nearest dead ally/enemy and pick up their weapon), better balancing of support actions, an expansion of the unlock tree, various crash fixes, a major graphic overhaul, and finally, some important weapon modifications. In short, the multiplayer will look and play better than ever before, and it's all due to that beta where gamers participated and anted up with their complaints and suggestions. Demos are just for you but when it comes to beta tests, you play an important role; it's up to you to speak out and help change the game.
Medal of Honor is one of the "Big FPS Three" this holiday season (along with Halo: Reach and Call of Duty: Black Ops) , despite receiving a ton of flak for allowing people to play as the Taliban. …we're not gonna get into that again.
Related Game(s): Medal of Honor
Let's hope all of their fixes & upgrades also carried over to the SP mode too.
probably not, single player campaign is handled by a different developer.
Very nice. The beta was lacking.
i thought the beta was great. i hated the fact that people kept complaining about the graphics. they can fix that since there is still a lot of time before release. i wouldve prefer that they focus on the multiplayer aspect first like connection and what not. i dont want another modern warfare 2 launch where glitches were everywhere. sure the game looked good but if the game is broken then its no fun playing. theres a reason i still play goldeneye on my n64 from time to time.
I thought the guns didn't feel different enough. The Ak-47 and the M4 had the same exact recoil when it's know the Ak-47 is way less accurate and has way more recoil. Other than that i didn't have a problem with the multiplayer. Though i thought there was supposed to be destructible environments?
I didn't play the beta, but i do want this game- badly. If i do get any fps this q4 it will be halo reach seeing as how i just bought a 360 for cheap (40$). But if this games does score higher than reach i will prob get this game instead.
buying a 360 that cheap means its a used one. i dont trust buying a used 360 because you dont know what kind of abuse its been through. if the warranty wont cover that, you might be paying alot more than you want. my brother just sold his and i feel bad for the guy who bought a 3 year old 360 that didnt red ring…..yet. might as well just borrowed it. getting a new slim one is a better, although not by much, a better investment.
buying a 360 that cheap means its a used one. i dont trust buying a used 360 because you dont know what kind of abuse its been through. if the warranty wont cover that, you might be paying alot more than you want. my brother just sold his and i feel bad for the guy who bought a 3 year old 360 that didnt red ring…..yet. might as well just borrowed it. getting a new slim one is a better, although not by much, a better investment.
It's easy to forgot that a beta is totally different than than a demo. I heard a lot of criticism about MoH, and started to feel pretty skeptical about the game but this is a good reminder to hold off on any opinions until the final product is released. I'm really hoping that the game turns out well, that it is unique and has elements that set it apart from BFBC2 and COD.
Totally expected a response from EA.
I've been hearing negative stuff from people who played the beta.
Good on EA. It isn't unheard of for a beta to simply be a way to get out word of mouth advertising and for a company not to change much of anything.
Sweet, I plan on getting this, It's between this and Vanquish but I highly doupt the Vanquish demo will get me to pass on this. It's looking really good.
i'd chose medal of honor all the time against vanquish. mainly because MOH has multiplayer and makes it worth more for the money to me. but i do have a feeling that they're going to come out with a paid multiplayer mode and justify it by saying multiplayer wasnt really part or a necessary component of the game.
I hate that the idea of a game featuring multiplayer makes it a better value. Dead Space well worth the money, no multiplayer amongst other games this gen and ones in the past. See how it plays first. Besides for me SP has been devalued MW2 singleplayer not worth 60 bucks along with broke glitchy MP.
I'm not saying all games need multiplayer (far from it), but there's no question that multiplayer adds a ton of value.
I rarely play multiplayer, but games like Warhawk and SOCOM (two games for which I actually paid full price) have more than paid for themselves in hours of entertainment.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/24/2010 4:47:42 PM
the two games you mentioned arent really good examples though. both of those games are multiplayer only. the games i'm talking about are the ones with single player and multiplayer component. i was just saying multiplayer adds a lot of value for me because i'll have something to play even after i beat the story mode.
i hope they changed movement animations to. it felt to much like battlefiel.
you do realize that it is being developed by the same people who made bad company 2 right…. And whats so bad about being more like battlefield. bad company 2 is a great game.
because i already HAVE bad company 2. i don't feel like buying it again.
i want medal of honor, not battlefield.
that makes me much more optimistic about this game. After playing the beta, I admit I decided to not buy it, a least at full price. Now its up in the air. I guess I'll just wait until it gets closer to release to decide…
The beta was actually on all three platforms. (PS3, PC, 360) It was on the PS3 and PC first, and then came to the 360 much later.
Uh, most of these were already in the game by the time they showed it off at E3 (seriously go watch EA's conference.)
I agree. the videos that EA showed at E3 were much better looking than what we got in the beta
i was on the beta since the beginning, the game was absolute crap to me, but i gave my feedback and event explained y i thought is was horrible.
but the more i look at this game the better it is becoming. i really do hope it does well, as to whether im getting it is a different story.
(Mainly because im am growing weary of military shooters)
I agree Mamills. There are so many military shooters out there. It's up in the air which one I plan to purchase. Guess I'll just wait for them all to release and see which one gets he best review and go from there. BTW…speaking of FPS, I'm really looking forward to Bulletstorm. That game really looks unique!
Last edited by just2skillf00l on 8/24/2010 1:20:24 AM
i like how they said that its so precise that you can shoot between the guys legs. however, the way i see it is that people would say it sucks because hit detection is crap. "i was shooting him on the foot but he wont die!" even though its just fine. all i want is for them to die when i shoot their heads off.
Lovely… Unfortunately, the announcement of Resistance 3 has kind of soured me on buying this, given that that is two FPSs that I will be purchasing next year. Besides, with all the other games releasing at the end of this year, Medal of Honour is pretty much off my radar, unless it manages to pull down some impressive review scores based on the single player experience.
i'm interested but not interested at the same time i love rising sun if it can top that then i'm buying but i'll wait for Ben's review on it.
yeah….no, somehow i still think the game will be crap multiplayer wise. So far it offers nothing that CoD and BFBC2 don't offer. Since its part of the military fps genre, it needs something to stand out. And with Black Ops and BFBC Vietnam hitting around the same time, im not sure how EA will push this game. Single player might be great but we have to wait and see
here is what i cant believe.
the UK are b*tching about being able to play as terrorists online in MoH, but than today it was revealed that MW2 is the best selling title in the UKs history!
what, so its ok to shoot up a bunch of innocent people as a terrorist in a airport but its not ok to do so online?
anyway, who said developers dont listen to fan feedback?
im still not sure on this, im seriously sick of war games, and shooters in general!
Big difference between terrorists and the Taliban. And it's the media, when it's faceless and nameless it's fine, but as soon as it becomes a real enemy, in a real conflict with real casualties, it's a whole different story.
He was making the comparison between killing Taliban in MoH or killing innocent people in MW2.
It's a good point too.
I think he was saying its a double standard because you can kill innocents as a no name Russian Terrorist but people are bent out of shape about being able to play as the Taliban. Not killing the Taliban.
Really its no different and they shouldn't be upset but than again, i suppose one can argue reality trumps fantasy. The Taliban are real, and are scum who are inflicting great suffering on real people. Those Russian terrorists in MW2 are fake.
Last edited by Jawknee on 8/24/2010 4:20:52 PM
no i was making the comparison of playing as a terrorist in MoHs MP and killing UK soldiers, or playing as a Russian terrorist in MW2 and killing innocent people.
which one is worse?
killing soldiers, or killing innocent people?
both obviously are not morally decent, but shooting a soldier is no where near as morally disgusting as killing innocent people.
at least in MoHs MP you have to kill the UK soldiers, otherwise they will kill you.
in MW2s level you did not have to kill the civilians, they posed no threat to you what so ever so why did you have to shoot them?
id never do either, but if i had a choice of killing a armed man or killing a innocent person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time id take the armed person every day of the week!
Simply including an upscaled version of Frontline seals the deal for me – I'd probably pay full price for that alone.
Is this new one made by the same developers? Any of the same individuals?
YAY! Hopefully this would stop ppl from companin how bad this beta was.. thogugh it was decent..this ppl were expectin B3 or sumthin #SMH
Im looking forward to this game, hope it will bring back MOH to the good old ps2 days when COD didn't own everything.
Good to see EA taking note of the feedback from players, shows they actually care a little.
wont be getting black ops, one fps every now and again is enough for me, especially since gt5 will take up my life.
i thought the beta wasnt very polished at all and it had a good load of problems they would have to change quite a bit to make me wanna buy it
@ Lawless – very well put.
Military FPS's over and over and over again. That's why I like Bioshock. Totally different. When will the Military FPS genre play out damn.
Good to hear, since I was totally put off by the Beta. Will give it another chance now.
Most of that stuff is easily fixed. The only one I have my doubts about them doing, is the "major graphic overhaul".
We'll see. It certainly needs one.
I thought the beta was GREAT….I love betas….I ignore the obvious bad things and see its full potential. if every game with MP had a beta it would help me decide how to spend my $$$. Now if that was a demo????? too many ppl see a beta as a demo & I really dont see how. If a demo is out that means the game is finished. If a beta is available it means the game is still in it development stage….simple. I dont ever judge a beta just demos……betas are the future…right ben?
You gotta wonder though, did they really need to release a beta to know that these things needed fixing? They couldn't figure out on their own that creating ammo crates would lead to players camping them?
Sometimes I wonder if these betas are nothing more than free QA for these devs.
Ammo crates work in Killzone. Don't see why they wouldn't work in this.
I do agree though some of these issues should have been picked out by their internal testers.
Correction, the beta was exclusive to the PS3, as far as consoles go.
I played on PC, but regardless, there couldn't be many differences between the two. I had a few problems with it (bullet physics, hit detection were the biggest), but largely enjoyed the beta. Almost had 24 hrs clocked on it too.
sweeet. i hope this does well. i could use a good shooter like call of duty, but different. nothing has the slickness online like the way MW2 does it. Yeah it has its issues but they nailed the multiplayer.