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Vanquish Trailer Reveals Tri-Weapon Pre-Order Pack

Okay, so you'll get the chance to give Vanquish a try next week and if that convinces you of a purchase, you might want to pre-order.

As usual, Platinum Games and Sega have used the power of video to announce the pre-order incentives for their upcoming title; they've been releasing gameplay trailers left and right ever since E3. So here's the pre-order goodies trailer: dropping your deposit will net you a special Tri-Weapon Pack that includes the Laser Cannon, the Anti-Armor Pistol, and the Boost Machine Gun. We had heard of these extra guns before, but this is the first time we get to see them in action. What do you think?

"War Has Accelerated." Yeah, that sounds about right. Vanquish is starting to get a ton of attention, and that has a lot to do with its super fast-paced intensity, over-the-top style, and classic Mikami panache. But as usual, gamers want to be able to play the game before making a decision, which is why that demo next week is greatly appreciated. It's actually hitting way early; the game isn't set to release until October 19.

So get your fill and if you find yourself playing that sample over and over, you have all the incentive you need to get these three bonus weapons.

Related Game(s): Vanquish

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14 years ago

I'm pretty interested in Vanquish, I really hope that I'll have the extra money when this comes out.

14 years ago

didn't the voice around the beginning (well the only voice) remind anyone of david hayters voice? hmm

i still dunno about this game, my friend is dead set on it, but i'm till on the fence, hopefully this demo will lean me to a side.

14 years ago

I wasn't interested in this game at first but now I am. I'll definitely be checking out the demo.

14 years ago

Me too. it really looks interesting.

14 years ago

I been on the fence with this game also, I'll try out the Demo.
Oct. 19? but MOH comes on Oct 12.
Darn I think I'll have to wait out on this game, but then I'll have GT5 come Nov… I think I am going to pass on this unless the demo plows my mind and I get it instead of MOH.

I have to decide quick too because my $20 off at Amazon expires Sept. 30th.

14 years ago

Might try the demo. The game is still looking washed out and drab to me.

Aside from that, I realized this weekend how much I've moved away from games that are nothing but super fast action when my FPS-only playing friend saw me playing Uncharted 2 and said "Man I'd fall asleep playing this game." I sorta wanted to smack him, lol.

14 years ago

World, what do you mean by washed out and drab?

14 years ago

Yes explain what you mean be "washed out and drab"?

14 years ago

Just what I said, it lacks that sharp appearance of your Gearses and your Uncharteds. Kinda blurry and washed out instead.

14 years ago

Hmm, I'm still not following, man. I can tell there's a lot of greys. Blurry though? Like motion blur (KZ2), or low res?

And hey, aren't you the guy who loves those Fallout games. I can't say much for washed out, but drab it is.

14 years ago

I'm just going by the video, maybe it looks better on an HD TV. Fallout is good for its massive exploration and atmosphere plus RPG elements. That and I like post apocalyptic stuff.

14 years ago

Ah, yeah, video compression does mare the fidelity of detail. I can't tell you how many times I see vids of games and not fully realize how good a game actually looks until I play it first hand.

I only referenced Fallout because it's setting is drab, too.

Maybe Vanquish just isn't your kind of game.

14 years ago

I'm willing to try out the demo, but (setting aside Grey vs Green) the character models and backgrounds just looked washed out versus something like the Enslaved vid.

14 years ago

I agree with World on this one. It lacks lacking a nice verity of color like Uncharted or as he said Enslaved(even Enslaved though seems to have way to much green).

That said, im still getting this game. Ha. I loved Resident Evil 4 too much to pass on a Mikami game. I know they will be nothing alike, but I like Mikami almost as much as i do Hideo Kojima. They seem to be the only two Japanese game designers left who care about making the best of the best rather then selling out to Western influences. While this game is more Western then i would expect from Mikami, watching the trailers, i can see a good mix of west and east.

14 years ago

The game looks awesome, but why did the guy who said "I think I'm going to need a bigger gun" sound like a David Hayter imitator? Maybe it was him, I dunno.
I don't expect much from the story or cinematic presentation, because from I can gather it doesn't look like it's trying too hard on that end. But this is intense combat action, right? I usually skip passed that kind of stuff just to get to the meat of the play.

Who knows? Maybe it'll be my Ninja Gaiden of TPS.

I hope that it offers enough combat detail where a person really needs to play it through multiple times to master all the idiosyncrasies of play.

Classics like PS2-Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden and Gunvalkeryie were a lot like that.

14 years ago

This game looks great

14 years ago

What's this? Pre-order incentives that interest me?

I was planning on getting this game anyway, so I might as well.

14 years ago

will check the demo out, but there is alot turning me off of this game.
(mainly the fact that there is no multiplayer, i hope the story is good enough, but paying 60 bux for a game that wont last me a week is hard for me to do. most single player games never last me more than 2 or 3 days, much less a week)

but if the demo is good, i may pick it up at a discounted price later on

14 years ago

see, now this is how you do a demo, none of that 5 minute bull crap!
its releasing 6 weeks before the game, none of this 1-2 weeks before crap! and its a whole level so i assume its safe to say its going to be a dam site longer than 5 minutes!
though there going to have to pull 50 rabbits out of a single hat to get me to buy this one!
bayonetta had me so excited, and disappointed me so much!
sega has not released a single good game this gen!
not one!
the best game they have released this gen is alpha protocol, and if thats not pathetic i dont know what is!
o, what ever happened to the gaming giant?

14 years ago

Looks interesting, but I'm not too sure about this super fast paced action all the time stuff. There needs to be an ebb and flow, where you've got some more relaxed story based parts that allow you to explore the environments a bit, and give you some reason to be doing what you're doing. And then you punctuate it with the really exciting action parts. If it's just action all the time, it quickly loses its impact. I'm really hoping this game will have that ebb and flow I'm talking about.

As far as pre-ordering it, I just looked last night and there are no fewer than 8 games I'm interested in coming out this year. The demo will have to REALLY impress me to get to the top of that list 🙂

14 years ago

This game really looks amazing!!! Every new trailer i see with new gamplay, it just gets me super stoked!!! Platinum Games are a pretty interesting developer. Bayonetta was crazy and this looks even more so.

14 years ago

Cant wait to play the demo, a little off topic, to anyone that have played Resident Evil 4, can i play the game without playing part 1, 2 & 3?‎

Last edited by Kokushi on 8/24/2010 5:23:21 PM

14 years ago

Yeah you can, you might not understand a couple references, but the source of the zombies in part 4 (and the zombies themselves) are completely different from the others.

14 years ago

The voice acting is incredible!…..

