Now that Valve has decided to work with the PlayStation 3, they're learning about the system's benefits.
According to what the studio's Erik Johnson told CVG during a GamesCom chat, the PS3's open platform status is better for both designers and game consumers. Being able to get Steamworks on PS3 has been deemed "incredibly valuable" to both Valve and their customers; of course, this couldn't happen until Valve got those PS3 experts they needed. Said Johnson:
"Part of the reason the PS3 project is so exciting to us is because fundamentally Sony views the PS3 as a very open platform for developers and that's kind of what we feel like. It is better for developers but more importantly it's better for customers to have as many choices of software to run on whatever device they have."
Perhaps that is part of the reason Valve altered their stance on the PS3. Maybe Sony went up to them and, as part of their little pitch, said "oh by the way, the PS3 is an open platform…you and your customers might like that." We still remember the days when Valve would take little potshots at the PS3, all the while admitting they don't really know much about it. See what a little knowledge can do for you? All we need now is for the developers to deliver on their promise and provide PS3 owners with a game they deserve. Portal 2 , by the way, is slated to arrive February 9, 2011.
I just wanted to know why they didn't like the PS3 before?
They didn't like it because it was hard to program for. It is much different than the 360 and pc.
Yes, They didn't have the right talent to do anything with the PS3.
Hmm…. this is the second (third? more?) major developer to recently praise the PS3 for it's open platform. In fact I remember that SE recently went even further than that by specifically citing Microsoft's closed network as the reason that FFXIV isn't coming to 360.
I can't help but wonder why this message has take so long to penetrate into the development community. Ah well, good things come to those who wait.
what SE has found out is MS will not let them charge for a MMO
SE is STILL trying to get FF IV on the 360 its sad
I think some developers were waiting to see if it failed or not. PS3 did have a really slow start, so I just guess some devs were waiting to see if it was worth the amount it cost to adjust to the learning curve. Then it was taking some time to learn it once they decided it was.
yeah, it does seem they have waited all this time to see if the PS3 is a future console… Hmmm, BRD, 3D… move, incredible exclusive titles (not saying the 360 doesn't)..
to be honest they should of looked at MGS4 and said to themselves, "lets work this console out" was obvious from that one game where we were going with this.
But some companies are too pig headed, some companies try to please everyone, and that usually means the PS3 has to suffer either being ported to, or just not being bothered with.
times are changing, and they will continue to change until the next Gen. but although I don't care much for the console war.
I do know that if I had to buy one console that would see me right for the next four years, I would pick A PS3. hands down, wouldn't have to think about it for more than a second, its the obvious choice.
Last edited by dillonthebunny on 8/23/2010 12:27:45 PM
they never said FFXIV is not coming to the 360, i read a article this morning with wadda saying its still in negotiations.
certainly has not helped though, thats why APB got canned on the 360.
but thats probably not a bad thing, i have not heard good things about the PC version!
I still want left for dead on ps3. Does anyone know if microsoft has any holds on it? Because if they own any rights to the game then there is no chance it will come.
I don't see why it couldn't come to PS3. Valve undoughtedly own's the IP and EA publishes the game. And you see what happens when EA's the publisher.
can't wait for portal 2 it tops my most wanted games next year along with F3AR. i wanna see what they can do.
Portal 2 looks friggin' hard. I'm paranoid because I could never finish the first. I'll support some other games if they bring them over, though. I hope that Valve realizes that Portal isn't for everyone and aren't expecting biggest sales ever, or something. The original was awesome, but hard. My favorite part was that it was included with a bunch of other games I wanted, and made a nice surprise.
Yeah, I found the original difficult, mostly because I couldn't aim fast enough. If Portal 2 uses Move it could be great.
You get a thumbs up because of your avatar..
there's probably a deal been done where a steam icon will appear on the XMB or in PSN store
I think Microsoft was asking Valve to make those ealier comments. Valve didn't have plans to develop for PS3 at the time or because of the lack of resources. So MS asked, "Hey, your a acclaimed developer. Why don't take a few potshots on the PS3 hardware. It would be beneficial to us." After all isn't Valve founded be former Microsoft employees?
I like the fact that they r bringing portal 2 to the PS3 but what i really want to kno if all their future project like the next half life episode 3 or the next left 4 dead r coming to the PS3… I mean, portal is great but i much rather have half life not be a exclusive… O and hopefully they will make the game and not give it to EA to port it over… We all kno what happened with the Orange Box
I actually finished portal on 360 and still have my orange box. Last game I got was Alan wake and me2 never opened and returned once I heard it's coming to ps3. I still never finished the 1st so no importing isn't a big deal to me as long as we get the 3rd. I actually think Calve will announce L4D on PS3 after they finish portal 2 and hopefully a announcement on Half Life ep 3 soon. It would great if they re did the Orange Box on PS3 or a new one with portal 1-2 on same disc so I can get rid of my 360. Right now it's been red ringing and have a buddy who does mods about yo do the x clamp repair and hopes that works. I have L4D but never got 2 since I don't pay for Live ne more.
As a former PC gamer, I've always had respect for Valve. Their games always had a good amount of intelligence behind them.
I applaud them for coming out from underneath Microsoft's wing, and seeking new ventures. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for them, and us, on the PS3.
Slowly but surely everybody's starting to see the power and potential of the PS3.
Great to see them finally starting to see the PS3 as we do. L4D is a game for online co-op so I would love to see that get ported.
Yeah…L4D seems like a pretty cool game to play online with friends.
Back on topic, Portal really seems to be my type of game. I hope it turns out to be impressive. Never played the first but from what I've seen and heard of it, I'm quite excited for the sequel.
🙂 cant wait
Yay! And it'll be awesome if they gave us L4D and L4D2 too like those above said… 😀
I hope more of there games come to the PS3, and with more PS3 talent why not?
All of a sudden, a change of heart..
From both parties too, all of a sudden the ps3 community "WANTS" Left 4 Dead.
Valve now knows it's cheeseburgers taste so much better when smothered in the much tastier PS3 sauce.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/23/2010 7:10:43 PM
Unfortunately, I can't speak for everyone here but I enjoy great games. If the 360 has a game I want, I won't mind voicing my opinion. I'm constantly muttering nonsense about Fable coming to the PS3 (which is legally impossible as of now). I really don't care much for the console war between both the HD-support consoles. I bought a PS3 because I realized that most of the games that I did want would be on the PS3. Not to mention the grand bonus features that the PS3 possesses like free online play, Bluray support, and a overall better online experience for the more serene mature players…just to name a few. But I guess you already know this.
While it may be true I favor the PS3 over any other this-gen console, I respect the stellar titles that appear exclusively on the 360 as well. I see no reason in obsessing over a single system especially when that obsession blinds you from the light other consoles may bring. It just seems silly. Sure 360 fanboy sites may criticize the PS3 in a snobbish yet poorly expressed manner but the reality always gleams sharply into their irises. Regretting their rushed and conformed purchases, wondering whether Halo, Fable, and Gears is enough to satiate their gaming needs; maybe it is and maybe it isn't.
What is certain is that I'm a diverse gamer. Of course I favor certain genres over others; indulging myself in my preferences. I would like to see Fable come to the PS3, L4D, Alan Wake, Lost Odyssey, and a large portion of Xbox Lives downloadable gems. That would really make me a delightedly spoiled gamer. However, because I am not exactly financially set and confident, I make do with the system that "ONLY DOES EVERYTHING". So far I've found it to be a unfair investment (in my favor) considering the perks and bonuses we particularly lucky console owners are open to. So yeah, I'm not so conceded to think that the PS3 is godly while the 360 reeks of peasantry. No, not at all. I'd at least say it amounts to commoner status. Agreed?
I really just want a Half Life 3 that I can play on my PS3. They're bad attitude was quite disturbing, but like any blinded fanboy, the possibility of seeing the light is there if they'll just pick up the machine and take a closer look at what it does.
Last edited by Alienange on 8/23/2010 7:27:15 PM
Exactly, and at the end of the day does it really matter that a publisher or developer feels his customers playing another game instead of their game are all a**holes? Not really, not to me. I don't think negative intentions are enough to sway matter in such a physical world. Unless those bast**** are telekinetic!
PS3 has a formidable user base that seems to buy more NEW games than any other console.
Valve would be foolish to ignore the benefits of proper PS3 development. I think it is wonderful that they are bringing Steam onto PS3.
I think it is really cool that PS3 will soon support MMO's with D.C. Universe and Final Fantasy XIV.
The PS3 just offers so much. Sony has done an exceptional job at delivering fantastic exclusive gaming experiences.
I'm just salivating over the thought of GT5 in 3-D with a G-27 wheel and proper seating setup and 7.1 surround sound….
bloody oath its good for the customers, hopefully now that steam is coming over hopefully we will see some mods starting to crop up onto the PSN!
id love to see L4D2 and all the mods up for it from the PC, some of the fan based levels are even better than what valve made!
if counterstrike has taught is anything its that dont underestimate the power of a community!
My problem with Valve has always been how incredibly egotistical they are (at least the head guys)…like they're constantly saying to themselves "Wow! We are amazing!" and belittling anyone who doesn't agree with them.