Well, we probably should've been able to predict the results, but we honestly believed the Call of Duty craze had impacted the PSXE readership.
But according to the latest poll result, it really hasn't. Nearly 60% of those who voted said they're just tired of Activision's blockbuster franchise, and aren't interested in any of the upcoming titles. One of the big complaints we often hear is the over-saturation of shooters on the market today, along with the fact that we apparently require a CoD entry every single year. So yeah, we can understand how it all gets a little tiring. That being said, though, exactly 1/4 of participants believe Treyarch can bang Black Ops out of the park; they evidently put plenty of faith into the World at War designer. So there are still some hopeful PSXE readers out there and for our part, we just want to play great games…don't really care about the name on the box. We're also intrigued by that "adventure/FPS" Call of Duty installment by Sledgehammer Games, but we need more information before passing further judgment.
This week, we'd like to know what you think about the new Mass Effect 2 on PS3 announcement. While on the surface it appears to be a 100% good for fans of Sony's machine, some have asked how it's worthwhile without the original title. Furthermore, as it won't be here until January, some are wondering if they'll even care by that time; that's a pretty big gap between the 360 and PS3 releases. So what say you?
Mass Effect 2 is a year old, but that doesn't mean it's outdated or it isn't good anymore. If it is great, no matter how old it is, I'll buy it. And that not only for Mass Effect, but for games in general.
Last edited by hellish_devil on 8/22/2010 10:10:17 PM
I try to keep that viewpoint too, mostly with success, but I can't convince my friends to see things this way. I tried to get my pal to play some Sly Cooper but he just said it was "too old."
Yeah, as long as it is good, no matter how old it is, it is still good. For example, last year I went to my cousin's house, and he had his Atari next to his PS2. I saw his games for Atari, and played one that was extremely awesome. It was Enduro (anyone?). It was this really simple racer but extremely addicting, and even tough it was like, I don't know, 20 years old, it was still good.
Then I played ET The Extraterrestrial and I was blown away at how bad a game can be.
Last edited by hellish_devil on 8/22/2010 11:50:16 PM
Funny how back in the nintendo and gensis days it didn't matter so much. A game could be 'old' but god help you if you never played it before a rush of excitement filled up inside you and you we ready to pop that game in the 8bit, 16bit, or 32bit console in front of you.
Last edited by shadowscorpio on 8/23/2010 8:58:18 PM
I await ME with baited breath…..
(MMMM, sardines in garlic sauce anyone?)
It's actually "bated breath":
"Bated is just a shortened form of abated (meaning – to bring down, lower or depress). 'Abated breath' makes perfect sense and that's where the phrase comes from."
It's actually "bated breath":
"Bated is just a shortened form of abated (meaning – to bring down, lower or depress). 'Abated breath' makes perfect sense and that's where the phrase comes from."
Grammar NAZI ^^^^^^^
Eh? We didn't need it
I'm all set for this year and same with next year
CoD hasn't and cannot evolved as a franchise. There has been some obvious high points, but essentially it is all of the same game with the same awful engine, new weapons, story, and online Camp-Fest. Incoming CoD fanboy response from godslim
Mass Effect 2 coming to the PS3 is seriously EPIC news everyone, it was one of the better gaming experiences I have enjoyed in quite some time. When it hits, you will not be disappointed, the high scores say more than enough.
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 8/22/2010 10:35:09 PM
maybe we should make a category called the anti cod fan boy just for u
Then you would naturally be in the COD Fanboy club wouldn't you?
funny but no i stick up for a good game because u all hate on it on here
Bioshock came a little late too, but that's still a great game. It's a little disappointing that we won't get the first one. Oh well though. Also I'm glad that their are plenty of other COD haters.
well, it can't be helped. MS secured a 12 month exclusivity contract, but at least it's coming. BW can utilize the extra development time to add tons of extras and squeeze the most out of UE3 on PS3. And then there's ME3, which will be a simultaneous launch on PC/PS3 and 360.
Those are all assumptions, but I can't imagine MS dishing out lots of money for a timed exclusivity window for ME3.
I'm really interested in the PS3 port and should BW add some exclusive stuff (not available on PC) then I might purchase a copy for my PS3.
It's a great opportunity for non-PC gamers w/o a 360 and BW will certainly make money. I guess 1mil+ sales are possible.
Last edited by ro kurorai on 8/22/2010 10:48:38 PM
I have to say that COD is starting to show it's flaws. First off MW2 sacurficed the story for multiplayer, then multiplayer sucked. The latest COD shows some promise, but it is due to be a disappointment. This may be to the overall lack of innovation to the series. Anyway I will be see how ME2 ports before purchase but if it ports well then I wil probably get it.
ME2 for the PS3 is Great for people anticipating it. I couldn't care less myself. I've never even heard of Mass Effect until I learned about the sequel.
You guys are all crazy man. There's a reason the cod series sells good. There actually really good games with many hours if not days worth of additional playing time by going online. Its always whining with a lot of you guys here, saying you guys dont last that long online. You die a lot, respawn same ol same. You guys just need to play a little bit more, practice is what every one needs. You guys think everyone is an expert right when they pop in the game. NO there not.
Sorry for rant. Just really tired that everyone here just goes along with what ever Ben agrees with. Everyone can get their own opinions you know. I like playing everything not just fps. Yak4life85 psn check my trophies.
Looking forward to Black Ops!
Last edited by yak4life85 on 8/22/2010 11:03:09 PM
Considering I've never once made any personal comments whatsoever concerning CoD, and I've only reported on observations and attitudes I've witnessed, your claim is senseless.
You honestly think people here don't like CoD because I don't? …right. Never even said if I do or don't. People here have minds of their own; don't say otherwise, please.
The cool thing do to this generation is hate on COD. Its amazing to me that MW was such a groundbreaking game, yet no love for the franchise. I honestly dont think even a COD every two years would help, i really think its just the cool thing to do. Cus in all honesty MW2 was not a bad game.
from what i can see, its not that most people dont like COD, it just gets old. I have the game and when i reached the level cap i basically lost interest, not to mention all those other great games that came after it. Go prestige? i'm not gonna waste my time on that. it doesnt mean you're better, it just means that you had a lot of time. thats why i find it hilarious when people back out of the room because they saw tenth prestige and we demolish them in a game. modern warfare 2 was a pretty good game but it gets boring pretty quickly.
Infinity ward chose to focus on the multiplayer aspect of the game and as time went on the flaws starts showing themselves. i was there since the start of the game and all those multiplayer glitches and hacks practically every week.
about that if you die a lot then practice jab, its kinda hard to do when it doesnt give you a choice most of the time. how are you supposed to stay alive when you kill a player and then the game respawns that same player right behind you a few seconds later. thats the main reason i stopped playing the game, it just ruins it. then they added more killstreaks that promoted camping, the reason i always kept a stinger as my second weapon.
" There's a reason the cod series sells good. There actually really good games with many hours if not days worth of additional playing time by going online. " 😀 Exactly what I said!!!! PSX is THE only website I see a lot of hatred on. So much of you people hate CoD. 😀 Sure you might find 1 out of 15 people on youtube hatin' CoD. It just means you suck at it! It's not the developers fault the game sucks ( it doesn't btw ) It's YOU! WHO GIVE IT A BAD REPUTATION, simply by ABUSING the PERKS. Also by CAMPING & NOOBTUBING. This makes people want to stay away from the game even me sometimes. Even though my K/D ration is 2.08 I get NOOBTUBED a lot & " Rage quit " then I come back for more PWNGE. 60% of you who hate CoD, get yo Sh** together & redeem yourself by buying yourself a nice treat this September; Black Ops. 🙂
It looks fun! At this point ACTIVISION or INFINITY WARD Doesnt GAF anymore because you guys say " I hate IW " too much they developed an immunity to that & will keep making CoDs 😀
''Its always whining with a lot of you guys here, saying you guys don't last that long online.''
Typical CoD fanboy argument…''you don't like the game because its too hard for you'' , bs I luv Demons Souls and that wasn't a easy game.
I cant think of anyone who didnt like COD4, but MW2 was a huge step in the wrong direction. Easier, shorter, nonsense story with tons of plotholes…
I'll play any game thats good, but MW2 just isnt that great.
Um, cool your jets pal, I don't like, and never have liked any Call of Duty game and my dislike for that series and kind of game has nothing to do with Ben or anyone else here at PSX. Actually, thanks to your little tirade I think I might even hate it a smidge more now… wait… hmmm… Yep definitely a bit more dislike towards the game series now. Gee, you're good. Somehow you managed to get such a negative reaction that it spilled over into more dislike for the game itself. Well done you.
@El Maximo,
Well, another CoD fanboy? Oh dear, well, I guess in your world view everyone must like Call of Duty or they're not worth considering? You know what, I loathe, yes I said loathe, the Call of Duty series of games and every additional comment made by some annoyed, whining CoD fanboy just makes me like it even less. Do you honestly think that Call of Duty is the only game there is or the only game worth playing? Did it ever cross your gunfire addled mind that there are other game genre out there, and millions of gamers who simply do not like shooters? Did that not cross your mind? Is it too much of a high concept to penetrate your mind while you plan your next CoD campaign?
Guys, this site is not Kotaku, Destructoid, or any of those other POS gaming sites where only commodity games like CoD are discussed.
Honestly, what happened did some CoD fanboy kiddie see Ben's article, go off the deep end and then recruit their buddies to come on here and flame the community?
Cool thing or not, I've never loved on shooters of any kind, and the continued domination of what is little more than a gaming commodity is not good for the industry. In my personal opinion, CoD is no better or worse than any, but since I dislike them all, that's not saying much. However, my dislike is not a fashion, it's an opinion, that differs from yours.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/23/2010 10:32:48 AM
What Highlander said.
What Jawknee said TheHighlander said XD.
That was a complete joke. If anything I understand most people like different things. If someone doesn't like COD, ok they dont like it. I do, however like COD, that part is true. But I'll also be the first to admit that IW screwed up MW2. The mp was still entertaining and the campaign had great elements, but the length and overall quality of the game plunged from that of the first.
My whole thing in that statement was that it amazes me how well MW was recieved and then all of a sudden COD is hated on. Thats where the cool thing to do reference came in, which again is a joke lol. I know everyone has there own flavor they prefer. As for me I'll play any game, any time, anywhere.
I didn't vote. None of the options really fit how I felt.
I like CoD, and I regard the former IW with high esteem. They achieved the most popular FPS of all time despite the foreboding presence of Halo. The FPS market was already pretty crowded before the MW's, yet IW managed to pull ahead and make a huge name for themselves, regardless.
I'm sure I'll gain a good number of downs for this, if I haven't already, but when it comes to FPS, my favorite playing one is still Halo. I know ODST blows in composition and it's campaign felt like it was thrown together, but the style of play is what I like about it most. I love being able to approach a single situation and have so many different variables to work with. It's fun and continuously rewarding. Though, I do hope Bungie freshens things up a bit with Reach. Cause without the special items in ODST, it's play felt more of a digression from Halo 3 than a progression.
I like that ME2 is coming over to PS3. I just hope Bioware puts the right level of effort to do it right. As aport coming over from the 360, I'm a little leery about the conversion process. We've seen how bad ports can be when they're designed first for 360 and then ported over (Bayonetta, 1st gen multi-plats, etc.) So hopefully, the team has a good grip of the PS3 hardware having worked with Dragon Age previously. And perhaps, with a HDD in every PS3 we might see some streaming benefits. Those Unreal Engine games can have some pretty horrendous texture draw.
Having played ME on 360 and loved it, I'll probably play ME2 first on 360, and then play it for PS3. This is in large part due to the fascination of seeing how the decisions I made from the first game will translate over into ME2. I'll be able to compare it against the empty slate approach when I give the PS3 version a try. Who knows? Maybe outside of a few extra lines of dialogue, the difference in experience may be pretty minimal. There's probably readers who already have that answer.
I'm too busy at sc2 to even care about ME and COD. lol
I think any reader here could have predicted that poll. But the honest truth is the number of those that voted D in that poll, is a tiny tiny part of the amount of people that will buy and are interested in the COD franchise. Here at PSX it takes more than a shooter to be a great game. Thats a good thing.
At the same time the COD games are far from bad games. MW2 is a great action shooter, just far to short to be a real enjoyable experience, it is however one of the poorer games in the franchise regardless of the mp. I should mention PSX gave it a high 8, which an 8 low or high, to me is a must own game no matter what genre it is. So regardless the outcome of that poll, COD is still a great franchise.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/22/2010 11:18:56 PM
I am excited about this game. Slightly pissed about the fact I just played in on my computer again. Though I was wishing I could play it on my Playstation controller so only slightly PO'd it just got announced. My question is this: What the hell was the hold up?
I have played through this game twice and I plan on playing it again on the PS3. Extra Content and all with the trophies I actually care to get. This is going to be platted for sure! Anyone who hasn't played it yet NEEDS to pick this game up.
Though I must say that I won't be picking it up if it's 60 dollars. I can wait for it to drop in price, especially since Dead Space 2 comes out in January as well! (;D)
no offense but i cant believe you dont know what is holding up a mass effect release on the ps3 when its so simple. Microsoft and their big bag o money. you really think EA didnt want to release mass effect on just the 360? at this point, when microsoft says the game is exclusive to the 360 (minus the first party games) i take it as timed exclusive.
I needed a midway point to vote on. If it turns out to be a lesser port, I won't be interested. I loved Dragon Age, but there were some pretty bad hiccups in their ps3 version. We'll see, but I'm certainly interested.
The only thing the 360 version of Dragon age had over the ps3 version was the frame rate. Otherwise Dragon Age was a better game on the PS3, graphics included, it looked much better. Just, yes, was a little choppy.
With that said my point is they should have enough time to make it as polished on the PS3. Should be a good game on either system.
That maybe was because they were in development at the same time (ps3 and 360 version) and also was Bioware's first game on the PS3. But now they know the structure of the PS3 AND are focusing only in that version.
Actually, I was referring to the PC version of Dragon Age. Sorry. Watching the PC version run along side the ps3 version was like night and day. I'm not really knocking it, as I'm only 3 trophies away from Platinum. But the choppiness can be headache inducing. Just hoping ME2 runs smoothly.
Actually, I was referring to the PC version of Dragon Age. Sorry. Watching the PC version run along side the ps3 version was like night and day. I'm not really knocking it, as I'm only 3 trophies away from Platinum. But the choppiness can be headache inducing. Just hoping ME2 runs smoothly.
oh sorry lol sometimes I forget about the pc my bad!
Eh. I should have specified. I don't think I've ever seen the Xbox version running.
I picked what good is ME2 with out the first but at the same time ill buy it. i really want to play these games. if all i get is ME2 thats ok, i really like the developers also. They make good RPG's.
Please people, why say no to a good game? Support good games, and support our platform.
activision sucks but there guitar hero series is good
with all the games coming out especially the first quarter of next year, i dont see the point of releasing mass effect 2. the release time of the game on 360 and ps3 is so great that mostly everyone who wanted to play mass effect 2 already played it. not to mention that the first one isnt even going to be released on ps3. just find a new publisher. thats what they did with ninja gaiden 2 right.
If i was interested in the series at all i wouldve prefered that they released the entire trilogy on ps3 the same time that mass effect 3 releases. I dont want a summary of the first game either. if their gonna make me wait for it, i might as well get it in one set so i can play through it straight.
Killzone 2 is a better buy and I have a feeling Infamous comes out in somewhere in the 2nd Quarter.
So don't really care 'bout ME2
I knew this site was filled with smart people ^_^
Yeah, I mainly come here for RPG coverage. What little exists in this industry anymore. lol.
I'd be excited for ME2, but the Month of January 2011 is all about Dead Space 2.
I do think that I'll want to play Mass Effect eventually though, if only to set up a save file to import to Mass Effect 3. I think that continuation thing is pretty cool. So yeah, I might get it. Depends on if there is a lull in Survival Horror/PS3 exclusives in 2011.
The month of january 2011 belongs to Socom 4 if (i hope) comes out imo.
I've already played both Mass Effects on the 360 so it's not huge for me. If they released ME & ME2 together in a bundle I would most likely buy it again but since it's just part 2 don't really see a reason.
I'm also wondering if it's gonna come out at full price or a discounted price like $40.