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Enslaved Gets The Benefit Of A Big Marketing Campaign

Business is business. If you want your game to sell, you had best let people know about it.

Namco Bandai has a big game coming up in October; it's Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West , and everyone is expecting something mighty special. And whether it lands those high review scores or not, Namco will still throw its full weight behind an ad/marketing campaign. According to MCV , the publisher "will dedicate its biggest marketing" spending to Enslaved ; it'll receive even more help than last year's Tekken 6 . They'll be advertising on TV and they're targeting both print and online publications, too. Said Namco PR and marketing manager, Lee Kirton:

"Enslaved really is the cream of British talent uniting for an epic video gaming experience. Ninja Theory is a truly brilliant studio that has done a remarkable job creating a totally believable story in this futuristic post-apocalyptic world.

We really want this title to stand out amongst the crowd as not just a brilliant gaming experience, but also as one of the greatest stories told within an interactive universe – if it doesn’t win awards then I’m going to eat my joypad."

Just remember that we're talking about a UK source and a UK studio; all this advertising might be geared toward Europe, so perhaps American gamers won't see as much of it. But hey, at least Namco is pushing it and it's good to see they're confident. As for that last bit about guaranteed awards…well now, we'll just have to wait and see; the competition is more than a little stiff this year, you know…

Related Game(s): Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

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14 years ago

Anyone else think this game looks a bit generic?

14 years ago

Yes, and I don't know what it is about it but I can't help but want to make negative comments about it.

So here it is.

Grrr I'm monkey-ape man and I'm distraught lonely girl. Buy our game!

I feel better.

For now =p

14 years ago

The games design looks very uninspired. What's with the character designs?

If this game flops, I wonder who they'll blame. Can't blame the PS3 this time.

14 years ago

I hate to say it, but I agree. I'll try not to agree until I play it, but it's certainly looking a hell of a lot like 2008s Prince of Persia, which, by the way was terrible.

14 years ago

Yeah something about this game is rubbing me the wrong way, I'll be looking at scores, but it does look pretty lame so far.

14 years ago

It seems like you guys have bitter feelings toward Ninja Theory for some reason. Why? They made mistakes with Heavenly Sword that made production costs skyrocket and couldn't profit even after some good sales. In the end this made them create their next game on multiple platforms. Is this not understandable?

You're having doubts about Enslaved now, but look at what this studio gave us in Heavenly Sword! One of the greatest of this generation, particularly for their story. Have some faith! :). I think they deserve some trust.

14 years ago

Perhaps, but at least its not monochromatic like most modern games.

14 years ago

@NoSmokingBandit, This is true but there is an awe-full lot of green.

@Kowhoho, i have no feelings towards Ninja Theory. Heavenly Sword is the only game i know of that they made. I didn't dig it but i certainly see why others did. They just seem to have little confidence in their products and this games design just looks a bit generic to me. Nothing against Ninja Theory.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/21/2010 3:31:46 PM

14 years ago

Got to agree with Jawk, except that I did like HS a lot. This isn't about the game being multiplat, it's the game itself. Something is just off, I usually have a sixth sense about things like this.

14 years ago

nooooooooooooooooooooooo "pause" then a capital NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .

wanna bet 10 bucks this game will be great ???

14 years ago

I never played heavenly sword, so I don't know about "bitter feelings", that's just the vibe this game is giving off at the moment.

14 years ago

Lol, maybe I'm the one with cloudy vision. My enjoyment of heavenly sword may be giving me false hopes about enslaved, but I'm still expecting great things. 🙂

14 years ago

"one of the greatest stories"? I will belive it when I see it.

14 years ago

That'd be an interesting YouTube video watching this dude eating his Joypad!

14 years ago

actually I may believe that ,they are really able to get great game story over there,because I have experienced the one of the best ever game stories at Heavenly Sword and they can achieve that again but still I'm feeling a little bit sad that this game will go multi-platform

14 years ago

Castlevania FTW!

14 years ago

For real

14 years ago

I'm still not sure about this game, but after reading this preview I'm officially interested. Check it out. And yes.. I'm aware of Kotaku and their PS3 bashing ways(Or is it just Jim Sterling?) but it's a pretty interesting read.–a-penis

14 years ago

Jim writes for Destructoid, not Kotaku.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, same idiot that just gave K&L2 a 1.

14 years ago

People that stupid shouldn't be in the mix, I think his goal (besides massively biased reviews that drag in hits) is to screw up metacritic.

14 years ago

K&L2 is 4 hours of gameplay with poor multiplayer. It deserves to be panned.

14 years ago

I think the game is a stinker too but a 1? really?

14 years ago

E.T. The Extraterrestrial is a 1.

14 years ago

Wow, a 1. I had to go over to that Destrucoid site just to see it to believe it.

I was thinking maybe they measured with a 5 or 4 point system, but nope! a full 10

14 years ago

i think it was maybe a 6. I didnt like it but the style of the game and all wasnt bad. And that Jim guys complaining the Ai ambushed him too much? Isn't that what you want? A game that challenges you and actually has the enemies coming after you instead of sitting behind a wall to get killed?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Alienange: Bullsh** it's 4 hours. Whoever comes up with these numbers NEVER seem to be right.

Shadow: Sterling is a guaranteed twitch gamer who can't sit still for more than 10 consecutive seconds, which is why he probably never made it past the first stage and complained about "ambushes."

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/21/2010 10:54:31 PM

14 years ago

only took me 5 hours to finish and i died ALLOT!
o, and what ambushes?
all the AI does is sit in cover for 2 days, and stare at you like a stunned mullet!
if i had a penny for every time i took cover next to a enemy, id face him, put me reticule on him he would be facing me staring at me like hes huffed up on 10 pounds of acid!
1 no, but a 7, maybe 7.5 if your feeling extremely generous!

14 years ago

I don't know, I am just not convinced by it. After the horrible disappointment of the Mafia II port, this Enslaved propaganda has just topped my week off.

I can't judge it yet, but from what I have seen of it and read… I do feel uninspired…



Last edited by Qubex on 8/21/2010 11:49:27 AM

14 years ago

I'm sure they know what they are doing in regards to working with the PS3, but for me, i didn't find the Heavenly Sword too appealing and this just looks worse.

14 years ago

You're not in the wrong to feel that way. Third party devs haven't be giving the PS3 the kind of attention that they gave the PS2. Its always a downgraded port if the game is multiplat.

I think this is why Sony has been working with the devs directly when it comes to the PSP2 and the PS4 so as not to have devs make the excuse that Sony's platforms are 'too hard' to work with.

I don't want anymore ports. Period.

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 8/21/2010 12:24:29 PM

14 years ago

Unfortunately, Ninja Theory ditching Heavenly Sword production for a generic tps, is all the publicity I need to know about. Sorry, NT, I just don't buy MP games that often for PS3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Erm, Enslaved isn't a TPS. It's more of an action/adventure like Heavenly Sword with the ICO dynamic, and I don't think that there is any multiplayer either. I could be (and probably am) wrong on that though.

14 years ago

Lawless, you are correct. where did you get that it was a tps?

14 years ago

Ok 'third person fighter', yeesh. Given every single screen shot and bit of information available currently, showing the game from the 3rd person, I refer to it as a tps. There doesn't have to be any shooting.

Regardless, as I said, not interested in a multi-plat, generic, TPF-style game. NT can enjoy the hole they've dug themselves. I personally hope the 1.43m units of Heavenly Sword, is more than double what this game moves.

14 years ago

hey guys quick question what is a good playlist for Red Dead Redemption ? sorry for being off topic

14 years ago

What on Earth are you talking about?

14 years ago

I like Team Deathmatch and Gold Rush

14 years ago

Do the license tests first, you can build up a good garage with the cars you win from those and you can start racing without spending any cash.

14 years ago

What are YOU talking about Bandit? GT5?

14 years ago

I was just going off topic to fit in….


14 years ago

I like ice cream.

14 years ago

…And GT5, not necessarily in that order.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

Marketing in the US won't make any difference. 360 players will buy Black Ops and Reach and well, there's not so many PS3 owners in the US that would justify an extensive ad campaign.

Europe is PS3's strongest territory, consequently it's prudent to advertise Enslaved heavily here.

No matter the reviews, I'm getting this day1.
The acting seems top-notch and story-telling is NT's expertise. I don't care much about MP (except UNS2 and Hot Pursuit), so a story driven, cinematic SP experience by NT is all I need until U3/Last Guardian release.

I'm still hoping NT used a custom engine for the PS3 version but I'm afraid they used UE3 for PS3 as well.
Wonder how good the PS3 port turns out, considering NT's experience with the console.

14 years ago

and we all know how wonderfully the ancient Unreal 3 engine works on PS3.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

That's my concern World, it's evident that UE3 clearly favors 360/PC.
That's why I'm also interested how well ME2 will perform on PS3.

As NT know PS3's hardware they could do a dual-engine release. But as they haven't shown any PS3 footage at all – at least none I've seen yet – I'm afraid the PS3 version will suffer -_-

14 years ago

Since Ninja Theory is scared for their wallets for some reason beyond me, I'm sure they'd rather cram the UE3 engine into the PS3 than spend any possible extra money to dev it in two different engines.

14 years ago

So we have a woman named Trip, a man with a tail named Monkey (Okay it was interesting on Zidane but not here) and a fat guy named Pigsy. A hodgepodge of attempted humor, and a pain in the butt need to issue orders (a la Kane & Lynch). And we all know how much everyone loves to babysit AI. I'm sorry but I'm not seeing it.

I will, however, keep an open mind for a cheap purchase down the line if it gets good scores.

14 years ago

When this game releases I will take a serious look at it without wearing my Heavenly Sword glasses. I agree with other people so far. nothing about is grabbing me.

I'm highly interested in seeing someone eat their joypad however, especially for calling it a joypad. I bet he finds a new name for his controller if he has to eat it.

I'm waiting for review scores with this game. No preorders on this one for sure. I do hope they have a hit, after all, they did make me happy with Heavenly Sword.

14 years ago

Yeah who calls their controller a joypad?