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EA: Crysis 2 Will Be “Another 90 Rated Game From Crytek”

It's great when a publisher is confident in a game, but when you go and predict the review score…well, some not-so-professional reviewers might do something silly.

According to Eurogamer , EA Partners boss David DeMartini has said Crysis 2 will be an elite title; in other words, it'll be a 90+ game. DeMartini first mentioned the delay – the project was originally supposed to be finished for this fall, but it got pushed into March – and said that while they wanted to release it sooner, Crytek is all about "quality, quality, quality." It simply wasn't going to be ready in time:

"A game like Crysis and a team like Crytek's never going to be intimidated by being in any window. But they will always be very careful of not releasing a game until it reaches its full potential. As we collaboratively evaluated when's the right time for it to be ready, 22nd March was the perfect window for the game to hit its maximum potential."

And when it does arrive, DeMartini says quite simply that it'll be "another 90 rated game from Crytek." He's obviously alluding to the original Crysis, which certainly received high review scores, but it was also only available on PC. It's likely that the sequel will be best played on PC (they are primarily PC developers, after all), so it'll be interesting to see if the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions get that elite 9 rating. But like we said, don't go and make that prediction, EA…it might cause a rash of 8.9s. 😉

Related Game(s): Crysis 2

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14 years ago

"But they will always be very careful of not releasing a game until it reaches its full potential."

It will not reach it's full potential, because it's a multiplat on xbox. Now if it were a ps3 exclusive, then they'd be on to something. This game still looks bad a** though

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

"It will not reach it's full potential, because it's a multiplat on xbox."

…and ps3. remember, this started on the pc, the original crysis is an epic looking game… released back in '07. it's still some of the best graphics i've seen. pc fps>console fps

14 years ago

This game doesn't look as exciting as killzone 3, who knows what the score on this game would be, most north Americans like shooters. so how can the score be legit?

14 years ago

Other than RPG's, RTS's & sports games, this North American loves everything else.

14 years ago

I'm not a shooter, but Killzone 3, Crysis 2, and Rage are somewhat large productions which i'm pretty interested in.

I'm not sure about Resistance 3, I didn't like Resistance 2 that much.

14 years ago

ya me neither i didnt really like the structure of resistances campaigns. I usually love those types of games but for some reason i just cant get into resistance. Maybe its too fast paced for me idk? It almost felt like unreal tournament. Online atleast and i dont like the style of that game.
Anyways crysis 2 looks super awesome imo. That'll b a good b-day release for me haha.

14 years ago

I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here….. I really liked what I saw from the multiplayer demo video. And we all know they don't have to try very hard for them to have a better story than most fps's out there..

They have been running their mouths alot, Crytek, but I'm trying not to let that take away from what could be an actually really good game. I guess it's just a wait and see right now.

14 years ago

Bargain Bin.

14 years ago

Not even then, Jawknee.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I'd give it an 8.9 regardless of how good it is. Not a fan of the people who make a game claim it's greatness..

14 years ago

"Not a fan of the people who make a game claim it's greatness.. "

Do mean you that they should let the game speak for itself? Or you don't like when people claim their game is great? Please don't crucify the English language, you're making my head explode.

14 years ago

thats a faulty way of judging a game, screw what they say, let the game speak for itself i say. if its deserving of a 10, why knock it down some points because of what the devs said?

14 years ago

Seems like for every 10 games that come out 7 or 8 of them are first person shooters.

14 years ago

That is a very bold statement. I don't know… Not everyone can build hype like Guerilla and actually deliver like guerilla. I never played the first one so I'm not extremely interested. I heard it was great but I'm not really a pc gamer. Something about upgrading your computer everytime a new AAA title comes out that bothers me. Anyways, there are alot of other FPS's that I'm interested in. Killzone3 and Brink are my most anticipated titles so far. I'll probably gamefly crysis.

14 years ago

To me it looks like yet another shooter set in a drab destroyed city. The hi-def trailer I downloaded from PSN had graphics that looked like a bargain title. And of course I love to hear people brag about how great they are – it's a really desirable personality trait to have, and makes me even more anxious to give them my money.

14 years ago

Crysis in meant for pc, if you want good graphics you'll have to buy a big boy machine. I love my ps3, but any decent gaming pc will blow right by it visually.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

thats right. there was nothing wrong with the original crysis. it was a great game.

14 years ago

I guess I got confused when Crytek's lead PS3 programmer said that the graphics would "set a whole new benchmark" for all PS3 games.

As far as big boy machines, I'm kinda busy putting two kids through college right now. Maybe later I can be a big boy 🙂

14 years ago

From what i've played (and i've played through Crysis twice, and Warhead once), its not the kind of game you can appreciate by watching. Individual objects dont look great, but the whole package is incredible. Its hard to explain, but its more than just texture size in Crysis.

14 years ago

i don't know, after watching that trailer its hard to say it looked like bargain bin graphics, seems like you are trying your best to dislike it

14 years ago

Deus Ex looks massively more exciting and an important release than this. To me Crysis looks pretty generic, what you see is what you get, and you've gotten it before.

14 years ago

I'm glad they are confident, Ninja Theory seems to have no confidence at all in Enslaved. However, it's just another multiplat FPS to me. Bargain bin maybe, plus I don't buy this explanation. I think they certainly are intimidated by release windows, which lead to the March date. Sorry Crytek, I'll be playing Dragon Age II.

14 years ago

LOL at JackC8 "graphics look like a bargain title" I agree, looks like another FPS in a drab destroyed city. Some new creativity would be welcome.
@ smoking bandit – Hmmm, I would wager the graphics in Uncharted 1 & Uncharted 2 are pretty close to any graphics on a pc.

14 years ago

Nope. Try playing any ps3 game in 1080×1920. Oh wait, you cant because the ps3 cant handle it. How about 1080×1920 with 16xAA and decent AF?

Uncharted has the best animations i've seen on any game, but as far as poly count, texture size, and hdr lighting a pc will beat the ps3 any day.

14 years ago


There are plenty of PS3 games that run in 1080p, even at 60 frames per second.

Not enough, mind you, but you're acting like there are NONE.

14 years ago

Sorry, but Uncharted 2 has great graphx sure, but after playing Crysis on Ultra settings, not much comes close to it, but then again there's a difference in what looks great. U2 had an interesting art style, it wasn't realism, so it still looked amazing, Crysis, the foliage and other things looked incredible, especially since they were going with realism.

14 years ago

sorry skillz but reserve that judgement until you see Crysis at its best. still the best looking game to hit a pc or console. Sure, you need a good rig to play it at its highest settings but it doesn't negate its graphical fidelity.

Personally i think both console versions will look like sh!t compared to the pc version.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 8/20/2010 9:43:34 PM

14 years ago

ratings has never been related to retailer success just dont let us forget what happened with bioshock2 which has recived great reviews but it didnt sell well enough on ps3 just only 720 000 and beside all that there will be killzone 2 at the same time of release which my get things a little bit harder for Crysis2

Last edited by ABUrabad on 8/20/2010 4:22:21 PM

14 years ago

You know, I think I read a statistic somewhere claiming that game ratings, do in fact, have a positive statistically significant effect on sales.

Using some deductive reasoning (which I've been taught is usually flawed compared to the more accurate inductive method) But maybe Bioshock didn't do so well on PS3 because of a few reasons. First, the identity of the franchise began off of PS3. Second, FPS-style games tend to appeal more to the 360 crowd (I know it's not your typical FPS but it may be recognized as such).
I read somewhere that a publisher spends only about 30% more on development costs to program a game for both PS3 and 360. While 720,000 copies may not be the several million we've seen from other big hits, I'm willing to assume that money was made.

14 years ago

@ ABUrabad

I'm going to give you a pass because English isn't your first language, but at least try to make sentences, please.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/20/2010 5:17:42 PM

14 years ago

Sales don't always = success. A game could have a great build up of hype, then lots of people end up buying the hell out of it, then it turn out to be the worst game in the world. On the other hand, it may be off the radar even, sell maybe 100,000 copies at best, and become a cult classic. Hell, Thrill Kill was never sold, but so many people have bootlegged the game that if there were sales numbers on the amount bootlegged, it would probably surpass the amount of Wiis sold this generation, lol.

14 years ago

Depending on the PS3 version, I may or may not get this.

Crytek never developed for the PS3 and I expect the 360 version to be as good as the PC version(well, not visually).

I'm not that excited for this but if it's awesome then I'll get it.

14 years ago

Watch the trailer on PSN. it's ok. Nothing to write home about and it has screen tearing.

14 years ago

Screen tearing?
Now that's a huge minus.

14 years ago

i think this game should have stayed on pc. Thats where its main audience is at and thats where it will look its best, by a rather large margin i wager

14 years ago

though my post above this one may appear harsh, the game does look a lot better than some of the games out there now. Not the best, but its no slouch either, those claiming otherwise may need some glasses

14 years ago

When I finally got to see the gameplay footage, my hunches were right; yet another boring FPS, and it seems like it's just like all the other FPS games out there. The quality didn't even seem all that groundbreaking, especially since they praised themselves in the graphics department. If this prediction comes true, it's going to be a sad sad future… it's already a sad generation in gaming, I haven't gotten myself to buy too many titles this year because not too many of them feel they're worth the pricetag…

14 years ago

lol 8.9

14 years ago


14 years ago

Well, all I got to say to Crysis is…

If you're willing to talk the talk,
then you better be more than will to walk the walk too.

Prove it

14 years ago

cant wait till this comes out it looks AMAZING!
i wont be shocked if this does not get 9s though, i mean the media these days is so out of wack!
K&L2 8-9?
might as well give naughty bear a 7 while your at it!!!!!!!

14 years ago

i hate how alot of u wont buy it just because it multiplatform i never played crysis because my pc couldnt run it but it looks brilliant

14 years ago

I've read the comments twice now and no one mentioned not buying it because its a multiplat. Some said they will wait, others are excited.

So…not sure what your talking about.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/21/2010 12:07:43 PM

14 years ago

i think he is referring to all the posts stating "bargin bin"

14 years ago

yeh that bargin big and this "It will not reach it's full potential, because it's a multiplat on xbox. Now if it were a ps3 exclusive, then they'd be on to something. This game still looks bad a** though "

14 years ago

8.9's across the board! (assuming it's a good game, it might suck eggs.)

14 years ago

I thought the first crysis wasn't that good and don't expect this one to be any better.. Apart from it looking somewhat pretty there's nothing.

14 years ago

I don't really care about the graphics, what I do care about is the gameplay.

Crysis 1 did not have the greatest gameplay, and the most accurate review of it was probably by G4 (they gave it a 3/5). It had great graphics, but story, gameplay, and to a degree the game's physics all were not up to snuff (and before you ask, yes I played the game too; I'm just saying that G4's review was the most accurate IMO).

I'm really hoping they improve on the story a lot like they're saying they are, which will be a big plus, and hopefully they'll get better physics, but I'm still iffy about the gameplay. Doesn't look incredibly different from the first one.

Also, if they think they can make better graphics on consoles than Uncharted 2, God of War 3, and Killzone 2/3, they are very mistaken. This is apparent to me after DLing that PSN trailer. Looks good, but nowhere near as good as what they were talking up, which is what worries me about the game (that they may be talking it up more than the sum of its parts really is). I can only wait and see about this one though.