I have a Psychology degree but it doesn't seem to be helping. Perhaps we need a group session to determine the ulterior motives for these questions.
A reader sent us a copy of a strange survey he recently received from Sony; some of you may have seen it as well. There are some relatively normal questions pertaining to gaming habits but the questions seem to focus on a gamer's lifestyle…and when I say "lifestyle," I mean one's life both inside and outside of video games. For instance, it asks you to give a time frame concerning your "first cell phone," "attended your first concert," and "had your first kiss." Then there's even more important queries, like "Which of the following would best summarize how PlayStation fits into your life?" with options being "a guilty pleasure," "a lifestyle," "an escape," etc. It also asks if you ever "canceled a date or missed a party" because of video games. But then it gets extra bizarre. The last page consists of four questions relating to your shaving habits…yeah, no…seriously. Like, "What is your preferred brand of shaving/cream gel?" and "How often do you purchase shaving razors or replacement blades?"
Your guess is as good as mine. The only theory we can come up with is that Sony is digging into how gaming might affect one's personal life; shaving relates to hygiene and if you're neglecting that, and say for instance you said PlayStation/video games were a "lifestyle," that could be a problem. Maybe they'll publish the findings and go, "see, gamers lead normal lives; the majority had their first kiss at an average age of 14, went to their first concert at 16, and have never avoided a date or a party because of video games." But who knows?
that's just bizarre.
Didn't I tell you guys? We should all just sell our Ps3s.
This will probably not end well.
Some major news group may pick this up and run with it.
they want to see if gillette is a worthy advertiser for home… if enough people shave, they might sign that lucrative contract to plaster their products all over the place…
lol, i don't know…
Maybe they are trying to merge.
I had two punch lines but i really like them both, so you guys can choose.
A)It Only Does: Close Shaves
B)PS3, The Best a Man Can Get
lmfao, aww that made me laf xD
lol main_event, great post 🙂
AHHH!!! Those damn Gillette vans from Burnout Paradise are going to be running everybody over in HOME!!
Last edited by smileylyon on 8/21/2010 11:55:46 AM
SOny working with the gov? *Kanye SHrug*
i have to admit to all of these. smh @ myself.
Cross marketing of some kind behind this 'survey'? Perhaps Gillette and Sony are going to do some kind of joint promotion?
It's definitely a weird questionnaire. Did it actually come from Sony, or is it a fake? Too weird.
The cross marketing thing is what I was thinking as well but still those are not your average Sony surveys. lol
Hmmm… I wonder how the whole shaving thing is relevant, because we are all different. Some people can't go a day without shaving and go full grizzly adams and others (like me who have blonde hair) can go for 2 weeks before people even notice I have facial hair.
I think Sony wants to know how their gaming system changes people lives, like when people stop caring about how they smell or look or keeps themselves healthy or not.
Do you think Sony cares about there consumers? maybe, maybe not?
A PSP with a built in Razor?
what do you think that touch screen is for… it really does touch you…
no not in that way!
Last edited by Zorigo on 8/20/2010 3:14:18 PM
Maybe this is about PS4. Maybe it will come with Gillete series or maybe…. it will shave your facial.
And .. amm..
No, I don't have a clue lol…
Last edited by IronFace2 on 8/20/2010 12:16:50 PM
Well, Sony is thinking of colllaborating with Coca Cola. They might be asking these types of questions because they may be looking into other feilds that could be worth diving into. Who knows for sure.
Wouldn't be surprised if Sony got into the mobile phone industry to be quite honest.
Sony's already collaborating with the Subway sub shops right now with a huge Playstation promotion in their stores right now.
hmmm sounds like the move is coming with an optional razor blade attachment…..
A simple move game to teach youngsters how to shave?
might help some of my friends…
I wonder if it might be for legal reasons, to stave off claims that Playstation 3 has a direct negative impact on young peoples lives. So Sony is collecting data to prove that playstation does not cause antisocial, loner behaviour. Or something along those lines….
My theory is Sony is trying to find out how severe the epidemic of gamers with mutton chops actually is.
Wolverine isn't gonna like that.
Maybe Schwarzenegger is forcing Sony to do this…
Anyway, weird
What about those who like having a healthy beard?
Next thing you know they'll come to your house and make you answer questions of they ban you from the PSN and take your system O_o*
….and then microwave your pets!
Nahhhh, only MS does that
After reading the comments, it seems like the majority of the readers didn't receive this survey. (I didn't.) In statistics it's always better to have a larger sample size. If this were an official survey from Sony, why wouldn't they just send it out to everyone? If they were being humanitarians and researching how video games affect people's lives, why wouldn't they brag about their efforts?
Scary, is Sony gonna send in the black helicopters?
At least they didn't ask about pubes or butt-wiping strategies.
Okay, this is how it always start, the strange questionnares… next people will be disappearing of the streets and strange experiments will start…. f*ck it, im running now.
on topic: i would have liked to have been in the survey, would have been interesting. Just hopefully this changes things for the better… somehow…
LMFAO, nah I think they are trying to prove that gamers aren't only basement wookies.
Unless…if what you are saying is true then LV must've been one the first victims!!!
*starts wrapping foil around his head*
Last edited by totozero18 on 8/20/2010 6:01:24 PM
Erm, what now? Just trying to fathom why Sony would be interested in this kind of thing is doing my head in. My guess: They're planning on making a Sims killer. This is all realism research to make the game as detailed in the minutiae as possible. Colour me confused.
Sony Sims Killer = Massive, nay, EPIC Home update.
Beside gaming, the new Sony Gillette PSP2 will not only be able to shave your face as smooth as babys a$$, it will also give those their very first kiss if it senses that at 49, they still have puberty pimples and no girl will step anywhere near their dank basement lair.
Maybe it was some kind of safety check to see if the gamer was taking the test seriously. If the answers all contradict themselves (somehow??) then Sony would know enough to throw that person out of the mix… Well probably not. This really is pretty strange?
Well lets see. I like to shave daily with my Gillette Wolverine razor. I also shave my balls every two weeks. That enough info Sony?
@main_event05 whos the gurl in ur picture?