I remember it like it was yesterday: perusing the game store shelves and looking for just about anything with "Squaresoft" on the box. If I found one I hadn't played, it was probably coming home with me. One of the big reasons the original PlayStation was the king of RPGs was because a company called Squaresoft continually delivered top-notch titles, time and time again. It was amazing. In retrospect, I don't think we've seen such a stretch of undeniable mastery since…by anyone.
And although I will always love Final Fantasy , and I will even defend FFXIII as being a really, really great game (just not a great FF installment), Square-Enix has given me almost nothing that ranks in the upper stratosphere in the past decade. Sometimes, we just have to face up to facts and accept that the past is never coming back. I still recall thinking, "hey, Squaresoft and Enix coming together…so like, FF and Star Ocean merging…wow!" Yeah, not so much "wow," anymore. And so, this statement is just for you, Square-Enix: you've got one more chance. One. I will remain excited and enthusiastic for Final Fantasy Versus XIII all the way up until its release; I will hold out hope and sit down to play it with high expectations. All those brief updates have been incredibly encouraging – especially that bit about it being "like the old 2D FFs in HD" – and the early footage is impressive. It really looks great.
We still need some actual gameplay but for now, I'm holding tightly to a quickly diminishing faith; a faith that has been eroding away for years; a faith irrationally fueled by frequent reminiscing via FFVII and FFT. I know a third Kingdom Hearts might be on the way, but that's not a deal-cincher for me; the games are cool, but not necessarily my cup of tea. I'd play it (probably) but I want what the old Square was always known for: an epic, memorable, landmark RPG that helps to define a generation. You set the bar years ago; you can't just go and sit in a corner. Therefore, deliver on your last chance or you will be permanently downgraded on my own personal publisher ratings board. You can't continue to keep a top slot simply because of history, you know.
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Pretty soon, you're going to have to put in Bold size 18 font "EDITORIAL: " before every title that's an editorial… You might even have to put in a disclaimer or a description of what an editorial is before people read on… maybe a pop-up even…
Of course, that still won't solve the ppl that don't read anything but the title…
I hope SE delivers an rpg this time around. I don't understand how most developers pay attention to what gamers want, while SE seems to not care. Maybe they're hearing a louder voice from the twitch crowd or something.
Great post Ben. I have enjoyed some of the JRPGs that have come out in the last few years but none of them have blown me away like they use to. Hell I'm still sluggishly getting through XIII. I've made it to chapter 10 but I've had the game since it came out.
I've actually been playing Wild ARMS more than XIII. Hopefully SE listens and does Versus right for all of us.
Wild ARMs rules.
I'm really glad to hear you say that Ben, because as soon as I finish dark cloud and dark cloud 2, I'm going to start the wild arms series.
I'll have 1 and 2 from psn and I found 3 used for only $4. Altogether that will be about the longest lasting $15 dollars of awesome fun I've ever had.
Just bear in mind it sort of declines over time. The original is still the best, IMO, and I really liked WA2 as well. But the ones on PS2…meh. Wild ARMs 3, the one with the Western theme, was pretty good, though.
If you haven't done the Suikoden series yet, I'd recommend that. The second best RPG franchise ever next to FF, IMO.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/20/2010 2:32:06 PM
Suikoden is actually the next classic I'm gonna play after Wild ARMS. I played part of it back when it came out but never had a chance to finish it. I really loved when you recruited new people it would add new things to your base.
I never played any of the others later in the series so hopefully Sony will release them all on PSN one day.
My faith has been completely eroded already.
It is on Square to come back to me, as I've worked away from them. FFXIII was their last chance for me. They went in the complete opposite direction. Leona Lewis and all.
All i want for square enix to do is just make the battle system just like FFVII seriously whats with this Paradigms crap, Seriously just use a damn Phoenix Down and Potions. BTW, Imma get this game if i have money.
Sorta off topic, Atlus is jumping ship now too, their next game (which is sort of a Persona game, but not Persona 5) is coming to PS3 and 360. "Catherine" is a kind of test to work on HD consoles.
I sincerely hope Persona 5 doesn't show up with a 360 sticker and shiny new action-based battle system. JRPGs are hurting my head from all the facepalming.
What do you mean jump ship?
I don't see anything wrong with them developing for the 360 as well, it's a new IP too.
Formerly Sony exclusive, I don't have a problem with them bringing their games to 360, but I worry for Persona 5. I don't know if you've noticed, but there is a current trend this gen that games which release on both platforms aren't what they once were. While this game is only mildly related to Persona, my worries lie in Atlus deciding that in order to appeal to their new audience, Persona 5 will drop the turn based system like every other JRPG has.
you lack of faith in Atlus is troubling and imo unfounded… lol
I don't care if Persona 5 goes to the 360, the more people buy the Shin Megami Tensei games the better, as long as they don't drop the dungeon crawling/dating sim mechanics… Hell I'd even get it If they dropped the turn based combat, although I think something inside me would die a little if they did…
If you lack faith in Square-Enix, at least have faith in Tetsuya Nomura. So far I haven't played a bad game that had his name in it.
BTW I stopped looking specifically for Square titles after I played Unlimited Saga. For me that game was just too bad for words. Since, it has been directly Final Fantasy, or something I might catch wind of that shows promise… or both.
Yeah, I saw the trailer that too.
It's suppose to be an action/adventure game on both, MS & PS3 consoles.
Looked like a lot of "getting it on" sexual anime(sp?) in it too
Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/20/2010 12:00:27 AM
which makes me wonder if it'll come stateside.
'sexual anime'??
Hang on, as in lots of bouncy cleavage and occasional glimpses of white cotton panties? Not sure that would amount to more than fan service. Of course I guess it depends on the definition of sexual. Are we talking about actual nudity and what not, or are we talking about characters getting it on off screen (or with one foot on the floor and in separate beds like Hollywood in the 50s). I haven't seen a trailer yet.
I've already given up on Squeeeenix
Why even give them a chance when they're going away from their original fanbase?
They're giving us the middle finger, why should we still care?
ATLUS, NIS, AKSYS, etc. those are the ones we should be giving chances to
Shouldn't it be Squeenix for Square Eidos Enix?
When you say "Squeeeenix" I think of a pig that has gotten too fat of of what its been fed and is struggling to stand up against the more fit and aggressive… swine.
In any case, I haven't lost my faith in them yet, though at this point I look to them for enjoyable games instead of downright GHs.
Last edited by Sol on 8/20/2010 12:18:53 AM
When I look at Square Eidos Enix, I see Squidsex
Squidsex is inadvisable in my opinion.
The less said about tentacles and sex in the same sentence, the better. Believe me. This does not lead to good things.
Hey Highlander,
OK, took me a while to hunt it back down again, but here's the video.
The Persona like game is called "Cathrine" and although there's no real sex, it's implied that she's on top & you know what they're doing.
The first time I saw it it was only in Japanese and I thought some real weird stuff was going on.
It actually seemed while they were doing it, all he could thinking of doing, was getting it on with sheep instead.
But in the same video that's now been newly subtitled, it all becomes much clearer(either that or I have a latent hidden desire for a woolly time in the hay with a Baaaa-mate)LOL.
Yuk, I hate lamb!!!!
Anyway, first check out the non-subtiled one first & you'll see what I mean.
1. Japanese Debut Trailer
2. The same Catherine trailer, but now subtitled in English (thanks to a viewer)
I hate to say it, but….
SE is STILL trying to get FFVXIII onto the 360, and the only thing they have to hash out is the restrictions on MS's XBL.
That's FFXIV, not FF Versus XIII. 🙂
Speaking of XIV, I found out today that if I registered my copy of XIII way earlier instead of waiting and savoring the fact that I got it (By playing Metal Gear Solid 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Tools of Destruction and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite which has over 700 hours of monster hunting progress on it)
… that I could've got a chance to beta test XIV. So sad the realizations that sometimes come to pass.
I signed up for that Sol, haven't heard a thing since.
Same here. No beta invite.
im not even going to try to register for that beta because 1. i gotta make an account with square enix (i dont feel its worth all the trouble, yeah its only signing up but still) and 2. i'm not really into final fantasy 14 or MMOs anyway, i mean other than MAG if you count it.
by the way, a new MAG beta for current game owners next week. new weapons,skill tree, 3 faction battles in one map. if you have a copy of mag, you're in. time to hop back into mag.
yup… i never got an invite either… What a crock that was.
OOPS, you're right Ben!
I meant to write FFXIV, but for some reason the other game came to mind.
(add to the fact that I'm not too great with all that roman numeral mumble-jumble either).
Mental acuity, first (or is it second) thing to go with age…or was that the hearing? I forget.
I'm not getting my hopes up so i won't be disappointed if Versus XIII stinks.
LOL, thanks a nice name for it, but I just call it CRS(Can't Remember Shite) syndrome.
Or it could be because I'm not into real RPG's & there's so many FF's, and spin-offs every which way out there, and I don't really know jack about them(I do Like that cute looking Vanilla though). LOL
Yeah…I feel that Jawknee. I want it to be great and I still have hope in Square, but after having bought a PS3 in anticipation of FF13 (note I'm still glad I bought it), it's hard for me to trust the once flawless developer.
I won't say this is their last chance because I'm sure I'll end up repeating myself on a later date. I've come to the conclusion that I'm hurt. No matter how much I lie I won't be able to get over this pain until they make a title worthy of meeting their former glories.
I hope I won't have too wait long.
i was the same ben, when i see squaresoft i pick it up. although not all the time since i didnt have much money back then given that i was in middle/high school and no job.
I tried to play final fantasy XIII again today, you know, for gil farming. when i got into my first battle, against the adamantoise in eden, i could barely get through the battle without giving up. while i was in the middle of the battle, i was thinking "what the hell am i doing?" the whole time.
on a side note, i tried playing siphoh fiter because it was free from psn plus. i cant believe how bad the graphics look on the ps1 games. i know its old, but i guess ps3 exclusive spoiled me. i couldnt stand playing the game. also, how the hell did we use to play games like that without an analog stick. using the dpad was horrible until i found the analog option. even then it still sucked at controls. videogames really have come a long damn way.
I refuse to get excited for versus. While ff13 may be a great non FF game, it's still marketed as FF.
I had hopes for it at first but as more and more info came out I just got more and more disappointed and angry.
So I refuse to have hope for versus. I highly doubt it will be what we want and so at least this way, if it turns out ok, at least I won't be let down.
After all… having expectations leads to disappointment when they aren't met. Without looking forward to anything you can accept the outcome much more easily. I like your reasoning, it's identical to mine.
Its make or break time for square enix. FFXIII is not garbage but it is one of the most disappointing games of this generation (given the pedigree) Auto battle? lol
i use to love squares games, i use to be a huge adventure/RPG fan!
the genre has changed so much though, tis why i enjoyed neir so much because its the closest thing to a traditional RPG ive played in donkeys years!
Oh, I wish I could say the same, but I can't give an ultimatum. Always I go back and go back and always I get burned. I will not say that Versus XIII is a must-win situation for S-E, for I know I will get the eventual FFVII remake, I know I will get interested in the other entries in the Fabula Crystallis Nova compilation, I know I will get Agito XIII, and I know that I will continue to play any stellar games, regardless of developer (with the possible continued exception of Activision).
Also, it depends on your definition on what defines a generation. Because, according to other things I've heard you say, it would seem that FFXIII does indeed define this generation. The fast-paced, twitchy corridor action is pretty much what the PS3/360 generation is. It's a sad realisation. We can but hope that they don't continue to f*** it up and actually give us something that is truly turn-based, that is about exploration and evolution of character, as well as having an engrossing world and is capable of drawing us into the experience. Although, it is better to cater to the potential masses than the vocal minority.
Gods I'm in a bad mood today.
Well this is a very experimental game, i think it's going to be different from all the previous FF games, but is it going to meet expectations, thats tricky. I still wish they called the game, FFXV, it better tie in with FFXIII somewhere or theres just no point.
The game is focusing on a world, i just hope that means the chartacters and story won't be slapped in the background, thats why i believe XIII was a good comeback, XII was just so f***ing tedious to playthrough the story just never adavanced. I enjoyed XIII as i have said countless times, i found it to be a thrilling adventure, well paced, fun characters, fair enough plot. but just because their were a lack of towns i was not offended. SO i was very happy with what S-E gave us and in my opinion it's still one of the best games this gen.
one of the best games this gen? really? i can see if you said its one of SE's best games this gen since all they have made has been crap. The game felt like an very long chore.
I found the game a thrill, it was nice to play through an FF game with style and charismatic. It's prbaly been the only RPG i have really enjoyed this gen so far on the PS3. It's either FFXIII or Heavy Rain.
You really think XIII is better than XII? Really? XII was not as great as previous installments but it was loads better than the battle simulator that XIII was.
I would call into question your taste in games but you saved yourself my listing Heavy Rain as one of your favorites. 😉
Last edited by Jawknee on 8/21/2010 12:13:50 PM
FFXII Versus looks great. I see it as having the same feel that FFVII had. We'll find out sooner than later, hopefully.
I'm playing Dragon Age: Origins at the moment and am enjoying it a hundred times more than FFXIII. Demon's Souls is a thousand times better and I also loved Fallout 3 more.
FFXIII had nice graphics and the combat was fun and had a bit of strategy but it was totally linear.
DAO has more choices in the first couple of hours than FFXIII has in the whole game. I can't remember making one decision in FFXIII that had any consequences…
I doubt I'd buy another JRPG anytime soon. Mass Effect 2 on PS3 is definately on my purchase list.
Square Enix. You've lost me as a fan.
Dude, the implementation of choices is purely the result of the expansion of the Western developers into RPGs. Take almost any older JRPGs and you will find that next to none of them feature choices and consequences. If you were expecting that in FFXIII, then of course you were to be disappointed. It is about the characters as they are presented, not as you want them to be.